I'm feeling very weird today... I did a pg test last week and got a BFP. It was a CB and 3+! But i've just felt 'wrong' ever since I did it.. .can't put my finger on it, but not right. My boobs haven't hurt at all and no sickness whatsoever, and by this far along last year I was throwing my guts up. And today, I got my period, so I guess it was a early MC
I'm really sad but also incredibly relieved... it's a strange feeling. Have told my best friend, and now you guys, but I don't know if I want to tell G
Keeping it from him doesn't feel right, but I know he'll just be glad and relieved because he absolutely does NOT want another baby at all and I don't know if I could cope with that
we've used a condom every single time, too!