Hey ladies! Glad to see this thread pop up in my subs
and I am so glad to hear everyone is doing well for their circumstances, I am doing alright as well. I get on here sometimes but then I end up taking long breaks
haha, life can just be so hectic sometimes. We have 3 little ladies now and so far our third has been the most challenging physically and emotionally, it has definitely tested mine and my husbands relationship, we never really had to worry about funds when we just had the 2 older girls, but it seemed like the third drained us and we were struggling financially for awhile which has tested us. I got pregnant again in November but ended up having a mc last month along with some other losses in between kiddos. The mc was very difficult to overcome, we were ntnp but Nick was not happy that I got pregnant, idk what his problem was but I had merely no support from him through it, luckily my best friend was there for me but I felt very alone and fell into depression for awhile. That was another thing that tested our relationship. I am feeling better now and I am just trying to get my life back on track, I am working on my independence and my confidence. I started working again back in November, like right before I got pregnant, and now I am looking for a second job. I also applied to an online university so I am looking forward to what the future has in store for me and the girls. Nick and I are using preventive measures since the whole ordeal but unfortunately I have a gut feeling that I am pregnant yet again..which is why I am back here. I feel okay with it, after all, we were ntnp when I got pregnant last time so obviously I want another baby, but this time I plan to keep it to myself until I feel comfortable telling him or anyone else. So you guys are the first to know
I have gotten a few faint positive blue dye tests but no positive frer yet so it is likely that I am, but not confirmed just yet. I am so excited to hear from you guys and I hope we can keep this thread alive again