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...obviously I can't let him crawl on the muddy lanes around our house LOL

I do :blush::haha: Emma has been taking the occasional step for about 2 months now but no real walking (been cruising since around the same time as she started crawling). She's been able to get herself up to standing from sitting on the floor without using anything for help for a while now too so who knows when the "real" walking is going to start. All of her practising has been in the evening too, after the daycare kids have gone home so I think it's really a case of her just being focused on keeping up with the big kids and not having time for walking atm. RE: naps, Emma is down to one a day, right after doing the school run. She'll usually wake up about an hour into it too but I like the extra snuggles so I go in and BF her at that point but she often falls asleep again.

Epsom salts bath! 2 handfuls in a bath of water as hot as you can stand for 20 mins (Drink lots of water after as it will dehydrate you) will pull all that achiness right on out!

Sounds like a plan- finding the time is always the challenge though!

After letting her walk on the beach on Saturday that is it now, she wants to try everywhere which I am okay with, apart from when she was facinated by someones spat out chewing gum in Blackpool :dohh:

:sick: oh dear! I caught Emma sampling some of the grass and mud yesterday too :dohh: I was hoping that when she's walking all over and further from the ground maybe she won't be interested in that kind of gross stuff but that's probably just wishful thinking. Re: BFing, the best piece of advice I got was to read up as much as I could before baby arrived. Sounds obvious, but it helped me realize that stuff like cluster feeding is totally normal (the constant feeding was probably our biggest challenge at the start). Also if there are any prenatal BFing classing in her area, that might be a good intro for your sister too :flower:

Kaites, yeah harry's back down to 6 & has been sleeping through really well the last couple of weeks despite his funny tummy & runny nose & tooth, so it's kinda a happy medium. He still has no interest in dirnking cow's milk, however I am offering him 2oz everyday & about an ounce of it probably gets swallowed, so it's getting there, slowly.

Anyone gonna share some cute Halloween pics?

Emma's not really interested in cow's milk either- she likes having her bottle there at lunch time so that she's got the same as her little friend but she plays with it more than actually drinks any milk. Oh well, she's getting diary from other sources so I'm not too worried. I think my mum has the best halloween piccies of Emma so I'll post some when she finally gets the pics to me.
hi girls quicky question about cows milk, i tried sam on some last night cos stupid me didnt have a bottle ready for bed. he only had 4oz but all day today he's had really bad nappies and his all sore and red and screamed the house down when changing him. he's been on cow and gate comfort formula since about 8 weeks old and there is less lactose in it so im wondering if his digestive system doesnt like proper cows milk. he's ok with yoghurts and other dairy.... any input is appreciated x
hi girls quicky question about cows milk, i tried sam on some last night cos stupid me didnt have a bottle ready for bed. he only had 4oz but all day today he's had really bad nappies and his all sore and red and screamed the house down when changing him. he's been on cow and gate comfort formula since about 8 weeks old and there is less lactose in it so im wondering if his digestive system doesnt like proper cows milk. he's ok with yoghurts and other dairy.... any input is appreciated x

This is what happened to Autumn, we went thru 4 months of this before we figured out she's allergic to cows milk. She cannot have it in any way shape or form, including infant formula .. I have to label read and everything. She would pretty much pee out her butt yellow liquid and her bum would be red raw and bleed. One time we couldn't get a nappy on for 3 days.

She was also on a lactose free formula as bog standard formula would make her poop and fart so bad. She can't even have the lactose free one now tho, she has to have soy based formula.

She is now on a Soy formula so she gets the correct fats, she also gets rice milk for calcium. The ped said to me that a lot of babies have this because our systems are not designed to digest cows milk. She also said that some are fine with cheese and yoghurt but their systems just cannot tolerate the straight cows milk. (as it seems with you)

My advice to you is this:
Keep him on the formula .. if you compare it to a 'toddler 12 month +' formula it has exactly the same amount of fats and nutrition. (this is what our paediatrician told us to do as she can't drink cows milk)
I'd avoid yoghurt and cheese until his runny bum and rash have cleared up .. just to give his system a chance to recover you know? If not it can make the sensitivity worse. Thing is with milk nappy rash, it can turn in to a yeast rash. If its not cleared up in 2 days you need to take him to the Dr to get a medicated cream.

When you clean, do not use wipes as they will burn because of the cleansers in them, just warm water and cotton wool(we had to squirt with a bulb syringe as she'd not let us touch her!) Use a zinc based butt cream (sudo cream) .. before you put it on let his butt air dry till its bone dry for a good 5 minutes, or you'll trap moisture in and it will make it worse. NO TALC .. it will feed the yeast.
The ped told us that the best treatment for the rash is air, so at night we'd just fill her cot with towels and let the air get to it. Also a warm bath with a dash of epsom salts will promote healing.

Sorry you're going thru this .. it blows. It was horrid to have to pin missy down and have her scream bloody murder. I can tell when she's sneaked something that contains milk cause she gets a rash and a runny bum .. like now for example, we went to a Halloween party and I guess she got hold of something with milk cause we have been struggling for a few days with runny bum/rash/waking thru the night with belly ache.

Hope he feels better soon and if I think of anything else, I'll let you know.
Ah poor Autumn!! Luckily sam doesnt have it that bad. Even chloe told me last night to leave his nappy off, i cleaned him up and did let him dry off then put sudocrem on, i havent given him any cows milk since tuesday night and i dont intend to give him any more in the near future. He woke about 4 times tuesday night, not screaming or anything but he just seemed uncomfortable, i put it down to teething starting up again but i suppose now it was tummy ache. I never moved him onto follow on milk as they discontinued the comfort follow on over here so i'll just stick with his milk he's on now, if he's happy, im happy!

I was under the impression lactose intolerence ran in families but we have nothing like that in either mine or OH :shrug:

Im moving onto digestive system next on my biology course so maybe i'll learn more about it :)

thanks very much Chaos for the info x
Jo: For some reason, even though I said I wouldn't, I ended up putting Chloe onto the 6+ month formula which is apparently more like cows milk. Chloe is now fully on cows milk (from 2nd Nov) and I think the formula has actually helped the transition as it was like slowly introducing her onto it rather than a straight swapp. It may be a complete fluke however but might be worth considering when you decide to try again. How is the course going? :flower:

Flora / Kaites: Thanks for the BF tips / advice for my sis :flower: :thumbup:

Chaos: Aw hope Autumns sneeky Halloween item doesn't give her too much trouble. It must be so hard to deal with keeping check on it :hugs: :flower:

Good idea Flora You may have seen this on FB but this was Chloe on Halloween at Pontins in Southport, we actually got trick or treaters there too!

Kte at the moment he has c&g comfort cos the normal formula was giving him a bad tummy when he was tiny. its got half the lactose than normal formula, they used to do a follow on of the formula he's on now but its been discontinued.
Kte, cute piccie :-)

Shite weather here again. God, it's as bad as when we were snowed in for four weeks last winter. At least that felt exciting for a bit ... now it's just bloody miserable, raining and grey, yuk yuk yuk! And on that note, take a read of my post here and give me some ideas: https://www.babyandbump.com/toddler...ery-active-baby-weather-crap.html#post7595572

I read a poll on the Toddlers thread asking people how much TV their babies watch. I was quite shocked at some of the answers. So what do all yours watch?

Have any of you BFers stopped BF yet? I was just wondering about how you transitioned from BF to non-BF, whether you did it in one go or gradually, whether you moved to a bottle or a cup, etc. I might have a look in the BF section and see what's going on there. Also on the subject of BF, have any of you who are now on just one or two feeds a day missed out a feed and given a cup/bottle instead, and then gone back to normal again the next day? I was wondering what would happen if occasionally Monty has a cup of milk from somebody else at bedtime - whether he'd take it happily or whether it would cause pre-bed arguments.

Anybody heard from Aimee-Lou in a while? I know she started her new job, but it's ages since she posted on here I reckon.

Chaos, nice to see you popping in more often again. Hope you're starting to feel a little better.

Right, I'm off to order some photos to make Monty's thankyou cards. And then, horror of horrors, it's the Nasty Needle Nurse at 4.30pm. Actually, she's lovely and isn't nasty at all. It's just what OH calls her (not to her face!). This is Monty's 13-month boosters. Then we have the MMR in a month's time. Has anybody else done the 13-month ones yet? How did baby get through? My friend's son was fine with all his jabs, but his 13-months ones led her to have the worst night she's ever had with a child ... and she has two children! I am not looking forward to tonight.

OK, off I go. Bye bye xx
I read a poll on the Toddlers thread asking people how much TV their babies watch. I was quite shocked at some of the answers. So what do all yours watch?

TV wise Chloe will watch it at the weekends, usually in the mornings. I say watch, it's more just background / secondary entertainment whilst she plays and I clean! I usually swap between music and TV but they play a lot of tunes at nursery and they don't have a TV so I don't mind the lenght / level of exposure she gets on a weekend. It's usually up until lunch time when Nij gets home and then we may have 'normal' tv time after then if we are not out and about. I like it becasue I pop Nick Juniour on and they have a few dancy / singing programmes so I get to dance and play and be silly with her too, its not just a case of sticking her infront of the box and leaving her to it.

Right, I'm off to order some photos to make Monty's thankyou cards. And then, horror of horrors, it's the Nasty Needle Nurse at 4.30pm. Actually, she's lovely and isn't nasty at all. It's just what OH calls her (not to her face!). This is Monty's 13-month boosters. Then we have the MMR in a month's time. Has anybody else done the 13-month ones yet? How did baby get through? My friend's son was fine with all his jabs, but his 13-months ones led her to have the worst night she's ever had with a child ... and she has two children! I am not looking forward to tonight.

Chloe had her booster the other day (Tuesday) and I was worried but she seemed fine, her usual self. The HV after (we went to baby clinic too) said it's the MMR that is the next 'biggie' (which will also be in a months time for Chloe) so I suspect there will be more problems then :( Hope Monty is not too fazed with his jabs today :flower: :hugs:
Totally random, but I'm going through all my photos, trying to sort them out, and I just found some pix from March ... with Monty wearing one of the cardigans he still wears now. That's seven months! Good value! Plus I bought it second hand off eBay!
Hiya girls,

Ethan had a fab 1st birthday yesterday,can't really believe he's 1!!! Oh and WE GOT A TOOTH THROUGH!!! :happydance: ABOUT BLOODY TIME!!!!!:haha:
And he seems to enjoying showing off to us by taking 3 or 4 steps all by himself bless him:cloud9:

Colsy- I'm still BFing, was aiming for a year then stop but to be honest,I'm not in a rush to stop?! He only has 2 feeds...1st thing in morning and last thing before bed and he really loves it.

Well, heres a few pics from yesterday...


  • Birthday boy and big brother Ellis x.jpg
    Birthday boy and big brother Ellis x.jpg
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  • Ethans 1st birthday party.jpg
    Ethans 1st birthday party.jpg
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  • Ethans 1st birthday cake (resized).jpg
    Ethans 1st birthday cake (resized).jpg
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  • ethans mickey cupcakes.jpg
    ethans mickey cupcakes.jpg
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Aw, Helz, cute pic. Ethan looks gorgeous :-)

Well, we had the jab. Monty had tears, real tears, which is unusual for him :-( He has his first ever plaster on the injection site. OH can pull that off ... god I HATE removing plasters from me, let alone my own baby. The good news is he's eaten all his tea and now seems fine, so fingers crossed he stays that way. Got to go to check pudding in the oven now.
Thanks Colsy!
Awwww poor Monty :(...Ethan has his jab next week...so not looking forward to that.
Hi everyone -

Colsy :wave: I'm still here! Life is very very hectic at the moment (just taking 5 to have a quick read before bed). We are up at 5, out of the house by 6, at work for 8.30, work until 5, home by 7.30, put Earl to bed, have a quick supper, sort out the next days clothes and food, and then bed! Phew no wonder I'm shattered! lol

On a lighter note - the car passed it's MOT!! :happydance: We had a tax rebate amounting to the exact amount that the nursery fees for the month will be! Earl is settling in great at nursery(Had his first full day today) and he's just fabbo! We still don't know about the house (I'm bracing myself for the bad news that we haven't passed the referencing :cry:) but we want it so bad!! We are planning on moving on the 18th (6 weeks and counting!!!!! :thumbup:) and we can't wait!

Sounds like everyone is ok. Jo - sorry to hear about sam's allergies! It must be really hard - I think I'm lucky to have Earl, although he's got a slight allergy to soap we've found. Only the baby soaps don't bring him out in really bd dry skin, and then you can only use a miniscule amount.

Right, I'm off to bed. Early start tomorrow and we're off out for Dinner on the way home....so excited. Payday and everything! lol

Speak later ladies....hugs to everyone xx :kiss:
Helz: Aww a belated . . . .

:juggle: :happydance: :cake: :football:

Lovely pics and great cake! Ethan looks like he was enjoying himself :flower:
Morning all,

How are you all? :flower:

Well we had a mini firework/halloween hybrid type party yesterday (watching fireworks in halloween costumes :haha:). Chloe thought they were fantastic, she wasn't bothered by them at all and couldn't wait for the next ones to be on. I had her ear defenders out but the fireworks weren't that loud and she wasn't distressed by them anyway and she slept through some last night too so I guess tonight / the weekend she will be okay so its just the cats I have to worry about!

Anyone else doing anything for bonfire night?
Morning ladies!

Hope everyone is well :) I think I've got a little snot monster (she's still in bed but was breathing like a telephone stalker). Her little friend was sick this week too so I guess I shouldn't be surprised- argh- this is one aspect of daycare that really blows! Two of the kids were sick so I guess I should just count us lucky that Emma caught the stuffy nose and not the other big kid's flu this time.

Jo- hope Sam's allergy doesn't cause him too much grief, poor little guy :hugs:

Kte- cute piccie of Chloe in her Halloween costume!

Colsy- we're still going strong with the BFing too. I think being able to swap to a cup before bedtime would depend on the child really :shrug: I'm pretty sure Emma would protest- it's so entrenched as part of our nighttime routine that she'd probably just carry on playing/wanting to play but maybe Monty would be more open to it since it sounds like his bath is now the last "stop" before bed in his routine :flower: Re 13 month jabs, is it the MMR that they do in the UK at 13 months? Here it's done "anytime after 12 months" (so usually between 12-13 months). Emma had hers a bit after her birthday and it was fine. The only thing that happened was that she caught the flu a week later and I kinda think that since hubby and I didn't catch it, her immune system was probably already busy fighting off and building up immunity to the MMR nasties (it is an attenuated live vaccine afterall) and she wasn't able to fight off the flu as effectively as she would have ordinarily done (and none of the daycare kids caught it either which is a little strange to me also). I hope the next jabs go okay for Monty :hugs: Oh and TV wise, Emma's usually "exposed" to it for a bit between 5:30-bedtime. She doesn't really watch it, it's more on in the background for the news as I'm preparing dinner (turned off at dinner though). She does love the remote though- the buttons light up and the whole cause-and-effect thing with the TV changing channels does seem fun to her but there isn't really any interest in particular shows. I have a zero TV policy for the daycare too. I had intended on zero TV before the age of 2 but honestly, I like a bit of TV and I like having snuggles in the evening so we try to find a happy medium. Geesh, this turned into a long reply! :haha: You always ask good questions/have interesting comments though :thumbup:

Aimee- good luck on the house front and the move :flower:

helz- happy belated birthday Ethan!! Looks like he had a fun day- he's a gorgeous little guy!

Any plans for the weekend ladies? I'm disinfecting toys- fun times :haha: Nothing special planned here. I think I need to take a little lookie and see if there are any hotel vouchers that I can trade my air miles for- I feel the need for a little (cheap!) getaway in the near future.
Evenin' :hugs:

Kaites: Hope Emma is feeling better :flower:

Not many plans here, we were considering going to a bonfire but its Nij's first day back at work today so tired is an understatement. I'm not fussed we aren;t going as we had the mini celebration on Thursday. Poss going swimming tomorrow now since our town has a new swimming pool, hope the baby / kiddy area is warm enough as the holiday pool was more a pre-teen / kiddy fun area and Chloe started to shiver quite quickly after we had been in the pool.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend :hugs:
Hope everyone is having a good weekend! Emma has progressed to a green snotty nose :sick: :wacko: and to top it off, I seem to have caught it too (more of a throat infection for me though). Me thinks the day shall be spent sanitizing toys and sipping a hot beverage... blah- what a way to spend the weekend! I was hoping to hit up this massive toy sale at one of the local conference centres (xmas gifts for Emma and maybe some pressies from Santa to the daycare) but when I heard the lines at the checkout were 1.5hrs long on friday morning, I decided against it- I can just imagine how horrendous they'd be on a weekend!

Kte- Did you manage to get swimming? I hope it was warm enough for Chloe! I should really look into more swimming lessons for Emma (we're within walking distance of the pool and last time I checked, they did weekend lessons- might be a good activity for the winter)

Hope everyone is well :hugs:
1.5hrs long! :shock: Don't blame you for wanting to miss that!! Hope you and Emma feel better soon :flower:

We didn't get to go in the end :( Inlaws wanted a visit, I should of known, they can't go two weeks without seeing Chloe and since we were away last week I got 'the phone call'. TBH Nij was still tired from work, after a week off it takes him another week to get back into the night shifts so we have booked swimming in the diary for next Sat now :D Gives me chance to find out times and prices etc as there is nothing on the net about it which is a tad frustrating! Hope you find some lessons for your pool :thumbup:

Chloe has grown a good inch these last few days, I was comparing a picture from Friday to how tall she was today when she was stood next to a certain cabinet. Are they due another growth spurt around now? She has been sleeping a lot and has become super clumsy when totting about, which also made me suspect something!

Time to get ready for tomorrow, bags packed etc. Back to the world of busses tomorrow, eek!
:hi: all,

Harry has a snotty nose too at the moment & it's gone a bit onto his chest so he sounds all heavy & croaky & has a little cough too :( But he is still all chirpy & happy, so it doesn't appear to actually be bothering him. At least his funny tummy has stopped now though, so I'm guessing that must've been tooth related. :shrug:

Colsy, I quite often have the TV on during the day when we're home, usually around lunch time, and it's on again in the evenings coz me & OH like to watch it. That being said, Harry doesn't pay any attention to it in the slightest. I have tried a couple of the kiddy TVchannels with him in the mornings like Cbeebies, and he watched for the length of the theme tune of Waybuloo, and did a few glances at Get Squiggling, and that's it- he seems to not have interest in it & would rather play with his toys or babble to me. Not that I';m complaining. In the evenings, he like the theme tune to the Simpsons... and he sometimes likes to turn the TV on & off again coz the button clows green or red which he finds amusing, but other than that, it's like a background thing for him.

And re: BFing; I plan to let Harry self wean, so I figure it'll be a slow process? I know when my sister stopped feeding her 1st born at 13 months 3 weeks old, she started slowly switching to bottles until it was just his night feed left, which was part of his nightimte routine & after a few more weeks, he was fully on beakers during the day & a bottle at night & it was pretty easy? Ask in the Bfing section, if you haven't already?

Jo & Chaos, that sounds awful about the allergies :hugs: Poor little things. x

Kte- great pic of Chloe :)

Well, Harry has started taking the odd unaided step here & there over the last 2 days. Still nothing that I would call walking, but certainly heading in the right direction!

How's everyone else doing?

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