Hi girls, hope you all had fab weekends. So grateful for the lovely weather at the weekend, but my god it's absolutely minging now. I'm working, and OH has taken Monty off to Meadow Hall for the morning cos he couldn't think of anything else to do in this weather. We met up with our NCT group yesterday for a walk and lunch, and then in the evening we headed down to the village bonfire and fireworks. It didn't start til after 7pm, so wasn't really sure how Monty would react. Anyway, we did his bath and got him in his babygrow before we went out. Then he got all snuggled in his new snowsuit (bargain off eBay) and OH carried him in the baby backpack. He was quite happy up there, so much so that he fell asleep and only saw the fireworks through some very drowsy eyes. He wasn't at all bothered by the noise, but then again he also wasn't particularly excited by any of it. Still, it was a nice little outing.
Thursday's jabs were fine and had no effects over the weekend, so that was good. Just got the MMR in another month, and then that's it for a few years.
TV ... well, Monty has probably seen about six hours of telly in his entire life. When he was very young, way before the days when he had a bedtime, he would lie on my lap while we watched Casualty on a Saturday night. He also 'watched' one of the England games during the World Cup. Apart from that, zilch. We don't have a telly in the kitchen, and that's where we spend most of our family time, so he doesn't see it on in the background like lots of people do. When he was unwell a couple of weeks ago, and it was peeing it down with rain, I thought I would sit down in the lounge with him and watch this Baby Mozart video that somebody gave us when their child grew out of it. He watched it for about 20 seconds, seriously, and then all he wanted to do was play the piano instead. I was in the odd situation of actively encouraging him to watch it -- I know lots of people try to STOP their kids watching TV, but there was I saying 'PLEASE watch it!'
OK, I better go and read the brief that a client has just sent me. Bye for now xx
Thursday's jabs were fine and had no effects over the weekend, so that was good. Just got the MMR in another month, and then that's it for a few years.
TV ... well, Monty has probably seen about six hours of telly in his entire life. When he was very young, way before the days when he had a bedtime, he would lie on my lap while we watched Casualty on a Saturday night. He also 'watched' one of the England games during the World Cup. Apart from that, zilch. We don't have a telly in the kitchen, and that's where we spend most of our family time, so he doesn't see it on in the background like lots of people do. When he was unwell a couple of weeks ago, and it was peeing it down with rain, I thought I would sit down in the lounge with him and watch this Baby Mozart video that somebody gave us when their child grew out of it. He watched it for about 20 seconds, seriously, and then all he wanted to do was play the piano instead. I was in the odd situation of actively encouraging him to watch it -- I know lots of people try to STOP their kids watching TV, but there was I saying 'PLEASE watch it!'
OK, I better go and read the brief that a client has just sent me. Bye for now xx