everyone, how the heck are you all? It feels like forever since I checked in here, lol. Sorry for being 'MIA' recently; I was a bit poorly with a stinking cold, then we went away for hubby's birthday last weekend for 4 days to Dawlish in Devon (beautiful) & stayed in a static caravan, which Harry thought was the best thing ever! We did the usual type things, but by far the best was going to paignton zoo for the day- if any of you are ever down that way (near Exeter) I would defo recommend going there for the day- it was brilliant for all ages
Since then, Harry's had a squidgy tummy

I'm really hoping it's not related to the fact I've been giving him 1-2oz of cow's milk as a drink each day for the last week? I honestly can't think what else would be doing it since none of us have eaten anything unusual or anything we haven't had a gazillion times before?

He's leaked pooey nappies 5 times in the last 2 days which is just gross & I've got old mixing bowls full of dirty clothing soaking in napisan on my kitchen worktops now in hope his clothes arent wrecked!!!
I breifly skim-read through the other posts...
Happy Belated birthdays to everyone, and happy birthday to those of you celebrating over the next couple of days.
Colsy- Harry has started criying everytime I put him to bed; heartbreaking, but he usually stops after a couple of minutes, lays down & goes to sleep, so I figure he's learning.... He's finally sleeping 10-12hrs straight through now, so that's great too. And with regards to eating crayons- Harry still puts blimming EVERYTHING in his mouth; I've given up trying to stop him; if it's gross he spits it out, if not, he munches away on it like it;s the crummiest thing in the world... silly boy. I turned my back for like 5 secs at baby group 2 weeks ago to get a paper towel & when I turned back, Harry eating the paint covered paint brush with one hand, while holding the glue stick in his other hand

And he was covered in nice pale blue paint with a big smile on his face... I was like WTF? How can you be so quick???!!!! i guess what doesn't kill them only makes them stronger!
Hope those wo've been ill feel better soon

I only got Harry an orange sleepsuit with 'mummys little pumpkin' on the front this year since OH is away working, so it's just me & harrybo & I didn;t feel like going out anywhere.
anyways, better go to bed soon. Long day of boring housework tomorrow. Oh joy!