Yay for Emma!!
Not much going on here. Have a Birthday party on Saturday and on Sunday the DH has a car race to go to, so will be a girls day.
Oh we decided on a name for beany "Isabel Grace"

Isabel means "Gods Promise" .. fitting I think seeing all the problems we had the last year trying to get to this point.
We finally saw a pulmonologist for missy (for the 6 month night time cough)
Firstly, sometimes when little kids get a virus (such as croup as she did Nov last year) and it's a bad bout, it can make the body over react to virus' that enter the body from their on out, making them appear 10x worse and it just becomes a vicious cycle. That's why a cold is such a 2 week ordeal for us and she gets overly affected by them.
2nd, it could be something to do with her sinus'. He said young kids only have 2 sinus spaces (adults have 4) could be a chronic sinus infection that drains when she is laying down and causing the cough.
3rd, Could be her adenoids if they are swollen and infected (A symptom is a night time cough, also a symptom is chronic ear infections, which she had)
4th, a low level infection in her lungs, that with antibiotics suppress just enough to stop the cough, then when they are stopped, comes back. That's why the cough goes away when she's on antibiotics and then comes back a week after she finishes them.
5th, could be a bit of reflux. He said both the breathing tube and food tube run along each other and then meet, and when kids lay down the acid can go up and spill over the junction and irritate the breathing tube and the body's reaction to this is to cough.
He said at this stage she's too young for allergy testing, they tend not to test below 3 because it just does not return true results. He said regarding asthma, there's no real 'test' that tells you yes or no it's asthma, its a list of symptoms and such, and again she's really too young at the moment to tell.
He wants to do a couple things, an xray of her sinus to see how they are, which we are getting done today.
He wants to pop a camera down her nose and look at her lungs/pipe/adenoids and take some samples for testing to look for virus/swelling/evidence of reflux and such.
He also wants to do a barium test of her upper GI.
Right now he's taken her off the nebulizer and replaced it with a mask/spacer/inhaler. He said with nebulizers, because of the carrier fluid in it, you only get about 30% of the medication enter your lungs. With the other thing the medication goes directly in to the lungs and therefore works better. He's put her on 'QVAR'.
He's also put her on an oral steroid to bring down the inflammation in her chest, and a steroid nasal spray because he said when he looked up her nose, there is so much swelling that her left side is almost swollen shut. (He said that is consistent with the sinus theory)
She's on them for 2 weeks then we see him on the 9th again.
I'm glad he took her off all the stuff the ped was putting her on because she was starting to feel like a guinea pig. She's on these medications for 2 weeks to get all the swelling down. She's still coughing a bit last night, but its better than it was, but then its only been 2 days, so I suspect it will take a few days to get in to her system and start working properly. Its sent her proper hyper tho lol. She's been bouncing off the walls since she had the oral steroid!
Wow kinda long lol. Thought I'd would update you all tho .. seeing as it's been going on such a long time. I'm glad to feel like we are finally getting somewhere and someone is taking notice of what we're saying. Mostly I'm glad for missy and that she can finally be well.