Kte, I would like to say Congrats!! And the ring looks so beautiful!!!
I am going to update you all about the scan, my mum did come and it make things easier because I have an interpreter there with me to talk to a nurse in EPAU to book me in for the scan.
I was up at 7am and my mum was outside waiting for me to get up as she was working as a taxi driver at nights. She came in and my hubby went to wake Billy up and when he woke up and came downstairs and saw grandma and he went shy, dont want to walk until hubby give him the milk!
So we went to the hospital and arrived there in a good time, and went to ward 14. Called me in and the nurse thought my mum is an interpreter but she is not! So we have to wait for the interpreter. The interpreter came in who has been with me for the birth of my son, and me and Claire (the interpreter), went in and talk to the nurse and the nurse asked all sorts of questions etc. Then we were waiting outside and Billy and other boy playing and they are so so cute!! So, the sonographer's assistant has called for me and all of us went in.
I was watching Claire to sign to me to what the sonographer said, and she asked if it is ok for her to switch the lights off and i said thats fine and i was lay down and Billy was crying wondered where is Mummy!! Bless him, so my mum bought him to sit next to me and wondered what is the hell was that on my tummy lol. There it is!
The baby is seen and the heartbeat was seen, it is so beautiful to see it and remembered it all over with Billy. Its moving when sonographer left the mouse still for a bit

and the sonographer has measured it and said it is roughly 9 weeks and is not confirmed until the 12 weeks scan. If I am 9 weeks and it would make me to ovulated a bit early than I thought it was? So wait til the 12 weeks!
So they couldnt find my ovaries and I was surprised! But the tubes and everything is fine!

Cant wait for 12 weeks scan! xxx