

mum to Jack
Oct 21, 2007
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Hey guys,

I really want one but i dont want to pay something like £60 and i know you dont use them for very long so i was wondering if anyone has one that they dont use any more and would like to sell to me, i'll pay postage and everything and i want a boy colour so not pinks lol,

hope someone can help
u can get them cheaper on ebay hun and they about 25 in shops xx
Try this hun, only £28...


urm loads....mother care.... toys r us.....argos....boots may do them to....early learning centre....loads of places online xx
Hey guys,

I really want one but i dont want to pay something like £60 and i know you dont use them for very long so i was wondering if anyone has one that they dont use any more and would like to sell to me, i'll pay postage and everything and i want a boy colour so not pinks lol,

hope someone can help

i paid £25 in mother care 4 jayden's luminous blue one x
Hey guys,

I really want one but i dont want to pay something like £60 and i know you dont use them for very long so i was wondering if anyone has one that they dont use any more and would like to sell to me, i'll pay postage and everything and i want a boy colour so not pinks lol,

hope someone can help

i paid £25 in mother care 4 jayden's luminous blue one x

thats a good price
I payed quite cheap in Mothercare , i have a brain of a goldfish so cannot remember how much i payed for it. I find they are always is the sales aswell if you look around!
Someone on here mentioned they were reduced in Boots the other week to summat like £6
I was the one got mine for 6.99 in boots, I have no idea why it was reduced so much, maybe an error as now they are 27.99 again

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