Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Hi everyone :wave:

Sorry I've not been around much - it's been incredibly hectic here and a mixed bag.

Sorry to hear that Monty and Harry have been unwell. Earl is currently fighting off a chest cold with the help of calpol and cough mixture. We've all 3 of us had it, and I've lost my voice completely, and Earl is the healthiest of all of us at the moment (thank you follow on milk lol). He's not been bad at all really, especially considering he's been at nursery thurs/fri as normal. They did say he was a bit quiet yesterday but considering he slept in until 8.30 (I was in his room with him from 4.30 until then but he was asleep propped up against some pillows and my lap the whole time) I think he was just over-tired and couldn't rest at nursery. He is currently having another nap (will have to wake him in a few minutes for tea lol. He's also off his food but I'm making sure he's drinking plenty of milk and water and offering him lots of tasty treats lol.

We had some good news in that we have passed the referencing on the house and we will be moving on the 18th December all being well. Got a lot of work to do in the meantime with finding money etc for furniture and xmas and for moving costs but we will do it and we have just over a month until we have christmas in our own home!

I'm still working at the call centre - it's not that bad really (considering) and while I am still looking for work it's getting better (depsite the fact that with no voice I wont be able to work on Monday (I am going to have to rest it good and proper tomorrow!)

I think that's about it. We are away next weekend visiting family pre-christmas (need to get pressies sorted - eeek!) and then we'll be busy packing up so if I don't get on before, I'll speak to you all on Christmas Day probably! lol.

Hope everyne is ok :thumbup:
Congratulations on the house Aimee :happydance: :thumbup:

Good luck with everything - the move and present organisation etc!

Hope you all get well soon too :flower:
Good luck with the move Aimee! I bet you are excited to be getting out of MIL's house :)

Kte- Congrats on finishing the assignments- esp before the weekend! :)

We went and saw Megamind today in 3D- I think we were probably some of the last people around to have not seen a 3D movie in the theatre before, lol :) It was pretty good and Emma was on her best behaviour with the grandparents :thumbup: She's done well with being left lately, as long as it's at her own home and not too close to bedtime. Of course I worried about how things were going at home the whole time- we went out for a coffee after the movie but we probably could have gone for an actual meal had I not been wanting to race home to see how things were going :dohh: Maybe next time... :)

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Kaites: I have yet to see a film in 3-D! Glad you have a good time out with hubby and Emma was fine so that you can relax next time you get to go out again :flower:

Just having 5 mins before I finishin off the front room before Nij' parents arrive for the weekly visit. Got my parents next week which will be nice for a change!

Had my hair done yesterday and Chloe did really well waiting in the hairdressers. I was worries as she was moaning in the car but she sat on Nij's knee and chattered away bless. I was then treated to a meal afterwards!

Chloe managed to climb the stairs today :shock: She climbed up the first one which had attempted once before. I was cleaning the cat fluff of the stairs (bloomin' mogs!) and was half way up and all of a sudden there was Chloe! She started to moan and I thought she was afraid or stuck (she hasn't mastered getting down yet) but when I moved to the side she carried on going right to the top! I'm happy yet freaked at the same time!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend :flower:
Well, Harry has a viral infection, which is possibly measles; have to go back to the Drs on monday to get a proper dianosis if the rash hasn't faded, but according to NHS Direct, all his symptoms fit the bill :dohh: He's pretty much over the cold & sickness & dodgy nappies parts- all that's left now is the rattley cough & the rash. He's alsop getting prett speedy with his walking now & today mastered the art of walking in actual shoes too, so that's a bonus. I can't wait till he's steady enough to walk to the park & things like that!

We had our new sofas delieverd thismorning... They sent the wrong 2 seater, but everything else is right :dohh: They look awesome, but now we have to wait another 2 weeks for the correct 2 seater, which is a bit annoying. Have bought some lovely purple cushions & a lamp too, then went to B&Q for some more wallpaper paste & a new doorbell. Ended up buying some silver & purple xmas decorations too!

Aimee, good luck with the house! Hope it all goes smoothly & you settle in quickly! :)

Kaites, I had a week or so of feeling thoroughly lousy, and Harry got really fussy on the boob & my nips went all sensitive when I got my first barely there AF. I had 2 AFs that were just spotting, followed by a 'real' one last month & a mega one this month that knocked me for 6 it felt :( I'm hoping my body will sort itself out soon, lol. We're technically NTNP, but right now, me & OH aren't on great terms (long story, going back to august, hence me feeling shit the last few months) & providing I forgive him any time soon & get my sex drive back a bit more, then we will be officially TTC in the new year; I think he wants babies more than I do right now; he's depsreate for another boy! I think he should carry the next one so he understands why i moaned so much, lol.

anyways......... Can't think what else to write today! Hope everyone's had a nice weekend :)
Kte- glad to hear Chloe was on her best behaviour while you got your hair cut and that you managed to get out for dinner too :thumbup:

Flora- aww- hope Harry feels better soon :hugs: Poor little guy! Thanks for the reply too- helpful to know that it's entirely possible that all this is just my body gearing up for af's arrival. Sorry to hear things with hubby aren't on the best of terms :hugs: I hope you guys work it out and good luck with ttc'ing in the new year :flower:

well, I caved and tested this AM and got a bfn but that's not too surprising since I'm guessing that if I ov'd and we caught an egg during our very brief few days of being ntnp (:dohh:), I'd be in the neighbourhood of 10dpo. If it is AF on the horizon, I hope it gets here soon- I've had this feeling like I'm car sick for about a week now, gradually getting worse :wacko: I had an extra bad wave of nausea at the mall today, walking past a coffee shop, kinda like a hot flash mixed in with the sick feeling and also stupidly had a glass of wine with dinner, now making me feel like I've been on a bender and I'm ready to pray to the porceline gods. Yeah, so now I've got sore nips, a really hard letdown feeling when Emma nurses, had cramping and a bad backache on Thursday night and I think my sense of smell has gone up a notch too (I don't think I'm imagining it, but I swear I could smell them cleaning the restrooms at the movie theatre while we were watching the movie yesterday). AF is a cruel tease if it's just her on the way! :(
Morning all :flower:

Kaites: Wow those are some crazy symptoms! You reminded me of when the smell of coffee used to make me sick and we had to walk past a Costa Coffee (just incase you don't have them over there it's like Starbucks) to get to the maternity ward . . . it was not good! How far do you have to be to test? I'm still so clueless about stuff like that! Did you have a sensitive nose with AF before? Hope your body lets you know what is going on soon :flower:

Flora: Hope Harry's doctors appointment goes well today :flower: Hurray for the new couch but shame about the 2 seater, hope they sort it quickly for you. Like the colours! I'm a tad narked this year as we have a small tree now to fit out of Chloe's reach but its black, none of our original decorations for the green tree are going to suit it :dohh: Sorry to hear your Hubby has done something to upset you so much, sounds pretty serious but i'm glad your working at things; just be easy on yourself, take your time, stay strong :hugs: :flower:
Aw, Florabean, how is Harry? Have you seen the dr yet? Were you planning for him to have the MMR jab? Bit frustrating if he gets the real thing just around the time he was going to be vaccinated. I had measles (the disease, not the injection) when I was seven. It was our first Christmas at our own home that I can remember, all the family were up staying, and it was our first white Christmas too. I remember not wanting to play with my new toys on Christmas Day ... and I remember my mum saying quietly (thinking I couldn't hear her) that something was up with me. I remember Boxing Day getting up and eating quite a lot of sweets and feeling very sick. And then the rash came out and my mum knew something was properly wrong. Then I remember the family GP visiting me while I laid in my parents' bed and me asking for tinned Heinz lentil soup but then not wanting to eat it because 'it looks like the soup has measles too'.

And moving on ... Monty seems much better now. He was rough on and off for nine days. Yesterday, however, he seemed to just snap out of it, like nothing had ever been wrong. And today OH felt two new molars, so I have a feel they were causing all the probs. I, on the other hand, am now full of snot and would really rather not be working on the boring old magazine articles I'm editing.

Oh, and I'm trying to avoid reading anything about snow. Is it really coming to a place near us this week?

How's the rest of you? I haven't heard from Chaos in yonks. Aimee, lovely to see you popped in over the weekend. Can't believe you've managed to stick the call-centre work for so long (I did a single call-centre shift in Australia back in 1998, and that was enough - thank god I got offered a 'career' job the following day!).

Bye for now xx
Colsy- lentil soup looking like it had measles :rofl: I'm glad to hear Monty is better now- I hope you feel better soon too :hugs: Eek- snow! We were supposed to get some last night too but thankfully it's just been raining. I'm not ready for snow!!

Kte- I think I read that at 10dpo, there was like a 50/50 chance of getting a positive :shrug: tbh, we didn't actually ttc with Emma so I'm a bit clueless with that kinda stuff too- I think I'll try to hold off until later in the week to test again (I resisted buying more poas when I was out yesterday). That's funny about the coffee shop being on the way to the doc's office- we had something similar with our prenatal classes being right down the hall from Second Cup (again, like Starbucks) but thankfully that was the 3rd tri and I think most of us were over our scent-induced ms by then. Anyway, enough of me moaning about what will probably turn out to be some of the weirdest PMS symptoms ever, lol :haha: Black tree, eh? Sounds cool :) Out of curiosity, when are you planning on decorating it? I only ask because I noticed yesterday as we were driving home from dinner, that there were a lot of houses with trees already set up and decorated in the windows- seems a bit early to me, but I guess it's a lot of work setting up a xmas tree, so why not get as much enjoyment out of it as you can? :shrug:

Anyway, I best get my butt off the computer and get the playroom tidied a bit before the kiddies arrive and destroy it again :) Hope everyone is having a good day! :hugs:
Colsy: Nij called me at 10.30--ish to say where he was there was slush / snow stuff falling but not settling and he was around Derby/Nottingham. I'm not sure which area he was in to see if it was close to you or not! The sky is looking a tad too grey for my liking but i'm sure i'm just in for getting wet on the bus journey home! What kind of articles are you editing or can't you say? Its that why you have to get contracts to work on different publications? Glad to hear Monty is better and hope you feel better soon :flower:

Kaites: Tree wise, we are doing the whole 12 days before Christmas and 12 days after thing. It's just something Nij is into but I don't mind as when I was young we had to wait a couple of weeks after my Dad's birthday, which was on the 4th, so he felt like her was getting a birthday :haha: We are getting a few bits together now ready to put up and watching Chrismas films at the weekend to get into the spirit though lol. I don't want to do it too early and get sick of it all though iykwim!

Best be off, I really need to get some work done! Catch up on last week!
My articles this week are physio related material. The subject matter is good, they're just not necessarily the best writers in the world. Still, the client is happy with the articles once I've worked on them, and she even told me today how she'd missed me being on maternity leave :happydance: Got a nursing book for editing arriving at the end of the week. And then I hope to get more work (it just pays soooo well!) from my new client, the one I tendered for a few months ago.

On the baby front, Monty's nap was AWFUL today. I was so pleased it was me working and OH on childcare duty. It's hard sitting upstairs in my office listening to Monty crying and knowing I mustn't interfere because (1) I should be working anyway and (2) it's not fair to butt in when OH is dealing with things.

Funnily enough, even though it was hell in nap-land, Monty was then absolutely fine all afternoon, barely at all grizzly even around teatime. He then fell dead asleep on me during his bedtime BF. We usually wake him if he falls asleep so he can have a bath, but he barely opened an eye, so we've just put him to bed with no bath and no teeth-brushing. Fortunately he'd had a nappy change just before the BF so we didn't have to bother about that.

Right, I need to go and do some stuff. See you all tomorrow some time xx
It sounds really interesting :thumbup: Nice and varied even though your doing the same job kind of. :flower:

Chloe has been, what I can only describe as, wired this evening. She slept 20 mins at nursey and dropped off for 5 mins on the way home but I have just managed to calm her down and put her to bed. She has been charging about, giggiling at the cats, clambering over the couch and jumping on the cushions :dohh: :haha:
Hello all, sorry i havent been here for a while, finding it quite hard to get a minute, with working full time, and then time i get home etc etc, i hope everyone is ok, me & George are well, hes walking with his walker now, all by himself, and hes coming along in leaps & bounds, miss him like mad when im working, i really hate work, as some of you know they refused me part time or job share, and they were asking for voluntry redunancys, so i put in for that, and yes they said no!! so fed up with it, going to see how things go after xmas, then maybe look for something else, sorry about the rant!! Anyway what you all buying your babies for xmas, we got George fisherprice spin around, and lots more toys, clothes, looking forward to it really, and hopefully 2011 will bring a sister or brother for George, im excited and i wish it would happen soon, then i can finish work, ha ha, no we really want another, but as you know we waited a long time for George 3 years, and lost a few aswell, but i need to be strong this time, and if it doesnt happen we still have George xxxxxxxx Well take care and i hope everyone is well xxxxxxx
Harry's doesn't have measles after-all; the Doc didn't actually say what he does have, just that it was a viral infection going about, whatever that's meant to blimmin well mean! I hate how vague they can be sometime. He was meant to be hvaing his MMR injection this week, but he said to hold off until he's back to normal & rebook,which is whayt I was plannoing on doing anyway. His rash has pretty much gone now- just faint blotchy style spots on his front & back & like behind his ears; and he's eating more again today, so hopefully he'll be back fully functioning & happy chappy like soon.

Re xmas decorations, we're putting ours up (just tree in lounge & dining room & a few ornaments & fairy lights) on 5th dec, as that's the only time me & OH will have a chance to really do them. We used to put them up on the 20th & down on the 6th, but this year, we want to do them earlier for Harry's sake & also to cheer the place up. It seems like the world 'needs' xmas this year, if that makes sense at all?

Chaos- if you're about, how's Autumn's leg now? I saw the pics on FB & was like OMG?!!!

Seems like everyone's enetering a new phase with TTC next year. I really should start reading up on it so I know hat people are talking about, lol!

anyways, I've got a cuppa & some marshmellows waiting for me in the kitchen that are screaming my name before bed!!! yummy. (and I wonder why I've put on 8 lbs in the last 7 weeks!)
Good morning!

Hope everyone had a good night :) Emma was up from about 1am-2:15 searching for boob (I think she's teething, I was being stubborn and attempting night weaning...) so we're all tired today. I only have one little guy to care for today (yay for part-timers giving me a break, lol) so it shouldn't be too bad today.

I can't decide what to do about our xmas trees this year. Usually the big one is upstairs and a small one goes in the basement lounge but now that the upstairs lounge is the daycare's playroom, I'm a little worried about having it set up in there (the basement ceiling is too low to swap the trees too). I have visions of the little monkey's pulling the tree down or taking the ornaments off the tree (a lot of the ornaments were collected by my grandmother so they are high in sentimental value) and tracking them through the house the way they do all the toys. I was thinking of putting them up sometime near the start of december but honestly, I'll be lucky if it happens a week before. I think the bigger priority is getting the outside lights up in our backyard trees before the weather gets colder. Oh, I also noticed that Santa has arrived at our mall too so I guess we'll be trekking down there for a photo soon too (I hope Emma cooperates and doesn't get freaked out by sitting on some old guy's lap!)

Flora- Glad to hear Harry doesn't have the measles. I hope he recovers quickly :hugs: I hear ya re: needing to read up on the ttc stuff- I took a look around the 2ww and ntnp sections earlier this week (the actual ttc section is so hard core! lol) and it's like a whole different world over there :haha: hmmm- hot chocolate with marshmallows- sounds yummy :)

Sam- We bought Emma a fisher price tea set, some books and clothing- not too over the top since it seems like we went overboard for her birthday. Good luck ttcing a sibling for george :flower:

Kte- Wired Chloe sounds cute :) Feeding them cake at the nursery? ;) Emma gets wired like that off birthday cake.

Colsy- I hope the naps go better today :flower:

Well, time to get ready for the day- Hope everyone is well :hugs:
Hey girls,

I'm still around, just had a crazy 5 or 6 days! Autumn got bit by a spider, had a cold and her 3rd molar come thru all at once lol. So its been nuts here. The story/pics of her leg are in my TTC journal (link in siggy) if you wanna see.

Okie going to read and catch up a bit. :hugs:
Blimey chaos , I just looked at the pics - that ain't nice. Bless her for being such a good girl though :-)
Flora ~ Poor Harry. I remember my friend having measles when I was little. Her mama dabbed that calamine lotion all over her! Hope it passes quickly for him :hugs:Re the sofa, I'd ask for some kind of refund/compensation for the inconvenience of it all! Re the OH .. forgive him? I hope he didn't cheat on you, I'll come kick his bum!!!

Kaites ~ When is AF due? I'm hoping you'll get a BFP! Re DPO test. I normally get a + around 9DPO. But then I get the tests that tell you 6 days before (Called "answer") Have you got the Dollar Tree in Canada? Their $1.00 tests detect at beta 25, same as the clear blue digis that cost $18 something bucks. Might save you some money! :)

It makes me giggle, we're all thinking/trying to TTC now. What would your answer have been this time last year about TTC again? haha.

Kte ~ I love the '1 year old hyper' days!

Ok I hear a baby stirring up stairs, better make her porridge!
Nap situ today ... came back from parents and tots group as Monty was yawning loads and kept coming back to me for hugs. Pasta is waiting on the table for him (I cooked it before we went out), he ate about three pieces of fusili and then pretty much fell asleep with head in the bowl. Tried to force feed some spinach and pea sauce off the spoon but he could barely swallow he was so tired! Took him up to bed, read two very short books just so he got the idea, and now he's been sparko for an hour. This is what naps are now for us - they either work instantly or they don't work at all.

It's a lovely day here today so not sure what we'll do once Monty wakes up. Might see if my friend is in, as it was her b'day at the weekend and we need to deliver a belated present. Plus we have to deliver some baby equipment to another mate, who's preg at the mo - feels funny lending out baby stuff - previously it was always people giving stuff to me.

As for when to TTC again ... if you'd asked me this time last year, despite having a very hard time at the beginning, and to be honest not enjoying it at all, I still for some reason always believed that I wanted two children. Now ... well I still want another baby, and some days I think it would be nice now, but other days I remember how much I'm enjoying my sleep and how I'm loving watching Monty grow each day.

Talking of sleep, I spoke to a lady today whose daughter is still getting up two or three times each night to BF her two-year-old. OMG, that actually make me think how lucky I was that Monty slept through from 11 months!!!!! (Never thought I'd say that, ha!)

So pleased Harry doesn't have measles.

Aww bless Monty! Autumns fell asleep in her food before lol.

So .. I reckon my kid thinks she's really funny! I was sitting in front of her while she's eating her breakfast. She tells me "here!" and offers me a bit of her food. I said, aww thank you! and put my hand out, she goes to put it in my hand and at the last second, snatches her hand back and tells me "no!" and laughs at me! lol

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