Not much going on here- the weekend was busy with a whole lot of nothing

We did some shopping both days and went to my parent's house for dinner on Saturday but other than that, just relaxed

We took Emma to an aquarium supply store on Saturday (hubby's hobby) and she loved the place, running down the aisles and aisles of fish tanks, stopping occasionally for an "ohhhh fishies!!". I need to get Emma some new shoes too- she's outgrown her size 6s and the size 7s we have are a weird fit so they come off easily (velcro is placed kinda strange on them so that they undo a little too easily by little hands). I'm pretty sure our sizing is different here though than the UK (I think it works out that we are one size bigger than the UK here)- Emma's got big feet but not as big as it probably sounds, lol

My mum got her sizes mixed up a few months back and bought some Dora the Explorer shoes for her that light up in a size 8 so I might see how much too big they are- I think we might not be too far off those fitting since her winter boots are a size 8 (they recommend 2 sizes larger than the actual measurement of the foot so that the foot stays warmer in the cold weather here).
Emma's latest thing is wanting to drink from a real cup- she's getting pretty good at it and doesn't spill but eventually, she decides that she wants to play with whatever is inside
Colsy- that's cool that Monty seems to have weaned

No end in sight here, lol
Flora- How about peppermint tea? Hubby and I always drink the stuff in the evenings and Emma usually tries to steal a few sips before bedtime too
LK- Congrats on the new car!
Fraggles- Hope N's teeth hurry up and he gets some relief soon
Kte- Chloe sounds cute with the cats. Ours is the same- she'll tolerate a little bit of playtime with Emma, usually her catnip mouse.
eswift- hope this week goes by quickly for you
Hope everyone is having a good day- off to mop the fingerprints off the floor. Honestly, for a bunch of walking kids, Emma and her friends leave a lot of smears on the floor