Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Chaos, yes we are planning to convert the vcot into toddler bed soon once the bathroom door has be fixed with the handle to stop him to go into bathroom.

Milosmummy, yes thats right. Billy started to kicked outside a day before 20 weeks scan and I cant remember what weeks I felt him moving inside. But with this one I am sure its early to feel it and waiting for it to kick outside! :) X
with milo, my OH didnt feel him kick until 23weeks. with this one he felt her at 21weeks :) which is pretty early since i'm a little "bigger". then again, i started showing sooner with this one than i had with milo.
Happy Friday!

Any special plans this weekend? I think it's supposed to pour rain here so not too much planned.

Just a quickie from me- kids haven't been napping and hubby is back to crazy hours so I'm barely keeping on top of meals and house cleaning. Hope everyone is well :hugs:
Afternoon all :flower:

:hugs: Hope things aren't too crazy for you Kaites - Happy Friday! :flower:

Must be lovely getting the little baby feelings again nanaki :D

Weekend plans, tomorrow we have a keyworker day / parents day at Chloe's nursery so I get to go in and see her progress folder. I'll be popping into town after as well to purchase materials for Chloe's easter bunny costume :thumbup: Sunday not sure, clening and washing lol Not sure about the inlaws, they wanted to come on Sat but not cutting my day short really as they are trying to weedle in to coming every Sat rather than Sunday which I really really don't want - i'd like a life please!
Kaites- When I have 5 mins will find the info dietian gave me for Adi and give you the web address it came off, there are loads of foods you have to avoid can I ask what symptoms she has hun? x
Hi everyone :wave:

Hope we're all ok. We've just got back from a walk up to town to get a few bits - nothing exciting but it got us out of the house and since the car died last weekend (think it's a complete death this time) we can't go far at the moment.

Earl is in great form, and we're all well (for once) - we have some new words:

'fives' (for a high 5)
'apple' (hubby taught him that yesterday)

He gets at leas 1 new one per day at the moment. :thumbup:

Not a lot going on really. I've been referred for grommets for my ears so will be going soon hopefully (reminds me I need to call the appointment booking line). Hpefully that will be fixed by the end of May/beginning of June sort of time (before I start to have time off and holidays etc).

I'm really looking forward to the next few weeks. 3 weeks of very little time in work (3, 2 and 1 day weeks! :thumbup:) and we're going to hire a van at the end of the month and go and get the rest of our stuff (finally) including all the baby stuff which will all need washing to make sure it's not rotted away (a lot of the stuff that ws in the loft got damp and all the baby clothes, bedding, my maternity clothes and both moses baskets are in the loft! :dohh:)

I'm so excited at the moment. We're literally waiting for AF to arrive and then we're officially TTC - Hoping it happens soon as my job is getting precarious so would like to be in work when we get the BFP :thumbup:

Hope we're all good. Sorry I've not been on much. Life is getting on top of me at the moment and I am trying to keep on top of it. It's not really happening but at least I'm trying. :wacko: Have a lovely Sunday. :hugs:
:hugs: Aimee - hope AF comes soon so you can get started :thumbup:
Is this your first one since J Fraggles? How you getting on? Feeling any better? :hugs:

Well, Chloe is in bed and I will soon be off to finish the washing. It was supposed to be a 'date night' but Nij has gone to bed with a headache - I'm sure that's an excuse I'm supposed to use :rofl:

Chloe's keyworker day was good, got to bring her file home, it has lots of pictures of her and things she has done. Its also one of those files that ticks off her development etc and she is nicely on track :thumbup: She was a little shy today which really isn't like her at all but there were lots of strange adults and the staff weren't in uniform and so many older kids too I think it was a bit much - 'who are all these people in my nursery?!' :haha: It was nice, I was talking to her new keyworker and her old ones came in to chat too which was nice. She almost went on a bouncy castle but with being in her timid frame of mind it didn't last too long, she just ended up on the little bit at the front and didn't really go into the main bit. On the way home I called into town to get some material for her bunny costume :happydance:

OMG going to have to go, one of the cats has dropped a serious stink bomb :sick: Time to clean - argh its never ending! :haha:
Yep first one Kte you'd think seen as im BF it would stay away but it didnt last time either.

Kte need to text you, cant explain on here but life has dealt one son of a beep blow

Boys are good
Kaites- When I have 5 mins will find the info dietian gave me for Adi and give you the web address it came off, there are loads of foods you have to avoid can I ask what symptoms she has hun? x

Thanks :) I'll send you a PM hun rather than blabbing on about the whole thing here!

Fraggles- hope you're okay hun :hugs:

Just a quickie- sun is out briefly so I think we better get outside before it starts to rain again!
Hi girlies. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I worked yesterday (6th day shift this week) and then have had today off so went into town with my best mate and enjoyed some sunshine. James has bruised his ear poor little monkey. He feel over playing on my Ikea chair and hit his ear and now has a v shape bruise bless him.
little - sorry to hear about his fall. the other day at my moms Milo fell and hit his eye on a cabinet handle. now he has a scratch and bruise, and its a little swollen :( poor guy looks beat up!
Morning all :hi:

Speaking of knocks and bruises: Chloe wanted to climb the slide at the park yesterday and as it was a big one I was helping her, but she didn't want me too and *bang* flopped forwards and knoced her chin on it :dohh: There were tears and a red mark but she was okay after a cuddle and was quite happy going on it again. Tell you what, its one way to clear the park! Sudenly all the parents nearby dissapeared! :wacko: :haha:

Kaites: Hope everything is going okay re sussing out what it up with Emma :hugs:
Hello everyone,

Just a quick one from me. Earl is very clumsy all of the time. He has learnt to keep his head up off the floor when he falls now though so not quite so many head bumps, but he had bruises on his knees permanently, and he had his first plaster the other day from the worst paper cut I've ever seen (blood everywhere :sick:). I think it's just a phase which I've been told will last until he's about 6 :dohh:

Not a lot going on here today. We're heading into town later to get some bits and some cash to pay the CM tomorrow. Cannot wait (seriously excited!) for the easter weekends and things. I really need to get my exam pieces done before the easter break (going to try to finish it tonight) as we have family visits and all sorts going on. I am hoping to have it all completed by the beginning on May.

Best be off....Earl is sleeping still and I need to have something to eat :thumbup: Glee tonight too....hope to be finished for that.
aimee, did earl keep the plaster on? i remember when Caleb was littler, he was always hurting himself and would bleed no end & we used to put plasters on him, but within seconds he was chewing them off! (eeeewwwww!) And good luck with TTC :thumbup:

LK; hope James isn't too bothered by his ear. Loved your Fb pic of him 'making' his bed & rearranging his room! Those pics re-affirmed to me that harry aint going in a real bed until he's, well, at least 10!!!! lol.

Actually, for all of you who's LOs are is 'big' beds or converted cotbeds, do they fall out? Do they stay in their beds? Do they jump on it? Can they reach the door handles to get out of their room if they wake in the night? Do they get kinda lost under their covers?
Harry's cot is sooooo huge & he moves about so much in his sleep 9well, when he's awake too, lol) that there's no way he's ready for it to be converted yet & his head only just clears the side rail, so no chance of him trying to climb out by himself yet either so we're leaving him be. But i keep wondering when is the 'right' time to let him go in a real bed? He can reach all our door handles (which are stupidly low) & the gap at the top of the stairs is too wide for a normal stair gate & the wall it would attach to is curved so we can't attach one there, so we're racking our brains as what to do when he can roam about upstairs by himself & not kill himself falling down the stairs or drown himself in the loo or something! :dohh:

We had a great weekend; went to see Avenue Q in Southampton, which was hilarious (though not quite as good as when we saw it in London a few years back) & treated ourselves to midnight McDonalds on the way home. (well an apple pie & moazarella dippers for me) Got my dad coming to stay for a couple of days tomorrow, which will be the first time i've seen him since he got so ill at the start of the year. (he ended up having 2 whole months off work & only came off meds 3 weeks ago, but he's doing really well now).

harry's new word at the moment is 'now' and 'nak bar' (snack bar) :) So cute all the little things he comes out with, even though most of it is jibberish!

anyways.... hope everyone's ok & LOs doing well.
Fleur they make a baby gate thats 3 mesh sections (company called Summer I think) They can be abgle around a funny shape, so can lindam or babydan playpens.

N can open doors but we have an extra tall alarmed baby gate on his room which needs a button pressing while lifting the handle then there's another catch at the bottom.

N moves around but not too much, he often nods off on the sofa in the day time and never falls off.
Just another quickie from me while the kiddies nap... Last night was an all-time low for sleeping :( Emma only slept a solid 2 hours and woke every 15-30 minutes for the rest of the night. I'm starting to wonder if it's possible that she's got a food intolerance that has made her even more anemic than she was at xmas (gluten and dairy can both do that from what I've read) and that's the cause of the night waking?? So far, I can't figure out 100% what's causing it food-wise. All I know is we have a doc's appt in 2 hours time and I suspect it'll be either a waste of time or I'll end up feeling like a shit parent, despite having been super careful about not letting her have too much milk and menu planning for added iron. I'm exhausted...

Hope everyone else is well and that all the accident-prone bumpkins are healing well too :) :hugs:
Kaites can the doctors do food allergy tests if so dont exclude foods as it can affect the tests.

I have a climber on my hands and have no clue how to stop him. He see's everything as a mountain to be scaled :dohh:
Just another quickie from me while the kiddies nap... Last night was an all-time low for sleeping :( Emma only slept a solid 2 hours and woke every 15-30 minutes for the rest of the night. I'm starting to wonder if it's possible that she's got a food intolerance that has made her even more anemic than she was at xmas (gluten and dairy can both do that from what I've read) and that's the cause of the night waking?? So far, I can't figure out 100% what's causing it food-wise. All I know is we have a doc's appt in 2 hours time and I suspect it'll be either a waste of time or I'll end up feeling like a shit parent, despite having been super careful about not letting her have too much milk and menu planning for added iron. I'm exhausted...

Hope everyone else is well and that all the accident-prone bumpkins are healing well too :) :hugs:

Before we figured out Autumns milk allergy, she'd wake all thru the night (I guess with tummy ache and such) as soon as we removed milk and soy from her diet, she went back to sleeping thru the night. It's a pain in the arse tho .. milk and soy is in EVERYTHING .. and isn't just labelled 'milk and soy' .. has loads of long complicated names. Once you find your bearings tho, it's easy to avoid it.

Hope the Dr can figure something out .. maybe an allergist might be a better choice? GPs really don't have a clue when it comes to food allergies and what to look for, going straight to a specialised Dr will save you a lot of stress.. They can test food and environmental allergies thru a blood draw vs a traditional skin stick test.

Start keeping a food diary .. it's so hard to remember and connect foods/symptoms just off your head, but once its on paper it becomes SO obvious. Other symptoms of a food allergy is eczema, stuffiness, runny nose, cough, frequent runny bum, rashes and persistent ear infections. (the latter more so with milk) We ended up putting missy on rice milk, maybe it's something you can try?

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