aimee, did earl keep the plaster on? i remember when Caleb was littler, he was always hurting himself and would bleed no end & we used to put plasters on him, but within seconds he was chewing them off! (eeeewwwww!) And good luck with TTC
LK; hope James isn't too bothered by his ear. Loved your Fb pic of him 'making' his bed & rearranging his room! Those pics re-affirmed to me that harry aint going in a real bed until he's, well, at least 10!!!! lol.
Actually, for all of you who's LOs are is 'big' beds or converted cotbeds, do they fall out? Do they stay in their beds? Do they jump on it? Can they reach the door handles to get out of their room if they wake in the night? Do they get kinda lost under their covers?
Harry's cot is sooooo huge & he moves about so much in his sleep 9well, when he's awake too, lol) that there's no way he's ready for it to be converted yet & his head only just clears the side rail, so no chance of him trying to climb out by himself yet either so we're leaving him be. But i keep wondering when is the 'right' time to let him go in a real bed? He can reach all our door handles (which are stupidly low) & the gap at the top of the stairs is too wide for a normal stair gate & the wall it would attach to is curved so we can't attach one there, so we're racking our brains as what to do when he can roam about upstairs by himself & not kill himself falling down the stairs or drown himself in the loo or something!
We had a great weekend; went to see Avenue Q in Southampton, which was hilarious (though not quite as good as when we saw it in London a few years back) & treated ourselves to midnight McDonalds on the way home. (well an apple pie & moazarella dippers for me) Got my dad coming to stay for a couple of days tomorrow, which will be the first time i've seen him since he got so ill at the start of the year. (he ended up having 2 whole months off work & only came off meds 3 weeks ago, but he's doing really well now).
harry's new word at the moment is 'now' and 'nak bar' (snack bar)

So cute all the little things he comes out with, even though most of it is jibberish!
anyways.... hope everyone's ok & LOs doing well.