Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Morning all, thanks for all your replys last week too :hugs:

How did everyones weekend go in the end? :flower:

Nanaki: Sorry to hear your friend lied to you :hugs:

The weekend was nice, Chloe and I went to my parents and stayed over until Sunday. We went to a climibing wall centre as my Mum used to do a Sunday club but it finished now for the Summer and she has stepped down this year so it was a farewell kind of event too. They had a cafe there where all the adults sat and we had coffee and some yummy begals. There was a play room where Chloe went in, I played in there with her for a bit but there were other kids she was happy to play with in there too. She was so cute passing balls to the younger babies bless her. She did accidentally walk into the corner of a table, right in her eye! But after a cuddle and a check she was okay she was back off playing again! It was nice weather so in the afternoon we just sat out and Chloe played with my Dad, she loved playing with her Granddad so I just got to chat with my Mum which was nice. Sunday went quite quickly, my Mum and Dad went to church in the morning and I stayed at theirs with Chloe and played ball outside again until it absolutely pounced it down with rain. N came to pick us up after he had finished work on Sun, we ate lunch first at my Mums and she made us a nice cake. Then when we got home his parents came over for a bit, brought some more toys over. I really have no space for anything, its getting quite mad, need to figure out what to do!

Hope everyone had a good weekend! In the end, we still went to the lake- hubby refused to let some graffiti ruin our weekend. Just means we have our work cut out for us this week, in the evenings :wacko: Had a massive wind storm on Friday night so it was just as well we went to the caravan- would have definitely had some damage if we hadn't been there. Emma has had a cold for about a week, but her nose was just streaming green guck :sick: Didn't seem to slow her down much though, lol! She had d2 little playmates at the lake this weekend which was nice (the kids of people I grew up with, so it was nice catching up with them at the same time too). Five more days of work until I get a week holiday- can't wait!

Kte- Glad to hear you had a lovely weekend :flower: (and for the record, you weren't being selfish or unreasonable in any way!!!! :hugs:)

Fraggles- Sorry to hear weaning isn't going well :hugs: to you and N. The fence is technically ours so we're responsible for removing the graffiti- now the lack of lighting, the tree that is starting to drop branches nearly on top of our fence and the litter is another story and I'm trying to get in contact with the owners of the lot- not easy when it's a big company that own it :wacko:

Milosmommy- :hugs: you are doing a great job for Milo and Ava hun!

right, gotta run- :hugs: to those that need them and sorry if I missed anyone!
Kte/Kaites ~ Glad you had good weekends.

I was in a wedding over the weekend, was fun! I got home at 7p on Saturday tho and crashed out by 8p and slept till 6a the next day lol. Weddings are FANTASTIC for pregnancy insomnia ;) Missy did really well and was behaved.

Got an OB app this morning and a play date here at 11 so I better get my butt in to gear!
Kte, glad you had a relaxing weekend. How are things now you've had a chance to think for a bit?

Kaites, glad you had a lovely trip out to the lake.

Chaos, good to hear from you. Hope it was a good wedding. And so pleased Autumn enjoyed it - was it her first?

Anybody heard from FloraBean? It's been AGES!

Good weekend here - kind of quiet for us, which is unusual. However, I totally embarrassed myself on Saturday at a local event, by shouting far too loudly at some little teenage shit who kicked a football directly into my eye. Not only did it hurt like hell, but it also missed Monty by centimetres. I could have forgiven the act itself if he hadn't shrugged his shoulders when I shouted at him and answered me back with 'I said sorry, what else do you want?' and then walked off. I absolutely screamed at him, I was completely incensed. And I'm very sorry to say I said 'f' in front of quite a lot of little ones, including my own, and that's the bit that I'm embarrassed about. Each time I see people in the village now, I just pray they weren't there at the event. Thing is, I feel completely justified for shouting at him, I just wish I hadn't sworn so loudly. Oh well, I guess these things blow over.

Got a massive project to complete very quickly this week, so forgive me in advance for my silence. xx
Colsy- I bet that was a sight to see though :haha: I wouldn't worry too much about it- I bet that others have had run-ins with the kid and wished they had told him off too, lol :)

Chaos- Hope the OB appt goes well :flower: Sounds like a fun weekend too!

I should be getting dinner started while the kids are sleeping but I'm just not motivated today- was pouring rain this morning, meaning that we were couped up inside a bit longer than I'd like so now I'm just vegging... call it a "mental health break" after all the toddler insanity :haha:
Colsy Flora is about on FB

J seems off it, not sure if its bug/teeth/dislike of food :shrug:

N is great, we have a few more words they aren't always pronounced quite right but they are understandable IYKWIM.

Kaites anything planned for your week off?
Hello again ladies :blush: I tend to do this every 6 months or so, don't I? I'm so bad at checking my "subscribed threads" that I totally forget to keep up with you all. Then I'll think "Oh, I wonder how soandso is doing" and go "Oh, the thread!". I'm on holiday at the moment (which is why I have a bit of time to sit and trawl) although I really should be writing a couple of essays :blush: I've been mad busy since starting back at Uni last year, so my BnB usage is sporadic!

Going to spend a while now trawling back through the thread to see what's going on, so that I'm not so much a fish-out-of-water :rofl:
Oooooooooo congratulations Eala :winkwink: and nice to see you pop back in :wave: :flower:
Thanks Kte, big shock all round, believe me :rofl: How're you today? Have you figured out which toys are moving out to make room for the new ones yet? ;)
Hey Eala, good to "see" you. And congratulations :happydance: :thumbup: An unplanned shock, or a shock because you didn't think it would happen? Lots and lots of the Bumpkins seem to be baking :baby:buns again right now. Can I ask you a random Q? I remember you used an Amby hammock for your first one. (I know this because you sent me some amazing pictures of how to set it up - for which I was eternally grateful :flower:). Do you think you'll use it this time around?

And Kte, how you doing today? Is life looking up a little? :hugs:
Colsy - How're you? Sounds like you had a fab time at the wedding you were at recently, and I'm glad that your boy slept so well for his grandparents! :) Thank you for the congratulations! It is very much an unplanned shock. I was on the pill - guess that worked well :blush: Considering we were told by an eminent fertility specialist that we'd never conceive naturally, I think we're doing not badly at the moment :rofl:

I'm still dithering over getting another hammock. We sold our first one because we didn't expect to have another baby :dohh:. It was fantastic for Roo, she slept so well in it for a good 9 months. And could probably have gone longer. I also liked how easy it was to transport it for visits to the in-laws and so on. It's just trying to figure out where things will go etc, in terms of furniture once LO moves out of our room! I suppose I have 9 months-ish to work that one out, all things going well :)
Good afternoon :)

Fraggles- Emma and I are just going to chill at the lake next week- I hope the weather's nice! Hubby has to work so I'll be flying solo- my parents will be nearby though, so hopefully they'll be able to spend some time with Emma so I get a little bit of a break at some point during the week. I've noticed Emma is picking up a ton more words lately too. She sounds similar to N- not quite pronounced correctly but I know what she means. My favourite atm is the way she calls my brother Rob "Raw"

Eala- Congrats on your bfp!

I took the kids to the splash pad today- stinkin' hot out so it was a nice break! I put Emma in her ballerina bathing suit (has a tutu attached) and one of the little boys kept saying "Emma pretty". He's too cute! Also made me laugh a bit bit because along with her pretty pink tutu, she had some lovely green boogers streaming out her nose :sick: Not quite "pretty" but oh well :haha:
A word which we have that sounds so out of place is die, he shouts it really loud at people :haha: It's sky really :lol:

We also have to point out balls all the time and say it all the time.
:rofl: I'm just imagining N pointing at strangers telling them to "die"! The stuff out of their mouths at this age cracks me up- and it's only going to get more interesting/embarrassing from here too!
the coordinator from early intervention called me today. day of all days i forgot my phone at home! :dohh: but i'm gonna call first thing in the morning to set up our first meeting to get together our IFP (individualized family plan).
Morning all,

Kaites / Fraggles: Chloe did a corker this morning, a guy came downstairs on the bus and she pointed at him, big movements and laughed at him really loud! Thankfully no words like die though, imagine if she did!

Chloe's latest word is 'side' meaning outside.

Fraggles: Chloe loves balls too, there is a machine in the bus station that has them in and she always stops, drives me mad! Plus when we get close to nursery she starts shouting ball! How is J's eating coming along?

Kaites: Hope you enjoy your week with Emma :thumbup: How sweet about the little boy calling Emma pretty!

Eala: Hope you don't mind me asking, what pill were you on? I'm thinking of changing mine as since I have had nothing but 'fun' with my current one (Microgynon 30) after I had Chloe and since both yourself and Fraggles have ended up with BFP's on it, I think I need to be careful which one I switch to!

No idea with the toys, we were given a dolls house on Sunday, we have one room, one very cluttered room! Which I don't think is good at all. Still, we managed to get a garden brush from my parents last weekend so I'm going to tidy the garden soon so some things will have to go in the shead, like the mini trampoline. I feel that sometimes if we say no, the offers will dry up completely, a nice balance would be good!

I want to change the whole front room around at the mo anyway as I want the table out of the corner, prob is it may make the room a little smaller but its just piled high with clutter and soon Chloe will be out of her high chair so I think a table to sit at together would be better than teaching her to be a couch potato and eat her dinner on her knee like we end up doing anyay - even with a table, seems pointless.

Colsy: Flora is on Facebook, she seems to have joined a few Mummy groups - not that I am stalking or anything! :blush:

Life is 'yes and no' :haha: I'm Nij free for a few days again now, he is back off to Northampton with Union work today after he finishes work, so that's it until Friday sometime. Same again next week but he's up in Glasgow. So nothing much has been resolved but at least I have a few days just Chloe and I and some time for me and to be productive!

MilosMummy: Hope you manage to get an appointment sorted :flower:

Aww darn it, my tickers are still all messed up! Can anyone else see them at all? I was hoping it was maintenance or something as they were like that yesterday :nope:

Well :coffee: time :thumbup:
Argh finally managed to get back on! Sorry its been a while girls. Parents laptop broke so I was without any means of getting on here. Been a stressful and manic week really. Worked Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night, then drove straight to get my nails done and straight down to Cornwall for the hen weekend. Was absolutely awesome but wore me out. Then worked again Monday night and last night. Worst thing was I got home on Sunday and my fridge was broken so all my food had to be chucked out! So had to go fridge shopping before work on Monday and ordered a new fridgefreezer cos I figure knowing my luck the freezer will die on me in the next few weeks. Managed to get it delivered yesterday afternoon and then went shopping before work to replace all the stuff I lost. So today I am majorly procrastinating when I really ought to be doing housework and defrosting the freezer lol.

On a better note...the date went extremely well :thumbup: We had a lovely evening and we are seeing each other again tomorrow for a 3rd date. And he has been messaging me saying he is missing me! Which I figure is a good sign. I really like him so we are taking things slowly cos I really don't wanna mess things up! Don't exactly have a great track record with guys so I really wanna make this work. Could quite easily see myself being with him for a long time :) He is 12 years older than me but we just click. Can't wait til tomorrow tbh hehe.

James is mostly well. But back under the HV again cos we are having problems with his poop again. Really loose and mucousy and lots of undigested food. The GP is unsure whether it is just his lactose intolerance flaring up or whether he has developed a wheat intolerance like me so he has to be weighed again next week and she will then make a decision whether to refer him back to the Paediatrician for further testing. His Umbilical hernia is not getting any better so he has been referred for an USS to check how big the hole is as to whether he needs surgery. He also has a lump on his penis under the skin. Its quite big but I think its just an infection rather than anything nasty. He has a drs appt this evening after nursery so fingers crossed we will just come away with antibiotics and nothing worse lol. Otherwise his speech is coming on in leaps and bounds and all the ladies at nursery adore him. He's a real cheeky little monkey and his current favourite word is daddy....he walks around everywhere going 'daaaddeeee' all day long lol.
Morning ladies :wave:

Fraggles - I had a good laugh at the "die!" thing. Roo's favourite word is "cow!" at the moment, because we just had a week's holiday on a dairy farm. She's obsessed with them! Problem is she now asks to see them all the time, and will start shouting "cow! Cows! Cow!!!" in the middle of, for example, the supermarket :dohh: Hopefully no-one thinks she is talking about them :blush:

Kaites - Hope you have a luvverly week away at the lake :) Emma's costume sounds so cute, and that's really sweet that the little boy thought she was pretty :cloud9:

MilosMummy - Hope you managed to get hold of the coordinator this morning :hugs:

Kte - I was on Cerazette, supposedly the "most reliable" brand of the mini pill :dohh: I swear I took it correctly, no idea what has happened (well, other than the obvious :haha:) I was on Microgynon 30 for years, but really wanted to avoid going back on the combined pill, as I'm fairly sure that kicked off my PCOS big time. Before going on Microgynon, I had regular (if horrendous) periods, and then after 2 years on it, when I came off everything hit the fan. No periods, major PCOS symptoms, it was hellish. Might've just been coincidence, but I'm not risking it again! With that said, I also didn't fall pregnant on it, so I suppose that was something :rofl:

littlekitten - Sounds like you've had a super busy week! I think you've earned some procrastination ;) Hope your date tomorrow goes really well :D

I am absolutely cream crackered this morning. Last night at about 5pm, a major water main burst in my area which took out the entire town's water supply :dohh: So we ended up decamping to my Mum and Dad's, and Roo stayed there overnight. Me and DH had to come back as he had to get to work today, and I had to be in from 7am for a courier pickup. Now I'm trying to summon up the motivation to do some Uni work, but it ain't happening so far :blush:

Hope you all have a lovely day :flower:
Morning ladies :)

Kte- I can't see your tickers either :shrug: Too funny about Chloe and the gestures at the passerby :)

- hope you get your appointments sorted- isn't that always the way with forgetting your phone though?! I never get any important calls on my cell but the day I forget it or don't have it charged is always when someone actually calls it :dohh:

LK- Poor James- sounds like he's having a rough time lately :hugs: I hope his appts go well :flower: Emma went through a phase where she would call random strangers "Daddy" at the grocery store too :)

Eala- Hope you find the motivation to get your uni work done- although it does sounds like you've earned a bit of down time after all the excitement of last night! Do you have water at home again now?

Emma and I had a later night out yesterday- my parents arrived home from a baltic cruise so we headed over for a little visit after dinner (I like to get over there super quick, before they have downloaded the 10,000 or so pictures to the computer and I am forced to look at them :haha:). They've been gone for about 3 weeks and Emma just curled right up in my mother's lap for a snuggle :cloud9: She's definitely still grandma's girl!

Anyway, I better get going- more coffee to drink before the munchkins descend upon my house... Hope everyone is having a good day!
Littlekitten I wouldn't worry about the hernia at such a young age. N as a couple of hernias an umbilical one then one with a silly long name that pops out all the way up his tummy and into his chest (looks horrific when he sits fom laying down) anyway his surgeon as said he can leave them until he is 4 and if it hasn't settled by then they will operate. We have been shown how to check it hasnt become strangulated and signs that he needs taking in. It's a scary thought if I think about it but it rarely bothers him at present.

Kte im sworn off the pill, not that I need it :haha:

Eala thats what I was on too, ive since found out it's less effective if over weight

J wont eat, he's bitten a rusk twice other than that we have flat out refusal, screams, cries and generally becomes distressed. Will take milk from a spoon but add even a grain of rice to it and all hell breaks loose. I dont know what to try now. Tried purees and sticks of food and all have pretty much the same effect and result in needing comfort feeding to calm him.

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