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Excuse the not so great picture and ink on my hand :dohh: Been rubber stampling at work lol

I was impressed, last time I was measured for a ring (years ago now) I was a 'T' and this is a 'Q' :happydance:

Beautiful! (On a side note, if he does ANYTHING idiotic to hurt you from this point on, he's gonna have a pregnant pissy person swimming the pond. just sayin') :flower::hugs:

You beat me to saying the above well apart from the pregnant bit
Kte, I would like to say Congrats!! And the ring looks so beautiful!!!

I am going to update you all about the scan, my mum did come and it make things easier because I have an interpreter there with me to talk to a nurse in EPAU to book me in for the scan.

I was up at 7am and my mum was outside waiting for me to get up as she was working as a taxi driver at nights. She came in and my hubby went to wake Billy up and when he woke up and came downstairs and saw grandma and he went shy, dont want to walk until hubby give him the milk!

So we went to the hospital and arrived there in a good time, and went to ward 14. Called me in and the nurse thought my mum is an interpreter but she is not! So we have to wait for the interpreter. The interpreter came in who has been with me for the birth of my son, and me and Claire (the interpreter), went in and talk to the nurse and the nurse asked all sorts of questions etc. Then we were waiting outside and Billy and other boy playing and they are so so cute!! So, the sonographer's assistant has called for me and all of us went in.

I was watching Claire to sign to me to what the sonographer said, and she asked if it is ok for her to switch the lights off and i said thats fine and i was lay down and Billy was crying wondered where is Mummy!! Bless him, so my mum bought him to sit next to me and wondered what is the hell was that on my tummy lol. There it is!

The baby is seen and the heartbeat was seen, it is so beautiful to see it and remembered it all over with Billy. Its moving when sonographer left the mouse still for a bit :cloud9: and the sonographer has measured it and said it is roughly 9 weeks and is not confirmed until the 12 weeks scan. If I am 9 weeks and it would make me to ovulated a bit early than I thought it was? So wait til the 12 weeks!

So they couldnt find my ovaries and I was surprised! But the tubes and everything is fine!

:D :D :D Cant wait for 12 weeks scan! xxx
Kte - congrats!!! And i second the stroppy person (minus the pregnant)

Nanaki - glad the scan went well.

Aimee - sorry to hear you guys are poorly.

Well bedtime is going far worse tonight than last night. He is just climbing straight back out of bed. He is shattered but wont give in.
LK - Stick with it and he'll get it. It took Earl about 4 nights to start to understand and now it's 15 mins max to get him to settle now. I think that's pretty good considering!

Thanks for the good wishes. We're on the mend - as is the way with bugs, you feel like you're going to die at the time but you get over it pretty quickly. I'm still a bit wobbly, and poor hubby is in a bad way with his tummy, but we'll get there! He's trying to get his uni work done at the moment which is a struggle bless him.

Nanaki - Glad to hear the scan went well. :thumbup:
Well it took an hour and a half to get him to stay in bed and then about 3 minutes for him to fall asleep lol. Now sound asleep in his bed. Got me choccies out and I'm going to watch One Born every Minute now hehe.
Kte ~ Love the ring!?!?

I've finally made a date with the midwife... Seems a bit more positive now... Feeling rather queezy... Not sure what worse, feeling queezy or actually having morning sickness? Guess time will tell... LOL

Hope all's well... Oh glad scan when well too...
Thank you all :flower: I have warned him he will get a serious beating :haha: :thumbup:

LK: Glad James settled in the end :thumbup: I am so not looking forward to this milestone, I can see every toy, teddy and book on the floor!

Eswift: Hurray for MW appointment :happydance: Ginger biscuits to help the queezyness (sp) perhaps? :flower:

Nanaki: Glad the scan went well, interesting about the dates! :flower:

My Sis is due tomorrow, eagerly awaiting arrival of nephew, no signs as of yet. She made me chukkle, she asked me last night, when did I rent the tens machiene. I was was confused as I never did - she thought it was to measure contractions :dohh: Well, in all honesty she thought it was pain relief AND measured contractions bless her. She is going loopy with the wait :haha:

Other than that, all is good. Chloe is in a good mood at the mo, no testing Mummy, phew :D, I still have this cold so a bit on the go-slow but otherwise fine.

Afternoon girls. I'm soooo tired. My head is thumping and I feel sick. Couldn't sleep til 1am and then had to be up at 6.30am for work. An hour and a half drive each way and I'm totally shattered. Think I will be having an early night. Got some pizzas in the freezer so think will do one of those for tea.

On the plus side....James didn't fall out of bed last night!
Good Morning Ladies!?!?

I just stumbled on the front page, Golly; there were so many of us. Seems to have dwindled somewhat, I guess that show's how life changes...

OH & I have had a bloody barny over money again yesterday; wish I could sort things better, but it's as though he's just grasped what I'd been saying since Sept and is expecting miracles... He only admitted to the issue the week before christmas! Argh, truth is his Mum & family have well and truely given us one rather large shafting...

As long as we work together we'll be fine, but he has his moments of fustration and I get the brunt of it... I think it's with working nights and being tired etc everything seems so much harder then...

Hope today's a much better day all round!
glad the scan went ok Nanaki & HUGE congratulations Kte. :hugs:

Hope all of you are well? We're doing good :thumbup:
Hello Florabean, I'm glad you just posted cos it made me think that I haven't heard from you in a bit ... which then made me think that most of you haven't heard from me for ages either. So hello and here I am :thumbup: Super-busy here, because I want to get this project sorted before the onslaught of visitors begins. We've got friends with kids this weekend, then my mum, then OH's parents, with a couple of LOOOOOOONG work days for OH thrown in for good measure. All of which means I ain't working next week at all by the sounds of it, so I better get sorted this week.

Been swimming this morning. Monty can now jump off the side into the pool (I say 'jump', but he does it from sitting, so it's more a bum-jump). He can hold on to the side without anybody holding him. And he can let go off the side with one hand to turn to face me in the pool - unfortunately he did this today and forgot to continue holding on with the other hand, so he had a bit of a dunking!

He's really got good at feeding himself this week - he refuses to be fed with a spoon quite a bit now, unless he's the one holding the spoon. And we've found a new favourite food - make French toast (eggy bread) but use Derbyshire/Staffordshire pancakes instead of bread. Then stuff with melted cheese and Quorn veggie 'ham'. Actually this is also a new fave food for me. It is severely yum!

Right, I better go - look forward to hearing from the rest of you soon. I've been a bit slack on BnB lately so be nice to hear everyone's news. Though I DO know re Kte - I think I said congrats before, but I'll say it again just in case I didn't - congrats!!!
Afternoon all, well we have the mmr tomorrow not looking forward to that. Do they do it in arm or leg? We have a very testing boy at the moment if he is told no or an item is removed for being 'naughty' N sits on the floor and as a high pitched scream. It's horrendous. He had to have his tree removed as he put it on one side of the play pen then proceeded to climb up it and over the pen. Thankfully no falls. It's a battle of wills sometimes with him wanting his own way. On a plus note when J was upset last night N gave him his fave teddy he took it back after the crying stopped but I was so proud of him.

Not much else happening here, managed to pour the water out the kettle onto my thumb so im sore :( but otherwise im feeling human again. Sleep deprivation is improving and looking at seeign if I can afford a little holiday soon.
Argh I'm so bloody angry! All I am saying for now is I spoke to FOB for the first time today in about 8 months and I could quite happily kill him. Will end up screaming if I try to write anymore right now!
Fraggles Jacob had his MMR in his arm but I think it just depends on your DR, hope it goes ok for you both :hugs:
LK :hugs: hope everything is ok

Don't really have too much to say, still dealing with really heavy periods, this one has been here for 3 weeks now, iron tablets aren't helping much due to the fact that I'm losing so much blood :( just waiting on appointment to have mirena fitted but have to have yucky swab test first which is a bit of a nightmare as I have to wait until I stop bleeding for them to do it!

Taking Jacob to Docs next week as I've been so worried about the fact that he's not walking yet but it's not just that, he wont stand up even with support like against the sofa or holding my hands, if I try to get him to stand he just bends his knees and sits down. It's so hard when I'm at mums and tots and all the other babies his age have been walking for ages as people always pass remarks which can be hurtful at times so I want to just make sure there are no problems, hopefully it's just down to laziness and that he's focusing his attention on his other skills.
Basically he never took my name off the joint account, ran up over £300 in overdraft and I got a letter today to my new address (which I don't want him having!) saying that the account has been suspended. So I phoned them and they say they can't do anything over the phone so I have to go to the bank tomorrow which is about 30 minutes away from here. Even though I pointed out to them that there was domestic violence involved. So I phoned him to find out what the hell was going on and all I got was abuse. Aparantly everything is my fault. Hes not been working since before christmas (funny that cos CSA say otherwise) and its my fault he doesn't see James. So I am absolutely fuming. Just as I sort one thing out, some other sh** happens! Absolutely sick to death of stupid lying men.
Oh and craftymum - hope things go well with Jacob. I'm sure he is just being a lazy boy lol. If he is advanced with other things then he is probably just concentrating all his learning on that instead of walking. Some kids don't walk until they are almost 2 :hugs:
awh LK that really sucks big time! I really hope you can get it sorted with the bank. I saw your FB status - don't give up on all men just yet by the way, I know it's hard to see that things could ever be different right now but they will be, that lowlife doesn't deserve you or your wonderful son, I have also been in a mentally and physically abusive relationship with my daughters dad and I thought I could never trust anyone again then when Jenna was 9 my wonderful hubby came along and honestly he is more of a Father to her than her bioligical Dad (who we never ever see since she was about 2) ever was.:hugs::hugs:
Craftymum ive known children who only crwl at this age. I think lots of children learn things at different rates. My family always say to me dont worry they haven't read the book on when they should do things.

LK ive come to learn companies will take one parties word on things so best to contact everyone you had joint dealings with. Hope the bank deal with things quickly for you.

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