Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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LK ~ Good luck on the car... I've taken CC back to the shoe shop 3 x in 6 months, to be told her little dinky shoes fit... Guess I've been so lucky, with everything else going...

Pegnancy brain kicking in already, I thought we were off away week after next. I was so disapointed to find it's the week after that, how gutting!?!?

Hope all's well...
:hi: I got Harry new shoes 2 days ago- little blue suede ones, coz his dinky little size 3's were finally too small. He's now a 4E :thumbup:
Took him to the park yesterday & we had a great time, until right at the end when he fell over & face planted on the rubber gritty surface & grazed all his lip & nose :( He also had a big nose bleed & it really scared me. First time i've ever had to use my baby first aid kit! But he's absolutely fine- just looks a bit red & puffy.
Hubby took him out on his own for the first time today & got his hair cut. He was starting to look like a mad scientist! They came back at lunch time & I was still in bed, lol, & it's a lot shorter than I would've gone, but looks pretty cute, and they spiked it up a bit & he looks so grown up! He was good as gold again, then we went out to nandos for tea time with a couple of old work friends, which was nice.
Got my mum coming tomorrow, then going to look around a nursery on monday. We're thinking of sending him 1 afternoon a week to give me a chance to finish this blasted decorating & restart my dreaded driving lessons.

How's everyopne else doing?
Loved the haircut flora :thumbup: N just went into a 4.5f got some cute boots and he picked some trainers. He looks so cute trying to put them on himself. Little mite gets frustrated when he cant manage though.

Hope Harry has recovered after his fall :hugs:

Knackered here, sleep as gone out the window.
Morning all,

LK: Hope you get sorted for the new car :flower:

Eswift: Oh dear, at least something to spur you on another week, hope it flies by, we are off that week too, not doing anything but can't wait - are you going anywhere nice? :flower:

Flora: Hope Harry heals up quick enough after his fall :flower:

Fraggles: Sorry to hear your having a tough time with sleep :hugs:

Chloe has been playing with the cats this morning, she usually plays with Smokey and her mouse but the mouse is missing . . . so she decided it would be more fun to pile clothes on Bandit :haha: It amazes me how they interact with her and just kind of take it sometimes bless em.

Best go . . .time to dry my hair, finish some washing at some point and the usual clean before the inlaws get here. Haven't heard from them but assuming they will be coming!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend ladies and babies :flower:
We're off down to Lincoln, then Plymouth; possibly calling in at Wakefield on the way home. All depending on travelling times...

CC didn't settle so well last night, took us an extra hour with a few tears; then she woke again at 1.30; OH was the up at 4.45. So CC and I have been up since then. She has had 30 mins nap, until the dogs started barking at nothing!!!! So she's being rather naughty... I'm hoping that this evening will better. Possibly earlier too...
Hi girls. Great news. Been approved for the new car I looked at so be picking it up on Friday. Bought James some new shoes cos he is now a 4.5G and so he has some little blue ones with dinosaurs on. He loves them. We went for quite a long walk today. He had the devil in him this morning so we walked to the park and then on to my parents house. Its about a mile and he walked the vast majority of it on his reins. Went down for a nap almost as soon as we got here and have had to put him up again cos hes being a miserable little sod. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Hope your all having a good weekend.:flower:

Kids back to school tomorrow so had a busy day trying to get everything sorted ready for them.:iron:, they are terrible always have one shoes missing and it's in a stupid place when you find it! My niece has been here today my god is she a livewire, don't know what I would do if I had one like her lol.

Adi's been in the garden today in between the rain showers, when it does rain he likes to feel it on his head:baby: then touches it with his hands its so funny. xx
Hi girls, this is mega quick to say hello, wishing you all well, and yes, we're still alive, even though I've been sooooo quiet. Big bit of news ... I have stopped BF Monty. He was down to just a couple of mins before bed and this week we swapped that for a mug of camomile tea instead. It's manic here, visitors non-stop for over a week, and now we also have three semi-broken cars to deal with. Nothing too major, but it means we have no vehicle and also means my mum's set to be here for at least another night. Ho hum. Will update on everything when I get a minute, but I am rushing right now so just wanted to do a quick catch-up. Bye for now xxx
Colsy, what kind of cammomlie tea do you give Monty? We've just started putting a few drops of orange squaah in Harry's water & he loves it, but i'm looking at other drinks for him that aren't too sweet or sugary & that wont get him all gee'd up in the evenings, lol. My mum suggested baby fennel tea, but i haven't been able to find any locally?

Mumof42009; that sounds so cute about Adi & the rain! harry always looks upwards & opens his mouth trying to 'eat' the rain, lol!

Fraggles, i really hope you get some rest soon; I can't even imagine how exhausting it must be having 2 under 2. My cousin is due her 2nd next week & she has a 1 year old too & she's panicking a bit now about how she's gonna cope!

Kte- any luck with finding ways to entertain Chloe on the bus journeys? Luckily Harry is obsessed with busses & 'bus spots' from the back of one of our sofas!!!! He climbvs up, pulls the net curtain over his head & weatches the world go by, yelling 'bus!' or 'car' or 'doggy' as things go by, silly boy.

anyway, better go as Harrybo is stirring.
Its not normally too bad flora I think the pumping adds to the pressure but I know if I dont pump now I wont be able to get much off when I go back to work and N still likes his boobie milk. Im kind of aiming for 18 months with that.
No sleep for anyone here as N seems to be cutting alot of teeth. One more through and he's suffering badly poor thing.

LK sounds like you got the shoes for James we had for N we got the boots in the same design this time.

Colsy how is monty doing without the bf?
Morning all,

Flora: The Hipp baby club sent me a sample of baby fennel tea - maybe try their website? It may suggest local suppliers? :flower: Indeed I have found out a trick . . . once I have done stories and food etc and is about to kick off I pop on my phone vids, I discovered she loves watching video's of herself! :haha: :thumbup:

Colsy: :wave: Sorry to hear about the cars. Be nice to hear from you when you are able to sit down for five :flower: :hugs:

Mumof4: Aw sounds really cute Adi in the rain, I haven't really had Chloe out in the rain, it usually when she is in her pram and so I pop her cover on. Need to get her some wellies and let her play out in it! Although she freaks out in the shower so I'm not so sure, then again, it may do her good! Does Adi like the shower since he likes the rain? :flower:

Eswift: That's a fair treck of a trip for a holiday! Hope its all nice tho :flower:

Just sent a 'scary' email to my Mum, my eldest sis wants my number but it's family-complicated as per and I just don't need the stress. Let hope I don't push any noses out but I can't pretend for other peoples sake, had far too much stress last year so if I can, I'd like to keep this year as stress free as possible! Wish me luck! Fed up of sleepless nights!

Speaking of those, Fraggles - hope you have managed to get some more kip in hun :flower: :hugs:

I was wondering milk wise - Chloe really doesn't drink much milk anymore, its not that I don't offer it and I'm not too worries as she has her dairy intake in other ways, I just find it odd that they live off milk for so long and then suddenly nothing . . . what are other bumpkins like? :flower:

Not much going on here- the weekend was busy with a whole lot of nothing :blush: We did some shopping both days and went to my parent's house for dinner on Saturday but other than that, just relaxed :thumbup: We took Emma to an aquarium supply store on Saturday (hubby's hobby) and she loved the place, running down the aisles and aisles of fish tanks, stopping occasionally for an "ohhhh fishies!!". I need to get Emma some new shoes too- she's outgrown her size 6s and the size 7s we have are a weird fit so they come off easily (velcro is placed kinda strange on them so that they undo a little too easily by little hands). I'm pretty sure our sizing is different here though than the UK (I think it works out that we are one size bigger than the UK here)- Emma's got big feet but not as big as it probably sounds, lol :) My mum got her sizes mixed up a few months back and bought some Dora the Explorer shoes for her that light up in a size 8 so I might see how much too big they are- I think we might not be too far off those fitting since her winter boots are a size 8 (they recommend 2 sizes larger than the actual measurement of the foot so that the foot stays warmer in the cold weather here).

Emma's latest thing is wanting to drink from a real cup- she's getting pretty good at it and doesn't spill but eventually, she decides that she wants to play with whatever is inside :dohh:

Colsy- that's cool that Monty seems to have weaned :thumbup: No end in sight here, lol :)

Flora- How about peppermint tea? Hubby and I always drink the stuff in the evenings and Emma usually tries to steal a few sips before bedtime too

LK- Congrats on the new car!

Fraggles- Hope N's teeth hurry up and he gets some relief soon :hugs:

Kte- Chloe sounds cute with the cats. Ours is the same- she'll tolerate a little bit of playtime with Emma, usually her catnip mouse.

eswift- hope this week goes by quickly for you :)

Hope everyone is having a good day- off to mop the fingerprints off the floor. Honestly, for a bunch of walking kids, Emma and her friends leave a lot of smears on the floor :dohh:
Kte- milkwise, Emma seems to be going through a crazy milk patch :wacko: It actually concerns me because she's slightly anemic anyway and the milk will block iron absorption. Up until recently though, she would only drink maybe 4oz of milk a day+ 2-4 short boobie juice feeds but was getting lots of other milk products. Now she's getting more like 16oz + other dairy (and boob). hth :flower:
Kaites: Thanks about the milk. Chloe is the same - wants to drink from my cup and likes to pop her hand in to have a feel too!
Hi ladies. Just to let u know that I am still around and read those threads and I dont have much to say really.

Hope you ladies had a lovely weekend?

I am tidying the front room because I am waiting for a lady from Betterware to interview me for a job to be a self-employ for a bit to earn some money for my son and the baby so I can save some more to buy things for the baby that if we are to finding out what sex we are having at 20 weeks? We are wanting to know and I told him I would like to have another surprise.

So what is your view on finding out the sex of the baby at 20 weeks as my son was a surprise baby, and now I dont know whether to find out or not.

Billy is still walking around a lot, and after his incident with the bedroom last week now stopped as the vest is now on him to prevent him from doing anything with the nappy!!! Lol!! Xx
Nanaki: Glad Billy is keeping his PJ's on now! Good luck with the interview :flower: Hmmm I dunno, I loved the surprise before, I can see why people do find out and orginally we had wanted too but after two anatomy scans we still didn't get to find out. I'd defo do it again - not find out. :flower:
harry drinks 2-4oz of cows milk & 3-4 BFs a day & usually about 8oz of water or orange squash. he wont touch ebm with a barge pole & is a pain in the butt with cups; he'll only drink certain liquids from certain cups! :dohh:

we had a look round our nearest nursrey today. it seemed nice but i'm not really sure what to make of it since i have nothing else to compare it with?
Kte, thanks! Now he learnt to sign 'Book'! :D
I was wondering milk wise - Chloe really doesn't drink much milk anymore, its not that I don't offer it and I'm not too worries as she has her dairy intake in other ways, I just find it odd that they live off milk for so long and then suddenly nothing . . . what are other bumpkins like? :flower:

She's still on rice milk, she has 9 oz a day (3 with breakfast, 3 with lunch and 3 with dinner) .. if I try and not give it to her or have run out she stands in front of me signing 'milk' lol.
Well done Billy!

Chaos: I wish Chloe would let me know! I always usually have a drink for her around.

Flora: Are there any others you can take a sneeky peek at? Chloes nursery provides 3 main meals a day and a snack, we provide nappies and wipes. They usually do activities like painting, baking buns or doing pictures for wall displays such as they did a lantern for chinese new year, a bunny for the new year and recently an irish picture for St. Particks day that is coming up. They have a book area and a home area, few other toys and sensory, musical and car baskets etc. Chloe has her own keyworker she shares with only a few other babies and they usually have photos of them on the wall with the names of who they have and information a fortnightly menu for parents to look at too. They get a book that is written in each day as well about what she ate, what she did and fun nappy info! Friday they were taken for a trip out, now the weather is nicer she is going out a bit more. Just so you can kind of get a feel! :flower: This is a picture of her with some weird glitter jelly stuff in baby room 1 (she is in room 2 now)


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