Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Hello Mamas!

Just 'dropping' in as I always do :wacko: Tried to catch up on the thread. Chaos - so sorry you had all that trauma.

Thom turned 11 months today! He's saying Dadadaadada and standing nearly on his own. Can you believe that he is still not fully on solids - well not at all. He's really developing late with food. OH and I were both really fussy eater so I would prefer him to take his time I guess. But I'm back in work now on the 21 Sept so I'm trying to get him to eat wherever/whenever I can. Today was the first day ever that he opened his mouth for another spoon! He prefers to finger-feed which is great but I have been exploring anything and everything tbh! Cutting down feeds now so hopefully we'll get there. I've booked his 1st birthday party! I can hardly believe we were all pregnant this time last year!!!
I'm having a dilema about whether to send him to a nursery or a child-minder. Anyone have any views?

Will pop in over the weekend. I'm away with my Mum next week.
:hi: Neon :)

Maffie, thanks for asking; I'm ok (ish). Just having a tough time emotionally at the moment with some 'stuffs' & my head is taking its own sweet time in coming to terms with it, lol. (that sounds kinda cryptic, hehe. I am ok though, I promise, but I don't really wanna talk about it online in case someone I know reads/sees anything, which would be just my luck!)

I've been mega busy today on a housework extravaganza, which has entertained Harry too. I gave him a clean wash cloth & he's been frantically 'dusting' & 'wiping' random objects around the house, lol- hilarious to watch him with his furrowed brow & intense look of concentration on his face, wiping away for no reason other than to copy me, lol!!! Maybe he'll take after me instead of his daddy in the cleaning department.... I HOPE!

what's everyone else up to this weekend?
Morning all,

Madam is in a good mood after an hour or so of grizzles for some unknown reason. She is just crawling round the room giggiling and nothing, well what appears to be nothing but at least she is happy and entertained!

Well I cursed Maffie a tiny bit as one of the prams wasn't out on display, they had it in the warehouse or one on display in another branch far far away :wacko:. Kinda stupid, how they going to sell them like that?!! Hope you get one sorted Maff. Had a really lovely day, it just went far far to quickly as per and no one wanted my voucher money, grr HMV for not having the DVD's I wanted. Ah well, was really nice to catch up and great to see Noah again too :D Oh and I didn't take the pink-mobile, I just couldn't do it, it still needed a good clean for one and also I was worried there wasn't enough storage. I braved the one with the tempromental wheel and thanfully the super glue held and the wheel stayed on.

Today's plan was to rest but I want to do some house bits as well, as much as Chloe will let me.

Chaos: Hope you evaded Earl in the end and everything is okay your end, how's life with a walker?

Colsy: Hope the sleep thearpy works :flower: Good luck!

Eala: Hope you get a nice relaxing day today and enjoy swimming. Plus, I hope Romilly's naps return to normal for you too :flower: Can't believe they waited a month to say something! Hope DH and Romilly are clear :hugs:

Maffie: How are you today? Think we covered some mileage :haha: I saw you asked about LittleKitten, I noticed on her FB something about she just got out of hospital, that was last week but I didn't manage to message her due to being at work and not supposed to be on FB :blush:, hope she's okay.

Neon: Happy belated 11 months to Thom :flower: Hope you have a nice time with your Mum next week. Re CM vs. Nursery, I have used both and can see the benefits of both. Originally she was with a CM but she had a personality problem of wanting to tell me how to parent, not what a CM should do in my opinion. Plus I questioned some of her own methods, she was treating Chloe at 3/4 months like you would treat her now I suppose. Chloe was with one other baby and the a whole range of school children. The main thing is that if I didn't have those problems I would of been more than happy with Chloe at a CM. However, becuase of my problems she is at a nursery which she absolutely loves and I am glad the CM didn't work out. The main thing is check both out, ask lots of questions, see how the other children are in that environment (I didn't see any babies interacting with the CM as she had broken her arm a year before and had to get rid of them and so in hindsight this would of been useful to see). Trust your gut. Get recommendations if possible. Good luck! :flower:

Flora :hugs: Hope things get better soon. Sounds promisining you will have a little helper with the cleaning!

Best go, breakfast time for Chloe, round 2 anyways! Have a good day all :flower:

Let me tell you .. keep them crawling for as long as you can!! lol. Not only is she toddling everywhere, I have a white storage tub in my front room with all the stuff for this years consignment sale. It stands about 1.5 foot high .. well she's learned she can climb on it now and get up to the cats :dohh: My kid thinks she's a freaking monkey ..
dammit, Harry just realised he can climb up the stairs. No more laving him in the lounge while I go upstairs to pee, & leaveing the gate open, lol. :dohh:

11 months today. and Happy 11 months to Emma to Kaites :)
Flora - Earl mastered the stairs last week and he's getting really good at them.....buggar!! lol he can sort of get down them too which is a bonus but you really have to watch him becuase he's like lightning once he gets going!
Flora- Happy 11 months to Harry too :) Emma's been doing the stairs too and I know when everything is quiet, she's up to no good on the stairs! I have to get in the habit of putting the baby gate up more often :blush:

Got back from camping late last night- had a great time but have to admit that it was a bit harder than the last time around just because of the type of ground for our site. Last time we were on grass and Emma was just barely crawling, this time it was a dirt and pine needle situation and there was no where but the stroller/totseat for Emma to hang out. Emma would squirm right off our laps to go play in the dirt or crawl off the blanket I brought :dohh: She was just covered in mud by breakfast on Friday morning. Anyway, we had fun- went to Santa's Workshop and visited with Santa (a small amusement park in a place called "North Pole, NY") and spent some time at the summit of one of the mountains.
Happy 11 months Harry and Emma! :flower:
Happy 11 months babies! :D Where does the time go? Romilly was 11 months on the 3rd :blush:

DH still hasn't sorted out getting himself tested for this blood disorder :dohh: I'm not going to put Romilly through a blood test till we find out his results. Chances are he will be at least a carrier, but we'll have to see. Urgh, men. He asked my SIL why she didn't mention it to him, and she gave some utter crap about it not affecting males as badly as females. Er, hello, did you just forget your niece, you ignorant *rude word*?!

Anyways, on the plus side, she also said that she is too busy to see us when we're on holiday (about an hour from them) next week. Suits me fine, I wasn't going anyway, and was very unhappy about LO going too. So she's made it easy for us! :dance:

Kte - glad that the superglue held up ;)

I'm so impressed at everyone's little ones who can do stairs. Considering I live in a townhouse (all stairs!), Romilly really isn't an expert :rofl: She'll do one or two, then stop, turn round, and sit there grinning at you. Going downstairs is so far a complete mystery! That said, I don't give her a lot of chances to practice :blush: We've had the stairgate up across the living room door since she could bum shuffle.

Right, I should really buzz off rather than procrastinating here :blush: Got 101 things to do before we go away on Friday, and I won't get them done sitting here!

Hope everyone has a good day :thumbup:
Hey everyone! Can't catch up on the last few pages because my computer is broken so I only have ipodnet. :(

Just popping in to say that I hope all the bumpkins and babies are doing awesomely!

Oh, and pround mummy moment: Isaac just took his first couple if steps! :)
WTG Isaac!

happy belated 11 months to Romilly too!

Spent all last night and all morning cleaning the house- we're having a busy week of playdates and interviewing potential clients. Hopefully it'll result in a few contracts being signed (fx'd!). I have a family coming over in a couple hours who need childcare starting at the end of the week, so the end of mat leave might be happening earlier than anticipated. Anyway, I better get going- got to fit in a few Emma snuggles before they get here :) Hope everyone is having a good day! :hugs:
Hi guys - I'm trying to sort out a film hubby did of Earl climbing the stairs. He goes from bottom to top in about 2 mins flat!! :wacko:

Yay Isaac! Earl doesn't seem to want to let go of anything just yet although he will walk forever if you hold his hand lol. Problem is he prefers walking to crawling so we're on constant beck and call! lol

Happy 11 months to everyone!! :thumbup:
Hello all how are we all, hope all is well, im off work this week and by god do i need it, been back worth 3 months now, times is flying by, and George is 1 in 4 weeks!! were having a party for him with 12 babies!!! god help me, ha ha
Hows everyone doing, have i missed anything etc, anyone planning on another baby or is pregnant or any news? well take care and speak soon xx

Got stood up by the people who were supposed to be coming round this aft! I'm super annoyed as I would have done most of the cleaning after Emma's in bed but instead wasted our family time, getting the camping clutter cleared out. I hope tomorrow's meetings go better!

Right, time to find something for dinner...

Hope everyone has a good night!
Morning all,

I suspect it won't be long before Chloe is standing by herself, she daintily holds onto things and she has this weird crawl that looks like she will just stand up any sec. She hasn't had any more lone standing since the 10 sec episode. She doesn't really walk much except using the walker things at nursery. She doesn't really grab on and cruise as I thought she might. Steps are beind the baby gate and I intend to keep them that way for a while yet! :haha:

Eala: Happy belated 11 months Romilly! :flower:

Nerefet: Well done Isaac!! :flower:

Kaites: Good luck for todays meeting! :grr: @ the people who stood you up! Their loss!

Sam: enjoy your time off! 12 babies! That's brave but sounds like fun!

Right :coffee: time!
well, afetr mastering the stairs like a pro, I was sitting in the loumge yesterday & realised it had gone quiet... next thing I hear was a loud whack & a screaming baby. Harry fell off the bottom step (can't get any higher now thanks to the stair gate) & has a massive lump & bruise on his forehead, and a little bruise on his shoulder & bum where he must've landed...
Then today the little so n so managed to trap his finger inside the video player!!!! So he's got a purple dent on his index finger now which he keeps pointing to & doing his 'ouch' face too, lol. That'll teach him. Have asked hubby to pick up one of those video guard thingies when he gets home in a couple of days.
My dad's coming to stay tomorrow for a couple of days, so that should be cool & also take my mind of some of the crap here. Harry's also due to be weighed again tomorrow; i'm reckoning 19-20lbs I think, but I guess we'll see.

anyone had any info or letters about their one year check-ups or next lot of injections? is it something that gets booked automatically, or do we have to book everything ourselves?
well, afetr mastering the stairs like a pro, I was sitting in the loumge yesterday & realised it had gone quiet... next thing I hear was a loud whack & a screaming baby. Harry fell off the bottom step (can't get any higher now thanks to the stair gate) & has a massive lump & bruise on his forehead, and a little bruise on his shoulder & bum where he must've landed...
Then today the little so n so managed to trap his finger inside the video player!!!! So he's got a purple dent on his index finger now which he keeps pointing to & doing his 'ouch' face too, lol. That'll teach him. Have asked hubby to pick up one of those video guard thingies when he gets home in a couple of days.
My dad's coming to stay tomorrow for a couple of days, so that should be cool & also take my mind of some of the crap here. Harry's also due to be weighed again tomorrow; i'm reckoning 19-20lbs I think, but I guess we'll see.

anyone had any info or letters about their one year check-ups or next lot of injections? is it something that gets booked automatically, or do we have to book everything ourselves?

:hugs: to Harry

Hope you have a good time with your Dad there :flower:

Not sure, i'm guessing automatically, it was for Chloe's 7/8/9 month check (that's what they called it, she only had 1 check) and her last lot of jabs. Not looking forward to those now she is a bit older :cry:
Hi. Hope you are all ok. Sorry that I have disappeared yet again! Been busy here trying to sort out my return to work and sell our house plus trying to get sorted for our holiday whilst looking after Phoebe so pretty mad! Hopefully I will be able to keep up with you all more in the future particularly as work are making me take an hour for lunch on two days I'll be working and I will definitley be taking the full hour so suspect I will find myself on here!
Phew- one crazy day down, one to go! Had a playdate with the kiddie who starts daycare with me on the 27th (lots of fun) and had an interview with another set of parents this afternoon. I think it went okay but they have another person that they are visiting tomorrow too- oh well, at least this family showed up! I have 2 more potentials who are visiting this week, as well as the woman from the licensing agency (although if I fill my spots on my own, I may not bother with going licensed)- anyway, it's a busy week which I suppose is a good thing.

Kte- is the weird crawl kinda like one leg is trying to stand up while the other crawls? Emma's been doing that for a few weeks now and it looks pretty funny :)

Flora- Hope you have a good visit with your dad and that Harry is okay :flower:

Bingers- :hi: Sounds like things are really busy with you! Hope your house sells quickly!
Morning ladies :wave:

Flora - Hope Harry is ok! Have a great visit with your Dad :D

Sam - 12 babies at a party :shock: You are ultra brave :lol:

Kaites - that's rotten that people stood you up. I'm glad you have had lots of interest from others though :) Romilly does that weird half foot half knee crawl too, it's hilarious :rofl:

Bingers - sound like you are super busy! Definitely take those full hour lunches, it sounds like you'll need the chance to relax!

Well, we're off out today to see Arcanegirl and her toddler Alex. The weather is lovely! Shame we're not going to the park or anything, we're going to Costco :rofl: Just a quick shoot over and back, then we're heading back so I'm home in time to cook my DH's birthday tea! Romilly gave Daddy his card and present (socks!) this morning, which he thought were lovely ;)

I've heard nothing about Romilly's 1 year check up or MMR yet either, but I'm not that fussed as I was planning on delaying the MMR anyway. Not sure if I make an appointment or not - I didn't for her other jabs :shrug: My HV didn't say anything about it when I saw her last week. She said something about next time I see her she'll measure Romilly's height/length as well as doing her weight, but that still seemed to be in the context of "when you bring her to the clinic" :shrug: Oh well, guess I'll find out!

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