Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Lol Fraggles I was worried when we came over and I saw J!
Kte I get bloomin broody at everything. I caught up on one born every minute and spent 2 hours smiling and crying.
Kte ~ send my congrats to your sister, have a great weekend; house work will still be there next week...

OH & I had a chat last night over his family etc, he's put some of my worries to bed...

DS is on half term this week, we're cleaning and packing ready for our week away...
Don't think he realises how much we've to get done...
Hi everyone!

Hope we've had a good day.

Earl and I have - we took the bus into town (managed to copper up and get the fare lol) as it was raining cats, dogs and hamsters I think lol. We went and joined the library :thumbup: after saying for weeks we would and Earl has his own card :haha: It's so cute as he has his own 'under 2's' section which is all board books and things so he got to messa round in there for about 20 mins. He picked an 'It's not my Frog' book and a Maisie mouse book lol. When we were signing up the woman said that they are stopping bookstart so she gave me his next stage pack (I think she said it was from 18 months) and it had crayons and a pad in it so he's been colouring up a storm all afternoon lol. He's now gone to bed after only 1 place back (never heard of lol) and he's shattered! lol

Been a pretty normal day - around library visits trying to do a weekly shop on £5 (shocking week money wise after all the illness! lol) and catching up on Glee - I have no idea how we manage to generate wuite so much washing, but it's been going constantly today and I still have at least 4 more loads plus towels :shrug: How does that work? lol

I need your opinions ladies - CM has left a note in Earl's book that he's going 'out and about' next week but she doesn't say where - half term so she has big kids to entertain I guess. Do you ladies think I should ask or should I just leave her to it? I've given permission in my contract for day trips and car trips, so I can't say no really but I'd still like to know where they're going. Is that wrong?

Have a nice evening ladies. I'm a bit lost. I have some chocolate mousse (on offer lol) to munch on but apart from that, I'm plan-less lol :dohh:
aimee-lou ~ I don't think it's out the way asking where CM is planning on going, seems rather odd to me that she's not told you? LOL But then again I can't keep my mouth shut; I get so excited...

Fraggles ~ I've had a peek at your photo's on fb and I got to tell you; Your Boys are Beautiful! Hope you're managing to catch a few more zzz's... I'm finding that I'm nodding come the afternoon, not good... CC doesn't have a nap very often...

Kte ~ How's Mum & Babe doing???

LK ~ Hope you managed to get things sorted with the bank...
I think I can safely say i'm not going to be broody!

Aimee - you reminded me I really should join Chloe up to a library! Shame about the book start scheme really.

I dunno how baby is, bit pee'd off with it / them all tbh. Not really good to have sour grapes but I just can't shift it. I feel hard done by, yesterday. My Mum called her and then me after, said she was tired (my sis) and my Mum and Dad may call for a 30min visit or leave it and do a proper visit with me today. I text my Sis a few times in the day and got nothing back, Nij text her hubby too and no reply. I text her goodnight and 'see you tomorrow' and just got nite nite back. Okay so yes lots is going on but no f****er ever left Nij and I be, as soon as I was wheeled into the recovery room there was my Sis. Everyone visited that very day yet she is tired and so not responding and others respecting her. Her birth wasn't as long or as traumatic yet she's tired - how did they think I felt!! So it's making me quite mad i'm sad to say.
Hi ladies, sorry I havent been posting for a while but does come to this thread and read everyone's posts.

Well this morning, my DH woke me up and tells me to go into Billy's room and I was confused as dont know what is the hell he talking about! I went into his room to find that everything from his bed is on the floor even his clothes and his nappy!!! My DH was laughing his head off!! I was so shocked but laughing afterward!! Billy wondered why we laughed and he was so confused as he was standing there in the cot naked! He was not sure whether to laugh with us or not! Bless him.

Kte - your sister should be able to reply as she should have a min to text you? I understand she might be tired but she should be able to text anyone even you when she can. I am sure that you would be appericate at least she text you. :) Xxx :hugs:

Eswift - I didn't have a chance to say congratulations on your pregnancy!!! So are you due in October?

LK - hope you are ok? Hope you are able to manage to sort out your bank and everything?

Hope all ladies's weekend are good? xxx
Sounds liek Billy was having a fun time :rofl:

Kte i'd be pissed off too. Must say even though knackered I text people even if I took a few hours to respond (morphine texts are the best :haha:) She may be feeling overwhelmed by it all maybe she'll realise what you had to put up with when you had Chloe :shrug:

Well I have 2 clingy babies today, been feeding hourly :wacko: and in between N as wanted cuddles. So not even dressed yet today, ive managed a coffee and a chocolate teacake.
Happy sunday girls. Didn't manage to sort the bank but will do it in the week. My parents and sister and the kids are now home. James didn't even get funny with them which was quite a surprise as they've been away for 5 whole weeks. Got some lovely presents. Mum and dad got me a pen, keyring and a giant toblerone hehe. They got James 2 lovely tshirts. Then my sister and her partner got me a beautiful silver and green wrap around bracelet (will try and post pics later), a lovely green necklace, and a set of coasters with Australia on them. They got James a tshirt and a lovely Australian story book with all aussie animals in it. Its lovely. I just wish I didn't have to work this afternoon. Missed them all so much that I don't want to leave. Have to work 4pm til 10pm yuk. James has finally given in and gone for a nap.....4 hours later than normal lol.
Hi all, hope were all well, hows everyone doing?
nanaki ~ I think I should be due the 1st week in October, but as we all know they'll come as and when they're ready...:haha:

Not sure if I said thank you to everyone for the congratulations or not; I'll say incase I forgot. THANK YOU ALL!!!:hugs:

I'm gonna have to go buy some bigger jeans before we go away; I know I've all my maternity clothes, but I have a feeling that someone will notice if I start wearing them...:haha: But at the moment I seem to manage until early afternoon and then I have to take my own jeans off, can't do with the pressure on my tum by then...:blush: I ain't one for living in joggers either...

LK ~ I'm glad everyone's back home and had a great time, I'm getting rather excited about seeing my sister again... :thumbup: I know we'll bicker like merry hell once she's been back a week... :dohh: But I really have missed her...:shrug:

Don't you find that our LO are getting funnier, as they get personalities of their own, learn how far they can push... :winkwink:

CC has now start to fake cry when she doesn't get her own way, so funny as her hands go to her eyes; and she smiles all the while doing a right pitiful waining sob. Really pathetic sounding too... When you ask what the noise is for she moves her hands and laughs at us...:haha:

If I'd have had her in hospital I'd have sworn she'd been swapped, she loves tiding up... I have to watch her now if she gets a mug and the gate between the livingroom & kitchen is locked; She just lobs them over now! When she's tidied her toys away, she gives herself loads of claps... :kiss:

She even had my Dad turn purple with laughing today, he was laughing so hard at her, she was putting wooden blocking into a shape sorter and with each one she did, she clapped for ages before doing the next...:haha:

She took my Mum's shoes off today, and put them in the hallway; then tried pulling through the stairgate when it was time for them to go...:dohh:

Where did I go wrong with her Brother??? Proves they're all different, he's gonna learn how to clean and pack this week; thats my plan of action when CC's in bed... She goes down about 6 ish... So here's hoping we'll acheive it all...:thumbup:
Eswift - I agree on the funny thing! Earl is hilarious at times - actually all the time. If he gets himself wedged anywhere all you have to do is say 'are you stuck?' and he dissolves into hysterical giggles. Every time you let the dog out, or even open the door, he's straight into the dog's cupboard and getting him a biscuit - dog loves him! lol I wish you would send CC over to teach Earl how to tidy - his favourite game at the moment is throwing, and the dog is getting it full on in the neck lol :haha:

How are we all today girls? I'm shattered but in a good way. hubby is away so i've taken the opportunity to do the entire house of washing (including bedding and sofa throws), clean up everywhere, tidy and put away. Earl and I went to feed the ducks after lunch but it was so blooming cold we weren't out long, and Earl who usually wants to walk everywhere wanted to get home quickly so let me carry him most of the way back lol. We also watched Toy Story 2 this afternoon and Earl sat for the first 25 mins before getting bored. His attention span is getting quite long now. He was sat for 15 mins today just putting his sticlebricks in and out of their box lol :dohh:

Is it wrong that I'm enjoying being on my own? Things are running really smoothly without hubby here! I miss him like crazy, don't get me wrong, but I never realised how much difference he made lol.

Oh and Proud Mummy Moment alert!!! Earl ate his tea with his fork tonight - spaghetti in tomato sauce. Not the tinned stuff, proper spaghetti. He ate loads of it like a pro. I swear if he knew how he'd have twizzled it round the fork! lol I've also noticed that I think we've entered the realms of imagination. We have a snowboarding polar bears thing on the bath, and instead of the usual waiting for me to set it up so he can put the bear on and press the button he was putting bears on the top of the slide and letting them fall while making whoosh noises. So sweet. :cloud9:

Anyhoo, I'm knackered and I have a slight sore throat. Earl has been sniffly today so I'm worried that we may have another cold each coming. Really can't afford to miss work but with hubby away if he's ill I'll have no choice. Will have to dose him up in the morning if all else fails.

Have a night sleep ladies. Time for me to go bye-byes! :sleep:
Hi ladies, I'm so jealous today. Earl is going to the seaside with the CM and I have to go to work! Boooooo!
Morning all,

Well I had a lightbulb moment with the whole issue and I have to say I understand more what has being going on and as for my Sis before I even said anything she said 'i'll text you when I am compus mentus' which was nice she acknowledged the issue. It's more my Mum's doing. Oh, first, I also have to state that when I said hers was less traumatic I by no way mean any birth that wasn't like mine is / was any less traumatic in the least; it was more the way my Mum was saying she had been through a lot let her rest, yet I at least equalled what she had been thought and wasn't allowed to rest. Been bugging me that I hadn't made myself clear. This 'let her rest' thing though was a mini get-out-clause for my Mum I later found out and now I am in a pickkle but don't want to pop it on an open forum :grr:

Nanaki: Bless Billy! What a sight to find! :haha:

sam :wave: How are you? Hows the new pregnancy going? Is George aware of anything yet?

Aimee: Well done Earl eating with a fork! :thumbup: Aww I'd be wanting to sneek along to the seaside too!

Fraggles: Hope you manage to have a bit of a breather today :flower:

Well, the visit when we got there yesterday was good and Chloe got a little jealous when I gave William a cuddle so she sat on my knee at the same time and was much happier, she gave his leg a tiny prod too :haha:. Oh and I now know his full name, its William Robert George James! Here is pic


  • William.jpg
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awwww so cute Kte

Well we had pretty much hourly feeding yesterday apart from a short break of 2hours :rofl: J today has been given N's fave teddy, a bottle and a prod. Think N is getting used to him being here and is trying to give him everything. He doesn't understand why he's not playing though :dohh:
awwww so cute Kte

Well we had pretty much hourly feeding yesterday apart from a short break of 2hours :rofl: J today has been given N's fave teddy, a bottle and a prod. Think N is getting used to him being here and is trying to give him everything. He doesn't understand why he's not playing though :dohh:

He looks just like his Dad, the MW apparently said 'Well you don't need to go on Jeremy Kyle' :dohh: :haha:

Aww I think its really sweet N sharing now, looking out for his little brother already. I bet he can't wait to play with him when J is a bit older :flower:

I just though, about Aimee's post - Chloe has started to act more things out but the thing that cracks me up at the moment is when we, or she, reads a book and sees a lion or a tiger etc she goes 'roar' and makes a growling noise :haha: :cloud9:
N is acting scenarios out too, he drives is tipper truck picks up a load makes a funny chug noise as he drives it and tips the load elsewhere.

He is alos starting to tidy away himself and he helps undress and dress himself he gets so frustrated that he cant put his shoes on though :rofl:

Wish we hadmore words though, i can make some mumbled ones out but the clearest are still why, mine, mummy and bath :dohh: oh yes and he can baaa and moo now
Can I have a baby that helps tidy please and like to get dressed?! :rofl:

Tbh she does try and help . . .by pulling off paper from the toilet roll and wiping things with it :haha:
awww, cute lickly pic of your nephew Kte. :)

How's everyone doing? Any nice plans for the rest of the week? Just the usual playgroups & housebound play n housework here.

Aimee & Eswift; Harry does a cute fake cry too, then runs off giggling! He's also obsessed with sitting in this teeny little toy basket that I got for his little cars & he sits in it & plays or watches TV (yeah, we;ve started watching Cbeebies & Disney together- he loves it & would probbably watch it all day if I let him! :dohh: ).

Aimee, I now know what you mean about the Hotdog Song!!!!!! Harry had his maracas & tamborine jumping round the lounge to it with a manic grin on his face, then i couldn't get it out of my damn head all evening!!!! Ah the joys of kids TV!!!!
I just though, about Aimee's post - Chloe has started to act more things out but the thing that cracks me up at the moment is when we, or she, reads a book and sees a lion or a tiger etc she goes 'roar' and makes a growling noise :haha: :cloud9:

Missy has been the same when ever she sees an elephant, she blows a raspberry thru her lips ... I have NO idea how she knew an elephant noise .. she just started doing it one day lol

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