*Bump Buddies- middle/end of April*

im here!!!! thanks, just need to back track all the posts to see what i missed! lol
hope you are all well, im good, feeling possitive today although i did have a shock yesterday, my 16 year old step daughter is pregnant and possibly due in the same week as me, so feeling very strange about all that, but hey ho could be worse i guess x
omg, that is a huge shock! how has her dad took that? does she stay with you at weekends?
hey girls! and welcome princesspie!
im just watching big brother, feeling a little sorry for myself! dp is driving me mad, ive told him to leave me alone to calm down!! hes a painter and decorator and we moved over 2 weeks ago now, to a house that needs doing from top to bottom!!!! my room is awful im sleeping on a mattress, cos i have ordered a new bed, theres no point putting it up, cos i need to order carpet but cant order carpet till hes painted! grrr sorry whinge over :(

princesspie, im in nottingham, so not far! u have a very busy house hold hun!

we are thinking of moving nearer to notts so will be even closer then :thumbup: know how you feel with the decorating!!! my hubby has dicided now is the time to pull my house apart GRRRRR bless him tho, he is doing it for the baby so we have a nice home to bring him/her into!!!! thats an exiting thought xxxxx
yes it is a shock!! he was so mad yesterday but is calming down a bit now. its a bit of a mess at the mo as its got the whole family arguing, im keeping out of it for now but she knows im here if she needs me, no one knows about my pregnancy yet and i think all this will make it less special, if you get what i mean, and i dont mean to sound selfish to step daughter, it just seems wrong, she is still a baby her self :(
no i know exactly what u mean hun, id feel a little sad if i was in your position... is she with her boyfriend? im shocked for u!

awww i told dp last night I need it doing, we moved so we would have room for new baby, it needs so much work and i want it done so we can bring baby home to a lovely house! fingers crossed hes listened lol
right now im craving SO bad, pork stuffing and apple sauce! with gravy! i want it lol
yes she is with her BF but they are so young, naive, no jobs, no room for them all here, her mum doesnt want to know so i dont know where they will live. im sure it will sort its self out in time. hopefully :)

we are doing the house up but then keep thinking about moving to a bigger house, we are going to need it! 4 kids in a 3 bed house, 2 step kids at weekends. its a bit of a squeeeezzeee. lol
well it will be 2 steps kids plus another buba too! i live in a 3 bed and i dont know how u do it! lol!

16 is very young! I fell pregnant at 18, I know its only 2 years, but i was working full time and by the time she was born I had moved out...
i fell pregnant at 17, but i had already moved out of my mums place, got my own (well rented) flat and had a good(ish) job, and was more mature than she is. can you imagine my baby and grandchild being born in the same week, if she lived here i know it would all be up to me, it would be like having twins, my youngest is only 4 and i have a very mischievious 8 yr old and 2 teens (one of which has autism) im only 32! my hubby only 36, we are too young to be grandparents. if i dont laugh i will cry, and never stop! lol
r u thinking about letting her stay with you then?
thats like me, i was mature and like to think i do have my head screwed on tightly lol!
a grandma at 32! that is sooo young, hey you will be a groovy one though! gosh I feel for you! you have such a busy household!!! r u kids well behaved?? r most of them at school? gosh tell me to bog off if u think im nosey lol!!!
dont cry hun! xxx
Hello ladies,
How are you all today?
Princesspie i really feel for you, what a situation to be in, you should be enjoying ur own pregnancy not worrying what will happen with you step-daughter :hugs: x
Hope your all having a good day, i'm having a busy day, my baby (for now anyway) turned 6 today and has had us up since the crack of dawn, i'm shattered already and in 15 mins need to go pick his friend up so that will be 3 noisy boys i have to entertain, we are going to go to the park and then to Mcdonalds for tea, hopefully that'll keep them all entertained xxx
Whoo i've just noticed one of my tickers has changed its now the size of a appleseed :happydance: how sad am i? lol
r u thinking about letting her stay with you then?
thats like me, i was mature and like to think i do have my head screwed on tightly lol!
a grandma at 32! that is sooo young, hey you will be a groovy one though! gosh I feel for you! you have such a busy household!!! r u kids well behaved?? r most of them at school? gosh tell me to bog off if u think im nosey lol!!!
dont cry hun! xxx

dont be silly, if i didnt want people asking questions i wouldnt have posted it, im not allowed to tell anyone so i needed to get it all out! i dont think her living with us is an option, i dont think my husband would allow it, not with a baby anyway, we simply havent the room!!! she would have to set up home in the kitchen or someting!! my kids have there moments as most do but they do argue ALOT at the moment,and the teens are driving MAD with one thing and other, wanting money all the time, never coming home on time, to the point of me nearly calling the police saturday night because my eldest was due in at 7pm and didnt make it home untill 10.30!!!!! i think they are ready to go back to school now,i know im ready for them to! lol, my youngest goes in september so they will all be out the house in the day, and then im starting again! i must be mad lol, but cant wait!!!!!
Hello ladies,
How are you all today?
Princesspie i really feel for you, what a situation to be in, you should be enjoying ur own pregnancy not worrying what will happen with you step-daughter :hugs: x
Hope your all having a good day, i'm having a busy day, my baby (for now anyway) turned 6 today and has had us up since the crack of dawn, i'm shattered already and in 15 mins need to go pick his friend up so that will be 3 noisy boys i have to entertain, we are going to go to the park and then to Mcdonalds for tea, hopefully that'll keep them all entertained xxx

im feeling ok today, a little more sicky than yeasterday but i dont mind, its all good signs! happy birthday to your baby xxx sounds like a busy but fun day! im off to the doctors at half 5 to confirm the pregnancy and get booked in for midwife ect, dont feel like going out tho!!! its raining here but im so hot i cant bear the thought of wearing anything more than a t shirt, (oh and leggings, im not gonna go into town in just a t shirt) is anyone else more hot than usual?
Hello ladies,
How are you all today?
Princesspie i really feel for you, what a situation to be in, you should be enjoying ur own pregnancy not worrying what will happen with you step-daughter :hugs: x
Hope your all having a good day, i'm having a busy day, my baby (for now anyway) turned 6 today and has had us up since the crack of dawn, i'm shattered already and in 15 mins need to go pick his friend up so that will be 3 noisy boys i have to entertain, we are going to go to the park and then to Mcdonalds for tea, hopefully that'll keep them all entertained xxx

Awww happy birthday to your ds!! enjoy your mcdonalds for tea!
Im feeling okay now, had lunch and waiting for 5pm!!
r u thinking about letting her stay with you then?
thats like me, i was mature and like to think i do have my head screwed on tightly lol!
a grandma at 32! that is sooo young, hey you will be a groovy one though! gosh I feel for you! you have such a busy household!!! r u kids well behaved?? r most of them at school? gosh tell me to bog off if u think im nosey lol!!!
dont cry hun! xxx

dont be silly, if i didnt want people asking questions i wouldnt have posted it, im not allowed to tell anyone so i needed to get it all out! i dont think her living with us is an option, i dont think my husband would allow it, not with a baby anyway, we simply havent the room!!! she would have to set up home in the kitchen or someting!! my kids have there moments as most do but they do argue ALOT at the moment,and the teens are driving MAD with one thing and other, wanting money all the time, never coming home on time, to the point of me nearly calling the police saturday night because my eldest was due in at 7pm and didnt make it home untill 10.30!!!!! i think they are ready to go back to school now,i know im ready for them to! lol, my youngest goes in september so they will all be out the house in the day, and then im starting again! i must be mad lol, but cant wait!!!!!

Awww your not mad hun!!! have you always wanted a big family??
I bet your step daughter will find something or other, is she close with her mum? once her mum comes round to the idea it will be fine...

I bet you cant wait for them to go back to school then!!! my daughter is 2 and a half, but she acts like a 4 year old, seriously have no idea where she gets it from, she doesnt stop talking too! and shes horrible to the cat atm lol! all I have heard is "we dont do that do we Alfie" it makes you realise what you say loads of lol, I must always say "No Evie, we dont do that, do we?!" haha shes not a naughty child, shes just so demanding, theres no pleasing her, lol she has all the toys in the world but thats not good enough! so its just trying to keep her entertained, she used to nursery 3 days a week, so the rest of the time I think she expects that still lol! still she will be 3 when bubs is here, so a nice age gap I think!!!
that is a good age gap, my boys are like best friends (when they arnt arguing that is) and are so sweet to watch at "lets pretend,play" even if it does normaly involve monsters, army, or jumping on the sofa to aviod being eaten by the sharks! lol.

yes i have always wanted a big family, i havent got any children with my hubby, they are from a previous relationship, we feel we had to have one together, to experience all the joys or parenthood together. and then this is the last one!!!! honest!!! dont think my body will take anymore. lol

your daughter sounds adorable, sounds like my daughter at that age, 2 going on 22!how do you think she will be with the new baby? dont supose you have told her yet? when i was pregnant with my 4 year old we told the kids early on, big mistake! every day for 9 months...mummmyyyy....is the baby coming today???? lol. im secretly hoping for a little girl, and hubby too. but a boy would be just as good aswell!!!!!!
I think she will love having a baby brother/sister! she actually came home from nursery talking about baby Amirah (a baby there) and nursery must of said something because next thing she says is that she wants a baby sister lol! shes so cute! no1 knows I am pregnant yet, I will tell her soon, I just want to know everything is okay first!

I love big familys. my family is so small, I have no cousins :( I would like 3 children, I always said 3 so 3 it is, I say anyway lol!

Awww, I love little girls, they are the best, Evie is like my best friend, we do everything together! I found her putting mascara on the other day, she had opened it herself! and she's only 2 lol, see what I mean about 2 going on 4 haha more like 2 going on 18! luckily she missed her eye and we washed it off lol

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