Happy Friday
Anyone have exciting plans this weekend? Not much going on here- I wish I did though since it is a long weekend. I always feel like I'm not taking advantage of having the extra day off if we aren't out doing something special. Hubby is talking about taking Emma to an indoor play area- we were going to check out some of the Winterlude events (kinda like a winter festival that happens here every winter) but the weather hasn't exactly cooperated. It's 10 degrees and rainy so all the snow slides, ice sculptures and canal have melted. My back garden still has lots of snow, but the areas where the kids play are slowly turning to mud- I can't decide if we are going to go outside to play today. Emma has turned into a little snow bunny, always going to the front door, trying to put on her boots and hat (she can nearly always get the hat on by herself now) and handing me her snowsuit so it'll be a long day if we can't go out and play.
Not much else going on here- I've been adding to my list of old lady hobbies and teaching myself to knit better

I've been able to do basic stuff for a while, just experimenting with learning new stuff- of course Emma is the recipient of all my efforts. Emma is getting much better at actually doing stuff that I ask her to do- I'm sure she's understood for a while now but now if I ask her to put her books back on the shelf, etc., she actually does it. I'm hoping that the day where she can clean up her own mess is in sight, lol

At least the messes at mealtimes are at a minimum now- she's mastered the fork and spoon and is able to get them from the bowl to her mouth without dripping. Of course it seems like just when Emma's mess decreases, one of her little friends starts to make more of a mess than usual- can't win
Kte- That's exciting

Hope your sister has a fast and easy labour!
Eswift- I hope no other disasters befall you today
Fraggles- N sounds super cute with the teddy

I hope his MMR went okay today. They did Emma's in her arm- like someone else said, I really think it depends on the doctor. Ours said that Emma was big enough to start getting jabs in the arm but one of her little friends who is bigger than her still gets them in the leg

Sorry to hear fob is being an idiot, especially with everything else you've had on your plate lately
Craftymum- I hope Jacob's appt goes well

The dd of a friend of mine didn't walk until she was 19months- was too busy working on other skills too

I hope the iron/coil sorts you out soon- I'm sure it can't be too fun being tired all the time
Colsy- Sounds like a busy time- hope you have a nice visit with all your guests
Sorry if I missed anyone

Hope everyone is well