Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Eek I thought I posted earlier today but looks like I forgot to push the post button :dohh:

Afternoon all :flower:

Flora: Glad to hear Harry didn't have the measels! Sounds like he is on the mend too which is fab :hugs: I'm sooooo going to be behind on the whole TTC thing its like learning a new language to me! :haha:

Kaites: An idea I stole of the TV, how about a drawing of a christmas tree in the play room that the kids can decorate so at least it's christmasy but without them being able to destroy it? I know that doesn't exactly help the spare tree dilemma :dohh: Hope you have a nice, relaxed paced day after not much sleep :flower: They didn't write down cake . . . :haha: but something certainly set her off! It was quite amusing lol

Chaos: Sheesh! Hope Autumn is okay now! :hugs: She sure sounds cheeky enough at least! Last year my answer on TTC would be 'on yer bike' this year still be 'nope'! I'm not ruling it out sometime in the future, and Nij has expressed he would like more at some point, but 2011 isn't going to be my year for it i'm sure lol. I'm just not ready in myself. I'm a bit like Colsy, I had it in my head I would have more than one but right now I'm just going with the flow of one. Still, I'll be here waving the dust flag for you all you TTC'ers with fingers, toes and all other crossable appendiges (sp) crossed :flower:

Sam: Gosh, at least I suppose you can feel safe in your job until you decided to leave, they obv want you there! Good luck with TTC in the new year :flower:

Colsy: I feel bad as my Sis just asked me for a few bits and I sold everything, when I asked her at the time she wasn't interested, now she keeps saying, do you have 'x'? Some things I wish we had of kept incase we did have another but there is just no storage space in the house.

Chloe had a bit of a rough night last night, she woke up at 2-ish moaning and so into bed with me she came. She got fidgity at 5.30 but I needed to be up then to wash my hair, I was hoping I could sneek her back into her own bed but nope, she was having none of it. I think its her molars still. She still seemed in good spirits this morning even with the early get-up. She was just sat on my knee whilst I dried my hair, so she is back to being calm now!

Ps sorry for any appauling typos, I have been typing this reply for ages, have to keep going and coming again!
Fleur im glad to hear harry didnt have measles in the end.

Chaos i replied in your thread re the bite, looks awful.

Re TTC i would like to but my life is so hectic right now i just couldnt face another baby right now. By the time i get home from work at 4 im getting washing done sams bottles done cook tea then tidy up and bed time for sam usually an arguement or 2 with chloe then getting work/school/nursery stuff ready for the next morning. Thats without trying to sit down and do coursework, which i dont want to start at 8/9pm at night. Im so worried as the year is up in march and i have to take my exam yet im not even half way through the course :cry: But back to TTC, we have talked about it and originally OH said no way but he's come round to the idea but obviously my plans are to go to uni in 2011 for 4 years that will take me to 37 (OMG!!) and i just feel that i wont want to start again with a baby aswell as a 15yr old and 5yr old, yet i think that that need for another baby just wont go away.

Sam i completely know how you feel about being stuck in work where you just dont want to be, i feel like that everyday and have done since i went back, its not so much leaving sam now as he loves nursery, i just cant stand it there :( Sad thing is im so well treated - xmas trip abroad all paid for that i turned down cos i cant stand the thought of going.

:hugs: to anyone that needs them
Helllloo,not popped in here for a few weeks,,abit hectic here, teething like mad,he's got his 2 front with top 2 just about through..I just knew they'd all start popping through all at once :wacko:

And also..my baby has started walking :thumbup::happydance: yayyyyyy!
He looks sooooooooooo cute toddling around,stopping to clap himself then carry on! Weve had a few bumps just recently due to him following the dog and the dog moving outta the way last minute :dohh: and he fell in his cot last week and bumped his eye,gave himself a right shiner...we seem to have been through the usual colours and are currently at brown/yellowy.

Soooo looking forward to xmas,can't wait much longer to get the tree up!! xxxx
Morning ladies :)

Hope everyone is having a good day- I should be mopping the floor but have decided to procrastinate a bit with a coffee first :blush:

Kte- thanks for the Christmas tree idea :) I have a tree on my giant bulletin board, but we've just been using it for seasons (made handprint leaves for fall, took those off and left the branches bare for winter but added snowflakes). I think I'll change it to an evergreen type of tree so we can decorate it :thumbup: I hope Chloe had a better night last night :flower:

Chaos- I actually still haven't had an af visit since having Emma (yay BFing) but last week started getting all kinds of pg symptoms and felt exactly the same as the early days with Emma- of course it all coincided with hubby and I briefly being ntnp for about a week so I was thinking we had caught the first egg heading down the tubes :dohh: I tested 10 days post first dtd ("dpfd" lol) and I'll probably test again tomorrow just to be 100% sure it's negative. I'm pretty much feeling normal again so now I'm on the look out for the witch- maybe this scare was actually just me ov'ing :shrug: (ugh I hope this isn't my "new normal") I was completely convinced there was another LO on the way though- I was even warning hubby about the testing so I didn't come waving a stick at him out of the blue. Gotta love those $ store tests though- I can understand why ppl spend the extra and buy the digi ones (cool to see "I'm pregnant" or whatever on the little window) but the regular +/- ones are the exact same thing with a higher price tag.

Re TTC, I think the past week has made me realize that although I'd like another one, now is not the right time but I don't think I want to wait a full year before ttc either (that's the current plan). I think Emma is still a bit young for another sibling (that's just her temperment though- I'm sure it would work for other families better than us atm) but I don't really want to put it off too long either. As hubby said, "if it happens now, I'll embrace it" (who knew I married a cheeseball?!? :haha:) but I think it would be best to at least wait 6 months.

Helz- yay for Ethan walking! :)

Oh yeah, something else I realized yesterday- Emma has figured out that sometimes we eat junk food but don't share :dohh: Hubby was home yesterday and ate some chocolate chip cookies but left the package on the table. Later on at snacktime when Emma was supposed to be eating apples, she kept pointing at the package saying "that!!" I finally had to hide the package. Hubby brought the cookies out again after dinner and the same thing happened until hubby broke off a small piece for Emma to try and then she started going "mmmmmm" like it was the tastiest thing ever. Looks like hubby's cookie days are numbered :haha:

Alrighty, procrastination time over- time to get on with my day... :hugs: to those that need them
Gawd, when it rains it pours here! Missy has picked up something called croup and has her first ear infection (in both ears!) Shesh.

Kaites ~ Autumn loves junk food too haha. We occasionally have maccers and she'll have a couple of chips, they are kind kiddy crack!!

Helz ~ WTG Ethan on walking!!

Gah she's having a coughing fit, bbs
Chaos know what you mean, Sam is just getting over ear infection in both ears. we had antibiotics and ear drops which really wasnt fun having to pin him down to put them in both ears :(
Hi guys. Sorry ive not been around much but work is mental beyond belief and I'm also just finishing up a course so just finished writing a 3000 word assignment. Sorry to hear some of the bumpkins are poorly or having accidents.

James has been walking for about 6 weeks now and is walking everywhere! Today he crawled once! Can't take my eyes off him for a second. He thinks its hilarious to chase the poor dog around. He can also put his arms into his tshirt and his legs into his trousers if I hold them for him. He is starting to put words together and now asks constantly 'whats that?' although obviously not as clearly as that! He also says again, more and granddad. He has grown so much that if I am cradling him in my arms I can't get my hand round his bum :(
awww, I love hearing how all the little Bumpkins are getting one :thumbup:

Harry slept for 3 1/2 hours today!!! Which was great coz me & my dad were about to get a whole bunch of the gloss paint work done. Neither of us could be bothered with wallpapering the halls, but oh well. Then we bought a new little 28L fish tank for the kicthen because we want to downsize & get rid of the massive one in the dining room. We've been slowly waiting for the fish to naturally die off, but it seems they just dont want to, lol, so we got the new tank instead, hehe!

anyways, who's had snow? None here as usual.
Helz: Yey Congrats and walking Ethan :flower:

Flora: A few flakes but nothing has settled. We are the other way around with fish, id like more but the tank only seems to permit two! No matter how many I replace so I just gave in and kept the two as they are, they are red eye tetras, Ive always kind of liked them from my pet shop days.

Hey LK Glad to hear from you and hear how James is getting on :hugs:

Jo: :hugs: about your job.

Sorry if I missed anyone, Im feeling a tad crappy and its time for bed for me! I have this daft cough thats been pestering me for a weeks and my knee aches for no apparent reason :shrugg:

We were told today at Chloe's nursery that they are moving Chloe up into the next baby room in the next two weeks! They told me on Monday, just in passing,that she is more ready to go into the next room compared to some of the older babies in the room with her. Then today they decided that it was time to start moving her across. Part of me is really please and part of me is 'oh no, she's not in the baby room'! Even though she will be in baby room 2 lol. It will be sad because she won't be with her keyworker but she can shout to her across the hallway :haha: She seems really intrigued with babyroom 2 so I'm sure she will enjoy it and I am also pleased that she will get to go with her best friend Thomas :D :cloud9:
Happy Friday :)

Chaos- I hope Autumn is feeling better soon :hugs: I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving- hitting any of the Black Friday sales today?

Jo- Hope Sam's ears are feeling better too :hugs:

LK- wtg James on the walking :) Emma does the "what's this/What's that" too- cute but annoying when it's a critique of my house cleaning skills :haha:

Flora- wow that's a lot of napping! Awesome for getting stuff done though :) That's funny about waiting for the fish to die off- I had to give my parents my fish tank when I moved overseas since the pleco just wouldn't die :) I've since discovered that the pet store takes fish back if they are healthy :thumbup: My hubby is a nano-reef fish tank enthusiast so he's always puttering with the little saltwater tank. He's also got a massive tank too (not sure how many gallons, but the thing is 6' long) but it's freshwater so it's a little less maintenance. We had snow just before Halloween but it melted within a couple days but haven't had any since- it's been a really warm autumn :shrug:

Kte- Hope you are feeling better :hugs: That's nice that Chloe gets to be continue into the next room with Thomas. It's so cute the way they make friends even at this age. Emma has taken a real liking to one of her little friends too and is always hugging the little guy. I just have to teach her to let go since she'll keep snuggling him even once they have fallen over :)

Horrible weather today- we've had wind and freezing rain all night so the windows on the front of the house are all glazed over in ice (can't see outside!). I've recruited hubby to salt the driveway and steps though :thumbup: I'm glad I don't have to commute for work! Hubby is pretty much finished work for the season now- it's been reduced hours this week so he's been around more, helping out with the daycare. He's been planning his days around "snacktime", making sure that when he's at work, he's not missing snacktime :haha: Emma has become a daddy's girl this week, always wanting hubby to pick her up. I think she's realized that she has to share me with the other kids during the day but daddy is all hers. I think it's nice that she gets some extra attention from him since he does work really long hours from april-november. Emma is also into giving kisses now, although they are really sloppy and wet (have to wipe down my face after one, lol).

Anyone have plans for the weekend? Nothing special here- I should probably do some christmas shopping for family.

It has taken all day to get onto B&B, my works internet just doesn't want me on here today, all the other websites I go on work though (work realted ones btw, i'm not a total skive!)

Chaos: Hope Autumn is feeling better :flower:

Kaites: Sloppy kisses sound really cute! No plans, i still feel iffy, can't put my finger on it, I ache all over but AF was 2 weeks ago so I just don't know. I have my parents over tomorrow which will be nice and then not really sure. Hopefully we can hit some shops at somepoint :D

Sorry its a quickie, I just don't want this to time out on me!

:hugs: to all that need them xx
Kte, I think it's the BnB site - I've barely been able to get on this afternoon.

Very quick as I need to finish off a short but rapid turnaround job for a client. Went to parents and tots this morn, now swapped childcare with OH so I can work this p.m. Monty napped for just over an hour in his cot after lunch, but he cried for 15 mins first. Becoming a bit of a ritual this is. At night now he goes to sleep so amazingly well. In the daytime, he becomes a totally different person when it comes to sleeping. And it isn't because he doesn't need to nap - if he doesn't have that nap, he really isn't fun to be around.

Right, gotta go as I need to finish ASAP. Got friends up over the weekend. Am working on Monday I think, so I'll be back on then to chat. Have fun all of you xx
FFS Im getting annoyed with this weekend. I try to clean and stuff falls out the bin to make more mess etc. I come on here to de-stress for 5 mins and accidentally wipe my post. Fed up, its taking 10x longer to do stuff. I can't do the washing as the stupid pipes are frozen so I have no clothes for work for the week. There is no easy solution with the washer either, why oh why did I ever agree for it to go outside? Niij doesn't recon it will go in the cellar . . . I bet it will but we would need to spend a pretty penny which we don't have. Hand wash is just not going to do it and I can't spare change for a laundarett and it may be a hinderance to myself but im not sitting in one waiting for the stupid washing to be done. I really really am fed up. Whats the bets the snow doesn't stop the inlaws just to top my day off.

Anyway, sorry for the rant ladies. I'm off to make a cupps and start some ironing whilst CHloe is asleep, lets hope I don't burn anything, its the way my weekend is going!

oh dear Kte, that sucks :(

On a positive note, as of yesterday night, me & harry have been BFing for longer than anyone else in my family ever has, so I;m feeling very proud of ourselves right now :)

How's everyone's weekend going? Weve not had any snow here at all, but man alive is it cold!
wtg Harry and Flora! :happydance:

On a similar note, Emma made it through 12 hours without a BF yesterday (thought my bbs were going to explode though!). Spent yesterday afternoon at MIL's since it was her birthday and Emma was terrified of her and her apt. Emma had a death grip on hubby and I, arms around our necks, her face buried in our chests for the first 2 hours. I've never seen Emma do that before. She was so stressed out that eventually she fell asleep on me. When she woke up so was still stressy so I took her into the bedroom to change her diaper and she perked up after that. Made for an awkward visit though. In the evening, we went to the Santa Claus parade- was really cold out though (-8!!), so after 60 floats, Emma falling asleep in my arms again and still no Santa in sight, we walked home. I don't think we missed much tbh. Today was just laundry, groceries and dinner at my parents' house. The weekends are not long enough to get everything done these days... Hope everyone else had relaxing weekends :hugs:
Kaites: 60 floats and still no Santa! Sheesh!

Flora: Congrats and your's and Harry's family BF achievement! :hugs: :flower:

:haha::rofl: No my weekend didn't get any better, infact today kind of topped it off, the weekend was great compared to this :rofl:

Yesterday the inlaws never came, which was good, but they never told us they werent' coming so every car had me on edge. :dohh: Then in the evening, Chloe was on the couch and came to me, lent on me and :sick: All over my nice warm jumper (washer doesn't work remeber!!) So the wipe clean couch just wouldn't do, Mum did! She is okay, she just bounced around a bit much after her tea, should of seen it coming really :dohh:

Well today I woke up and wondered why I could hear a funny noise . . . the boiler I though at first, but when I went closer it sounded like the washer was on. So I grabed one of Nij's urbex torches (bonus on his hobby, a million torches lying around!) and looked outside, there wasn't much until I opened the washer shed . . . the cold feed pipe was gushing water out of it, spraying all over like a garden hose. I tried to turn it off but realied it was on 'off' :dohh: So ran back in, freaked, called Nij who instruected me to turn off the stop tap (would of been a good idea). So off the heating has gone and now all the water. I can't call the insurance company as the info is in Nij's glovebox, the general number I have, the offices don't open until 8!!! I need to call into work but they aren't there yet and my other colleague is off on hol and they HATE the office been empty so I won't be popular when I call in. Cant be helped I know. So no water, at least we have the electric heater to keep

okay I fixed it so now its a mad dash to work and nursery, . . . . ill get there when I get there!
Oh no! When it rains, it pours! Hope your day improved from there :flower: I'd have been so annoyed with the ILs for pulling a no-show like that- grrrrr! Hope no other disasters befall you today :hugs:
Hi guys. So...been a totally manic few days. Tom left on Friday so we are now on our own again. He took most of the furniture so I've been shopping all weekend. All I can say is thank god for savings and family!
Well I managed to get to work for 10:15, as you can tell, the morning just got better and better! Im normally in for 8.30. (On the plus side I fixed the pipe and the washer started working :happydance:) So I decided to go into work and take Chloe to nursery. It's still snowing here a lot but I had my wellies on and put Chloe in a snug snowsuit and off we went. The bus was a bit busier than usual as but I expected that becasue we normally miss all the students. We got to the bus station and my bus turned up . . .or so I thought. Apparently there is a road closed which is in the middle of my route and they have split the bus service, so one bus goes one way and the other another (iykwim!) So basically we were sat waiting an hour (9.25 is when it came). Its going to be once every hour for 2 weeks, which completely buggers up my going home routine as well, its bad getting in at 6 but its prob going to be much later than that now. Well, at least it will keep me fit, I can see me walking lots more!

Best go, :coffee: and serious catch up work time! :flower:

(I'm just laughing at it all now :D)

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