Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Morning! Hope everyone is ok?

Katies - sounds like you had a very busy day! Good news re possible clients re daycare! Can't beleive the couple who never turned up and didn't even let you know they weren't coming. How rude!

- Hope you have a good day even if Costco not that exciting! We've heard nothing re Phoebe's next jabs either. Would like to know what happening as I want to be able to take her myself so need to make sure I'm not working!

Just had another couple view the house and they seemed quite positive but you can never tell. Have two couples who are very interested but have houses to sell so guess we'll just have to wait and see. Another viewing this afternoon and one on Saturday! I bet we get an offer or things start happening at same time I due back to work in mid October!

I can't believe how quickly our little babies are growing and how much fun they are. Phoebe is nearly 11 months old and a real character like all of the October bumpkins by the sound of it!

Hope you all have a good day x
Morning overseas ladies, afternoon Uk ladies :Flower:

Chaos: How are you? Bearing up for tomorrow? Hope everything is fine :flower: :hugs: How are things with Autumns diet going?

Bingers: Good luck moving house, are you moving locally? Hope a view turns into a buyer soon :flower:

Kaites: Sometimes it is 1 leg and 1 knee, sometimes it the 'mowgli' walk. I think its because she goes so fast her arms can't keep up with her legs! I must video it, its hard to describe! :wacko:

Hope all our missing Bumpkins are all okay :flower:
Kte - Yes fingers crossed we get a buyer soon! Staying local though might move nearer Harrogate where hubby works but then again not sure I fancy moving too far away from my folks! Sounds like Phoebe is doing the same thing as Chloe as she is definitely doing a mowgli like walk!

Chaos - hope you and Autumn are ok!

And . . . hi to everybody else!
Hope you find somewhere, Harrogate isn't too bad distance wise as my parents moved out there a fair few years ago, its not great sometimes like now without a car but not too far really :hugs:
Good morning/afternoon :)

Had the lady from the licensing agency in this morning and I'm pretty much going to scrap that idea and go private- poor cat's world would be turned upside down with all the changes they'd force us to do to the house and the clients who've been through the house so far all have pets and are fine with our current set up. The funniest change they were requesting was that I can't keep toothpaste in the bathroom- too dangerous :wacko:

Emma's having a bit of a grumpy day since all these strangers in the house has upset her usual routine. One more meeting today and then it's full-on cuddles for the rest of the afternoon (and some grocery shopping before we starve!). Poor hubby is in for a rough night with Emma while I'm out of the house for a first aid/CPR course!

Eala- have fun with Arcanegirl and Alex! :)

Bingers- Hope that all the viewings turn into a quick sale for you before you're juggling work too :flower:

Kte- the Mowgli walk sounds cute! :) Emma does that walk on grass, like she doesn't like to touch the grass with her knees.

Right, back to lunch and getting ready for the next round of interviews :wacko:
Afternoon all :flower:

Kaites: Hope Emma is feeling happier today after all the visits, i'm sure she will get used to it when you start taking clients and things become more routine :flower: Not allowed toothpaste?!! Thats just crazy! Sounds like you will be fine without the agency anyway! :hugs:

Eala: Hope you had a good time yesterday even if it was Costco :thumbup:
How are all the bumpkins today? Well, the lady who came round yesterday is dropping by the signed contract this afternoon and her deposit is already in my bank account :happydance: Emma loved her little boy, smiling and chatting him up the whole time they were over. Although Emma has been getting a bit clingy with lots of strangers in and out of the house, she always enjoys interacting with the other kids and I think once things settle down and it's the same kids all the time, she's really going to enjoy having little friends around. Luckily the start dates for the two families I have so far are staggered too so hopefully it'll make for a smoother transition too. I have a dad dropping round this aft too- all I really need is the equivalent of 2 full time spots filled and I'll be making pretty much what I am on mat leave and we've survived just fine on that (i've got 1.5 filled so far- getting close :thumbup:)- of course I'd prefer to be making more money, but hey, it's better than nothing :)

All this childcare stuff seems to be eating up the few weeks last of my mat leave but I guess it's worth it to be able to stay home. Anyway, not much else new around here. Emma said what sounded like "Hi Mummy" when I walked in the room the other day- it hasn't happened again so I'm not too sure if she really said it purposefully. Emma's also getting better at following directions- she actually "Put the bagel in Daddy's cooler" when I asked her too :thumbup:

Anyway, I better get going and start thinking about what we're going to eat for lunch... Hope we're all well!
Girls, I am sooo sorry for my silence of late. It's been a bit of a whirlwind here, with loads going on, almost all of it really good stuff :happydance: I have a backlog of pages and pages to read on here, so there's no way I'm going to catch up with it all. I'm also not going to have time right now to tell you all our various exploits over the past couple of weeks. I am unlikely to be online much at all now until the end of September. Sounds ridiculous I know, but got various visits (both to and from us) and holidays, and we're trying to get a shed load of admin and cleaning and financial stuff, etc. etc. done while we've got some time off. Basically, don't expect too much from me until end Sept, but then I should (touch wood!) be back in action and chatting for England again :-0 I do hope you lovely ladies and your babies are all well and happy, and I look forward to chilling out with you all again ASAP. xxx
Girls, I am sooo sorry for my silence of late. It's been a bit of a whirlwind here, with loads going on, almost all of it really good stuff :happydance: I have a backlog of pages and pages to read on here, so there's no way I'm going to catch up with it all. I'm also not going to have time right now to tell you all our various exploits over the past couple of weeks. I am unlikely to be online much at all now until the end of September. Sounds ridiculous I know, but got various visits (both to and from us) and holidays, and we're trying to get a shed load of admin and cleaning and financial stuff, etc. etc. done while we've got some time off. Basically, don't expect too much from me until end Sept, but then I should (touch wood!) be back in action and chatting for England again :-0 I do hope you lovely ladies and your babies are all well and happy, and I look forward to chilling out with you all again ASAP. xxx

oh, oh, just tell us how the sleep consultant went!!
What Chaos said!

Yesterday's visit to Costco was... just that :rofl: A visit to Costco. I bought Romilly a book, which has a sock puppet in the middle. Very cute.

My new carseat arrived yesterday as well, and I'm sooo happy with it :) Romilly seems much happier too, as she can sit more upright in it and higher up, so can see out of the window! It was a pain in the backside to fit, but having done it once, it shouldn't be too bad to do again.

Anyways, just a quick dash in from me as we're off on holiday tomorrow. Still got LOADS to do, typical last-minute stuff for us :rofl:

Have a good week ladies!
Colsy- I'm really interested to hear how the sleep consultation worked for you too. We're co-sleeping full time again- seems to be the best solution for us atm but I know it's not for everyone. Hope your holiday is a good one :)

Eala- Enjoy your holiday! That's great that the carseat arrived in time for your holiday too :thumbup:

Spent the rest of the afternoon meeting parents and decorating my livingroom (a.k.a. daycare). I'm having wayyyy too much fun with decorating the room- I guess I missed that kinda stuff when I left teaching. I have ABC, number, shape and colour posters on the walls, a big, themed bulletin board and am setting up centers for story time, role play/dress-up, music and toys. Kitchen/dining room will have an art corner/messy play area. Looks like I have 2 more part-time kiddies to look after starting the day that mat leave ends too :) Still need the contract to be signed but the dad left talking like it was a done deal :shrug: fx'd... :) Emma lit right up when her little friend from yesterday came back today- it was so cute :cloud9: When we put them both on the floor, she gave him a huge hug and just about toppled the poor boy over! She had a massive smile on her face the whole time he was over.

right, I better get back to making dinner :blush: Hope everyone has a good night :hugs:
Morning all

Eala: Have a good holiday :flower:

Kaites: Daycare sounds fab and glad Emma has a new friend! Sounds cute!

Colsy: Be good to hear about your many adventures when you are able to come back in Sept :hugs:

Not much else to report here :haha:
:hi: all. sorry I'má bit MIA atm... just stuffs n shites, lol.

Harry's doing ok, he's now 19lbs 3oz, so just a smidge below the 25th centile line & developing just fine for his age etc, so all good on that front. Have had my daddy here the last couple of days, so that's been nice & for my birthday (2 weeks away) he bought me a big mirror for the lounge, new bedding to match my red & cream themed bedroom, some cooking stuff (cupcake trays, piping bags, all that jazz coz I've suddenly gotten into baking) curtians for our spare room, some picture frames so he could help me put up my photos around the house, & then fixed the fence round our driveway which was kinda falling to pieces, lol. So a good visit. He'sgoing to try 7 sneak my nephew Josh round tomorrow before he goes home coz my sister's at a wedding & dad's babysitting & Josh asked if he could see us on the sly, lol. I can'[t wait to see him again! I miss hiom so much :(

I hope evertyone;s ok though. ???
Sounds like you are having a lovely visit with your dad Flora- I hope he is able to sneak Josh over for a visit :flower:

I promise to shut up about daycare updates and move on to other stuff but just had to share one final bit.... :happydance: I have filled all my spots!!! :happydance: I have 2 kids starting on the 20th, one on the 27th, another Nov 8th and the last one starts in January :) The first 3 are part-timers so things will be a bit tight financially at first but the last 2 are full time so I know it won't be for long :thumbup: And as promised, moving on to other stuff... :)

Anyone thought of Halloween costumes for their LOs yet? I'm thinking of making Emma a duck costume since that was her first word and she loves ducks. I figure if I start on it soon, I might have it finished for Halloween- I've got a stack of sewing projects on the go atm so I think I need to give myself lots of lead time!

Hope everyone has a good weekend :hugs: The family friend who sold us her caravan called to say they have moved all their stuff out and it's all ours now so I'm hoping to do a quick trip to the lake this weekend to see what stuff she left us since we are planning on staying there next weekend for the whole weekend. I would have liked to have stayed this weekend too but I think I have to drive my parents out to the airport at the crack of dawn on Sunday- they are off travelling again, this time to the west coast of Canada and on an Alaskan cruise. I'm envious- I miss travelling! Anyway, hope everyone is well- it's been quiet around here lately!
Hi. Hope everyone is ok? We are fine here and starting to get stuff sorted for our hols on Thursday! Can't beleive Phoebe is 11 months old on Tuesday and will be 1 next month. Well my sister has taken Phoebe out for a walk so I better get on with the cleaning etc as off to the gym when hubbie home from work later if I can be bothered!
Kaites, yep my dad managed to sneek Josh round for a couple of hours. He loved the new bed n stuff in the spare room upstairs when I was showing him all the new stuff & he got in the bed & said, 'We need to have a chat.... My mum says I'm not allowed to talk about you or see you again, but Grandad said I can. Why don't you like my mummy anymore Aunty?' It totally broke my heart.... I tried to explain the best I could & made a point of saying that no matter what happens in life, we will always love him... :cry: He then went on to tell me that my sister's just had 2 tattoos done (of the kid's names on her wrists)... nice that my benefit spending sister can afford to have tattoos done, but supposedly can't afford to buy him a new school jumper that my dad paid for instead, and this week's shopping which he paid for too... Ugh, makes me so angry! I sent Caleb's birthday present back with them & my dad said my sister didn't care, through them on the floor & said, 'there you go Caleb.' without saying who they were from or what they were, then opened the cards & threw them in the bin. If it wasn't official before, I'll make it official now- I HATE my sister & what she's become... :(

On lighter notes, I've gotten really into making cakes... Who needs to diet anyway, lol!

How was everyone;s weekend?
hmmm cake- Sounds like a yummy hobby :) Sorry to hear things haven't improved with your sister :hugs: I feel bad for the boys since they are probably too young to understand and they miss you too.

Bingers- happy 11 mths to Pheobe on Tuesday and enjoy your holiday! Doing anything special for it?

Ended up having a pretty boring weekend- didn't make it down to the lake since the weather was cold, grey and rainy. Just did a bit of shopping and hung out around the house. Definitely feels like fall is on the way.

Only one week of mat leave left now- where has the year gone??? I can't believe our kiddies are going to be one soon. I still have to decide what to get for Emma's birthday. I want it to be special, even though she's not going to remember the gift.

Hope everyone is well- definitely bedtime for me!
Morning girls :wave:

Flora - glad you managed to see Josh :hugs: That's so rotten that your sister is being so downright nasty and selfish.

Kaites - fab news that your slots are all filled! Your living room decoration sounds fab too - don't suppose you want to hop over the pond and do mine? :P I hope you get a chance to use your new caravan soon too :)

Well, we're currently in an absolutely GORGEOUS self-catering place in the new forest. It's one wing of a converted old barn, and it's just stunning. The only thing which could be considered anything close to a "problem" is no bathtub, but Romilly has been getting washed in the big kitchen sink instead :rofl: It's got a heated outdoor swimming pool, and the weather stayed nice enough yesterday for DH to suggest a swim. Well, Romilly was warm and cozy in her wetsuit, but Mummy and Daddy weren't up for staying in long once the wind started blowing :haha: :blush:

The drive down took about 8 hours (we stopped in Surrey with some friends for one night), and Romilly was as good as gold :cloud9: I think my new carseat really did help, as when she was awake, she was sat up and could see out of the window. We were then at a friend's wedding yesterday, which was lovely. Missed the ceremony as Romilly decided to pick that moment to have a screaming fit, but she was then perfectly behaved for the rest of the day, so I think we got off lightly!

Little Miss is down for a nap at the moment, but then we're going to head off down to Southampton for a nosy about. Fingers crossed the weather stays nice this week!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend :hugs:
Morning all,

Flora, keep it up with the cakes! A friend of mine started it last year and this year has started a sideline business, she has only just started but hopes to turn it full time eventually. Id love to be good at something like that! Sorry to hear about your Sis being like that with you, obv your nephew thinks otherwise which is a good thing, at least, kids can be pretty smart when it comes to things like this :hugs: Glad to hear you had a nice time with your dad.

Ugh, Im not well at the moment, although I said I may go back to work tomorrow but now I am regretting saying that. I can't really eat much at the moment for some reason and water and drinks are just hard to get down too. Doc isn't sure what it is but sent some samples off just in case. Was in sevear pain over the weekend was really wrried, my \mum came over to look after me and Chloe yesterday. Im doing it today, just slowly. \ah well.

Chloe is fine, just wants me which was hard a few days ago with my tummy being all swollen but she was fab yesterday with having her Nanna to fuss over her :D She is happy and good today as well. Been stand up un aided lots more. too.

Hope your all okay. Chloe is having a nap so I am too! take care all :flower:

PS KAties: Lovely signature pics of Emma :flower:

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