Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Milo's Mummy, I hope not with the naps too! I'm shattered but thankfully Chloe has gone down for her nap!

Aimee: Hope they hold out for you for the nursery place :thumbup:

Best go, I may only have 30 mins and I want to do my hair . . . the cleaning can wait for once!

:hugs: :flower:
Work feels looming as I need to sort a house move before I return to work and an extended trip abroad.
well milo went from not wanting to sleep all night to two nights of 11+ hours of sleep! last night was 13.5 hrs which really shocked me. and the night before he slept for 11 hrs.

have any of your LOs cut out naps yet? i know some toddlers cut out naps early. i hope he's still taking naps when DD gets here! i'm gonna need them. lol.

Missy is down to 1, 2 hr nap a day now. For a while when she was sick she went back to 2 naps, but now she sleeps 730pm till 8am and then 1pm to about 3pm. She needs to keep that nap until at least Christmas lol
I am worried im getting PND :(

I couldn't manage without a day time nap from my eldest its when I get stuff done
Fraggles- :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Emma often drops her nap on the weekend depending on what we've been doing for the day- if she gets lots of outside playtime then she'll nap but if she's tagging along on errands or playing inside while we are trying to get stuff done, then she often skips a nap. Yesterday she napped for a bit too long in the afternoon (3hrs) and then we had to go out for a walk around the neighbourhood with her at 8pm to try to get her to burn off some excess energy :wacko:

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
chaos - milo cut down to 1 two hour nap around 12 or 13 months. depending on if he is teething he might want two naps. but generally it's still just one nap. as long as he continues his naps for the next 2-3 months i'll be happy! lol. christmas is a long ways away! good luck keeping her napping until then lol.

kaites - sometimes if milo doesnt get too stimulated during the day we can try to skip a nap. especially if he sleeps in too long in the morning. i dont wanna risk giving him a late nap and making his bed time later. then it'll just throw his whole schedule off.
since i've never posted in here before i figured i should post something showing off milo :D lol

awww, milo is a cutie! I reckon all these bumpkin boys have very gorgeous hair!!!! I've noticed all the boys here seem to have a lot of hair compared to the little girls???

Well, friday we celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary. Went into portsmouth, did some clothes shopping, then went out for a meal, then went for a walk round the harbour, which harry loved, although we did keep having to stop about every 10 metres so he could randomly start pointing at birdies, 'butts' (boats), water & doggies! lol Today we did some work in the garden & cloeaned out the shed. tomorrow we've got to get harry a bike helmet for his seat on hubby's bike. Monday I'm getting my hair done as my pressie :)

Hope everyone's having a great weekend?
flora - thank you :) my parents keep saying how he needs a haircut. but i love how long his hair is :D
Milosmummy - he's lovely! Long hair is great on little boys as long as it's straight. Earl has curly hair and it got really long for a while and he looked like a nutty professor!! :haha:

Fraggles :hugs: - if you're worried get yourself checked before it develops. I hope you're ok and enjoying the sunshine today too.

Earl still has a nap (he's sleeping at the moment) - it can be anytime from 10am-1pm and it can last anything from 1 hour to 4 hours! :wacko: Realy depends what's been going on and how he's feeling.

He's not well at the moment - I think it's teeth but he's not sick or anything. Just horrendously irritable. I felt bad yesterday though as he brought me his calpol and he perked right up after having some. Thing is this wasn't until 6pm so he'd obviously been in some kind of discomfort all day :cry: Never mind though as I gave him some this morning - he was still cranky! - and he's been great. Don't judge me for dosing him up just to keep him happy :dohh: lol
Aimee: I'm not judging, we all know what its like sometimes when your in a bit of pain so if that's what Earl needed; its not as if you just randomly gave him some as he likes the taste! Hope he feels better soon :hugs:

Flora: Glad your having a lovely anniversary weekend :flower: Funny you should say that about girls and boys hair, there is another thread on her about baldie toddler and I think they are all girls, 99.9 of them are anyway!

Milo'smummy: Lovely vid :thumbup: I love how boxes are just great fun for LO's :haha: Chloe loves to stand in hers too.

Fraggles: I'm here if you need to chat :hugs: I agree with Aimee, if you do suspect, maybe talk to someone? :hugs:

Took Chloe out for an hour today and yesterdya in the sun, made a point of getting out instead of missing out as per. Music on and windows open soon I think, best crack on with some chores. Sick of this house I really am, hate being ill and playing catch up but its relentless with the cleaning anyway.

Started bleeding again today - another AF? :shrug: Who knows! Didn't happen last time I came of the pill when we started NTNP so I have no clue what my body is up too. I think as its can't be physically seen, Nij forgets I am feeling so crappy sometimes too.

He has a new route from this week meaning he won't get in today until 3 -3.30 and got his parents then too. Ah the joys!

I must say, I am having fun dressing Chloe up in summer things again. She helped me get dressed yesterday, she was most adamant I put a certain top on, was really quite cute :D
Are you NTNP Kte?

I feel quite down, its only been the last couple of days :shrug:
Fraggles-:hugs::hugs: tiredness doesn't help either, if you ever need to talk pm me I had really bad pd after my 4yr old.
Aimee- Doesn't hurt them now and again, do you use anything else hun? teething powders are really good.:hugs:
Flora- Glad you had nice anniversary :flower:
Milo's Mummy- your lo is so cute :hugs:
Kte- Took me a while to get back to normal after the pill, leave it two cycles then see your GP they can give you something to help regulate you.

If i've missed anyone :hugs:

I'm off tommorrow ladies until Friday kids are all ready to go and can't wait to wake up tm, so hopefully they will all go down early tonight.

Been thinking about uni not sure if I 100% want to go, i've worked hard to get there but don't know keep thinking are the kids going to suffer me never being here. :confused:
Are you NTNP Kte?

I feel quite down, its only been the last couple of days :shrug:

Sorry your feeling down :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Nope, not NTNP, its just I had that AF I mentioned recently and then came off pill with all worries and yesterday I started bleeding again, like the start of AF (sorry its all a bit TMI!) but today its the same. I was thinking earlier 'well ive not been off the pill before so maybe this is right' . . . .but then I remembered when were were NTNP back in 2008, I came off the pill in October and cycles were normal. So not sure what is going on.

Thanks, Mumof4 - I have to go back a week on Wed anyway due to my tests so I can mention it to them then as well and then go back if needs be after a few cycles. Can't do with AF popping up every 2 weeks - no fair! :haha: Hmmm how long would you be away from your LO's doing Uni? Enjoy your time away :hugs:
Im looking at uni, im thinking of applying for a scholorship so I can go.
Girls, I'm after some thoughts please. You know how something crap happens, and then you realise it's something that happens to loads of people loads of the time, so then you kind of thing 'Oh right, not just me - in which case it ain't so bad after all'?

Well, I feel we're having a bit of a struggle with Monty at the moment. Some days it feels like he's almost permanently irritable - not necessarily downright miserable but simply not quite happy - so although to most people he may look 'OK', I know that something ain't quite right. Some days we seem to have more miserable or irritable hours than we do happy hours. Some days he whinges almost all day. Now that doesn't happen every day - and sometimes we don't have any whingeing at all. But honestly, right now, it definitely feels like the ratio of his really good days to really crap days is a bit naff.

Much of his behaviour looks almost teething-like. He's shoving things in his mouth all the time. He goes on and off his food. He dribbles constantly. And he's downright grumpy a lot of the time. But I say 'looks' like teething because basically this more-bad-than-good-days thing has been going on since March. And I just can't accept that he would have been teething all that time. Or could he? We think he's got all of his teeth apart from the big bad back ones - but isn't it too early for them? And like I say, surely he wouldn't be teething for 1 or 2 months?!

He's also had an almost permanent runny nose, often with yellow snot, since January. We've been to the doc twice in the past ten days, and both times the doc (two diff ones) has said he's fine, just got a bit of a cold. But again, it don't seem right that he should be full of snot for 2 or 3 months? Doc checked ears and said they were fine, so that's ruled out.

So does that describe all the other little Bumpkins? I hope you all say yes. Then I can stop being irritable myself and get on with accepting that this is what an 18-month-old is like. On the other hand, if you all say no, then ... er ... not sure what I'll do then. LOL.:dohh:
The final back molars can take months to come thru .. my friends little boy who is now 3 too nearly 4 months. Apart from the 4 fangs they are the worse ones. (I also remember when my 4 back wisdom teeth came thru, boy it hurt)

Yellow won't be teething it will be clear. Yellow snot indicates some kind of infection. Missy got coloured snots when ever she had an ear infection (which can also cause jaw pain) or maybe a sinus infection.

Autumn was a total grump with her 4 fangs for about a month. The top two took about 2 weeks to come thru and the bottom about 3 weeks after that. Her poor gums looked like they had little white heads on it while they where trying to push thru, she'd not let us brush her teeth or anything.

I dunno, but I do know, trust your mummy instinct. You know him better than anyone. If you gut is telling you there is something wrong, then go with it. Don't worry about bothering the Drs, they get paid for it.

Hope he and you get some peace soon!!
Autumn was a total grump with her 4 fangs for about a month. The top two took about 2 weeks to come thru and the bottom about 3 weeks after that. Her poor gums looked like they had little white heads on it while they where trying to push thru, she'd not let us brush her teeth or anything.

Did she stop being grumpy as soon as they broke through the skin? Or was she still miserable a while after? (I ask because we kind of assume that teething has finished as soon as the gum is broken, but surely it's still painful while the tooth shifts about into position?)
Colsy, sometimes teething can take a while to cut thru. My son is nearly 18 months yet not have any new ones since he was about 13 months old with 8 teeths (4 tops and 4 bottoms). All babies are going thru phase of teething at different times and like I said it could take a while because front ones are small than back ones as they are thick. Thinking of you and Monty, Colsy! xx
Colsy: I had to check back in my journal about teeth, I document Chloe's teeth in it, her canines are the last to appear, they started in Feb and the top have cut but they are still pushing down so have taken a while. They don't always give her grief but on occasion do. At 16-20 months they should have 16 teeth although, as i'm sure your aware, LO like to do things differently and some can get the other molars as well to make 18.

In regards to the bogies, not sure. Chloe sometimes has a runny nose, then sometimes doesn't of late. No real reason but they aren't yellow, just usualy bogie colours if that makes sence!

If the GP isn't much help, how about having Monty checked over by a dentist? It sounds odd but I am sure I read on here recently about someones LO cutting more teeth as they and their OH had extra teeth . . . may be an option? :flower:

:hugs: :flower:

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