Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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My little man has learnt to climb he stood on table last night laughing, when I told him no he got straight back up! I also found 20 pound in the bin, he had taken out of my purse and put in there (he puts everything in the bin).
Adi still has a nap between 12-1.30 wish he never as he sleeps terrible at night.

Hope everyone is ok and lo's xx
Eswift: Your poor sis, I guess she is just feeling fed up and ready to come home, you must psyc yourself up for something like that I suppose. Hope the headaches stop persting you too :flower:

Hope were all okay. Flying visit as last afternoon at work until a week on Mon and shouldn't be on here. Had the talk and a forum after that, need to focus but my brain is struggling . . . .come on coffee - kick in!

Kte ~ I think the headache are a combination of being tired, pregnant and getting new glasses... I'm hoping OH gets up with CC & Shane tomorrow... Got my scan date today, 4 weeks away; hoping OH takes the day off. I don't want to go alone...

I should be happy, but I'm dreading it...
Hi everyone!

How are we all?! :hugs:

We're good! Earl has grown about an inch during today! I got home from work and he's seriously tall! lol :haha: And his hair has grown too - munchkin! I can't afford new clothes for him til May so hopefully he'll be ok now for a while! lol

Friday tomorrow! I'm shattered as Earl is still getting up at 5am (4.55 this morning! :sleep:) and is whacked out by 8am so I'm not sure how this will pan out.

eswift - hope you're feeling better and I'm sure the scan will go well :hugs:

Fraggles - Earl learned to open doors not long ago - it's a nightmare! :dohh:
Eswift: :hugs:

:coffee: :sleep: Well Chloe is having a mejor teething session right now :nope: I just sneeked downstairs to give some time to CIO. HArsh as it sounds, I took her into bed with us and it didn't work,normally does, then laidon her bedroom floor with her, nope also not working, put her in her cot and rubbed her tummy, nope she wanted a cuddle, so I got her back out and she just continued to scream so this is current attempt. She did seem to settle but has started back up again. I have given her some pain relief so I just need her to calm down and see its kicked in but she is having none of it. She was miserable yesterday and when Nij collected her from nursery had big red angry cheeks and red ears from it all. They don't look as angry due to the pain killer but she is still really feeling it poor girl.

Oooooo silence . . .
Kte ~ Teething a swine isn't it? I've had some hassels with Charlie and the teeth, it's a shame really as normally she's so happy go lucky. The only thing we've found that works for her is to just go with the flow... We've some teething gel and calpol on the ready, but you're lucky if she'll take it... We've had sleepless nights, grumpy days and plenty of cuddles... (I don't mind that bit...)
Thanks Eswift, Chloe is very similar to Charlie, normally so happy go lucky so you can tell when she is really feeling it. I was supposed to be at the day school today and I really needed the info but she was groggy again this morning. Nursery said she had been miserable yesterday and they don't administer any medication unless it is prescription so I just couldn't do it too her today knowing she would have another bad day so I took the day off instead so we can have lots of time together and have feel better cuddles. She has been a gem all morning, just wanted some Mummy and Daddy time, tlc I guess, - little does she know we have her all next week, she will be fed up of us by then! :haha:
awww, huge congratulations mumof4! :)

re: naps. Harry has 1 nap a day, usually around 1-3pm. sometimes he stretches it from 2-5 though!!! Only day he doesn't is a weds when we're at playgroup till 3, then he sleeps in the buggy on the way hom, or some weekends when we're out n about & he'll sleep in the car.

Harry's 4 molars have finally made their way through!!!! So he's back to STTN & has been a little star this week, with fabulous moods, rea;lly helpful & hilarious in his little ways. He's learned to say 'darden' (garden) & i tried to teach him 'meercat' coz he loves ther adverts, but instead he says what sounds like 'beer mat!!!' :dohh:

anyone got any good plans for the weekend? we're going to a soft play centre again on saturday before hubby flies out to Finland for work for a week.

harry's got a bit of a snotty nose again at the moment; prob my fault coz we've spent most of the week outside either at the park or playgroup, or me walking with him in the connecta. whoops! (omg, i'm gutted i waited so long to buy a connecta integra- brilliant contraptions!)
Hi girls! James is teething too. High temp and runny bum. Grr. On the up side I picked up my new car today! It is beautiful. Only 3300 miles on the clock and 9 months old. I am in love lol. Should really be sleeping as I am on a night in Salisbury tonight but hey ho. Off home now to make myself nap lol. Night all.
No plans yet for the weekend, off to soft play with some ladies off here early next week. Lots cries with teething here too, makes for a very grumpy boy. Another came through today so he's catching up. Needs a haircut again too, think we may have to go shorter than normal.
Evening ladies.

Its odd as i am on my phone now, stil new to all this lol. Last time i visited bumpkins on a phone i was on nij's iphone at his parents house waiting for chloes arrival!!

Tommorw we are off there, Sun a carboot then mon up to my sisters until tuesday. took chloe for a walk to the library again today, she loved it and didnt want to go back in the house. { I thought i had done a cute video of her but i only did a photo by mistake!!

LK: enjoy the new car and hope you manahed to nap before your shift.

fraggles: enjoy the meet :)

flora: Hope you have nice family time before your hubby goes away.

Right tats me done for today, nite all :flower:
Heyyy... it's been ages since I posted in this thread. How's everyone doing?
Evening ladies. Managed about 2 hours before work so not too bad. Felt a bit snuffly and throat felt a bit odd so was expecting to come down with a cold. Woke up at 5pm feeling like one big phlegm ball lol. Can't call in sick for work cos I'm supervising someone else tonight so off to Morrisons in a bit to fill my car up and get some Cold and Flu remedy to get me through the night lol. Absolutely loving my new car. Its so much more quiet than the old one. Only took me an hour and 10 minutes to get to where I was last night instead of an hour and a half which was a pleasant surprise. Hope everyone has a nice Saturday night. Speak to you all tomorrow!
Happy Sunday All...

Kte ~ Have a fantastic week, sounds like it's gonna be action packed... Hope Chloe has a better week with the nashers... Charlie, has been grumbly during the night and has spent most of the last 3 nights with us, poor Graham's looking rather zombie like...

Fraggles ~ Enjoy the meet, hope all goes well and the teething settles soon...

LK ~ Hope you start to feel much better soon, sounds like the car's a good un...

Charlie and I are home alone, Shane has gone through to my parents as he wanted my Dad to watch him play rugby... Graham's working all day again... Must give him a ring to see how he's doing... Plan of action for today is when the sickness settles, is to go and catch up on some of the much needed to be done housework; We're due to go away next Saturday and it looks as through we're moving out, piles everywhere... Problem is we need to take so much with us, high chair, travel cot and pram. That's without suitcase for clothes and nappies... All of which is to fit into a tiny little car... Gonna be a fun packed travel down south... Without all the packing needing to be done, the cleaning needs doing too, I must own up to leaving the cleaning for a while as I feel crappy with the morning sickness... Problem is as I haven't done it neither has anyone else... Problem is I can't leave it any longer...
Well sleeping going better here, im annoyed though as ive discovered another tooth ive broken a bit off. All that pregnancy vomiting did havoc with my teeth.

Home the cleaning goes smoothly Emily its evil when the sickness hits :hugs:

I need to sort through all my baby stuff, im popping all the sizes into crates ready for when J grows into them. Still in newborn at the moment but im sure he'll fit the next size soon.

Kte how is your sister doign with William (Hope I remembered the right name)
Eswift: Hope the sickness eases and you manage to do just enough cleaning so you can feel better some it done but not have to gutt the place! Hope CC teething is easing off a bit too.

Neferet: :wave: Nice to see you back Hope you and Ike? :flower:

Fraggles: Hope you can get the tooth sorted soon. I really need to sort Chloe's clothes out again, she has been growing as well as teething so many sleeves are 3/4 again! Must be nice to be able to reuse some fave's for J. Yep its William - she seems to be doing fine, be nice when we visit tomorrow. Lucky mare hasn't had sore nipples and he is quite a good sleeper too so I thinking whoever said colic before is a bit cuckoo! Only down side so far is she was covered in poop the other day when his nappy was off and it even went in her mouth :sick: Sorry, TMI!! She can't believe how quickly he is growing already - think we all know how that feels even now!

It has been busy but things not exactly gone to plan. We did go to inlaws yeaterday. There was no carboot today :( We arrived to find a building being built on the old spot and there was nothing about it on the internet when we looked! Ah well. We ended up in Tesco for a breakfast and bought Chloe some tops in the clothing sale, 4 tops for £3 - not bad! In the afternoon we went to the park which was nice although Chloe's trike broke :grr: the stupid handle snapped off, so at least it will be good when she is older and can pedal but still!

Sisters tomorrow but we are setting off after the bin men have been as we have to pop the wheelie bin on the street kerb and so we don't want to be away and it be left there. Can't wait though. Feeling a bit pee'd with Nij at the moment, bar a few moments when we are in all he does is sit on the bloody lap top or is texting arranging to go out with his photographer urbex mates. Its driving me mad and I dunno why I haven't popped but I am feeling the rage right now and am going to have to say something. He put the 'Kerrang' TV channel on today we were listening to it and then he is on the laptop whilst I am playing with Chloe saying how crap it is - well turn it off, might be an idea, come back into the room and communicate with people perhaps! Its mad how you can be in the same room as someone yet feel like your not there or strangers or something. There needs to be more of a balance with real life and social networking and forum life! I can do it with B&B and FB so he should too!!!!!

ANywhoo, I really should sort some more of CHloe's clothes to go in a wash.

HAve a nice evening all :flower:
Kte ~ you were so right, only did just enough housework so it's not really on my nerves; still not as I'd like for us going away but OH is off Friday so I'm sure I'll manage to rope him into hoovering. DS is on bin duty already, so maybe if I get my act together will get there...

I've managed to convice DS that lands end won't be as much fun as the Eden project; so we're going there for a day out whilst down south. I've wanted to go for years, we'd planned to go before OH family prob occurred. Just never got... LOL Quite looking forward to it.

I'm not sure how this holiday is gonna go, I know we're all in need of a break; but I know we could do without spending the money... Catch 22.. Mum & Dad have some very different ideas as to what to do on holiday, but I guess we can all go our own separate ways. Mum keeps going on about the pub and drinking, I can't drink?!?! Dad keeps saying about spending time with the kids... So far OH has said very little... I just hope there's no big fall outs...

Only time will tell...
Hi girls, I see you're all as quiet as me at the moment. I'm having a mad work rush this week, as I may have a big project coming in and therefore want to get everything else sorted first. Feel rough today as got AF and it's a bad one. I think this may be because it's the first one since stopping BF and the old hormones have kicked in big time, giving me the worst cramps since giving birth :growlmad: At least I can take naproxen again now I've stopped BF. While I was BF I still had regular AF but it was always light and far less painful than I was used to. I had been led to believe that period pains disappeared after giving birth, but clearly that doesn't apply to everyone - me included.

Other life stuff all good. I wish it would stop raining/snowing/sleeting, but apart from the utterly crap weather that just seems endless these days, all is fine.

Sorry haven't got time to chat more, but I hope you're all doing well and I'll be on again soon. xx
Morning ladies!

Busy here too- nothing particularly special, just some crafty stuff and it seems like I only really only get it done when everyone is asleep so the projects are competing with my prime BnB time :haha: I've been hand-dyeing wool yarn for my knitting projects and it's a messy endevour so it's best done when there aren't any munchkins circulating... although I am really tempted to give Emma some colourful highlights :blush:

I predict it'll be quiet in here all week with Kte and eswift on holidays :) Hope you are both having lovely vacations :flower:

Colsy- interesting about the hormones and AF- eek, not looking forward to that- hope the naproxen works it's magic :hugs:

LK- Hope you are feeling better :hugs:

Fraggles- Hope you get the tooth sorted quickly- that sounds painful!

Time for another coffee before the kiddies arrive... Hope everyone is having a good day!
Hi ladies!

Hope you all are well and seems this thread is so quiet!

I have decided to buy the baby safety rail for Billy as he sometimes get stuck in between rails and I cant afford to keep him in the cot and keep stuck. Need to think about his blood if he get stuck for a long period. So when the time comes and we will train him to stay in the bed, and we have a baby gate upstairs to be ready to set up soon so he can walk into our bedroom by himself.

So tomorrow, we will be going to the hospital for an ultrasound scan! Get to see the baby again! :D:D The interpreter will be there tmw. :)

Bit of dry cough coming I think and got it off my son and hubby thanks(!) It would be my second time to get cough during the pregnancy!!! Nice one(!)

I dont have much things to say at the moment as Billy is going crazy around the house and he learnt to sign "book" now its his all-times sign! :doh: But he is doing well with sign language though.

We are going down to Birmingham on Friday to visit the in-laws and I am going to Crufts on Sat with a friend! Been wanting to go there for years and didnt have a chance to go now this year am going!! Yay.

Talk to you all laters!! Xxx

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