Hiya ladies! :wave:
I hope everyone is ok. I'm sorry that I've been AWOL for a while but I've been trying to geta few things sorted and it's been a productive few days!
Last week we finally got our paperwork up to date and we got a letter through yesterday telling us we're getting our childcare money back, all in one go, next tuesday. Nearly £1800 this time, and we still need to claim for July and August! I knew it was a lot but I didn't realise we'd shelled out over £2000 in the last 6 months! No wonder it's been a struggle. The good thing is that now we're almost up to date, it means that the cycle is broken and from now on we'll be in advance rather than back payments! Means we can book our trip to Ireland, which up til yesterday we'd kind of written off as a no-no.
How is everyone doing? Hubby is away tonight. His best friend at Uni is currently living on his own in his shared house, so hubby has gone over to keep him company tonight. Beer and BBQ - proper lads night lol. This means I'm on my own until lunchtime tomorrow, and Earl is currently going through a massive eating phase, and is constantly hungry

Don't really know how to fill him up atm. So far today he's had 2 beakers of milk, one of OJ, 1.5 bananas, cereal with milk and raisins, 2 fromage frais and a handful of milky way magic stars! He's gone to bed for his nap, but he's only been up since 7.30! He'll want lunch when he wakes up (probably cheese on toast or something along those lines) and then we're heading out for a wander up to the library (although it's raining cats and dogs so we may not bother and try some baking instead lol). Last night he ate an adult size portion of pasta and tomato, a whole jam doughnut and a portion of yoghurt and fruit, and still had supper of milk and shreddies!

He's eating us out of house and home! Hoping a growth spurt is on it's way as he's gotten a bit chubby recently too
Re: cloth - I'm tempted to go for cloth with the next one. TBH, right now it's not an option. I did consider it when Earl was about 3 months old, but then we planned to move and everything and it fell by the wayside. May try with the next one. We will invest in some cloth training pants though as I really cannot get on with pullups, and would rather he didn't have that crutch as he can be so lazy at times lol. I agree though that they can be addictive - I only briefly looked and my shopping list got very long very quickly lol.
Sorry if I've missed anyone. Best be off to tidy the kitchen up ready for the next onslaught lol. Anyone else going through this at the moment. Earl's speech seems to be picking up a bit more too....he'll repeat literally everything you say at the moment (you have to be very careful lol

) and he seems to get what we're talking about too. Not just a blind response.