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i cant believe how big milo is looking now. and he gets so tan during summer, even with sun screen on. i'd hate to see how burned he'd get if he didnt have any sunscreen on.


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i cant believe how big milo is looking now. and he gets so tan during summer, even with sun screen on. i'd hate to see how burned he'd get if he didnt have any sunscreen on.

omg I know what you mean! I use "California Baby" suncream on Missy and she even tans thru that! (never burned yet, cept a little bit on her parting at the top, but we brought her a cap now) .. when you take her swimsuit off she has tan marks at the straps and a bright white bum!! haha

So we just had our first wake up of the night (330) .. she cried for about 15 minutes and kept looking at the book shelf for the dummy, I went in and told her "In Kittys hand, remember?" and gave her, her Violet dog and Kitty ... she just now settled back down. Eh that was hard :( Ya feel a bit guilty but its for her own good and to help her teeth not get knarley.
Morning all,

Chaos: Love the idea to get Autumn off of her Dummies, Chloe has gone dummy overload at the moment and I'm not sure why, she just wants to hold them etc, she had 4 in her bed last night which has worried me. She is never bothered with them at nursrey during the day but some weekend days and certainly at night she wants them. I might wait until she is asleep and take them out, see how it goes, I don't think she is bothered once she is asleep so I guess I have to test the theory!

Flora:Glad your appointment went well :D

I have no internet at home at the momnet hence why I aren't on here gabbing away! Had my Graduation on Friday, it was great fun! Got some nice pictures of the day, just can't upload them yet! We went out for a meal with my parents on Saturday too to a Toby Cavery.

Sunday I did a tiny bit more gardening, its now an organised mess but safe enough for Chloe to play out in. I also took Fulffy out on a cat harness!
congrats on your graduation Kte :happydance:

Chaos, hope you have a good night without the binkie (please tell me i'm right in assuming that's the same as a dummy?!) Random Q, but does Autumn have an American accent? Do you have an American accent yet?

Actually, everyone here- do your kids have the same accent as you, or where they live etc? harry just sounds bog standard southern english, but my friend's little boy, who's 18 months, already has a northern english accent, despite living down here, because both his parents are from Lancashire & Yorkshire so have quite strong accents & he's picked up on it.

Milosmum: wow, he is tanned! Me & harry are like white milk bottles- harry doesnt seem to burn or tan or do anything skin wise.... i burn really easily, whereas hubby tans really easily. We both look ridiculous stood next to him!!!
Hmmmmm, Re accents. I'm not sure, I'd say she doesn't but I guess its hard to tell! Although, I don't think I have a very broad Yorkshire accent despite being born here but then again, my Dad is from Lincolnshire and I am not sure where my Mum was born! That sounds really bad, I will have to ask her! My Nan and Granddad moved around an awful lot, my Aunt was born abroad becasue of it, think it was related to my Granddad being in the army at the time. Oh and my Nan lived in Warwickshire when she was younger and I used to vist her all the time after school whislt growing up, she liked to teach us 'correct English'. Nij isn't really broad Yorkshire either but I think he is more so than me.

Being a red head tanning just doesn't work for me, it's burnt or nothing! I think Chloe has Nij's skin as even with cream she has gone a little brown this summer and Nij skin does the same - so unfair because I just get freckles!
Kte I think Nij is quite broad.

LO doesnt have an accent i dont think not that I can tell from his lack of words :shrug: He tans really well.

Feeling a bit yuck (mat leave over)
Hi Ladies! Hope you all are well?

Whoa, Milo looks good with tan on! I wish I could take his tanning off him and put it on me as I am fairly white and easily get burnt! lol.

Kte - Congratulations for your graduation!

Chaos - thats good in tryign to get autumn off dummies. Lucky for me because Billy gave up dummy when he was 6 months old but he had found his thumbs to suck it in! I will try and grab a pic of him using both hands to his mouth and he chose which thumb to use! lol...

RE - Accents, I dont know about the voices because I cant hear them, and I can tell by the sign language that have accents in it!

Billy is learning to self feeding by using the spoon/fork/knife (child uses them) and also learning to sit in at table.

A story you might find it a bit funny?

I texted my good friend to ask how she was and she replied that she wasnt feeling good, has been ill all week and feeling tired, sick and headaches. She was about to book an appointment to see the doctor to find out what wrong with her. Then I asked if she has been testing for pregnancy? She said she was expecting aunt flo to come this week and I asked her when was the last lmp. She gave me and we both off to work out when she should be due and i told her on text that she should be due this week!! I ask her to come up here for few hours give herself a break from home and I buy her a pregnancy test because I was picking it up and suspected she is pregnant. So she came up and we had a heart to heart talk about whats wrong with her for past few weeks and told her how I feel about it etc and she felt bad about it. We went to my house for her to test, I was in kitchen and about to throw rubbish away, outside off i went and my friend came down and asked me what do I really think???? I said "Well, 50% you arent and 50% you are but I think you are!!" and she had the stick in her hands and to her surprise, it shown 2 lines! She said the pregnancy is last thing on her mind after thru bad time and stuff and didnt expect it at all. She wanted 3rd one but not now and wanted to have it later in the future but it had happened! She couldnt believe that I picked that up before she could do anything and I told her I saved her to make an appointment to see a dr for a different reason and now she knows why she has been like that for couple of weeks - feeling so down and cant be bothered with things - that was what I went thru excatly same as her now. She is now about 6 weeks pregnant and will be due in March but that month her Dad passed away! That has made my day actually! :D We have said that I am at end of my pregnancy and she just started! Lol...

Quick update, my bump is still small according to my m/w that she is not concerned at all because I am small and i told her it is not making any different because I had Billy I had so huge bump and now I am having a small bump and I just worried about the room my boy is in and she wanted to double check with everything is ok with my boy and she decided to ring the antenatal clinic to book me in for a scan last fri that was the sooner they could got me in! :O

So last fri, I went with my friends in car and it made things easy for me lol. Got to the clinic and my interpreter was already there as I always there and she havent arrived and now it is other way round lol. My good friend who is just pregnant, I asked her to come with me to watch Billy while in scan. The sonograph was so fantastic, told me every details because she have a screen in front of her and I have a screen in front of me on the wall oppostie me, and the intepreter tells me what the sonograph said, and the sonograph shows me where placenta is at, and they listens in to the sounds for the blood to go in/out to make sure it is ok, and she put the colours on the screen to show blood in/out and it has amazed me. She even show me my boy's hair on his head! Had to check for the fluid and it is fine. I HAD to ask her if she mind to double check is it a boy that we are having and she confirmed it! She even give me a free pic of him. Oh! btw he weight nearly 4lbs.

So the baby is doing fine and growing just fine! He is in line on the chart not like Billy did!

We have a name for him but not sure if its good or not, his name would be - Jacob David Head - what do you think ladies???

Sorry for the long post!

Sorry for any ladies I have missed and hope you are alright? Xxxxx
Afternoon ladies!

Just finally caught up on all the pages I missed last week :) Had a lovely holiday at the lake- Emma is a fish and able to swim about 30m out to a raft in the lake with her little Puddle Jumper floaties on now :thumbup: She also picked up a bunch of new words too- her favourite being "freezie" (a brand of popsicles). I can't wait til next week- another week off, this time with hubby in tow too :)

Flora- glad to hear all is going well with your pg :) Yep, Emma is still a "buh" monster and I don't see any end in sight for BFing yet. She's a great eater too but definitely likes to unwind with a boob at the end of the day :haha:

Fraggles- :hugs: Sorry to hear mat leave is over- I hope your first day back went okay :flower:

Kte- Congrats on graduating!

Chaos/Milosmommy- Hope you ladies and babies survived the heat okay last week! Emma's another Coppertone Kid with the tanned body and white bum :)

Hope everyone is having a good day!
nanaki- glad to hear the scan went well :flower: Lovely name for your new little boy too :)
i'm pretty white (since i'm part polish, irish and german). but my dad is mexican so normally i just get a tan and dont really burn (thank god). and thomas is mexican, native american and hungarian. he's naturally a nice tan. though he tans pretty nicely during summer as well.

kaites - today is the first day not getting over 90 degrees. it's supposed to be okay until thursday and it's gonna get super got again :( i hate a heat index of 105. thats just way too hot!

the service coordinator came today. our first therapy session will be next monday at 1. she said i can have them come as often as i want. so for the first month i said once a week. just so he can get used to it. then maybe cut back to every other week. then we'll see how he's doing and see if we need to change his IFSP.
Nanaki - glad to hear everything is ok. :thumbup:

Kte - congrats on the graduation!

Chaos - hope the dummy weaning is going ok. I'm dreading it with Earl tbh - he only had them for sleep now but he had to have 1 for his mouth and at least 1 to hold on to (tonight he took 2, one in each hand! lol). I'm sure he'll be fine when we do - we're planning on it for after we get back from our hols so within the month they should be gone.

Flora - Earl has a slight northern twang about him. Particularly round sounds like 'up' and 'dummy' or bath rather that barth and grass rather than grarse lol. Hubby and I are both northern - me from North Yorkshire and hubby from S****horpe - so it was to be expected. However, now we're in Norfolk I expect that he'll pick up the norfolk accent a bit when he gets to nursery etc and is with more of the locals lol.
Earl has a slight northern twang about him. Particularly round sounds like 'up' and 'dummy' or bath rather that barth and grass rather than grarse lol. Hubby and I are both northern - me from North Yorkshire and hubby from S****horpe - so it was to be expected. However, now we're in Norfolk I expect that he'll pick up the norfolk accent a bit when he gets to nursery etc and is with more of the locals lol.

Absolutely no idea what accent Monty will have. OH and I have a mix of posh southern (me), rural Midlands (him), Aussie (both), and Sheffield/Derbyshire (both). Work that one out!

V quick one from me as it's 9pm and I swore I'd be sitting in the lounge at 9pm tonight. Computer switching off now, bye bye xx
Thanks ladies.

I forget to tell what has happened when we went down to bham and it was my last visit, here it goes.....

Two weekends ago we went down to bham to celebrate my hubby and his twin brother's 28th birthday that sat. So I had to text his twin brother's wife to sort out what time we will be at their house and the time has been sorted out. We went to bed til in the morning and saw weather was so horredous - raining all morning and we realised we havent got rainproof stuffs for ourselves and Billy and rest of the family. hubby's mum texted his son's wife Hannah to let them know we havent got any rainproof and she suggest we book a taxi to go over there n she lost temper with hubby's mum (sally) and told her that Sally was happy to use the taxi to go to cinema to watch Harry potter, and she has said something she shouldnt have and I have read her text and I saw red! I text her to tell her that we arent able to afford the taxi with 7 people included Billy to travel over there, and the last message I got from her was that she SHOULD have text Sally not me was that Andrew, her hubby, has said he dont want to know us anymore and he is now concerned himself that he have no mum, dad, sister and brother etc. Mum in law and sis in law got upset over it and Hannah got what she wanted is to pull Andrew away from the family he have! I should said something to her like she should text Sally if she meant that not me and now the family fell out.

Oh well!! Its sad to end things that way they want it to be because Hannah dont like Sally and same goes for Sally to Hannah. But I am a bit relief the problems between them two has ended but disappointed with the way it has come out. So we wont be seeing my niece and nephew and Billy to see his cousins.

Sorry for my rant, and anyway I just feel better to let it out somehow.

Hope you ladies have a nice week.. Xxxx
Morning, well afternoon soon, all!

Nanaki: - Glad you were able to talk to your friend and get things sorted out, and you helped her :flower: Excellent news that baby is fine after the checks again too :thumbup: Lovely name, although I am biased as my eldest nephew is a Jacob! ps Wow I didn't know there were sign accents, how ignorant of me, that's pretty cool! Sorry to hear your family have had a falling out too :flower:

Fraggles: Hmm lol maybe he is then! :haha: I know he is worse than me, just sometimes he comes out with a few Derby / Nottingham phrases since he delivers down there a lot. Majour :hugs: That you MAT leave is over, hope the remaining hol doesn't fly by :hugs: xx Oh and well done again to J!!

Kaites: Glad you had a lovely time away. He he, white bum, I never considered that!

Milo'sMummy: Glad to hear you have your appointments sussed and you have some control over what is going on. :thumbup:

Chaos: How did night 2 go? I snuck in and took Chloe's dummy out last night as planned and she gummed around for it so I popped it back in. When you are done being strong Mummy on this one, send some my way please!! I don't think I'm ready at the moment!

Well, best be off and get some work done!

One last thing; Chloe was given some chocolate buttons as a reward yesterday at nursery. They don't usually give rewards like that but they were so impressed with her as she sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star all by herself! She had been humming and babbiling to it on Friday and at the weekend but she has actually managed to get some words out and make her babbles sounds like other words! I was so shocked as she could sing 'twinkle twinkle' and 'how' at the weekend and now there is the song! Amazing! :happydance:
Yes Kte, there is signs accents in it because different county across the UK - same as voices - and they have some same words but different signs and will be able to tell where about they come from. I know it sounds interesting lol. :)

Oh, dont worry about me and i'll be coping fine without them for now but shame they wont be able to see my 2nd son and I was that close to say to them that they arent going to see my son when hes here but I put it off. Because my kids has nothing wrong thats all. :(

Kte - Well done Chloe! :thumbup: Earl has taken to singing along when I sing rhymes to him and he'll stand and 'perform' lol. Twinkle Twinkle is his favourite but he's far from accurate lol. He also loves Incy Wincy Spider and Hickory Dickory Dock which he does the actions for, and 10 in the bed when he sings the 'roll over' bits for me lol.

Not a lot from me. Tired out from sorting our the upstairs (been meaning to do it for a month :dohh:) but Earl was up late due to a late nap so we just got on and did it. Gutted the rooms, filled 4 bin liners with old clothes and rubbish, put everything back tidy, vacuumed dusted and polished and stripped the beds. Took over 2 hours, but all done now and I'll sleep well tonight. Earl went down without a fuss at 9 so hoping for a reasonable night tonight and maybe a bit of a lie in. :sleep:
Hey girls.

Nanaki - glad to hear bubs is ok.

Kte - congrats on graduating!

Well things are a bit confusing here :( Havn't heard from Patrick for over a week so no idea whats going on there. And today I have had the most god awful nausea! Not liking it at all :(
kte - yay for chloe! that sounds so cute. milo doesnt sing. probably because he doesnt talk. :haha: he kinda rocks his shoulders back and forth, that's his dancing.
Hi ya girls,

Well had a rough few days here. Woke up on Sunday just feeling awful, not as in sick, but as in I just wanted to climb out of my skin, I felt like I couldn't catch my breath, I couldn't sit still, so restless .. I couldn't sleep it was just a horrid feeling I just felt absolutely beside my self. It's been in the high 90's/low 100's and really humid here so I just thought that it was the heat getting to me so tried to ignore it.

Fast forward to this morning and 3 days later it was just as bad and I couldn't take it any more.
I went to the OB and he told me I have anxiety? I said I have nothing to be anxious about! He said .. sometimes it can just be the pregnancy hormones going haywire that sets it off, more so if I've had PND in the past (I did with Missy, quite bad, I was totally fine all pregnancy with her tho)
He said he sees this a lot and that if I don't do something about it now it's only going to get worse and after birth with my history of general depression and PND, bottom out. So he's put me on a low does antidepressant for my nerves. God, I'm only 30 .. my nerves are shot already lol. I mean he's helped me A LOT the last couple years with the losses and such and I trust him totally, but yanno .. pills. Eugh.

I asked him, what about Missy #2 .. if its bad for her .. he said that he wouldn't give me anything that's harmful and he's seen this a lot and this is what he prescribes .. he said my time for birth defects and such are over and at this point the benefit the risks ... cause to be honest at the moment I can't even deal with A.

So that's where I am. I feel bad I need to take them whilst pregnant, but I can't take feeling like this .. I feel like I just wanna crawl out my skin, I can't stand to be around me at the moment and I just wanna breathe with out feeling like I'm suffocating.

Re accents ~ Missy says certain words in an English accent. She says MumMum (vs MomMom) And she says "ta" for thank-you lol. And "cya" for bye (not typical words here)

Sorry I can't write much more right now I'm having a hard time sitting here still. Gah. Roll on tonight when I can start taking the lil suckers.

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