Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

:hugs: Chaos - Sorry to hear you've not been feeling well. The anti-d's work quickly. Within 3-4 days I was feeling about 75% better, which was a huge improvement. Just makes sure you take it easy for a few days as they can have side effects like nausea. Do you know what kind you've been given? I'm on Citalopram which I know is safe in pregnancy - my GP knows we're TTC so made sure of that lol. Hope you feel better soon, and don't feel bad about the pills. They're a medication to help you recover....they're not forever and if you take them properly, the chances of needing them again are greatly reduced. Put your feet up and try to rest if you can, even for a couple of minutes at a time.

LK - sorry you're having a rough time too. Do you know what's causing the nausea? Hope you feel better soon xx :hugs:

Not a lot going on here. I'm feeling ok - work is a bit naff due to me being o so well recently, but tbh, it's not a major biggy and we'll just have to take it as it comes. Holiday in 1 week so as long as we get to there, then we can go from that point. So excited about the holiday :thumbup:

Oh and 7dpo and made the mistake of going onto all of the pregnancy test galleries and ttc forums and now I'm itching to go and poas! :wacko: I'm only 7dpo. Need to wait at least another 3 days before I stand anything like a chance of a true result, but you read enough thread about BFPs at 8dpo and you can't help but think...well maybe, just maybe. Hubby and I did pretty much as much as you possibly could do without killing yourself this month. Still no supplements or charting for me, so hopefully I ovulated and we will have been successful. :shrug: Testing next friday before we set off on holiday - will be 16dpo then. Hopefully I can wait that long.

Sorry for the long TTC drivel there...just needed to let it out lol. :blush:
aimee- with milo i didnt test until i was 5 days late. i wasnt all into testing early. but with Ava i started at about 4 dpo :blush: i finally started getting barely hint of lines at 7 dpo. most people saw nothing, or was calling evap. but by 10 and 11 dpo there wasnt much second guessing my lines :) good luck :hugs:

been a little rough lately with Milo. the past few nights he has seemed "out of control". totally acting up, yelling more than usual. and now he's been doing more self harm. he hasnt done this at all. tonight he's been smacking his stomach and grabbing/scratching it. smacking his own hand. things like that. i can see the frustration and anger on his face. also he's been hitting me and smacking me when i walk by him. sometimes it's so hard to deal with him i just wanna scream. sometimes it makes me wanna regret TTC'ing Ava so soon because i know Milo needs more attention. but milo was only 9.5 months when i got pregnant, we had no idea it was gonna be like this :cry:
Morning ladies

Been quiet here this week! We've been dealing with post-holiday sleep regression here :wacko: :sleep: Argh, we leave again on Friday night for another week at the lake so looks like even if we get back to our version of "normal", we'll be right back here in another couple of weeks! It's like the week away has turned Emma into a major cling monster- I like the snuggles but it's getting a tad ridiculous when hubby can't even bathe her anymore. I kinda wonder if it's because it was just her and I at the caravan with little visits from grandma and grandpa and daddy was at home :shrug:

Kte- wtg Chloe! Sounds cute :) We've got the start of the ABC song happening here and a random Mickey Mouse Clubhouse tune too but definitely nowhere near Choe's twinkle twinkle prowess, lol :)

LK- Hope you are feeling better soon hun :hugs:

Chaos- Hope the pills kick in quickly and you are feeling better soon too :hugs: You've been through so much over the past year and are a strong mama- don't beat yourself up about taking the pills :hugs:

Aimee- GL for this month :flower: Hope you get your bfp just in time for your holiday! The 2ww forum is like crack- if you think there might be a chance you are pg, it's addictive and once you start reading, it makes you symptom spot like crazy. We've had a couple near misses here and once I start reading posts in there, I'm usually totally convinced I'm pg when logically, I know there is only a teeny tiny chance- and since we are TTA, it's ridiculous that I'd be spending so much time in there doing my head in over something we're avoiding, lol.

Milosmommy- :hugs: I hope the rough behaviour is just a short phase :flower:

Well, time for a second coffee before the munchkins arrive! Hope everyone is having a good day :)
Morning ladies. Sorry for my absence the last few days, I've been super busy with Uni work, and madly stressed out because the University are being knobs about my next placement. I hurt my back on Saturday and am in constant pain - not good for my mood at all!

Nanaki - sorry to hear about the trouble with your in-laws. Sounds like the SIL totally over-reacted. I hope things calm down soon. Glad to hear that your LO is doing well though :D

Milo's Mummy - :hugs: Sorry you're having such a bad time of it :( Fingers crossed that things improve soon for you.

Kte - Congratulations on graduating! And go go Chloe, that's fantastic!

Chaos - Big hugs, feeling that way must be awful :( I hope the meds help quickly.

Aimee-Lou - Fingers crossed for you this month!

LK - Hope you hear from Patrick soon, and that your nausea has subsided!

Kaites - Hope you have a fantastic time for your next week away! And that Emma gets less clingy soon. I understand how it feels from the other side - Roo is very much a Daddy's girl, and it gets so frustrating for both myself and DH! It's cute for a while, but when it comes to (for example) temper tantrums because she doesn't want Mummy taking her out of the car, it has to be Daddy, it can be hard to see the cute side!

Re accents, Roo seems to have a weird mix. She is mostly Scottish, probably because all the nursery staff are Scottish. But she does say some things with a posh English accent (DH has a BBC English voice :rofl:). And who knows what she'll pick up from me - I'm Scottish by birth but am a mimic so my accent changes depending who I talk to. So at home (with DH), I mainly sound English :haha:

Roo loves singing, the nursery often tell us she just won't stop :rofl: Her favourite at the moment is "Miss Polly had a Dolly" - I think she remembers it from Tiny Talk, because we get the odd random sign thrown in as well :rofl:
Thanks girls,

I started them yesterday (prozac) I also took a sleeping pill, well I took two like it told me but I tried to get up last night to pee and couldn't bloody stand up! Holy crap lol. I think just 1 for me from now on. I felt quite relaxed when I woke up and got up, but the anxiety feeling came back about an hour ago. I know they will take a couple weeks to start working but I just wish they would work now, this feeling SUCKS.

Aimee ~ Prozac. I did some research on it and it said in some cases that in mothers that have taken it the babys have trouble switching their circulation at birth, but it's quite rare and as they know I am on the pills its something they can be aware and prepared for. Out of all the ones, this is one with the least side effects, (SSRIs are better than any of them) so although I have reservations, I feel this is best for me and the baby right now as feeling stressed all the time isn't going to be good either. Lesser of 2 evils I guess.
I know how it is for testing and itching to do it. I got most my faint BFP at about 8 or 9 DPO. The CBD are not that sensitive so I got the old fashion pink line ones. Fingers crossed for you chica :)

MiloMommy ~ Ya it's frustrating when they act out. Missy is on steroids right now for another sinus infection and she's gone from my sweet girl to this little raging turd. She is totally ADHD. I'm glad it's only 10 days of it, I hate the effect they have on her behaviour, but unfortunately its necessary for her health.

Kaites ~ Urgh the sleep regression sucks. We've had a little bit here too cause of the above medication she's on. She would NOT stay in her bed and wanted me to sit there till she fell asleep, which I refuse to do, I am not making that rod for my back again. She knows how to self sooth, she's been doing it for over a year, so in the end we have put her crib back in her room to sleep train her to self sooth again so she can't get out of bed and come find us. We are going to leave her in there for 2 weeks until she's off her meds and we are back from our little holiday (4 day trip to GA next week) and then try her back in her bed.

Eala ~ How are you feeling? Any MS?
Chaos - Gosh the sleeping pills don't sound nice! Just one sounds like a good idea! I was on sleeping pills for a while when I was first diagnosed with PTSD, and they really knocked me for six!

I'm not having a great time with nausea. Not too much actual vomitting the last few days (which is an improvement) but I'm constantly nauseous. It's grim. I didn't have this at all with Roo, so obviously I'm making up for it in this pregnancy :rofl:
chaos - i was on steroids one time when i had a skin infection on my face a couple yaers ago. and i totally hated it. i was raging with anger too after a couple days. hopefully Missy starts feeling better soon :hugs:
Thanks everyone - you're not helping my will-power by telling me I might be onto a BFP by now lol :haha:

Chaos - hope things start to get better soon. :hugs:
Chaos: :hugs: My Sis suffered with similar during her pregnancy (although in the end it turned out to be the electric signals in her heart triggering off her panic attacks / anxiery attacks as her body biologically freaked out on her but it made her mentally freak if that makes sense and it was all to do with her pregnancy hormones.) Oddly enough it was heat that triggered her off, so I wonder if that has something to do with it too? Anyway I digress, the main thing that I am trying to say is that there were some relaxation tapes (tapes -?!? you can tell i'm an 80's child huh, I mean CD's!) and things she did that really helped her with it all - and massage with oils that her MW team used to do for her. Is there anything like that you could do too? :hugs: I'm off up to hers today for the weekend so I will try and ask her if it was anything specific, I won't be able to get back to you until Monday though x
Aimee: Hope you get your BFP but hope you can wait it out! :flower:

Eala: Hope your feeling better :hugs:

Milo'sMummy: Hope Milo's calms down. Chloe seems to have moments where she is taken over by a 'cheeky imp'. Hopefully its just a mini phase and Milo stops doing those things to himself. :flower:

LK: Sorry to hear he gone all quiet, :grr: Hope you feel better soon :flower:

Kaites: I'm sure once Emma see's Daddy is around again she will settle. I find it's much easier on holiday as Chloe will go to Nij more than usual - she is used to me being there more of the time.

Off to Boro today for the weekend. My Sis is picking me up as she is collecting our niece for the weekend. Then Sunday we are all off to my Mum and Dad and my Mum is making us a roast beef lunch as a birthday meal, yum yum!

Had a really nice birtdhay day yesterday. Didn't do much as such, pottered in the morning and then we headed to spots direct so I could buy some clothes to do Roller Derby in. Which is great becasue now I can just use my clothes voucher for casual / smart clothes :thumbup: Then we went to ADSA to stock up on Peppa Pig DVD's for Chloe as the are £3 at the moment and since Virgin isn't fully functional still the household is having Peppa withdrawals! We ended up eating at the cafe for lunch and I had lasagne which was tasty. Then we headed back home, Chloe and I played out back in the sun for a while, she had her trike and another ride on car and a ball out. There was a random cricket that hopped on me! Nij saved it from a spider as it jumped into a web and the spider came out but we just had to interfere! Chloe was very intrigued. Afterwards Nij's parents came over for their Chloe fix for a bit (and brought cake with birthday candles lol) and then it was soon dinner time and get ready for Roller Derby and pop Chloe to bed! I got a lift off of another girl who goes and we ended up lost outside someones house, finally managed to make it but had to do warm ups whilst everyone else was doing stretches which was a little embarresing. Then we got to play roller hockey and I was complete and utter pants at it but it was good fun! Got home about 10.30 and then pack for today so late to bed and brain like mush! Oh and at one point I sent Nij into the loft to dig out my old skateboarding helmet - no helmet but found my old DM's from when I was 15 so pulled them out again! :haha: So all in all, a good day :D

PS Thanks for my FB birthday wishes, haven't been able to get on there yet but I am meaning to reply! :flower:
Happy belated birthday Kte! :cake: Sounds like you had a lovely day- enjoy your birthday weekend too :flower:

I bought an ereader last night and am having fun downloading all kinds of library books to it for our holiday- now here's hoping I actually find time to read while we're away, lol... Hope everyone is having a good day! :hugs:
Happy belated birthday Kte! :cake: Sounds like you had a lovely day- enjoy your birthday weekend too :flower:

I bought an ereader last night and am having fun downloading all kinds of library books to it for our holiday- now here's hoping I actually find time to read while we're away, lol... Hope everyone is having a good day! :hugs:

I forgot to put in my last post! Have a nice holiday :D :flower:
Happy belated birthday Kte, meant to send a message but with the hospital drama been a bit hectic.
Happy birthday Kte! :flower:

I caved and testing this morning - BFN
Happy belated Birthday, Kte!

Aimee, sorry it was BFN :hugs: I'm not very good with the whole "X DPO" thing, but is there still a chance it's just too early to pick up?
Thanks everyone.

AF is due on Thursday so it's still 5 days before - I'm not sure exactly when I ovulated (if I even did :shrug:) so I'm now going to wait and test again on Friday if AF isn't here. I blame hubby, I was all for waiting til Wednesday but he talked me into (granted it wasn't a difficult thing to do :blush:).

I'm not convinced this is our month. If we catch next month though I'll be due AF on 5th September, and my birthday is the 7th. You never know lol. :shrug:
Hope you still get your bfp Aimee- you're not out til AF shows up :hugs:

I got the WiFi working here at the caravan- so much for a quiet vacation, away from technology, lol :) I've already been online shopping this morning- could be an expensive holiday if I get bored :haha: We aren't missing too many of the conveniences of home here now!

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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