Buddies who are TTC for #1?

Let's see if my willpower to not test actually holds out! :haha:...I'm (luckily I guess?) pretty busy with work so that is keeping me distracted at least during the day, then in the evenings I'm usually sitting on my couch thinking "What was that? Am I pregnant??" lol.
It's really great to hear that some people are non-symptomatic, that makes me a little more hopeful, but frankly this is my first cycle of really actually ttc, so it's also the first cycle where I'm paying any degree of attention to "symptoms" which makes it hard to differentiate what is "normal" vs. not so much. I'm sure that next cycle I will have a better idea of what my body typically does and be able to symptom spot easier...of course that's all assuming that I don't get a BFP in a week! Fingers crossed...oh for it to be that easy!!! :blush:
andiannajones - No problem! :thumbup: And that sounds awesome! Hey, we all have something we're obsessed with! haha! Mine is probably science documentaries. But that soup sounds so good!
I definitely will. So far I'm a little worried about the spotting, I hope it stops tomorrow... I also forgot my health card when I took my blood tests on Friday so it scares me not to have it, in case an emergency were to happen.. I hope they call me back and still have it so I can pick it up...

Fx for you! Of course, keep us posted whether or not you get your bfp! No matter what, you know we're here for you. :winkwink:

PnutProtector - Thank you!!! <3
As soon as I saw the other line, I ran to the bedroom, woke him up saying "I'm pregnant!", giggling like mad, huge smile to my face. And he smiles too and says "See? I told you! I told you we'd do it!" It just made me so happy :blush:
Kuji - how is the spotting? I'm sure that's totally normal...hope you got your health card back!! That's so great that your SO is so supportive, you guys must just be so excited!!!

I'm still in the wait and see stage :coffee: so irritating! I'll probably break down and test on Wednesday (12 dpo) just because I won't be able to take it anymore and I have a cheapie test under my sink calling my name....:haha:; fx that AF doesn't show on fri/sat!

How are things in your world Pnut and Meredith?
Congratulations on your BFP Kuji!

I'm CD 4 today and AF has already finished. I had a 3 day period with two days medium and one day lights. Is that even normal?
Morning ladies! (/afternoon!)

CathiiNoo- I think it probably depends on how long your period usually is...did the "light" day come at the beginning or the end of AF? I usually have 2-3 days of REALLY light spotting, and then 2 days of very heavy flow and then...nothing. So in reality, my AF is usually only about 4-5 days on average though I definitely remember it having fluctuated somehwhat; and I have certainly had 3 day periods and 6 day periods before. It's kind of a weird fluke and doesn't happen consistently, but I don't think it's that out of the ordinary/anything to be super concerned about. It may have just been an odd month for you my dear! I wouldn't sweat it. See what happens next month (though we won't even be having this conversation as you will be preggo by then I bet :winkwink:)
Thankfully the spotting stopped during the second day. I'm now on the day AF would be due and no sign of AF which is a nice and surprising change! I've only once had a missed period during my whole life, but when it happened, I was just a thirteen year old girl approx. so things were still working themselves out.

Oh and you girls will probably think I'm stupid but... I had my health card all along... I only had 3 hours of sleep when I got a blood test done and didn't put it back in my wallet. I'm a person who very rarely puts important cards just anywhere, so of course I panicked when it wasn't in my wallet. I found it in a flap of my purse. I just can't believe myself UGH. :dohh: So yeah. I just have to find out where I can get my first prenatal visit and go from there.

Fx that it's a bfp when you test!!! I would love if we could be bump buddies! :D <3
Lots of :dust: to you!

CathiiNoo - Thank you so much! <3
I personally found that when I was ttc, my period would be a real jerk to me and do things completely out of the norm.. I don't know why it did these things but yeah... I hated it. It just made ttc feel harder :(
Kuji - I have seen myself do similar things with important documents. I once found my bar card (can't argue in court without it) stuck IN a textbook when it, by all accounts, should have been in my wallet. I freaked the hell out. So glad you found it! How soon are you supposed to start going for prenatal visits? Good news on the spotting easing up!

So...I absolutely couldn't resist and tested with a FRER and got a BFN today :growlmad: However, I'm only at 10 dpo (if that) so I guess it's not surprising and that I'm not *technically* out this month. Frustrating though to be sure. I've had some weird twinges and pains around my ovaries the past day or so (which is what prompted me to test); I can't tell if my BBs are actually sore or if I just keep poking them to see if they are and that's what's causing it! :blush: I've heard of plenty of people testing negative at 10 dpo and then positive later, so I'm not totally out of hope, but am still fairly discouraged with the test that is so clearly negative. I think this is exactly why you probably shouldn't test early!
I normally have a 4, maybe 5 day period. With one day being heavy then medium then light. This month it was medium for the first two days (almost light actually) and then one super light on the third day. I spotted a bit on the 4th just after I posted her.

Andianna- I try to hold out with testing as long as possible otherwise I find myself walking around the bathroom checking the test at every angle for a second line. OH thinks I'm crazy lol. And yes you're not out yet until AF rears her ugly face. FX hun xx
Glad you found your health card Kuji! Such a relief I'm sure. I'm still so freaking excited for you! I hope you can get in to see the dr soon and maybe hear a little heartbeat.

Andianna- You're not out til AF comes!! Try again in a few days. FX for a BFP!

Cathi - Yay for lighter and shorter periods! Change is always weird though, and of course you're noticing the changed more so now than you would have before.

AFM, CD13 and I'm looking at my chart and am very confused. My temps keep going down. I'm hoping that it's just the dip before O and it will pick back up tomorrow.

My Ovulation Chart
Pnut it looks like you could have ovulated yesterday. FX for a nice raise today and tomorrow x

How are all you lovely ladies (and Kuji's bean) doing?
I think it might still be too early for a heartbeat (I think) but I definitely can't wait! At the moment its hard to believe I'm pregnant. Other than some symptoms associated with pregnancy, I feel completely normal. I assume it'll feel more real to me once I can actually feel her/him.

I'm doing fine right now. Sleeping a lot and trying to stay as hydrated as possible. It still feels weird not having a period right now when AF's very due! :haha: I can't say I hate it though!
Hi ladies!

Sorry for the brief absence; work turned into an absolute death march for the past 48 hours...but I appear to be back among the land of the living now :haha: (at the exact moment I type that, my boss is texting me...watch me ignore him for a few minutes...lol)

Thanks for the encouragement guys, I know that was really early to test but I just kind of feel out this month. AF is due Saturday-ish, which means I will likely get some tell-tale spotting soon...fingers crossed it doesn't show up but I'm not extremely hopeful. At least I have short AF and short 27 days cycles usually, so I can jump right back in to the trying in September game. I don't think conceiving taking a few months is unusual, I'll start temping in October for sheer entertainment purposes! :blush:

Kuji - that has gotta be so weird! No AF after having one for so many years! I bet it's not awful tho...lol. How are you feeling?

CathiiNoo - I know! I was wandering around the bathroom checking in all kinds of light; it was white as the driven snow and I'm still like: "hmmm...maybe if I try the light IN the shower"...that's the point where I decided I was done with early testing, lol. We're not insane, it just appears that way from the outside. :winkwink:

Pnut - Thanks for the encouragement! How are you doing today my dear?
I'm still so confused by my chart. Up then back down again. It's my first month temping, so I guess I'll get the hang of it next cycle if we don't catch the eggy this time. But, I'm just not feeling it this month. I dunno.

Kuji - Maybe no heartbeat, but if you get a scan you'll get to see your little blob of cells that will turn into a baby! I hope you don't get ALL the preggo symptoms... I mean, no one really wants morning sickness.

Cathi - That's what I was thinking when I saw the spike at first. But it's a little early for O isn't it? I dunno. This will be my first full cycle after IUD is out so I guess we'll see.

adianna - HAHA! I'm temping for entertainment purposes at them moment. I'm trying really hard not to get in too deep right off the bat. I mean, this is only our second cycle. But it's so hard not to!
Pnut- I know! I'm afraid I will turn into a mad scientist about it, cackling in the dark over a BBT thermometer and whispering encouraging things to my uterus. :dohh: Let's hope it doesn't go that far. I'm sure there is a learning curve with temping and you just got your IUD out and are probably still panning out to even; I wouldn't be terribly concerned with what appear to be bizarre temps just yet. Do you usually get any ovulation symptoms or pain? That might be able to help you nail things down with a little more accuracy.

The bad news: another FRER test this morning with fmu (12 dpo I think) showed a very clear BFN :nope:...The good news: I am now totally out of tests so I can't keep doing that to myself! :thumbup:

My BBs are sore, and I still am having weird little hollow pulling feelings in my uterus, but AF is due tomorrow/Saturday (couple days variation maybe...you know that game); whoever decided that very early pregnancy symptoms and PMS should mirror each other exactly is a total jerk. Why yes, I do have unlimited amounts of time to google every conceivable symptom that I may be feeling...oh wait, no, no I don't.

I'm going to continue to assume that I am out, hope that I am in, and move on with life for the month of September.
Today I'm feeling alright. The hormone changes are making me go through quite a bit of insomnia and when I do sleep, it's not my full 8-10 hours like I'm used to. However, I'm learning to work with it for now. Feeling nausea every so often too but no real MS yet (I won't count the morning I threw up soon after taking my vitamins since it was my fault. I didn't eat food with it fast enough)

How about you girls? :)

Pnut - My prenatal appointment is so late that I'll be 10 weeks by the time I get to it. So I should hear the heart beat by then. Hopefully!!! As a first time pregnant lady, almost everything scares me. I just want things to do alright.
Preggo symptom wise, so far it's just nausea, insomnia and breast pains. So it's not too bad imo.

andiannajones - I honestly hate how AF and pregnancy symptoms are so alike! It makes it so much harder to figure out if you are pregnant. The only difference I got this time was that my whole breasts were hurting instead of just my nipples. To me, that was different.
If you are gonna get AF, she better get her behind here faster so you can get over with it and start a new cycle already! :haha:
Oh yay Kuji! You'll get to hear that your little nugget's heartbeat. So exciting! :happydance:

Freaking AF symptoms and Early Preggo symptoms. :hissy: WHY ARE THEY SO SIMILAR??? Drives me nuts! I'm not really feeling ANYTHING right now, which is bothering me. I just feel out this month. I dunno. :shrug:

Here's hoping though :dust:
Kuji - wow! 10 weeks! I mean, I know that's still really early in the game as far as all the doctors are concerned, but it must feel like an eternity to you. I'd be overly nervous about everything too (as discussed, we are fairly anxious people...); but keep in mind that the vast majority of pregnancies are just fine, you are obviously taking your vitamins and doing what you are supposed to do, everything is going to be great, I know it. Relax Momma!

Pnut - I know what you mean about just feeling "out" for the month. I have no real symptoms that couldn't be attributed to AF being due tomorrow (I'll probably start to get spotting tonight I'd think...I'll keep you all posted on the disappointing details! :haha:). However, like Ms. Kuji said, there may be very little or no difference at all between AF coming on and early pregnancy...I've read a bunch of posts (again, cue exasperated internet searching...) where people lament that they are 100% sure they are about to get AF and she just never shows up...if you have a late implanting bean your body doesn't have time to put the full brakes on AF and you can even get a really really light period and think you're out. Of course, that is not to say that is typical, or that I'm holding out hope for it...it's just that many people are asymptomatic so you have to take that with a grain of salt and hold out small amounts of hope until AF arrives.

CathiiNoo - how ya doin' hun?

We all need all the :dust:, so here's a double dose. :dust:
Oh it does D: Crazy long! But I'll take it day by day, no choice really! :haha:
I'll be going to my grandmother in a few weeks so that'll keep me busy for about a week. I'm also super excited to announce my pregnancy. My grandmother is like a mother to me, she raised me a good part of my life and she means everything to me, so I can't wait to give her a great grandbaby of my own :) She has 6 others from other cousins/my sister but none from me! Hoping for a girl since the other 6 are all boys!

So I got a call from the doctor who did my blood work for my thyroid and he apparently wants to see me tomorrow. So I'm super nervous and scared. I'm assuming and hoping that it's because my thyroid isn't doing well and nothing more serious... UGH. Anxiety is through the roof!
Hi ladies! I'm doing alright. Not much to report though, CD 9 and just want to pee on sticks already haha.

On the unrelated part, I'm doing a 10KM womens walk/run tomorrow but I'll probably be walking as I'm doing it with my mom lol. Not really looking forward to it though as I don't think I've done enough running at the gym to be prepared but we will see.

Regrading symptoms. Every time I get a new symptom, I google it and of course every woman says they were pregnant with the symptom but then AF shows for me. Disappointing I'd say.

I hope you all have a lovely afternoon/evening further x
Kuji - are you hypo or hyper thyroid? I'm SURE that is all they will be addressing, DON'T PANIC! They probably just want to adjust your thyroid medication so that you aren't completely wiped out all the time! Many of my friends have taken thyroid medication all throughout their extremely healthy pregnancies, don't get yourself into a tizzy just yet. Keep us updated. Good news on getting to tell your grandmother, that's something to look forward to at least! :happydance:

CathiiNoo - You are insane! 10k?? I couldn't walk/run that far if being actively chased. Good for you! :thumbup:

Bad news: Brown spotting this morning means AF is definitely on her way :nope:, disappointed, but not devastated yet because it was only our first cycle really actively trying.
Good news: (1) if this is indeed AF (99% sure), I am running like clockwork, which should make it easier to guess O date for September and (2) a few of my law school buddies are staying at a lake-house close to my place for the weekend and now I can go have a few glasses of wine without guilt! (though, of course, I'll still take it easy just in case this is some weird implantation symptom or something...I've read about women who spot during AF time and end up with BFPs. Definitely not holding out hope for that though. I should know something definitive in two days or so when the witch should be in full force with a vengeance).

How are you lovely ladies doing today?

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