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Ive been off a week, Mon we went to Lincolnshire to visit Nij's friend, Tue - Fri we went to Middlesbrough to see my Sis and Fri - Mon we are in Southport. Back on Mon then last day of hol Chloe gets some booster jabs :dohh: So far Chloe has a new tooth come through, Wed night was a toughie but since then I think the worst has been over. Today was her first ever walk outside and it was a the beach, another 1st! She did really well, tasted a little sand but then wasn't impressed and didn't bother sampling any more :haha: Another first for her was we went swimming! She loved it but got cold quite quickly sadly but she got so excited so hopefully more trips to the new pool back home to be had.

Nij is currently putting together her trike, her main birthday present. Two things spring to mind - how on earth are we getting it back home now its out of the box and where will it live when we get home?!!

We won a halloween quiz today, not bad for mostly guesses!

Kaites: Stand your ground, I felt that way towards my CM, if I gave in for one little thing that would be it for everything. Hope it gets sorted soon. Hope you get lots of good things for dino week :thumbup:
with the time zone difference, it's now the 31st on the other side of the pond, so....


Hope you have an awesome day!!

Can you believe it's snowing out here?!?!
Evening all,

Its been a busy birthday day for Chloe / us so I will fill you in soon and get a few pics on. Chloe didn't get to bed until 10.15 and as much as I would love a lie in we have to check out at 10am tomorrow and still have some bits to pack :dohh:

Hope your all okay :flower: :hugs:

Kaites: Snow already? When does it normally start for you?
Off to Waitrose then swimming, but first need to post this v quickly. Thanks for any comments: https://www.babyandbump.com/toddler...other-early-afternoon-things.html#post7542374

Back later. Love y'all xx
Good morning!

Kte- Glad to hear Chloe had a good birthday! Hope the rest of your holiday goes well :flower: We usually get one token snow fall before Halloween but usually it's just a few flurries that melt right away. This year it's been cold enough over the past week that the snow actually stayed on the ground (still traces of it today!) which is a bit unusual. It's got me feeling all Christmasy and I did more Christmas shopping yesterday :blush:

Colsy- I hope you are able to find a nap solution :flower: I'm in the situation where the babies have to nap from 1:10-3pm or else they don't get an afternoon nap (naps sandwiched by school runs) so I often have a grumpy baby on my hands!

talk more later- kids are knocking on my door....
Harry has only had one nap a day now for a few naps- he usually has a 2 hr nap which starts about 1:30pm. It's ok when we're home- I get the housework done & stuff like that while he's asleep, but when we're out n about, he gets grumpy & refuses to sleep, then crashes... Sometimes he goes down earlier, like noon, and there have been occasions where he didn't go down till gone 3pm, which totally messed up bedtime as he was wide awake still at gone 9pm! :dohh: Hope you find a solution.

Did Chloe have a good birthday? Happy belated b'day to anyone I missed & happy slightly early birthday to Helz81's Ethan. :) :cake:
She had a fab but long day. We ended up taking her to see the Blackpool lights in the evening hence the late night. She was up at 7 this morning too. She is still walking around playing now but nij and I are absolutely shattered aswe just got to sorting adn cleaning once we got home today. She has her imms tomorrow morning :cry: so a relax day to be had whilst her body deals with them.

She won herself some toys today! After we checked out we decided to use left over change in the arcade machienes. They are kiddy orientated ones where you win tickets and swap them for prizes, we let her play on a bandit and she won the jackpot! Ended up with over 700 tickets which got her a musical chicken and a musical elephant that walks.

Aw, must look nice though Kaites.

Best go, I have loads to write and must do a proper post but cheeky chops is serioulsy demanding Mummy's attention, she is getting up to some real mischief and throwing paddies! Eeek!

:hugs: all
Aww glad Chloe had a good day :)

So it finally happened .. My kid ate her own poo!!!!!

She walked past me and her nappy was hanging around 1 leg .. I look closer, its full of poop .. then I see it ... a hand .. full of poop heading towards her mouth .. I managed to shout NOOOOOO before I full on heaved. Hubby leaped off the sofa going "WHAT?? WHAT??" all I could do was point lol, it was all over her mouth!! He took her right up and bathed her.

Oh dear GOD. Ick. On the plus side I found two molars came thru either side at the top while scrubbing her mouth with in an inch of its life!!
:haha: :sick:

I know I shouldn't laugh (mostly because it's just a matter of time til either my own kid or one of the ones I care for does the same, lol) but that's too funny! I did have a flying poop incident last week, but somehow it just doesn't compare to your story... :)

just a quickie from me since I have a new kid joining the mix for the morning- better go get out of my PJs before they arrive. Hope everyone is having a good day! :hugs:
Happy belated birthday Chloe and anyone else I've missed. Haven't been online for a while as I've been far away visiting relatives.

Chaos- Ewww! lol! I'm glad Ike hasn't tasted his own poo yet!

Kaites- Wow! Snow! I want snow... it'd be so much better than this awful rain. I was hoping for a nice day today so I could finally take Isaac out on his smart trike. =[
The snow finally melted and revealed all the leaves that I still need to rake :dohh: We've had a pretty rainy autumn so far too. At least with snow, you can still play outside without getting totally soaked through.

Spent the morning with a new kid in the daycare- I think he'll keep Emma in line, lol :) The other little friend lets Emma grab toys off him but not this kid- he stood his ground and grabbed the toys back. Emma looked a little confused and then went off to play with the five year old, like she'd had enough of playing with the other baby. I've noticed that Emma wants to play with the bigger kids more now rather than the kids her own age- she'll be learning all kinds of tricks from them (not too sure how I feel about that...).

We were trying to teach Emma where her nose, mouth, eyes,etc were last night and she rammed her finger up my nose when I said "where's the nose?" and gave me a nose bleed :dohh:

I should probably get off the computer since I've probably eaten about a dozen mini Halloween chocolate bars while sitting here :blush: Hope everyone is having a good day!
Chaos: Oooooops :sick: Not good!

Kaites: Glad the new client was a success :flower: Chloe seems to like to watch / play with older kids too, she loved playing with her cousins (8 & 12) Although she has her friends in nursery the same age, she isn't bothered with younger babies, same age or older will do. I love the autumn leaves but I'm lucky I have none in my garden so no extra work for me! We have lots of goodies left over too, yum yum!

Neferet: Hope it was a good visit seeing your relatives :flower:

Chloe had her jabs today, well a booster. She cried a tiny bit but then cheered up, it was then a task to get the little panda figures off her that had been used for a distraction. Thankfully we had taken a teddy for her so we managed to swap it for them! We also took her to get weighed afterwards in the baby clinic which she seemed to enjoy, she normally cries but was quite happy chatting away bless!

Work tomorrow, Noooooo! With the added bonus of being ill. I have a 'lovely' cold, joy! I don't want this holiday to end!
kte: hope the cold disappears soon. :hugs: Glad Chloe was ok with her jabs. It wasa quite nice seeing them. Especially my great-grandmother.

Kaites: can I have some mini halloween chocolates? pretty pleaaassseee! XD
Chaos: :sick:

Kaites, Harry can point to his head, ears, nose, mouth, knees, toes & belly. When I say 'where's you eyes?' he always pokes his ear, lol.

Glad people had good little birthdays with their LOs.

Did anyone else watch 'Honey, I suckle the kids' on Living TV lastnight???? WTG with showing AP & extended BFing in a bad light, yet again :( Why do they always show hippies & extremists in programs like this? Why not normal mum's making everyday choices 7 doing the best they can, regardless of their parenting methods? (rant over, lol)

Harry's still got a cold & just cut his 6th tooth. Cue grizzly baby alert! Still, in the last 2 weeks, he's only had 2 nights where he hasn't STTN, so i guess I cant complain :thumbup:

How's everyone else doing? i've got a day of housework ahead!
Good morning!

I've got a sore back this morning- raked the entire back garden yesterday afternoon. I think Emma has decided that it's time to start walking and is just gathering the courage/practising all the other little skills that go along with it (it's about time!!). She spent the evening doing squats, picking up her baby and putting her back on the floor, like she's working on balance. She's been doing it for a while now but last night she looked like she was on a mission- maybe it was all the time at the park in the afternoon and in the back garden, crawling in the sand and then grassy and dirt that made her decide to ramp up her walking efforts :shrug: I've always dreaded her walking until I saw the state of her pram suit and mittens yesterday after all the playing outside- what a muddy mess!! :dohh: Definitely can't say she hasn't had ample opportunity for messy play :haha:

Kte- I hope you are feeling better soon :hugs: glad to hear Chloe's jabs went okay :flower: I don't know about you, but I felt worse about this round of jabs since Emma's so much more aware of stuff now than when she had her last set (6 months). I remember my mum telling me about how the nurse had to chase me around the exam room once when I was little, but hopefully Emma won't pull any tricks like that when she's a few years older :haha:

Neferet- I'd share the chocolate, but I fear that by the time you get here, they'll be all gone :rofl: That's awesome that your great-grandmother is still around and Isaac is able to meet her :flower:

Flora- I hope Harry's tooth cuts soon and doesn't give him too much grief :hugs: Sounds like that TV show was terrible at perpetuating all the stereotypes :dohh: I think I take it for granted that I live in a very BF/AP-friendly city and extended BFing isn't really seen as too "out there". The only thing that raised my eyebrows so far was a mum at our AP group who said that her 4 year old still wants boob when he gets hurt- for me, that's a bit too old for BFing, lol :) How's the dropping feeds going? Emma has been going from 7:30am-2:30pm pretty consistently lately (thank goodness- I think I accidentally flashed boob to the 5 year old when Emma was teething last week and clawing me for a comfort feed :dohh: At least the older kids are out of the house at 2:30- I don't really want to have to get into a convo about BFing with a 5 yr old). Hubby made the comment "does this mean I'll get your boobs back soon?" last night which cracked me up- poor guy has been so patient/supportive of us BFing this past year.

Right, I better go get Emma out of bed. Hope everyone is having a good day! :hugs:
Hi girls, I came on for a quick chat and can't think of too much to write. (Not like me at all - I usually blather on for ages!) So, where are we? Um, Monty is still doing super-high-speed crawling and almost running up the stairs, but still no real walking. He can cruise the furniture and even the walls now, and he can walk if you take both his hands and walk behind him. He has stood still without holding on to anything for about 15 seconds. Mummies of walkers - do they usually learn to stand for ages before they start to walk?

I am kind of hoping he'll start walking soon, because he is soooo active and wants to be doing stuff all the time - but obviously I can't let him crawl on the muddy lanes around our house LOL and when we go to cafes etc he soooo doesn't want to be sitting in his pram or a highchair any more.

OTOH I don't want to push him too far too soon, so I am just letting him take it in his own way.

Just got an utterly crap letter from the DWP telling me they owe me some mat benefit, but that I also owe them some overpaid money. But they don't tell me who owes who how much - so I'm absolutely no clearer than I was before I received the letter (which I didn't ask for in the first place anyway!).

We're still sticking with the one-nap-a-day schedule. It's quite tough, but everything I've read about it suggests that the first couple of weeks of going to just a single nap can be hard work. Yesterday he slept an hour and then woke up really grumpy. I left him while I finished a sudoko puzzle (about the first time I've sat down during the day for months!), and by the time I'd finished it he'd gone back to sleep ... and then he slept another hour. So this proves to me that he CAN go back to sleep unaided, and that he DOES need more than one hour of nap. So all we need to do now is somehow encourage him to do this, minus the waking up bit, every day.

Right, I have a heap of boring paperwork on my desk to clear. It's my work time, but I don't have any work to do so I am on admin duties. Then if there's any spare time, and Monty hasn't woken up, I shall start work on the Christmas photo books we're making for grandparents and great-grandparents.

Toodlepip xx
Good morning!

I've got a sore back this morning
Epsom salts bath! 2 handfuls in a bath of water as hot as you can stand for 20 mins (Drink lots of water after as it will dehydrate you) will pull all that achiness right on out!

Hi girls, I came on for a quick chat and can't think of too much to write. (Not like me at all - I usually blather on for ages!) So, where are we? Um, Monty is still doing super-high-speed crawling and almost running up the stairs, but still no real walking. He can cruise the furniture and even the walls now, and he can walk if you take both his hands and walk behind him. He has stood still without holding on to anything for about 15 seconds. Mummies of walkers - do they usually learn to stand for ages before they start to walk?

We're still sticking with the one-nap-a-day schedule. It's quite tough, but everything I've read about it suggests that the first couple of weeks of going to just a single nap can be hard work. Yesterday he slept an hour and then woke up really grumpy. I left him while I finished a sudoko puzzle (about the first time I've sat down during the day for months!), and by the time I'd finished it he'd gone back to sleep ... and then he slept another hour. So this proves to me that he CAN go back to sleep unaided, and that he DOES need more than one hour of nap. So all we need to do now is somehow encourage him to do this, minus the waking up bit, every day.

Toodlepip xx

Re standing ~ Yea Missy stood by her self before she walked. She started by pulling up, then cruising, then she started just standing by her self (that lasted about a month) then she started taking 1 or 2 steps here and then ... life has NEVER been the same. Sometimes I wish she'd just SIT DOWN!!! lol She don't stop all day!

We're doing 1 nap a day too for the last week. She used to nap about 10 for an hour then at about 2 for a couple hours. Now we're working on 1 nap after lunch. A couple times she's fallen asleep during eating lol. But she's getting better and less grumpy now!

Good luck!
Afternoon all,

Kaites: Hope the back eases soon :flower: Your brave letting Emma out crawling, I daren't of done that with Chloe but then we have a tiny stonbe/brick garden I wasn't keen on letting her crawl on, if it was grass then that would of been a different story. After letting her walk on the beach on Saturday that is it now, she wants to try everywhere which I am okay with, apart from when she was facinated by someones spat out chewing gum in Blackpool :dohh:

Flora: Shame about the programme, there should be more programmes about BF but more upbeat yet educational kind of programmes, not programmes about the odd few 'odd' people BF just for the shock factor. My Sis was wanting to BF, maybe still is, but I wanted to pre-warn her it isn't easy. Not that I know all the inns and outs but from reading and hearing what the BF bumpkins go through I just wanted her to be educated so she can kind of 'brace' herself so she is more likely to succeed in it. She has had such a difficult preganacy I didn't want BF to become negative too for her. Hmm, think I went off on a tangent. Think I am trying to say, there isn't enough of normal ppl BF out there on TV or anything to help.

Hope Harry's toothies cut through enough so he isn't being all grizzily anymore :hugs:

Colsy: Chloe did standing up for about 10 seconds solo on 28th August but her actual first solo steps were on 14th October (thank goodness for writing in my journal :haha:) She used an upright walker toy (one in my avatar) to help her in between talking the solo plunge. TBH I really didn't have her down as walking before one as she just didn't seem interested, she didn't cruise furniture and crawling was just much quicker! Then she obv. just decided she wanted to give it a go all of a sudden, so it was hard to see a pattern developing in between iykwim.

I hope they owe you more than you owe them so it works out nice!
Colsy, harry's been cruising for ages now (like 3-4 months) & still snt walking unaided- I honestly think it's more of an issue of courage with him rather the inability to do it as such. He will walk (and wants to walk everywhere) holding onto one of our fingers, but just stands there for a few seconds & sits down if we let go & looks a bit paniced by it all! I figure he'll do it when he's ready to, so I think it's probably the same as Monty.

Kte- the 3 things i found hardest with BFing was sore nipples, tiredness & worrying about Harry's weight gain in the earlier days. After the first few weeks & lots of perseverence & lansinoh cream, it really was fine & 2nd nature. Now all I worry about is him wanting 'bubba' all the darn time! :dohh:

Kaites, yeah harry's back down to 6 & has been sleeping through really well the last couple of weeks despite his funny tummy & runny nose & tooth, so it's kinda a happy medium. He still has no interest in dirnking cow's milk, however I am offering him 2oz everyday & about an ounce of it probably gets swallowed, so it's getting there, slowly.

Anyone gonna share some cute Halloween pics?

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