Kte: I hope Chloe feels better soon. I would call and re-arrange her jabs. Earl still hasnt had his due to the holidays so a delay wont hurt and she'll have time for some recuperation.
to you both xx
Flora - We decorated Earl's nursery when he was 1 week old and we popped his monitor onto his moses basket and shut him away while he slept. The fumes didn't seem to affect him too badly but then again he was a lot more sleepy back then. Good luck with the move. We moved into our house on the 6th Jan 2007....nearly 3 years ago. That's literally the longest I've ever stayed in one place!!
Earl is teething for definite now. He's never without drool all over his face and I'm having to put gel on as otherwise he's a monster.
They're not cutting yet though, he has had lovely lumps where his canines are going to be fir a good few weeks though and they're getting sharper. He's chewing his hands constantly....and my hands.....and anything else that ventures close!
he's also waking at really random times dependent on his teeth...last night 1 and 5, the night before was 5.30 only, night before that was 11.30 and 4........
And he's always starving when he wakes too!? How does that work? lol
But, other than that he's a happy soul. It's Mummy who's in the mood today. Earl had me up at 1am, was bavk asleep by 1.30 so I went back to bed only to be still laid awake at 3am! I tried everything to get to sleep until eventually sheer exhaustion took over. Earl woke again at 5, and thankfuly I was able to get some more sleep before he woke for the day at 8am. I was so snappy and out of sorts. My only explanation is that I should be having my period now (tummy ache, spots everywhere, starving hungry.....all classic AF!) so thank you hormones.....
I can't believe these babies are getting so big! 12 weeks is 3 months, a quarter of a year!! Earl is really growing up fast (9 weeks now!) and I'm so excited about the next steps....playtimes, weaning, crawling, walking, talking (although I swear sometimes his cries sound like words lol.....or am I spending too much time with him!?
Anyhoo, time for lunch
Have a good day ladies