Morning gals
Well, the visitors have all gone home, my mum's car is fixed, our own car is fixed, and OH's van is fixed. It never rains ...

We mostly had a great time with all our house guests. I say 'mostly' because there were a few moments with my mum, but I am slowing beginning to accept that that ain't ever going to change. I have a very bizarre relationship with my mother, which would take about a million BnB posts for me to describe properly, but suffice to say sometimes things are good and sometimes they're bloody awful. But apart from those bits, we did lots of nice stuff last week, lots of days out and lunches out and a bit of shopping and generally lots of fun things.
This week I'm working quite a bit, including this morning - so I shouldn't actually be on BnB

But to answer some Qs from last week ...
Flora, Monty has bog-standard chamomile tea. Twinings or Waitrose own or any other sort. AFAIK (and I have researched it quite a bit), chamomile is fine for babies, even from birth.
stopping the BF, I can't remember who asked about this. Basically I'd moved him to just one side each evening before bed, so his intake had been reduced for a good month or so. Then on the day we stopped finally, we went upstairs and made him turn right instead of left - this means going to his room rather than to our room (where he used to BF). So already he knew something was different. Then I went and ran the bath and got his stuff ready, while OH gave him the chamomile tea in his very own special china mug (he loves drinking out of grown-up mugs so we thought this would make it a big deal for him). There was lots of protesting, but not for the reasons we imagined - basically he was barely interested in the tea but just wanted to come straight into the bathroom so he could watch the bath being run. And this has been the case ever since we dropped the feed, which was last Weds night. So basically I feel he is fine about not having the BF, but TBH I don't know if we'll continue with the tea because he enjoys having a few sips but all he wants to do is get straight in the bath. What I might do is give him the tea downstairs instead, just as a prelude to getting ready for bed.
And how has he slept since? Well, mostly fine but we've had one bedtime since then when he cried for 20minutes when he was put in his cot (that was a shock - he hasn't done that at home for months and months). We still just walk away and ignore and let him CIO, because that's how our sleep programme finally worked, but god his cries still rip straight through me and I don't know if it's the right thing to do. But then I know if I go in there with him, he won't sleep at all, which of course ain't much cop for anybody.
Also, today he woke at 5.10am, which is unheard of lately, and he cried really loudly for less than 5 minutes. Then we heard his musical teddy (he's learnt to use the music box on it) and then we heard silence ... and then we realised he'd gone back to sleep and it was 7.45am!!!!! NEVER happened before. But of all the days for him to sleep late ... today we need him to have a morning rather than an afternoon nap, so a lie-in wasn't really the best thing
Anyway, that's us. Oh, one Q for some of you. I see,
Aimee, that you reckon Earl is starting to drop his nap. Is that his
only nap these days? I was just wondering whether anybody else is starting to drop the nap. Monty has days where he desperately needs the nap (but he's still refusing cot, so we're still on car or walking with the pram), but other days I almost think he could do without it. So I guess that's kind of the start of the nap going?
Got to go do some work. Hope the rest of you are all hunkey-dorey xxx