Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Flora - glad you had a good time! I've not been back since I graduated and I really should take Earl and hubby and show them the sights - such as they are! lol

Potty training - I am going out tomorrow to buy a seat to go on the loo and a step. Earl has done 1 wee on the potty and he too is doing the whole 'Weewee' and trying to take his nappy off. The clincher was last night when I took his nappy off to put him in the bath and he ran off shouting wee wee (as he does! lol) and proceeded to do a full wee at the base of the loo, and then smack the seat and pull the flush! :haha: I think he was very proud of himself and I take it as a sign he wants to use the 'big boy toilet' as the potty is a bit small for him and he never looks comfy when he sits on it....maybe in the car! lol :wacko:

Good news from here....Earl is almost over his conjunctivitis and mine has gone too. Got my blood tests back and they are, for the first time in over a year 'NORMAL'! :happydance: Means I can carry on with the TTC wihtout feeling funny about putting baby at risk! :thumbup:

Other than that - got some training at work to add to our workload but no more pay - sucks! On the plus side I'm off the phones all day Thursday on an orientation day for the new work scheme but apart from that, no good news.

Hope we're all good - I'm off to go and watch some trash TV and eat bakewells. Got tomorrow off and Hubby has an exam so a quiet night for us as tomorrow is going to be busy! :wacko:
flora - sounds like you had such a great time! i cant wait to take milo on a real vacation sometime.

sounds like your LOs are ready for PTing. lol. i'm gonna get a seat to go ontop of the potty since he likes the potty so much. he knows how to flush it and he'll try flushing it 5 times in a row before it's had time to refill :dohh: he is constantly trying to take his diaper off and pee on the floor! usually he runs and tries to hide by the fridge and pees in the corner. the only thing that worries me is that he doesnt talk. so he has no way of telling us he has to go. so i'm thinking it might be a waste to even try.
hopefully in the next month or so he'll start talking? (i doubt it though)
Busy busy busy! I have cleaned the house from top to bottom and done all of the washing. Earl has just gone for his nap and I still have the bathroom to do but I've just spent the last 20 mins on ebay trying to find some new ELC toys for Earl (thinking he needs a couple of new ones for over the summer when he's home more with daddy lol).

Ladies, how the hell did we cope with the 2ww last time? I'm a nervous wreck and desperately trying not to symptom spot/test far far too early! Think I'll be a blithering idiot by the time I get to 4th june! lol :wacko:

Off into town once Earl wakes up....toilet seat and supplies are the order of the day. Hubby is in an exam right now. I'm expecting a phone call in a minute to tell me how he did. He finishes at 11.

Hope we're all ok and having a good week. Best go.....washing needs putting out to dry - get me! Little housewife lol. :haha:
Hi ladies!

Aimee-lou, good luck for TTC! :) Hope you get your BFP soon!

Anyone - I hope you all ladies are doing well and the kid/s?

Yesterday, my hubby bought me a bunch of flowers and I didnt expect it at all and totally shocked lol. He was away til today and I was so knackered from last night because Billy knows Daddy isnt here and woke me up twice last night talking away at himself while I thought he was crying! His poo has left his bum extreme sore!!! He cried as it was so hurt! Told him mummy knows.

So I am doing cleaning the kitchen and done the hoovering the carpet.

I have noticed that Billy has started to touch his nappy when he done wee? He still is not showing any signs of using the potty yet!

Anyway I better get off now as get ready to meet hubby in town for lunch and we already dressed.

Have a nice day to you all! Xxxxx
Morning all, just!

Milosmummy: Lovely picture! Wow I can't believe how old Ava is already either!

Chloe makes me laugh, she put a stick in her potty and all I can think of is that it looks like a mini poop. :rofl: I'm slightly worried about potty training, more logistically than anything since her bedroom is at the top of the stairs and you have to go down some, back up some more to get to the bathroom, so I need to figure out nights first. Tbh I'm not thinking about fully it or starting it until she moves up into the next room at nursery as that's when they have the mini toilets and are being potty trained, I think it will be good to work with them on it. She has potties and knows what its for, like Fleur says, but she has never attempted to go in one. Also, she now says 'poo' when she has been, she is aware of things afterwards but that's about it.

EDIT: Afternoon ladies! Took me that long! :haha:

Fleur: Glad you had a lovely holiday, looks like you had fun even if it was wet!

Chloe has a new phrase, we must say it to the cats quite a bit as I head her shouting at smokey 'get down'!
Took me so long to post I missed a load :dohh: Will have to check back!
Aimee: Good news on the normal blood test :thumbup: and glad both you and Earl are feeling better too :flower: Hope you can manage with the 2ww, I was in ignorant bliss last time so no tips sorry! Hope your Hubby thinks he has done well :thumbup:

Nanaki: Hope Billy's rash clears up soon :flower: How nice of your Hubby! Enjoy your trip into town.

I just got this from ebay (pic below), so excited! We (Chloe and I) are off to visit my sis on Friday through until Monday. We are off on the train since Nij is working all bank hol so I am currently thinking of what to take to entertain Chloe on the 2hr journey like crayons, books etc which pram to take etc etc! I realised that it's not going to work taking everything AND the travel cot so got her the ready bed. As much as she could sleep with me all weekend I really don't want her getting used to the idea and then us having bedtime problems when we get home. Plus, on our Wales trip it will be useful rather than the travel cot in the living room bit!


  • ready bed.jpg
    ready bed.jpg
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Hello girls, I seem to be a bit slack in posting at the moment. Basically I had that really long job on, which has only just come to an end. Then we headed north to the Lakes (see new photo) for a week, followed by another week's holiday at home, when we tried to do something fun each day. Now it's kind of all back to normal, but only for a few days because OH is off working for a week in a few, so I need to get things sorted out for 'Operation Single Mum for a Week'.

Child development continues apace in our household at the mo. Monty seems to be learning new words almost daily. He can run now - and boy can he really run!

I'm working this afternoon. Feels funny after so much time off. But although generally things are good in life at the moment, I don't feel entirely happy today. I dunno, do you ever get that feeling like you need to sort something out but you're not sure what it is? Like something just isn't quite right? Something niggling you and you can't rest until it's done?

I recall many years ago feeling the same feeling, but exactly the opposite. I was on a beach somewhere lovely, watching the sea and doing nothing at all. I remember thinking that I truly had nothing whatsoever to think or worry about at that point in time. It was such a rare feeling that I remember the moment to this day, even though I was only about 16 at the time. Sorry, I digress, but I just felt the need to share that. I am in a VERY odd mood today. I think it must be going to thunder or be a full moon. Or both ...

Right, before I head any further into reminiscences, I better wave bye-bye for a while.

Oh, one more thing - what are your littl'uns favourite toys at the mo? Always after new ideas.
Hi girls. Just a quicky from me im afraid cos Im back on nights yet again tonight. Thats every week for the last 4 weeks so far. Sick of it. However James had his first settling in session at nursery today and was very good. He goes again on Friday for 2 hours and then starts properly next Thursday. Hope everyone is well.

Wow look at Monty now! Lovely pic Colsy :flower:

Toys - hmmm I can't really say a specific one, I'm having a problem trying to de-clutter as Chloe still plays with everything! Cars, rocking cow (always feel daft saying cow and not horse but, it is a cow!), balls, teddies, trains, books, crayons, paints, glue, puzzle games, musical toys, push along toys, stacking toys etc.

Feelings wise, I'm not sure but I hope you figure it out :flower: I constantly feel like I should be doing more but the more I take on the more stressed I get and the more I think I should slow down, so I am fighting for that happy medium! I used to be good at dealing with emotions until last year, wondering if it is post-baby related :shrug:

LK: Glad James's first session went well :flower: Hope the night shifts go quickly so your 4 off are here sooner :flower:
Fave toys here are a big wooden activity block like they have in doctors reception areas. Trucks/diggers oh and anything he could possibly try to ride on.

Not much on the talking front here, lots of running, jumping, daredevil in him though :dohh:
Kte - I dont get 4 off :( I am working tonight, tomorrow night, Friday night, then off Sunday. Then working Monday through Friday before having the weekend off. God I hate this. I don't have a life. I barely see James. It sucks.
Colsy - Earl's favourite toys at the moment simply must have wheels! Cars, his dumper truck, his shape-sorter bus, anything like that. We bought a small plastic lawnmower for in the garden and he loves that :thumbup: I'm trying to find the money to buy him some 'activity' type toys like a garage, or a playset of some description. He's got 3 months of being at home 5 days a week (dropping down to 2 days a week over the holidays) and I just think he needs something he can really get engrossed in.

Oh and crayons, pencils, drawing with his 'colours' lol

LK - Sorry that your shifts are so tough. Is it a permanent thing or will you be able to get them changed to suit you better?
Afternoon ladies!

i've been a slacker for posting lately too :blush: Been a busy weekend/couple of days- we went to our trailer (caravan) and got it ready for the season on Sunday and then it was anniversary celebrations :) Had a nice lunch out with hubby and checked out the Tulip Festival on Monday and then yesterday we just sat in the back garden sipping champagne after work- yum! He bought me flowers too which was nice. Just spent the first part of naptime clearing out the garage. Hubby wants to convert it to a home gym since we never park the car in there anymore (mostly due to the fleet of strollers for daycare in there, lol). Feels good to finally get something accomplished off the to-do list before the summer really hits.

Aimee- Glad to hear you are all feeling better! Good luck with your 2ww- I didn't have one last time either since we weren't ttc with Emma. Try not to drive yourself crazy symptom spotting :flower: Emma has done the same as Earl with the running to the toilet and peeing beside it :dohh:

Milosmommy- Have you thought about teaching him to sign "toilet" if he can't say it yet? Might be a way around the not speaking. I think we're going to try catching a few more pees once we are on vacation at the lake in July and I'm not distracted with all the other kiddies. We're not in any great rush though (I can see how 2 in diapers might make you want to get one PT'd sooner than later though!)

Kte- Cool bed for Chloe :thumbup: That's cool that she says "get down" now :) Emma just says "uh oh" everytime the cat jumps on the table

Flora- glad to hear you had a good vacation- hope the MS clears for you soon!

Colsy- The favourite toys around here are tricycles and anything relating to playing at the park (sand toys, bubble wands). Emma's really into wooden puzzles atm too. Hope your week as a single mum goes well :flower:

LK- Hope James settles into the new nursery well :)

nanaki- Hope you had a nice lunch with your hubby :flower:

Sorry if I missed anyone! Hope everyone is having a good week!
Aimee-Lou - Its only for a couple months while we are training new staff. Cos I'm a trained nurse I have to supervise carers while they are being assessed as competent. So I'm doing tonnes of nights.
Sorry LK, my brain must of totally read that wrong! Your seriously amazing for doing all those night shifts :hugs:
Phrase of the week is 'oh no' and he's picked up off nanny 'ah ah ah' said in a stern voice when he goes to touch something he shouldn't.
LK-:hugs::hugs: must be so horrible for you and bet you are so tired x
Kte- I'm off on the train Monday to skeggie. When I went last time I took few toys for him to play with on the table between us, colouring things, mp4 player so he can watch things on it and just ask my bro to download some films on to the psp for Adi to watch, not forgetting the snacks as well. I love the bed :thumbup:
Aimee-Lou- Hope you get your bfp soon:flower:

Some good news for a change :thumbup: i've got an interview for a bank HCA at the new hospital they built in Birmingham, it involves a numeracy and literacy test as well just hope I get it as need to build some experience up.
Student finance is all sorted after all the messing around i'm sure they don't know what they are doing as said they need kids Birth certificates the next day the full award notice was on there.:wacko:
I'm having a few health problems, I don't know if you remember that they cut my bladder when I had Adi. For ages now i've been in loads of pain and get a funny sensation all the time, also bit tmi but leak sometimes. I went to my gp who is going to send me for a bladder scan to make sure everything's working as it should. Adi is doing ok, he is getting better sleeping in his bed and I've been potty training him for a while now he has good and bad days where he will use it and other times he won't. He prefers to put it on his head lol.
Hope everybody else is ok :thumbup:
Afternoon all,

Glad that the finance is sorted Mumof4 and hope that the interview goes well :thumbup: I didn't remember they caught you :hugs: Hope they can suss it and sort it out for you :flower:

Fraggles: Does he do it when he is being told off or know when he is doing or about to do something wrong?! :flower: :haha:

Chloe had a cheeky imp in her yesterday, I kept on telling her to stop throwing her teddy on the floor at the bus station, and also to not crawl on the floor as it's dirty (she says "bleugh" lol), and she ran a little away from me, beamed and did exactly what she was told not to do - several times! Little madam!

Kaites: Hurray for caravan season :happydance: Sounds like some nice anniversary celebrations there too :flower: Love it when you get to have a good clear out, good idea to use the space if its not got the car in it anymore. I am still sticking to my ebay or charity shop pledge and it really helps. I managed to sell enough odds and ends to get the bed and also some new Peppa Pig trainers and slippers for Chloe today. It's always on my side (ebay) when I don't actually desperately need the money for something! :haha: (Not complaining!)

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