Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Kte ~ Hope something sort with your family, it's not nice things being up in the air; but I agree with keeping stress levels down... I've not been & seen MIL since Christmas!

As for the milk thing CC won't drink cow's milk, drinks fruit juice, squash and Aptamil (normally has an 8oz at bed time, and another in the morning... Otherwise she has anything else all the rest of the day...)

Spoke to my sister this morning, 1st time in weeks; they just don't know when they're coming home... Still doing evac's from Libya...

Fraggles ~ CC is teething too, not nice really as she's groaning during the night with it, and is ending up in our bed at silly oclock... You have my heart felt sympathies with the missing zzz's...

Hope you're all well, CC is keeping me busy today; seems to be looking for trouble... Little minx!!!
Hi :hi:

Looks like the bumpkins baby dust been catching either that or we have all sat on the same chair lol :baby: this is my last ladies so going to enjoy this pregnancy and hopefully a full term baba.:baby:
Adi still drinks quite alot of milk but in a way i'm glad because his weight is low due to his dairy and soya allergy as he mainly lives on vegs, beans and pulses. He has got the hospital Thurs about his allergies hopefully but worthwhile and they decided to do proper tests.

Kte- He does love the shower prefers it to the bath:baby: hope you get things sorted with your family :hugs:

Adi shocked me today I took his nappy off to change him, he went to his potty and did a poo! I knew he was ready cause everytime he wee's he smacks his willy lol xx:hugs:
congrats mumof4

Milk wise N has 4-5oz of ebm in the morning or 3 oz and some cows milk on cereal. If he's feeling under the weatehr he has 3oz after lunch before his nap and then upto 7oz or either ebm or frmula at night
Thanks ladies for the milk advice :flower:

Congratulations Mumof4, wishing you lots of luck and sticky dust with this little one :flower:

We joined the library today, applied yesterday and our cards were ready, Aimee gave me a kick up the bum :haha: Been meaning to do it for ages, only lived around here for about 10 years!! Chloe loved the children's area and we took 3 books out which she went mad over and I got one out that has lots of toddler activities in which I am looking forward to doing with her :thumbup:

Nij has buggered off out again so I am sat here wondering what to do with my evening now, sad eh!

Have a good one all :flower:
Morning all :flower:

We got a letter from Chloe's nursery about red nose day asking if she can go as a princess or a pirate . . . need to start sorting a costume now! Argh . . . what happened to just showing up all in red lol!

Oh and my Mum agreed with me in the email - phew :thumbup:

Hope you all have a nice day :flower:
Kte- Glad to hear the email you sent didn't cause any added stress :hugs: We don't have red nose day here- I'm intrigued though (always looking for other countries' celebrations to celebrate here at daycare :blush:)

Mumof4- Congrats! Wow, there must be something in the water :haha: hope you have a happy, healthy 9 months :flower: You'll need to change your user name to "mumof52011" ;)

Just a quickie from me- slept in today. Was having a little snuggle with Emma and fell back asleep. Hope everyone is having a good day!
Thanks everyone:flower:
Been to doctors with Adi today as fed up with him keep getting colds and coughs, the doctor thinks it's not a cold as in cold but he is having an allergic outbreak. I've never really thought of it before but now I thinking it does make sense. He has also up'd his inhaler's as well which I think he needed:flower:

I'm back working at the school next Monday only one day a week and decided to do my level 3 while I'm there seen as Uni as gone on hold for a year.

Kte- We go to the library as they have some good stuff on there for the kids, I have to limit mine to 2 books each cause they can never find them when it comes to taking them back.

Hope everyone is ok :hugs:
Kaites - Red nose day is a good laugh - it's a fund-raising event where comedians do a big show and people do all sorts for charity.
Kte- good luck with the costume - that's one thing about the cm, no major efforts made on that score lol Glad you liked the library. Earl loves it there and he carried his book bag in all the way on the bus on saturday and the librarian was besotted! :haha:

Hope we're all good! We're all fine - Earl is completely fine now and hasn't been sick in over a week! :thumbup: I've stopped giving him milk at night and his chest is a lot clearer with no coughing - Yay. Milkwise he still have a good 10ish oz in drinks during the day and a few more in yoghurts, on cereal, cheese etc (He will eat anything with cheese on it! lol)

Day off tomorrow - not sure what to do tomorrow to be honest. No money, it's cold and there's a grand total of 2 ducks on the local pond who aren't very friendly and don't like to be fed lol. :dohh: The park is a bit of a 10 minute wonder with Earl as he only likes to go over and over the bridge which it looks like he's about to fall off lol.

I don't think there's much else going on..... seriously tired though as Earl has been getting me up at 5.15 for over a week now. I think he's dropping his afternoon nap or something as he's knackered in the morning, so will have a sleep, then need to go to bead at 6ish as he'll have been up all afternoon, and will therefore wake up earlier. Going to try to keep him up a bit longer in the morning and break the cycle so I can sleep lol :sleep:

Have a nice evening :kiss:
Morning all

Well we went to the seaside yesterday. N had a go on a ride in an amusements he wasn't impressed (was faster than I expected) he cried when the grabber machines droppd the teddies too :haha: He loves being at the seaside though and it zonked him out and J slept through as well :wohoo: Think I need to move back to the seaside it has magical sleeping properties!!!

Need to make some space here as I bought a mini bouncy castle at the weekend and need to get that blown up :dohh:
oh we went to a soft play place yesterday too, N loved it althoug he was unsure about the slide, he's more of a ball pool guy :haha: and everyone was cooing over J but all had to ask if boy or girl (I thought he looked very much like a boy) :shrug: maybe it was the orange outfit.
Morning gals

Well, the visitors have all gone home, my mum's car is fixed, our own car is fixed, and OH's van is fixed. It never rains ... :dohh: We mostly had a great time with all our house guests. I say 'mostly' because there were a few moments with my mum, but I am slowing beginning to accept that that ain't ever going to change. I have a very bizarre relationship with my mother, which would take about a million BnB posts for me to describe properly, but suffice to say sometimes things are good and sometimes they're bloody awful. But apart from those bits, we did lots of nice stuff last week, lots of days out and lunches out and a bit of shopping and generally lots of fun things.

This week I'm working quite a bit, including this morning - so I shouldn't actually be on BnB :blush: But to answer some Qs from last week ...

Flora, Monty has bog-standard chamomile tea. Twinings or Waitrose own or any other sort. AFAIK (and I have researched it quite a bit), chamomile is fine for babies, even from birth.

Re stopping the BF, I can't remember who asked about this. Basically I'd moved him to just one side each evening before bed, so his intake had been reduced for a good month or so. Then on the day we stopped finally, we went upstairs and made him turn right instead of left - this means going to his room rather than to our room (where he used to BF). So already he knew something was different. Then I went and ran the bath and got his stuff ready, while OH gave him the chamomile tea in his very own special china mug (he loves drinking out of grown-up mugs so we thought this would make it a big deal for him). There was lots of protesting, but not for the reasons we imagined - basically he was barely interested in the tea but just wanted to come straight into the bathroom so he could watch the bath being run. And this has been the case ever since we dropped the feed, which was last Weds night. So basically I feel he is fine about not having the BF, but TBH I don't know if we'll continue with the tea because he enjoys having a few sips but all he wants to do is get straight in the bath. What I might do is give him the tea downstairs instead, just as a prelude to getting ready for bed.

And how has he slept since? Well, mostly fine but we've had one bedtime since then when he cried for 20minutes when he was put in his cot (that was a shock - he hasn't done that at home for months and months). We still just walk away and ignore and let him CIO, because that's how our sleep programme finally worked, but god his cries still rip straight through me and I don't know if it's the right thing to do. But then I know if I go in there with him, he won't sleep at all, which of course ain't much cop for anybody.

Also, today he woke at 5.10am, which is unheard of lately, and he cried really loudly for less than 5 minutes. Then we heard his musical teddy (he's learnt to use the music box on it) and then we heard silence ... and then we realised he'd gone back to sleep and it was 7.45am!!!!! NEVER happened before. But of all the days for him to sleep late ... today we need him to have a morning rather than an afternoon nap, so a lie-in wasn't really the best thing :dohh:

Anyway, that's us. Oh, one Q for some of you. I see, Aimee, that you reckon Earl is starting to drop his nap. Is that his only nap these days? I was just wondering whether anybody else is starting to drop the nap. Monty has days where he desperately needs the nap (but he's still refusing cot, so we're still on car or walking with the pram), but other days I almost think he could do without it. So I guess that's kind of the start of the nap going?

Got to go do some work. Hope the rest of you are all hunkey-dorey xxx
Morning all,

1.5 days of work time left (then .5 of a day in talks and 1 day on my course) and then its holiday time! :rofl: Full throng here at the mo so just a quick one from me.

Fraggles: I can't quite get how they would think J was a girl! Bouncy castle sounds fun but where on earth are you going to put that?! It was a comfy squeeze when we were over last :haha: Glad you had fun at the seaside, Chloe was a bit like that on the ride machines too, she liked to sit in them but we put one on it is was quite fast and she wanted to get off asap!!

Colsy: I'm glad it was a predominantly nice visit from your Mum :flower: Nap wise, Chloe usually has 1hr around lunch time (12 - 1) ish. Although on Friday she didn't have a nap but was out and about with nursery and she was the only one who didn't! :haha:

Aimee : Glad Earl is much better now :flower: Hope you enjoy your day off today too :D
Colsy - glad you got everything sorted! I know what you mean about it all coming at once. We're waiting for about 6 things to come abck to us and until then we're skint - and trust the car exhaust to start blowing! :dohh:

Re: Naps - yes he's been on 1 naps since October-ish, when he started at nursery and he went down to 1 nap after lunch. About 2 weeks ago he started to get really tired in the morning and today I've managed to stretch him out until 10.15 (he's in bed now so I'm just having a quick mosey on here before setting too with the housework :wacko:) but I don't know how long that will last - sometimes he'll go until 1pm, other's we're luck for him to get past 11! :wacko: If he is dropping the nap, tbh I'd rather he didn't - I need that time as he's really clingy at the moment (Think it's a phase, probably something to do with teeth!) and wont let me do housework un-assisted! lol He helped me clean the floor in the bathroom at the weekend and it took about 40 minutes to do a normal 5 minute job! lol :dohh:

Anyhoo's best be off. Got a million and 1 things to do before hubby gets home at 1ish....and then I'll get nothing done. Got to get the chicken out for tea too.....best not forget that! :wacko:
Just lost my whole post :dohh: :dohh: :dohh:

Hope everyone is having a good day :hugs:

Napwise, we're down to one after an early lunch but Emma can easily go all day on the weekends without a nap- not looking forward to the day when naps are a thing of the past though. I like Mummy-time :blush:
My son still having a nap per day. He always go to bed between 12.30 to 1pm and he can go til 4pm! So I can get on the housework for few hours. He has bee good boy though but only problem is at evening, he always wanted with Mummy and I wanted him to bond a bit more with daddy because once the baby born and he got to see that he will need to learn to be with daddy every evening while I sort the baby out. X
Napwise, we're down to one after an early lunch but Emma can easily go all day on the weekends without a nap- not looking forward to the day when naps are a thing of the past though. I like Mummy-time :blush:

Most mums (and dads) I ask say a similar thing. But for us, we're kind of looking forward to the time when Monty doesn't need a nap, because his naps don't really give us mummy or daddy time - indeed, we're either pounding the tarmac pushing the pram, or we're sitting in the car reading a book while he sleeps (and OMG the worst thing is you know he needs another hour or so of nap but you're sitting in the car desperate for a wee! :haha:).
On the Nap front I'm lucky if CC has one, to be fair the last couple of weeks CC's been taking them but she's teething again... Not that she sleeps for too long maybe just 30 mins and then she's off again...

I'm convinced she's related to 'Taz' at the moment, she makes my livingroom look as though a hurricaine's been through... Yet she'll still help put all the toys away at bed time...

I'm shattered at the moment, not been too sickly over the past 2 days, but had headaches from hell; ended up in bed early doors with them... OH not best pleased as he's having tea and then being left on his own... Hoping things pass soon...

Got news from my sister yesterday, her ships not coming home now until next month! She was in floods of tears, I told her what her ship is doing is saving lives and we'll still be here when they do return home... I did feel rather sorry for her, and her ship mates; they should have been home in 2 weeks, they've been away 7 months already... Mickey take is when they get back the ship is being retired (disbanded)... oh, I should moan really, it just doesn't make sense??
Napwise, we're down to one after an early lunch but Emma can easily go all day on the weekends without a nap- not looking forward to the day when naps are a thing of the past though. I like Mummy-time :blush:

Most mums (and dads) I ask say a similar thing. But for us, we're kind of looking forward to the time when Monty doesn't need a nap, because his naps don't really give us mummy or daddy time - indeed, we're either pounding the tarmac pushing the pram, or we're sitting in the car reading a book while he sleeps (and OMG the worst thing is you know he needs another hour or so of nap but you're sitting in the car desperate for a wee! :haha:).

Ahh- we just wake Emma up and try to transfer her to a napping place in the house to avoid that kind of dilemma but I can see where that wouldn't work for everyone :) Usually on the weekends we can extend her to whatever time is convenient to the day's schedule and then hubby and I can have a bit of couple-time in the afternoon- another reason I don't want naptime to come to an end ;)
I guess I'm lucky .. Missy takes a 2 hr nap about 1pm daily, if she don't have it she's done with the day by 5pm and is a lil horror.
Kte I haven't a clue where it will go :shrug: It was a bargain and I knew it would be well loved I think if I move a few cabinets and turn the sofa it might fit. Looking for a house with 2 reception rooms then 1 can be a play room.

N can now open doors :dohh: think I need more baby gates.

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