Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Morning all,

Back at work today, kind felt I pushed it, was feeling better earlier, now not so much. Anyways, yesterday I had my bloods taken and took a sample in, doc said to go back in 2 weeks for results. I hope there is something but hope its not too serious if that makes sence! Sick of feeling like this and if it's for no reason, its a bit annoying!

Had a fab two days off with Chloe, she has been really good and looking after me :cloud9: She seemed a little upset when I said it was nursery day but as soon as we got there she was all giddy and super happy to be playing with her friend Thomas again :haha:

Nanaki - hope all goes well today :flower: Also, hope Billy hasn't had anymore climbing adventures. :flower:

Fraggles :hugs: Are you able to get out for a bit without the LO's for some you time?

Well best be off, i'm super hungry and can here a toasted current teacake calling out to me :haha: :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Colsy-:hugs: how are you today and how was his sleeping last night? I was up most of the night again with Adi, his asthma is playing up and he spent most of the night coughing. I have left Adi to try and settle himself but doesn't work for us :cry: maybe when there 5 we will get some sleep lol.
Florabean-:hugs: don't let her get to you hun jealous witch :haha:
Kte-:flower: hope you start to feel better soon
Nanaki- how did today go? x
I have put it in my journal, Mumof42009. :) Everything is fine and the baby is all good! :)
Another day, another night of no sleep. J has an horrendous cold. He's finally asleep so I came down for a coffee earlier to find ants :sick: so ive cleared the kitchen scrubbed the cupbosrds, worktop and floor. Thrown out open packets and rewashed all the crockery. Got a second load in the washer so thought i'd have 5 minutes me time online.
Another day, another night of no sleep. J has an horrendous cold. He's finally asleep so I came down for a coffee earlier to find ants :sick: so ive cleared the kitchen scrubbed the cupbosrds, worktop and floor. Thrown out open packets and rewashed all the crockery. Got a second load in the washer so thought i'd have 5 minutes me time online.

:hugs: What a nightmare :hugs:
Colsy-:hugs: how are you today and how was his sleeping last night? I was up most of the night again with Adi, his asthma is playing up and he spent most of the night coughing. I have left Adi to try and settle himself but doesn't work for us :cry: maybe when there 5 we will get some sleep lol.

Thanks for asking, Mumof42009. :hugs: back to you. Well, the past two nights OH put Monty to bed, because we wanted to carry on with letting him self-settle, but I can't handle listening to him. I'm afraid I took the cheat's way out - let OH do the bedtime, while I sat in the car and did the sudoko puzzle in last Saturday's paper! So the first night OH did it, Monty cried for no more than 5mins and then was asleep. He then woke a couple of times in the night but went to sleep himself after maybe 1 or 2 mins grizzling. Last night, he went to bed just like he usually does, wiggled in his cot, found his teddies and then dropped straight off with no crying :happydance: He again woke a couple of times in the night and grizzled, but really only for a short time and then fell asleep unaided. He woke early this morn - first at 5.45am and then again at 6.10am, but I can handle that when required if I know he'll go to bed happily and sleep through the night.

So I'm very excited that this is the start of a new happy-in-bed phase, although I guess I shouldn't count my chickens yet because it has only been two days!

Tonight and tomorrow will be a bit telling, because something big is happening. Well, big for us anyway ... OH has taken Monty away to his parents for the night! This is the first time I have ever slept a night without Monty in the same house as me. OH has done it quite a few times, as he works occasional weekends/mid-weeks away from home, but for me it's A Big First. The idea is to give me some peace so I can really crack on with my work project. I miss them both already, but I know they'll be fine and so I'm not worried. No idea how the sleep will go tonight, as Monty has never actually slept at OH's parents' house, but at least I won't be there to hear the noise :haha: Then they come back tomorrow, either after lunch or late at night, depending on how my work is going and what the traffic on the M1 is like.

Probably won't be on here over the weekend, so I'll report back on Mon/Tues. So you all have a fab weekend, :hugs: to those in need, and I'll 'see' you all next week xxx
Another day, another night of no sleep. J has an horrendous cold. He's finally asleep so I came down for a coffee earlier to find ants :sick: so ive cleared the kitchen scrubbed the cupbosrds, worktop and floor. Thrown out open packets and rewashed all the crockery. Got a second load in the washer so thought i'd have 5 minutes me time online.

Fraggles, massive :hugs: Do you still have your mum on site to help, or are the three of you in your own house now? How is N sleeping? Does J wake him up at night? Sorry none of us can say much that's useful :shrug: - I guess the one thing I would say is what you already know ... that the sleep DOES get better, even if it is never perfect again. :hugs: again - and hope you manage to get a bit of peace at some point today.
Morning ladies,

Sleep issues seem pretty common atm for the Bumpkins :wacko: Emma had a restless night too (been about a week now)- it's bearable since we are still co-sleeping but frustrating all the same. At first I thought it was a teething-related issue but now I'm wondering if she's also coming down with a cold (fighting the urge to rant about sick kids and daycare :grr:). I got my first healthy "mama" out of Emma this week (she used to just reserve it for calling out to me when she was really sick). Nice to know I'm more than just "Buh" (for boobs) :haha: Seems like we're going through a bit of a language boom atm- lots of new words this week. Hubby is my new hero- he determined that the skunks moved out from under our front step so he dug out and sealed off the area himself yesterday the way the pros were going to, saving us $600 :) Emma was trying to be daddy's helper while he did the work, holding onto the box of concrete screws- so cute :) She's definitely become a total Daddy's Girl over the winter and I'm dreading when his work season starts up full swing and he's back to working 6 days a week/12-14 hour days because she's going to miss him so much.

Kte- Hope the doc has some answers for you hun :flower:

Colsy- Glad to hear the sleeping is back on track. I hope it isn't too hard for you to be away from Monty overnight and that you manage to get lots of work done :flower:

Fraggles- I hope N&J start sleeping better soon too :hugs: Must be hard doing it all yourself- I hope that you get a moment to yourself today :hugs:

Flora- Like the others said, don't let that b*tch get you down :hugs: Happy belated 18 months to Harry :)

Hope everyone is having a good day!
Another day, another night of no sleep. J has an horrendous cold. He's finally asleep so I came down for a coffee earlier to find ants :sick: so ive cleared the kitchen scrubbed the cupbosrds, worktop and floor. Thrown out open packets and rewashed all the crockery. Got a second load in the washer so thought i'd have 5 minutes me time online.

Fraggles, massive :hugs: Do you still have your mum on site to help, or are the three of you in your own house now? How is N sleeping? Does J wake him up at night? Sorry none of us can say much that's useful :shrug: - I guess the one thing I would say is what you already know ... that the sleep DOES get better, even if it is never perfect again. :hugs: again - and hope you manage to get a bit of peace at some point today.

Still have family with me, will do until im fully settled and maybe done a masters degree. So at least for 18 months more or so.
I must say J is usually a great sleeper much better than N ever was. I think it's just this cold. N could sleep through a bomb!
fraggles - Milo has always been a horrible sleeper. i'm hoping DD is much better. idk if i can do 2-3 hr naps for 4-5 months like i did with Milo. it felt like he never grew out of his newborn sleeping patterns.
Morning all :wave: Happy Friday!
Morning Kte. Yes, I am here - when I said 'happy weekend' yesterday, I was thinking it was Friday, not Thursday. So, my first night with Monty not in the house with me went fine. EXCEPT ... I had the worst night's sleep in ages! I ended up wide awake not much after 5.30am :dohh: Talk about not making the most of a good thing :wacko: Still, I've got shed loads of work done, and no joke I think I've done almost ten loads of laundry in two days. I'm making the most of the sunshine and breeze, and have washed lots of stuff that only gets done now and again, such as coats and cushion covers - now nice and clean and almost dry :happydance:

OH and Monty are having a good time away together. They're due back either after lunch or late tonight (about 11pm). It's more likely to be the latter I think, as OH likes the idea of Monty sleeping the whole journey and not being grouchy cos he wants his tea.

Right, more work to do, and another load of laundry to peg out in a min.
Hi all :) happy Friday!

I have to poorly little ones here :( Theo woke at around 8pm with his bed covered in sick, changed his sheets and pjs, gave him a little sip of water, came back down and put all his bedding in the wash, sat down to continue watching tellie and I heard him crying again :( all his clean bedding and pjs were covered...awful :( so brought him down for cuddles and waited for OH to get in to deal with the sheets (:haha:) he was sick a few more times till it was just water in the end (sorry if TMI)...put him back in bed around 11pm, Grace then woke at 11:30 and was up pretty much all night being sick :cry: my poor poor babies :(.

We all finally slept from 4am till 8am and we've just been lay on the couch watching tellie, Theo had some toast but Grace won't eat anything :( she's drinking water so I'm not too worried yet.

It's awful though, neither of them have ever been sick like this :( I've had to call work this morning to say I wouldn't be in, they are so understanding though, perks of having a female boss who is a mother herself!

Dinner time soon but I haven't a clue what to make for them both, thinking just a simple ham sandwich, neither of th have been sick since 8am so it's looking good?

Hope your all having a better Friday than we are!! My poor washer doesn't kno what has hit it...atleast it's good weather for drying!!


Hi girls. Sorry to hear about all the sleeping issues going on atm. James goes to bed not too bad but is usually awake some time between 5am and 6.30am. I started putting him to bed a bit later around 8pm cos putting him down at 6.30pm was causing an hour of him getting back out of bed and shouting from the gate.

How is everyone enjoying the sunshine? I am back on nights tonight so off to Ikea this afternoon to buy a toy box for James and also a box to make into his keepsake box.
Afternoon all :flower:

Aww Colsy, shame you didn't manage to get some sleep in but glad you've done lots of work and washing so you will be able to enjoy Monty time this weekend :flower:

How long until dredded work time Fraggles? :hugs:

LK: Hope the rest of your day is nice before night shift again :flower:

Mellie: Hope the bug shifts quickly and Grace & Theo feel better soon :hugs:

Any nice weekend plans? Non so much here, I'm guessing the usual inlaws visit on Sunday :haha: Playtime and fun with Chloe and hopefully especially if this weather keeps up, an adventure outside - although I am having the problem of keeping a hat on Chloe - she just will not keep on one at all, yesterday she was sqwirming due to the sun but wouldn't keep her hat on . . . what to do?!!!!
End of July Kte if I dont take the 3 months unpaid leave. :(

Oh my goodness, I can't believe you're having to think about work already! Doesn't seem five minutes ago N was born, let alone J!
Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is ok and that we're all enjoying the sunshine! :thumbup:

Just a quick one from me as it's late, I'm shattered and Harry Potter is in the DVD player! :haha:

We're all good, hubby finished Uni today for the Easter hols and now only has 3 exams left this year so essentially is now off for 5 months! :wacko: Got lots of things planned and Earl will be in at the CM Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I'm off Wednesdays, so he'll get plenty of time to himself.

We're going to see a Nursery that has a space for Earl from September. They want a deposit to secure the space but I'm going to have to bat my eyelids or something as we can't afford it for a couple of weeks. It's a 'woodland nursery' so it focusses on natural materials and outdoor play - perfect for Earl! Hopefully they'll be able to wear him out! :haha:

Earl is good, sleep is better but sedtime is still disrupted as he's been having some kind of spurt and has taken to having 3-4 hour naps every couple of days lol :dohh: His speech is getting to be really good, and he's been getting really cheeky - in a good way of course lol.

Must dash.....pudding of far too many biscuits is calling! :thumbup:

Hope we're all well and I'll catch up tomorrow.

Colsy - hope Monty and OH get home safe, and you've enjoyed your time at home alone!

Fraggles - Try not to think about work....months away yet and you don't want it looming over you. Hope you're ok otherwise and that N and J are ok.

Mellie - Hope Grace and Theo are feeling better :baby:
well milo went from not wanting to sleep all night to two nights of 11+ hours of sleep! last night was 13.5 hrs which really shocked me. and the night before he slept for 11 hrs.

have any of your LOs cut out naps yet? i know some toddlers cut out naps early. i hope he's still taking naps when DD gets here! i'm gonna need them. lol.

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