Evenin' Girls!
Well it's lucky I went out to get formula, because when I got home, I found the remains of a tub across the tiles in the kitchen. Murphy, (who is a cat who needs to stay out of kicking range for a few hours!!!) did his normal trick of getting up on the sides to scavenge for food whilst I was out and decided it would make a tasty snack!
I took Lil Miss out for a walk around the nieghbourhood this afternoon to see if it would get her to take a good nap. Did it? Did it heck. I put her in the "proper" part of the buggy rather than in her car seat on top, and she must have enjoyed the view, because all I heard for 40 minutes was "OOoooooOOH" "AhhHHhhhhhh"
I thought I'd share a video of her newest trick. Spit bubbles. It grosses me out because she'll blow a big wad of them and suck them right back in
She was a bit slow with this lot a most of it dropped on the blanket lol. Oh .. when she's looking up and staring .. that's at the ceiling fan lol.
Flora/Kte ~ Re overfeeding, I agree. One time Autumn pigged her 4 oz really fast and 30 seconds later she projectile vomited it everywhere. Now when she's full she pushes the teet out with her tongue.
Re pumps, I'm not sure if you get the "Medela" brand back home? I have the "Pump in style" electric pump .. found it works really well.
LK ~ Re CBeebies, Autumn LOVES curious George haha. I had the telly on for background noise today, had lil miss on the sofa sitting in her boppy, went to check her and she's staring at the telly laughing away at it. 9 weeks and addicted to the goggle box already!
Flora ~ Slummy Mummy days are great!!
Oh I forgot to mention .. yesterday I was wanting to have a shower and she was being a lil moo and fussy, so I decided on a whim to take her in to the shower with me, I put her little bath seat in there on the seat in the shower, sat her in it, got in my self, picked her up and I faced the spray so it was on her back. Do you know, she was passed out and snuggling in to my neck with in about 20 seconds? It's so strange the things that sooth them lol.
Ok I need to do something with this house whilst she is nappy, looks like a bomb went off!!