Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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We have had a grumpy morning here too, lots of tears but now fast asleep
:hugs::hugs: to everybody who needs them.
I am still alive just about lol, been so stressed with student bloody finance they just do not know what they are doing. Sent all my stuff off the 5th may got delivered 6th and they are saying they haven't got it :dohh: which means they have either lost it or just can't be arsed to look for it. I feel a massive email coming to the manager!
Adi has had few rough days with his sleeping, Tues night he woke every hour and next morning he woke up covered in his usual allergy rash. I really don't understand what else he could be reacting to.
I've brought him a bed today as the cotbed is too big to keep in my room, I will be glad to get it down but that means he is no longer a baby.:cry:
:hugs: I hope Adi has a better night tonight! I hope you figure out what caused the rash too :flower:

Gahhh.... I can't believe I'm admitting this- I'm so fricking broody it's unbelievable. (on a side note, I HATE the word "broody"- makes my skin crawl!!!). Of Emma's 3 little boyfriends, 2 of their mums are now preggers and I'm feeling left behind. Totally irrational since I don't want another yet- I like being a threesome and financially, it's better for us to stay that way for now, being self employed and all- but there is also another side that thinks "hey, it's the perfect time if all those other mums are off on mat leave too and don't really need childcare for LO#1- from a business pt of view might be a good time to ttc" :dohh: :dohh: :dohh:

I realize that sounds insane but just had to get that off my chest before the ovaries explode or something, lol :haha: Thank gawd I've probably already o'd for the month or hubby might have been mauled tonight :rofl:

Soooo, how's everyone else doing tonight? :blush:
:hugs: Kaites. I totally know how you feel, infact I'm blaming Fraggles :haha: As I saw a picture of N and J playing together and it was so sweet and I though how nice that would be! Then there is the money, scared, the fact I am stressed just even now with not time and our relationship is in the wrong place factors but my hormones are saying yes and I am driving myself mad!

Mumof4: Sorry to hear about Adi, hope you can find out what it is :hugs: Student Finance can be complete and utter pains in the bum so I hope you don't get more trouble from them :hugs:

Well, I'm off to invigilate again for 3hrs. Really not in the mood today!
Happy Friday all, hope you all have a lovely weekend :flower:
Lol at Fraggle!

Hope you all ladies are having a lovely weekend and it will be our 3rd wedding anniversary on Monday! Ekkkk!

Am going off to have a lovely bath in a bit! :) Xxxx
Kte- glad to hear I'm not the only with these moments of hormonal insanity, lol- i like the idea of having 2 kids but when I imagine it with the rosy tinted glasses on, the kids are like 4 & 6 or something- not the itty bitty baby and toddler phase that would be necessary to live through first! It's when I think about that that I usually come back to my senses :haha: I also wonder how the hell I'd survive being pregnant and running after Emma and all her daycare buddies (the four kids are all born within a couple months of one another- it's like having quadruplets in the house everyday). Anyway, I'm feeling much more sensible today :blush: Hope you have a good weekend too :flower:

Fraggles- Aww- :hugs: and :rofl: hun! How does N like being a big brother?

Nanaki- It's our 3rd wedding anniversary on Tuesday! Are you guys doing anything special to celebrate? I think we're going to go out for dinner on Monday (a holiday here) but nothing too special planned.

It's been a lonnnnnnnggggggg day here- Emma is teething and between her and her little friends, the group has been in tears about 90% of the day :wacko: Here's hoping they nap for a very long time today, lol!
Evening all!

Mumof4 - We have to get hubby's SF done soon - been putting it off majorly but I don't think we have much longer to get it in :wacko: Last year they actually said 'we might have it but it's in a pile somewhere' when we got a letter saying they hadn't received the application. :growlmad:

Not a lot going on here.

Kaites, Kte and fraggles - both of us are majorly broody but we always planned to have another one now to have 2 school years between them. What's insane for us is we keep talking about having another one after that! :wacko: It's not made any easier by all the ladies on here getting BFPs and then 2 people at work announcing pregnancies this week alone!

Time to go and pop the kettle on I think - I'm just recovering from a bit of a cold so need to go to bed early lol :sleep:
Kaites N is a great big brother. We have a few jealous moments and lots of toys get taken with the word mine mine and mine :haha: but in general he's very gentle with J.
Kaites, we will be having a meal at Frankie and Benny's for our wedding anniversary.

Billy has been doing well last night with his safety rail up on his bed and he stayed in the bed all night while I run to loo then back. I am still worried if he woke up and walk out of his room to catch me by surprise! lol! But he is good boy as always. We started that last night as hes 19 months old and we thought its time.

This morning, he came into our bedroom and wake me up at 8am! :) Am a happy bunny! :):)
Morning ladies!

yay- I made it to the long weekend, lol :) Emma's canine teeth are taking forever to cut through and it's only the bottom ones that I can see under the gums. It's making her a total grump and wants to BF like crazy instead of eating real food :wacko:

Emma's latest interest is elephants- hubby bought her this Animal Planet elephant toy that makes noises and waves its trunk and now she's all about anything elephants. I made the mistake of showing her my elephant trek pics and now she's always dragging the album around the house and pointing to the computer to watch "ella" (Babar on Netflix).

Aimee- I hear ya on everyone around you getting bfps- it's kinda crazy when I look around at all the other mums at the park and the ones with kids that are just a tiny bit older than Emma have all just had a second. Good luck TTC- I hope this is your month! :flower: Of course, then there is one less Bumpkin in the bumpless boat and another bfp to get the rest of us broody :haha:

Fraggles- that's sweet that N is so good with J :) I think we'll be working on "gentle" alot around here over the next few months with all the little boys becoming big brothers. I'm sure they will have lots of fun playing together once J is a bit older too- my brother was a few years younger and he was a fun play mate until he realized that boys don't usually dress up like ballerinas, lol :haha: There is definitely something to be said about having same-sex siblings!

Nanaki- that's great that Billy stayed in bed all night! Have a good anniversary dinner too :flower:

Right, enough stalling- I should go mow the grass. It's rained all week and now I've got a jungle in the back garden again, lol :)
Evening all,

Managed to get on, phew! Just got Chloe to stop humming, she has been at it for ages and it was driving us a little loopy :haha: She is into everything today, which I guess is normal but we have had trapped fingers and banged heads besides :dohh:

Hope Nanaki and Kaites have lovely 3yr anniversaries next week :flower:

Sorry to hear you got that cold in the end Aimee and hope it goes away soon :flower:

Nanaki: Well done Billy, glad he stayed and did well in his bed!

Kaites: Hope Emma's teeth cut through soon, I hated canines, they seemed to be the worst of the bunch :hugs:

I'd best go, Im being demanded by little miss again!
Hi :flower: Ladies,

Happy Anniversary to Nanaki and Hubby, Kaites and Hubby hope you both have a nice day.
Ladies who are broody, I have a few kids going spare when they are playing up what do you think :haha::haha: I went through the same then ended up pregnant unexpected and losing them, now I really don't know if I could do it all over again and be pregnant.
Can finally celebrate :happydance::happydance: check student finance yesterday and they have finally put it on the system over 2 weeks later but even though I send tax credits details for the kids they want there Birth Certficates as well so back to square one in a way, lets hope doesn't take 2 weeks again.
Been to the Uni today and had a good talk with the Child branch Tutors, thats what I am aiming for now wasn't interested at all in the Adult nursing presentations. It was children's nursing what stood out which I knew anyway, they were all lovely there and I'm really looking forward to Sept to start my course so I can progress to the Nursing Degree :thumbup:.
We (me and Earl) now have conjuntivitis too! :dohh: The cold is going but now I can't see out of my right eye! lol

Kaites and Kte - Earl doesn't even have his molars through properly yet. Teeth are about the only thing holding up proceedings lol. He's been really grumpy the past month on and off with them coming through at the very back. If canines are the worst I'm really really not looking forward to them! :wacko:
Thanks ladies for saying have a nice anniversary!

Mumof42009: Its good that you got the student fiances sorted out but pain in the @$$ when they wanted some proof for the kids's birth certs for the Tax Credits! I was the same and had to do it anyway.

Kaites: Have a nice wedding anniversary next week!

Aimee-lou, hope both of you getting better soon from that nasty conjuntivitis! Thats good your cold is going but not recovering yet!

I believe those tooth at the back are the worst for the toddlers at their ages cuz they are thick and painful for them to bear! I dont like it when seeing Billy in pain with it! But hes good boy and very patient with it. :)

Another night with Billy's training! Daddy (my OH) was upstairs to get Billy ready for bed and get him to brush his teeth. Daddy stand outside of his bedroom door about 7pm and keep hearing him walk up the door and open the door, and he put him back to bed until Billy gave up about 20 mins later :thumbup:!

We got a nice surprise earlier today when we got back from town and done a bit of shopping, and my hubby tells me someone is at door and I was puzzled about that cuz we just got in! :dohh: I went to the door to answer it and to find that my mum was visiting us after her shift from dropping people at Heathrow Airport! She is a taxi driver! It was easy for her cuz she was going north and passing our house and it must be nice thought of her to see her daughter and her grandson! Oh yeah, while I check Billy's teeth to see any signs of tooth coming thru and find that there is two more at the bottom are due to cut thru really soon as seeing the white dots on both sides, and he will have total of 12 teeth!!

So I must dash because I will be having my Dad coming around tomorrow noon as he always come up here every 2 weeks ish to see his favourite grandson (its his first, and my brother is only 24!)! I feel old by saying that lol!

Am going to bed now and thinking I will having a bad throat coming on but dont quite sure if it is or not! I am getting a few coughing!

Goodnight ladies and have a nice weekend! xxxx
Hello ladies, and bumpkins, and bumpking siblings, and siblings to be :haha: :flower:

Nanaki: Aww how nice of your Mum to just turn up like that. My Mum sent me a nice card, I need to call her tonight as she was busy all weekend. Its nice when Mum's just do something like that :D How has Billy training being going? Happy anniversary to you and your hubby :flower:

Kaites: Happy anniversary for you and hubby as well tomorrow (hope I got that the right way around, sorry if I didn't!) :flower: That is really cute about the elephants

Flora: Hope you had a nice holiday :thumbup: Managed to keep the secret?!

Aimee: Hope you and Earl are feeling better, saw a thread that said it had cleared up pretty much :flower:

Mumof4: Glad you got a few things sorted with finance.

Well, not long before it's bus time again! Hoping it stays sunny. I'm excited as my sis is paying the train fare so Chloe and I can go see her and the clan where she lives. She is mad as for some reason its stupidly expensive to travel up there but I haven't seen her in ages and we are going up Fri after work and coming back home bank hol Monday. William had the hearing appointment today, first they said his ears are fine and it must be something blocking them but they wouldn't be able to see until he is 6 months old (he is now 3 months just gone) and he should get his hearing back . . . but then they called her back and said they changed thier minds and it might be something to do with the signals from his ear to his brain. So, good news is, his ears are functional, the bad news is, we still not sure why he can't hear. :shrug: Still its a step closer to the mystery. Can't wait to see him, she put loads of pics on FB. Be funny to see what Chloe thinks of him now he is a bit more interesting than a sleeping baby!
a "family photo" i took last night. lol. i cant believe ava is 3 weeks already. i think within the next month we're gonna attempt to start potty training milo. anyone else started yet? how did it go?

:hi: everyone! We had a lovely week away in Wales (despite the crap wet & windy weather) & the house we stayed in was stunning! We went all over Anglesey, to that place that has the longest place name in the world (i wont even attempt to spell is, but the Welsh shorten it to 'LlanfairPG' lol), took Harry to the sea zoo & he went on a bouncy castle for the first time, lots of walks around the bay & beaches, meals out & unhealthy takeaways & cooked breakfasts, hehe, met up with some old uni friends in bangor & colwyn bay & took Harry on a steam train ride around Llanberis & the Vivian (slate) Quarry which was fun.

we're doing ok this end. morning sickness has just kicked in the last couple of days, which sucks, but ah well. harry's been hilarious recently with all his new words & mannerisms, but he's a bit under the weather today (either a cold or his final 2 canines we think, but either way he's feeling fragile!). Other than that though, it's all good. He went to a first birthday party on sunday too & was amazed the whole time, and practically had an orgasm when they bought the cake out!!!! he jumped up, shouting 'cake!!!!' & frantically doing the sign for cake with his hands, lol. He was pretty much covered in cake crumbs & orange jelly by the end, lol!!! :dohh:

How's everyone doing?

:hugs: to those of you who've been poorly and stressed out. xxxx

someone asked about potty training.... we have kinda started with harry because over the past couple of weeks, every time he pees in his nappy, he tells us 'wee wee' & tries to pull his nappy off & he has been carrying his potty around saying things like 'wee wee in there' & when he sits on it, he whispers 'psssssssss' noises, jumps up & claps his hands.... however he is yet to actually do anything in the actual potty! :dohh: It's like he knows what it's for and knows when he's been but hasn't quite figured out how to go on demand yet. Mainly he likes to wear it as a hat, stand in it, or use it as something to keep his little cars in. i let him have about an hour of nappy free time every day & he spends most of that time talking about 'wee wees' & yanking at his willy, lol, typical man!

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