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Hope Emma is feeling better today :flower:

Not much gone on today here either, got to nursery, work and home fine for once :haha:

I managed a bit of christmas shopping at lunch time too which was a bonus! Im not fully done but its a start! Nij has been home wrapping presants all day, they look so good! I'm feeling all christmasy now.

Not many plans for the weekend, possibly inlaws on Sun weather pending. I'll be cleaning and trying to wash some clothes, most prob going to be some handwashing. My Mum and Dad are away this weekend as its my Dad's 60th, I made sure when he gets home there is a lovely card the Chloe had drawn on for him :cloud9:

Hope everyone one else has a nice weekend, im sure ill pop in sometime, take care all :flower: :hugs:
Hi everyone! I hope we're all good and not too chilly in the snow! :hugs:

Sorry I've not been around much. Things have been very busy here. We've got 2 weeks until we move, and we're starting to get to the organisation stage now, albeit slowly.

Earl is doing great. He's been having fun in the snow - I had to buy him a new winter coat as he had outgrown his duffle, as well as the hat he got for his birthday. He's doing some serious growing at the moment and his hair was crazy, so hubby cut his hair tonight and he looks so sweet! So grown up - and I would never have had a go at this myself but I think he's done a good job!

Photo's attached of before and after and Earl all wrapped up for a walk in the snow.


Re: Christmas - I'm starting on the shopping. Obviously with everything going on we're not going to have a particularly flambouyant christmas, but we're looking forward to getting into our new house and putting up our tree. I got a couple of bargains for Earl today - the charity shop in the village has a toy department that always seems to be full of good stuff. I popped in today to look for books for Earl and found a VTech 'Number Buddy' thing that I've seen in the shops and we have thought about getting for Earl. For £1.50 in very good nick, I'm happy! lol. Also got a few books for him for christmas so at least we've got a few things for him already. Also got a couple of bits for hubby so I'm very chuffed.

Work is ok, and it's going to be fun over christmas as I have asked for an early finish on christmas eve and have 4 days off in a row.....bliss!! Granted I'm not getting paid for them but hey ho, I'd rather be at home.....ah home! lol :cloud9:

Right, I'm off to drink a very cheap but free bottle of bucks fizz I got from work lol. Have a good evening everyone.
Good morning :)

Hope everyone had a good weekend! Mine was okay- we didn't get out to do anything Christmasy (unless fighting through the Costco crowds counts) afterall. My brother came over for dinner on Saturday night and Emma made strange with him again :dohh: I can see Christmas being a nightmare with new people arriving throughout the day, me trying to get dinner ready and Emma clinging on for dear life :wacko: With a bit of luck, she'll grow out of it!

AF finally showed up too- blah- I guess I should count myself lucky that Emma's 14 months and this is just the first one. At least now we can plan better and maybe avoid any "happy surprises" for a little longer :blush: Anyone else's OH not into the whole idea of actively TTCing next time around? I think he's put off by the idea of me waving opks around and being forced to perform at specific times of the month, lol :)

Kte- hope the weather kept the inlaws away :flower:

Aimee- Cute piccies of Earl :) I hope your move goes well :flower:

Right, time for me to go move furniture around (we steam cleaned the carpet last night). Hope everyone is having a good day! :hugs:
Good morning all,

Aimee: Gorgeous pictures of Earl, your hubby did a good job with cutting his hair, I would of been too scared too! Chloe liked the pictures too, she kept pointing at Earl saying 'that', that's her main word at the moment, pointing and asking what everything / one is! Good luck with the move and hope eveything goes smoothly, even though your a pro at moving! :flower:

Kaites: Shame to hear Emma is still unsure about your brother, i'm sure she will grow out of it like you say :hugs: Congrat's and condolenses on AF! How about NTNP when it's nearer the time rather than TTC, maybe for a bit to get your OH into the mood / swing of things?

The inlaws did come but it wasn't too bad since we had the weekend off last week :haha: Chloe was running about showing them the Christmas bear we have now got out, I bought it this year, it tells 'The night before Christmas' story and she was fasinated with it's moving mouth.

MMR jabs for her tomorrow, not looking forward to those. I was worries as she has been off all weekend but I think its down to teething more than her being ill as her fourth bottom incisor (sp) has finally decided to join the other 3! So that's almost 12 teeth now :wacko: :happydance:
Hi guys, sorry this is REALLY short, gotta go, but just wanted to mention this https://www.babyandbump.com/toddler...r-happy-instead-tired-grumpy.html#post8095180 :happydance: What with being completely snowed into the village and neither me nor OH with any paid work this week, we are having just the strangest week. Seriously, we are all in really weird moods. But in a nice way, not a problematic way. Reckon there's a full moon out there somewhere. Right, back tomorrow if I can get a minute. Byeexxx
Bonjour :flower:

I dunno, im in an odd mood today :haha: Lol Morning all :D Think I am in denial its MMR day for Chloe and this aft my fantastic 3rd smear of the year. What a day.

Best go, she is destroying the clothes horse and its time to get ready for her appt. this morning.

Have a good day all :flower:
Howdy back at ya :haha: My weird mood is just caffeine induced- hubby must have doubled the # of scoops of coffee in this pot :shock:

Kte- I hope Chloe's jabs and your smear go smoothly :flower:

Colsy- I hope your weirdly good week continues to be good, lol :) Re sleep, Emma's always needed less than average :shrug: As long as it's just the daytime sleep she's dropping and she's still happy, I've always rolled with it too. Enjoy not having to plan your day around naps :flower: :)

I'm procrastinating, trying to avoid replying to an email I received on Friday (I know- it's already been awhile and I should get to it...). I normally don't talk daycare details on here but this is a former client. He's going through a divorce and wants me to make a statement on some stuff for his side of the custody case- honestly, I just want to be done with that family and don't want to be involved in any way with their lives anymore but at the same time, I don't my avoidance of the issue to be the reason someone loses custody of his kids. Hubby thinks I should steer clear but it's a pretty minor issue they want my opinion on- hubby just worries that will make me a target of the ex-wife's wrath too. Argh, just when I thought I was done with that family... :dohh:

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good day :hugs:
Well ... for the first time in months, we've had to get up in the night with Monty. Two nights on the trot now. Fortunately he's settled pretty well once we've gone in, although last night I still had to walk away from him while he was still crying a bit, because my being there seemed to just keep him awake more. Anyway, I think it's the teeth that are bothering him. He's defo teething - he has been for four weeks now. I think while he's walking about and having fun he's OK and forgets about them, but once he's in his cot he has less to take his mind off them so they start to hurt again. I guess this is a part of the napping issues we're having for the past couple of weeks, but you'd still think he'd be miserable for lack of sleep wouldn't you? But hey, he isn't at all grumpy so I don't have a prob with it. Happily he made up for the lost hour in the night by not waking until 7.30am today :happydance: Wow, did that feel amazing!

We're still snowed in so not much news to relate. At least we've managed to get to mums and tots so that gets us out the house. Temps here haven't gone above minus 1 or 2 Celsius for over a week now, so the ground is frozen solid, and all the snow on the road is solid, so it's a bit of a ski ramp going down our lane!

Right, it's lunchtime so gotta go. Hugs to you all xx
Well ... for the first time in months, we've had to get up in the night with Monty. Two nights on the trot now. Fortunately he's settled pretty well once we've gone in, although last night I still had to walk away from him while he was still crying a bit, because my being there seemed to just keep him awake more. Anyway, I think it's the teeth that are bothering him. He's defo teething - he has been for four weeks now. I think while he's walking about and having fun he's OK and forgets about them, but once he's in his cot he has less to take his mind off them so they start to hurt again. I guess this is a part of the napping issues we're having for the past couple of weeks, but you'd still think he'd be miserable for lack of sleep wouldn't you? But hey, he isn't at all grumpy so I don't have a prob with it. Happily he made up for the lost hour in the night by not waking until 7.30am today :happydance: Wow, did that feel amazing!

We're still snowed in so not much news to relate. At least we've managed to get to mums and tots so that gets us out the house. Temps here haven't gone above minus 1 or 2 Celsius for over a week now, so the ground is frozen solid, and all the snow on the road is solid, so it's a bit of a ski ramp going down our lane!

Right, it's lunchtime so gotta go. Hugs to you all xx

Maybe those pesky Molars? All 4 of missys molars came in with in 4 weeks .. the swelling in her mouth (along with croup) caused her to get a double ear infection cause her ears couldn't drain. Was a rotten time, she didn't sleep for a fricking week. Hope he feels better soon :)
Maybe those pesky Molars? All 4 of missys molars came in with in 4 weeks

She must have almost a full quota of teeth now then? We were filling in Monty's tooth chart from the HV, and realised he's got 12, so only 8 to go.
Do HV ever follow up LO's? I kind of feel that is it now, not heard or seen mine in ages, even when I went to baby clinic she hasn't been there but her name is still on the notice board :shrug:

Jabs went okay, MMR Chloe was fine but she had a pnuemonia one too (:shock:) which must of stung a bit more, that one made her cry. She soon settled though. She has been odd today as expected but i feel like they jabbed her with happy stuff and grizziy stuff, she is either a fidgety and moany or giggiling like a mad one! I have just popped her down for the night now so hopefully she can sleep the rest off.

Colsy - Hope Monty's teeth let him sleep now! Like Chaos said for Autumn, Chloe's molars took a fair few weeks to cut through too. Just when I though she could have a break the incisor decided to pop up! I wish I had made a proper note of when they came through but I can kind of guestimate via the journal I have done here :D

This - weather is not fun is it! Nij called me from work the other day and said it was warmer in the back of his wagon, its a fridge wagon at -3!! I sure do feel bad for him out there when its -12 / -15. Looks like the ice skates will be needed to get to work.

Chaos: How are you and Autumn now? :hugs: Have her ears etc cleared up? :flower:

Kaites: Oh dear, was this the problem family that you knew others had had problems with too? Maybe say if you were asked by an independent professional you would be prepared to give your opinion? :shrug: I'm not sure, I does sound a tricky one where you don't want to get too involved. :hugs:

Well, we gave in today and most of the christmas decorations are up, we were going to wait but decided to just do it!

Well best get off and get started for tomorrow :hugs:
Well ... for the first time in months, we've had to get up in the night with Monty. Two nights on the trot now. Fortunately he's settled pretty well once we've gone in, although last night I still had to walk away from him while he was still crying a bit, because my being there seemed to just keep him awake more. Anyway, I think it's the teeth that are bothering him. He's defo teething - he has been for four weeks now. I think while he's walking about and having fun he's OK and forgets about them, but once he's in his cot he has less to take his mind off them so they start to hurt again.

Maybe those pesky Molars? All 4 of missys molars came in with in 4 weeks .. the swelling in her mouth (along with croup) caused her to get a double ear infection cause her ears couldn't drain. Was a rotten time, she didn't sleep for a fricking week. Hope he feels better soon :)

I wonder if sam's teeth is also why he keeping having problems with his ears too.

I too have been up for hours each night with him, friday night he was just screaming from about 1am and wouldnt settle again, wouldnt let me put bonjela in his mouth or give him calpol, didnt want to be put down but didnt want to be held either :( Luckily OH was down here so he helped out but then sunday night when he went home i was up from 4am with Sam, same as friday night but he only wanted to sleep with his head on my chest in bed. Was a hard night especially when i didnt go bed till 1am and had work monday. After making him laugh today whilst lying down i saw that hes got 4 back teeth coming through, they look like they're nearly fully through thank god.

Kte i havent seen my HV since sam was really small. I didnt think mine was much use anyway! When i want to know sam's weight i sit him on our scales now. I have to rebook sam's MMR jabs cos he was too ill to have it last week.

Dunno if i said before but I had a letter from plymouth uni to say that they have received my application but to be fair to all applicants they will wait till UCAS closes in January to make their decisions :growlmad: i am the most unpatient person ever and i NEED to know now!!
Maybe those pesky Molars? All 4 of missys molars came in with in 4 weeks

She must have almost a full quota of teeth now then? We were filling in Monty's tooth chart from the HV, and realised he's got 12, so only 8 to go.

She has her 8 front teeth and 4 molars. The next set are the 2 year molars I believe, so hopefully we have a few months break!
Do HV ever follow up LO's? I kind of feel that is it now, not heard or seen mine in ages, even when I went to baby clinic she hasn't been there but her name is still on the notice board :shrug:

Jabs went okay, MMR Chloe was fine but she had a pnuemonia one too (:shock:) which must of stung a bit more, that one made her cry. She soon settled though. She has been odd today as expected but i feel like they jabbed her with happy stuff and grizziy stuff, she is either a fidgety and moany or giggiling like a mad one! I have just popped her down for the night now so hopefully she can sleep the rest off.

Chaos: How are you and Autumn now? :hugs: Have her ears etc cleared up? :flower:

I had to have the MMR a few years ago for my green card app, that sucker HURTS!!!

She finished her antibiotics on Saturday .. the cough as gone and she's not tugging at her ears any more so I guess she's all better. Her first proper illness where she's needed meds! (Steroids/antibiotics)

Hopefully that will be all she gets this season. I think she did well to go as long as she did as she's always around other little kids.
I had it at school (MMR), hmm used to have a card that said I had it, not sure where that went. I don't remeber anything else about it. She was more interested in watching what was going on for the MMR jab :wacko: and there were no tears until her pnumonia jab in her other leg, she was not impressed with that one. :cry: Then she saw the panda's they distract the LO's with normally and she wanted to be let loose to go and retrieve them!

Glad to hear Autumn is feeling better :thumbup: Hope thats all she get too, think she has had her fair share :hugs:
Dunno if i said before but I had a letter from plymouth uni to say that they have received my application but to be fair to all applicants they will wait till UCAS closes in January to make their decisions :growlmad: i am the most unpatient person ever and i NEED to know now!!

Jo, forgot to say, thats annoying that they aren't letting you know until January! Is Plymouth your only choice of Uni? They (Uni's) all have different ways of making offers, still, hope you get in :flower: :thumbup: :hugs:
OK why have I only just found this???
Thanks for adding Finley to the list on the first page baby.love :flower:
Good morning from the land of sleepless nights :coffee: I wish the molars would just pop through nice and quick but it doesn't seem to be happening that way :wacko: I lost count of the number of times Emma woke up last night, but it was pretty much every hour from 11pm onward. The gums look a bit swollen, but I'm sure we still have a very long way to go.

Kte- I hope Chloe is feeling okay today after her jabs :flower: Yep, that was the family I had issues with in the past. In the end I emailed the dad to say "write up what you want in a statement" so I can buy myself a bit more time to decide and see just what he had in mind.

Chaos- wow, Autumn has had a rough time lately- glad to hear she's feeling better :hugs:

Jo- Hope your application gets accepted- sounds like you've done awesome on your courses this fall so I'm sure it'll get accepted :)

Reedy- :hi:

We took Emma to have her photo taken with Santa last night. Piccie was horrible- not crying (that happened after the camera stopped taking piccies) but very serious and almost angry. Of course the moment she left Santa's house, she was all smiles :dohh: The other thing Emma discovered is that the mall is a very cool place to explore now that she's walking. I realized that I never let her walk in stores before because they are usually way too crowded on the weekends. Anyway, she is like her mummy and loves jewelry stores :haha: I think it's the bright lights and glass cases with shiny bling that she likes. I think it's going to be hard to expect her to sit in the stroller or on my back in the carrier next time we are out now that she's had a taste of freedom :)
So how many of you have walkers?? Finley isnt walking yet but will stand alone & take steps from me to DH & so on but nothing more than that.
He's far to lazy lol x
Missy started walking at 11 months and now don't bloody sit still. I should be about 6 stone the way I run after her all day.

Can you even believe the end of the month she'll be 15 months? Blows my mind.

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