Bump, Flushes, Dimples and Beyond [closed]

One handed post as I am feeding little S.

Sling meet went well yesterday and it was interesting to speak to other mums. I tried a ring sling and a pouch sling first, both for S to be in the cradled position. Then when holding him one of the mums picked up on me holding him upright and asked if I generally held him like that, which I do. So she suggested a Close carrier. We tried it and within minutes of walking around S had fallen asleep, apparently a good sign that LO likes it. Anyway, they let us borrow it until next week :thumbup: and so far we really like it. Have you tried yours yet, MrsMils?
our baby bjorn holds Jack upright - he loves it and has from the early days - he tried it at 2 days old! Would definitely recommend it and you can often pick them up via ebay/netmums/nct for bargain price and chuck em in the washing machine, delicate wash then fast spin ours comes up a treat when Mogster gets sticky fingers on it saying :hi: to his lil bro!
So on the issue of weight gain and percentiles....my MW never even discussed this with me? Maybe cause P was slow starting to gain? Does anyone know how to figure it out?
We had our last apt with our MW yesterday...the 6week check and all is well. Peyton now weighs 7lbs 10oz...so she gained 9oz in 13 days. I know it's not as much as most, but it still makes me excited. Before this she was gaining only a half ounce a day.

So birth 6lbs 11oz
Day 1 6lbs 4oz.
1week 6.6oz
4 weeks 7lbs 1oz
6weeks 7lbs 10oz

In other news I think she's having another growth spurt. She has been EXTRA cranky since yesterday evening. Only time she was is quiet was on my boob, sleeping or in the bath. And today it seems she has been none stop on my boob...and not being very productive at eating either. :-(


Brig maybe they don't plot them over there as I don't think they've been updated in a billion years lol. My book / info is the boys one so I guess it will be different for girls anyway? Looks like she is doing consistently well now though :flower: if she is due a growth spurt she may just be suckling to increase your milk supply ready, which may be why you think she's not being very productive??? :hugs:
Pip the carrier sounds fab - Dylan also likes to be upright so we have him upright in the moby wrap, he will have his legs out soon as well I would think (currently frogged inside because he's little) as he keeps trying to stand up lol.

So good that you are able to borrow it to try sounds like a fab group!

:hi: everyone! HV coming this morn, I may stay in my PJs as a protest haha. And booby group this afternoon :haha: which Dylan will no doubt sleep through.

Btw - how often do your LOs nap? Dylans nightsleep was good last night / night before, but he needs to nap a lot through the day too.
Jack has two short naps one after brekkie and one bout 4.15 and a longer one after lunch say 12.45-2
Kia still sleeps loads in the day! He feeds every 3-4 hours and is asleep for either one big 2 hour ish sleep inbetween, or two smaller 1 hour ones. He loves his kip, this boy! Thank goodness! :cloud9:

Oooh, I love being a mummy so much. This boy just makes my heart feel so complete! I love his big gummy smiles and wet kisses :D

Lia, good luck with the HV today! DO NOT LET HER MAKE YOU CRY! It's your home, your baby, your ways, you are fab and a great mum and doing brilliantly :). :hugs:

My dad is taking K to be weighed today, he was 12.12 three weeks ago so let's see... he has grown upwards since the last check but not out so his trousers suddenly got a bit loose on the belly, but vests now strain to fit over him lengthwise! (mainly cos of his cloth bum though so i've bought some vest extenders.)

I keep meaning to ask, Lydia have you started your fluff yet?
Lydia, I also was really tender, almost like I had a burn on my lower tummy. It seems to be a bit better this week though so around the 4 week mark.

I am so jealous of you ladies with babies that are sleeping through the night. Harry is waking for a feed every 2 hours and now not going straight down each time, making groaning/moaning noises so I'm pretty much up every hour if not more!!! I wonder if he needs regular feeding as I'm small chested so maybe can't hold as much milk as others.

I also had problems putting Harry down during the day but my sister has bought us a swinging chair and it's a God send!! Also Harry now takes a dummy!! Whoop whoop! It just gives me a bit of a rest occasionally.

Yas, I used to live in Tooting and then in Balham before I moved back out this way. I'm hoping to head in to town in a couple of weeks so lets definitely meet up! If anyone else fancies a trip in to London let us know!

Well Harry has been awake for most of today which is very unlike him so fingers crossed we are going to get a good night tonight!

Harry is 4 weeks old tomorrow so we really are getting there. I know we should make the most of these early days but it'll be so lovely to get a bit more sleep and a smile. I am now so much happier and glad to be over the baby blues. They hit me pretty hard. Thanks again to you all for being so supportive, it really meant a lot to me and genuinely helped. Big :hugs: to you all. xxx

We have both carriers and Harry seems to prefer the baby bjorn. Tbh we haven't given the closer version much of a try yet so it could have just been a bad day.

Harry's weight so far has been:

Birth 9lb
5 Days He lost 5% but not sure what he weighed
10 Days 9lb 6oz
Last Monday 10lb

We are off to get him weighed again tomorrow so it should be interesting to know how big he is now. x
Ann I will join you in the predominantly 2 hours club :flower: but at least am not up for long so I do feel for you hun, you are doing amazingly.
don't want to jinx it but he did go 4 hours then 3 hours last night........so hopefully it will give you hope lol! Do you cluster feed at all early evening? :hugs:

I think some just have smaller tummies maybe, like some adults can't eat much? Dylan seems to bring bback any excess so I guess he can't take anymore yet :shrug:

Couple more growth spurts to go and I bet he'll be better than Dylan :hugs:

I definitely fancy trip to London at some point soon but possibly not in the next couple of weeks with our trip to the lakes coming up :thumbup:
14lb 7oz! What a chuuuuuuuuuuunk! :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: chunks are good... I have one and proud:thumbup: i think my princess is going the same...cant wait to get her weighed 2 weeks tomorrow.... Dreading the jabs though:cry
Oh and thanks for setting up this page Claire x

You're welcome hun:hugs: sounds like Harry is doing well... Cant wait to hear about his weigh-in tomorrow:thumbup:

As for us... I hope we have a better night tonight:wacko: we've had extremes this week... Sunday night being the best ever having 8 hrs before waking... But tbe last 2 have been 4-5 hours but not down to wanting food but bad gripes... Which eventually turns into a dirty nappy after 2-3 hours of trying to comfort and settle..... Wish us luck....
Sounds like tomorrow is the day for getting babies weighed :thumbup:

Mogster had his first full morning at school today, was bit concerned when saw weather last night but seemed to have stopped so set off to take him and it stayed dry, dropped him off, came out of the building and power shower rain began :dohh: Jack and I got a bit wet! He is loving the class though and even managed Tumble Tots afterwards, tonight he has gone to bed well and hoping we all have a good night.....

Wow Yas, K is really getting a big boy, cant believe he is 11 weeks already - where did the time go :wacko: soon he will be able to face out in his carrier - cant wait for Jack to fully control his head/neck so he can.

Good to see you back Ann, sounds like H is doing well though - maybe you could bribe him with promises of angel delight for when he is weaned....

Swing chairs and vibrating bouncers rock! - never though I would write that! They do though and they give us Mummy's a bit of a rest - well a bit of time to do some stuff around the house! Been sorting Jacks stuff out to list on here, anyone got any idea of photo size for this as mine seem too big and having to use photobucket :dohh: Might just be my ineptness with a pc though :oops:

Have a good night all, off to bed here as expecting a feed soon then another befre morning and have to be up early for school :haha:
Another baby to be weighed tomorrow. :)

:hi: everyone. Hope you are all well.

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