Fraggles, I hope hospital all goes well. I've missed quite a bit of BnB so I don't know why you're in, but just wanted to say I'm thinking of you.
MilosMommy, I think that's shocking re the errors in the document. The only thing I would say is are you sure they've given you the right document? The reason I ask is because a few years ago, we had a survey done on a house we were trying to get a mortgage for. The bank returned the survey document, and we read it thinking 'Oh god, there's no way we can buy this house, it's pretty much collapsing into the ground'. And then we were like 'Hold on, this document talks about a garage. The house we're buying doesn't even have a garage!' And then we realised they'd sent us completely the wrong document, so basically they'd passed on a load of completely confidential stuff to totally the wrong person

Maybe worth checking?
Aimee, if you check in before your hols, I hope you have an ab-fab time. Where you off to?

I hope you're starting to feel more like yourself again.
Kaites, hope you're enjoying the lake.
LK, shame on the bloke that can't even be polite enough to let you down in person.
Hope everyone else is doing ok xx