hi girls quicky question about cows milk, i tried sam on some last night cos stupid me didnt have a bottle ready for bed. he only had 4oz but all day today he's had really bad nappies and his all sore and red and screamed the house down when changing him. he's been on cow and gate comfort formula since about 8 weeks old and there is less lactose in it so im wondering if his digestive system doesnt like proper cows milk. he's ok with yoghurts and other dairy.... any input is appreciated x
This is what happened to Autumn, we went thru 4 months of this before we figured out she's allergic to cows milk. She cannot have it in any way shape or form, including infant formula .. I have to label read and everything. She would pretty much pee out her butt yellow liquid and her bum would be red raw and bleed. One time we couldn't get a nappy on for 3 days.
She was also on a lactose free formula as bog standard formula would make her poop and fart so bad. She can't even have the lactose free one now tho, she has to have soy based formula.
She is now on a Soy formula so she gets the correct fats, she also gets rice milk for calcium. The ped said to me that a lot of babies have this because our systems are not designed to digest cows milk. She also said that some are fine with cheese and yoghurt but their systems just cannot tolerate the straight cows milk. (as it seems with you)
My advice to you is this:
Keep him on the formula .. if you compare it to a 'toddler 12 month +' formula it has exactly the same amount of fats and nutrition. (this is what our paediatrician told us to do as she can't drink cows milk)
I'd avoid yoghurt and cheese until his runny bum and rash have cleared up .. just to give his system a chance to recover you know? If not it can make the sensitivity worse. Thing is with milk nappy rash, it can turn in to a yeast rash. If its not cleared up in 2 days you need to take him to the Dr to get a medicated cream.
When you clean, do not use wipes as they will burn because of the cleansers in them, just warm water and cotton wool(we had to squirt with a bulb syringe as she'd not let us touch her!) Use a zinc based butt cream (sudo cream) .. before you put it on let his butt air dry till its bone dry for a good 5 minutes, or you'll trap moisture in and it will make it worse. NO TALC .. it will feed the yeast.
The ped told us that the best treatment for the rash is air, so at night we'd just fill her cot with towels and let the air get to it. Also a warm bath with a dash of epsom salts will promote healing.
Sorry you're going thru this .. it blows. It was horrid to have to pin missy down and have her scream bloody murder. I can tell when she's sneaked something that contains milk cause she gets a rash and a runny bum .. like now for example, we went to a Halloween party and I guess she got hold of something with milk cause we have been struggling for a few days with runny bum/rash/waking thru the night with belly ache.
Hope he feels better soon and if I think of anything else, I'll let you know.