Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Hi everybody!

Kte - hope you feel better soon x

Eala - glad you enjoying your break!

Katies - glad plans re day care going well. I too am trying to think what I can get Phoebe for her birthday! We're off to Mjorca for a week on Thursday and can't wait!

Florabean - glad you saw Josh! Can't beleive how awful your sister is being x

Really pleased as someone made an offer on our house yesterday! Bit on the low side for first offers always are I guess! Going to have another look at the house we like today to still if we still like it and then it is number crunching time! We can take a lower offer on ours if sellers of one I think we want prepared to do the same! How did I know things would start happening the week we go on holiday
Hoobledoop everyone! =] My laptop is back and there's so much to catch up on! Might catch up later, might not... all depends on how busy Isaac keeps me lol!

Last night Isaac fell off my bed. Been co-sleeping for at least a few hours every night since he was born and nothing like that has ever happened before. I feel so guilty. =[
grr- I had written a nice long post only to have it all wiped out with some connection error...

It's late- I'll try again tomorrow- hope everyone is well :hugs:
Morning all,

\Still off ill, Chloe is being fab though which is good. She gets to go to nursery tomorrow as Nij is off. Only downside of her nursery being so far away, when Im ill I still have to look after her :wacko: She ripped off a scab on her toe yesterday :sick: It was huge, she had gotten carpet burn from whizzing all over and it had scabbed over and then she rubbed her foot against her boncer car and that was it, blood! Its looking much better this morning though.

I need her to go for a nap so I can attempt some toast, she likes to steal all my food now!

Good luck Bingers, hope you get the house you like :flower:

Neferet: Glad your back online :D Lol is that the hoobs? My sister used to watch that years ago, before she had my nephew :haha: :wacko:

Hope were all okay ladies - Aimee, I keep thinking did you get to the dentist? :flower:
lol yeah Kte... it's the hoobs! I've been obsessed with it for about 3 years lol. I love it! =D
Hi everyone -

Kte - Yep! I went and got my fillings done on Tuesday and they were a success so now I only have to have 1 tooth out! :thumbup:

Neferet - I LURVE to hoobs! I especially love the way that they call people tiddly-peeps, big peeps and wrinkly-peeps!! :haha:

I have some exciting news! Earl took his first steps today :happydance: He has taken about 3-4 steps on at least half a dozen occasions today and he's so proud of himself! There's no stopping him now :dohh: He's growing up so quickly now and seems to have had a massive development spurt - he's talking (of sorts) and we have about 6 words in varying states of repair! lol He started to stand up 2 days ago and is already walking, and he has started to do the whole 'Where are the fish?' and looks at the fish then goes up to the tank, 'Where are the dogs'? and he goes to look for them etc etc. He's such a little boy! So excited as in 3 weeks we'll get some money, and we can go and get him his winter coat, shoes, wellies and a set of reins! :dohh:

In other news, I'm still jobless and despite a massive push involving 48 applications and 24 emails sent, all involving cv's and covering letters, I still haven't got a job! Hubby starts uni on Tuesday next week, and then properly in 2 weeks. We need to be sorted by the end of his first week at uni, otherwise we're royally screwed! I just can't seen to catch a frickin' break!!
oh Aimee, I really, really hope you get a job soon. :hugs:

Neferet, I hope Ike's ok after falling off the bed. I used to co-sleep with Harry in the mornings, but the second he gets in our bed now, he's pulling hoimself up on the head board & bo9uncing up n down, then launching himself everywhere, usuallyt head first without a care in the world & it terrifies me as I know he'll go straight off the bed if I didnt wake up in time, lol. Kinda miss our morning snuggles.

Bingers, hope you get some more house offers :thumbup:

Kaites, love your new siggy of Emma; she's a pretty one for sure :flower:

Kte, I hope you feel better soon hun!

Eala, if you';re in the new forst, you're not too far from me :) I used to love going cmping at Sandy Balls. Will be driving through that way this weekend on my way to see my mum in Dorset- god I hate that stretch of road, lol! Hope you're having a nice time :)

Re the cake making. I'm pretty crap at piping with icing it seems... Hopefully practice will make it better, but until then, I'm sticking with easy stuff & plenty of scrummy cupcakes... especially since it's national cupcake week. I ate 5 today & have felt really sick from it, but couldn;t stop!!! :dohh:

You know I said about how I thought I may've got my period back at the beginning of august, b7ut wasn't sure because it was just like 2 days of spotting? Well so far I've had nothing this month, so now I'm even more confused as to what my body's playing at. Either that or I'm pregnant again, which would be, ummmm, interesting? Hmmmm... Probably not though, lol.

anyways, better go to sleep. Harry's sleeping really badly at the momenty thanks to mega teething & I think he's growing again as he's feeding from me & eating loads... like crazily loads for a lil fella, hehe. Ah well... It's tiring me out though getting up 2-3 times a night after having him sleep through nicely for a while... such is life I suppose.
Morning all,

Whirlwind visit as I am back at work. Getting better, still not 100% but its a busy time of year at my work so I have gone in rather than Monday when the influx of new students appear.

Gongrat's on Earls steps! Hope you find something Aimee :hugs: I can't wait to get Chloe some wellies either!

Hope Harry feels better soon with the teething and growing :flower: Are you going to test or wait and see Flora?!? He he I do that with my cooking, mearly testing them honest!

Best go, still catching up! Have a good day all :hugs:
Hi everyone! I haven't posted on here for aaaaggges, I cannot believe all our ickle babies are almost 1 - where has it gone!! It's great seeing them develop their own little personalities but it's sad too in a way, Jacob is now down to 2 bottles a day and although it does make life a lot easier, I also felt a little pang of sadness that my little boy is growing up so quickly.
Florabean, I am so sorry about your sister, it's really unfair of her to involve the kids like that.
My only real problem is the in-laws but that's a story for another day!
Just a quicky post (as I am *shattered*):

Flora - We went past Sandy Balls the other day (DH thought it was hilarious :rofl:) We were at a friend's wedding in Fordingbridge, then the reception was at Bartley Lodge in Cadnam. We're staying not far from Cadnam, so went over the road past Sandy Balls twice. Nice enough road, shame about the other drivers who see the 40mph signs and drive at 20mph :dohh:

Went for an absolutely amazing horseback ride today, I think probably the best hack I've ever been on. Wasn't cheap, but the experience was worth every penny, and then some.

Anyways, as I said, I'm utterly exhausted, so just going to head to bed. Will try and catch up and reply properly tomorrow :D

Night, ladies :flower:
Happy Friday!!

Technically this is my last day of mat leave :cry: I should be packing for our weekend away, but thought I'd do a bit of BnB procrastination first while I'm enjoying my morning coffee :haha: Emma's still in bed and has been teething pretty bad the past couple of days which is totally unlike her (usually the teething necklace is enough but not this time, poor kid). Emma took her first steps on Tuesday (was going to mention that in my post that got wiped out) but is still far from being a "walker"- she looked like it freaked her out a bit when she took the steps all on her own. We had a busy day yesterday- went for a playdate at one of my daycare kiddies' house (nice change not to be hosting the playdate and kinda cool to see where he is used to playing) and then 2 of the other daycare kids came over after their school day to get to know me. I can tell those kids are going to be a handful- as hubby said, it probably would have been easier to have taken on all babies Emma's age :wacko: I can see where my years of teaching and learning to keep order in a class are going to come in handy/be tested! Emma wasn't too keen on those boys- I think their big personalities freaked her out a bit since she's not used to all the "energy" that 4 & 7 yr old boys have.

We're heading back to the caravan today for a long weekend. I think it's supposed to be pretty cold- only 17 degrees as a high- brrr- I think we'll be cozying up on the couch rather than swimming in the lake! What are everyone else's plans?

Kte- glad to hear you are feeling a bit better :hugs:

AImee- I hope the job situation improves for you :hugs: WTG Earl on the first steps!!!

NEferet- I hope Isaac is doing okay after his tumble :hugs:

Eala- Sounds like you are having a great holiday :)

Flora- ohhh- are you going to test? That would be exciting if you were preggers again! :) I hope Harry's teething goes away soon too :hugs:

Bingers- I hope the house stuff works out before you left on holidays!

Craftymum-:hi: I know what you mean about them growing up too fast. Emma loves to "read" books but looks so grown up, sitting on the floor turning pages

gotta run- emma's woke up!
Just a quickie! I've got an interview at Sainsbury's on Wednesday! :thumbup:

It's only for shelf stacking but the hours are good (Wed-Sat, 1-9), it's close by and it will mean I can come off benefits! :thumbup:

Wish me luck!!
Good luck Aimee!

We're just back, took us 10 hours to get home :dohh: Poor Romilly really wasn't as happy on the return journey :( The last 15 minutes were pure hell as she started her screaming her head off, but there was nowhere to stop except the hard shoulder, so we just pressed on to get home.

Now I somehow need to get my brain in gear for going back to Uni on Monday :dohh: Got an e-mail when I was away confirming that I passed year 1 with distinction, so fingers crossed year 2 goes as well!

I'm off to bed, will try and catch up properly with everything soon :)
Morning all,

Have fun on Monday Eala, hope Romily has recovered from the journey,she must of senced she was nearly home, we get that a lot with Chloe sometimes, she is great most of the way then just before we get home, thats it, she's had enough!

I'm excited as the students are back tomorrow! Saddo me lol. I don't know why, longer ques in the shop, having to walk slowly everywhere are they all meander lol But bless 'em. I prob wont be saying that by the end of the week, or when the continuing ones come as they know that score and will prob be in to pester us for things lol. Still, its a nice time of year.

I entered Chloe into a Baby of the Year competition yesterday, it's just a local newspaper comeptition so I though if anything she will have the newspaper to have as a keep sake when she is older. She had some photo's taken which I get to see next week and choose which one to enter. She was so good for the photographer, well she was just having fun bless her.

Nij won something on Real Radio this morning so hope that wasn't the family's winning streak done with! I rarely win things and when I do it goes wrong. When I was younger I won a car if a raffle, a real brand new car and my sister got the phone call from them (I hadn't told her I had entered) and she thought it was a mate taking the piss and she told them where to go :dohh:

Best go, Chloe is up from her nap and I have so much to do before 'MIL' and 'FIL' get here at 1 :wacko:

Enjoy your day ladies :flower:
Eeek where have all the Bumpkins gone? :shrug: :shock:

Hope your all okay ladies & babies :flower: :hugs:
I am floating too :blush:

Just started back at Uni this week though, so MEGA busy already. The jump from first to second year is quite incredible :shock:

Busy today though as it's my birthday :dance: Romilly and Daddy got me a Kindle! Yay!! :D

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