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Colsy - Sorry to hear things are disrupted. Earl's sleep has been bad since the clocks went forward so I've had to adjust his bedtime to 7.30. When I just wait that extra 30 minutes he generally goes down a lot better. I tend to use 'supernanny' techniques as Earl is a bed rather than a cot now. He will get in and out repeatedly and you just have to keep putting him back. When he was in his cot we would do Controlled crying (which I know you've tried and isn't monty-friendly) so I don't know. I would tend to walk away no matter what for the allotted time though. Hope things settle down soon.

Kte - I feel for you with the tests. I've got a list of Dr's appointments coming up in the next few weeks as my Thyroxine dose is playing up so I have to have 6-weekly blood tests and I'm still deaf in my left ear and I am on the waiting list for grommets but it could be up to 3 months until I get seen for that. :dohh: It's so frustrating when you know it's not right, but the Dr has to go through the motions to rule things out rather than just treat it outright. Hope things get better for you soon. 2 weeks will fly by.....6 weeks goes by amazingly quickly!

Fraggles - Hope things improve for you soon - and hope the boys enjoyed the ball pools! :thumbup:

Kaites - sorry to hear about all your troubles. It sunds like you're closing in on the causes of the sleep problems etc so I really do hope things get better soon. I suppose I'm quite lucky in that respect - although Earl is showing all the signs of hayfever so it looks like I'll have to invest in some children's piriton very soon! :dohh:

Hope everyone is good. We've had a mixed week. MIL came to visit on Wednesday and brought Earl 4 easter eggs and 3 packs of jelly sweets, as well as the weirdest toy train I've ever seen. It moves but in a really strange way that looks like it's having a seizure! :shrug: Earl doesn't like it (tries to stand on it to stop it moving!) - his favourite activity is digging up creepy crawlies in the garden with hubby. Apparently he made friends with a worm today!

Oh and Earl is joining words together now....scary stuff. He has managed to get 'Daddy a Boy!' and 'Doggy Juice!' pointing at the dog's bowl lol. Also get 'Toast Hot!' if we're making toast. :thumbup: Be sentences before we know and then we're in trouble!! :haha:

Have a lovely Easter. We're off to town to buy nappies (hubby didn't get any today) nd then we'll spend the day in the garden I think. Weekend is going to be uneventful so lots of walks to the park and out the river to feed the ducks I think. Next weekend we'll have money :blush: so will be able to have a family day out the local railway museum - lots of choo-choos for Earl to shout at! :thumbup: Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts ladies! :thumbup:
He's pretty easy going but he cosleeps but will go down tired crawl into bed and snuggles ted. If he starts cryig he's brought down for cuddles as it usually means he's off colour.
Youngest will go to bed awake and coo himself to sleep. He currently touch wood sleeps much better than the eldest ever has done.
Colsy, from birth to about 14 months old, we always breastfed fed harry to sleep, regardless, and always tended to him within a couple of minutes of him waking.... There were a couple of nights where he woke up more than 6 times a night, which were horrible & exhausting & we did try CC, but neither of us were comfortable with it, and Harry would get more and more stressed out & then take even longer to settle so we decided that it just wasnt for us.
Since about 14 months old, we started getting into a bit more of a routine, which mainly consists of making sure he is well & truly tired out during the day & has enough time after his evening meal to really digest it & then have 'chill out time' together with the lights lowered a bit downstairs, read a book, chat about the day etc. I give him a BF at about 8pm, then i literally say to him at about 8:30pm (any earlier & he just wont sleep) 'do you want to go to bed?' and he runs to his daddy, gives him a big hug & kiss, then we go up upstairs, brush his 'teefs' (teeth), walk through to his room, give him a hug & say I'll see him in the morning, pop him in his cot, blow him a kiss, say 'n'night' & leave the room. He then bashes around, plays & chats with his toys, throws some of them out of his cot & stuff, then about 10-20 minutes later he's fast asleep. I guess we're pretty lucky?
He does sometimes wake up in the night (well, early morning, about 5am) & will wake up crying, at which point, I bring him in to our room, feed him, change him & then pop him back into his cot & he goes back to sleep until anytime between 8:30am-10am....

There are the very few occasional nights where he's less able to settle himself, usually caused by teething pain, wind or illness, in which case, hubby & I will take it in turns to sit with him & rub his belly while he's in his cot, read a story, sing to him etc, and this usually works fine. He wont co-sleep anymore (he just thinks it's playtime!) & wont be nursed to sleep anymore either (far too distracted, lol).
I just kinda try to follow his cues rather than a timetable & go with the flow.... Although i'll be the first to admit that if i was having to get up for work every morning or having to stick to a schedule, I would probably be much more open to the idea of sleep training in any form!!!!

Umm, I can't remember what else you asked, sorry!

Kaites, you are so not a shit mum in any way!!!!!!! You are doing everything for Emma!

Kte, hope you feel better soon. Love Chloe's bunny suit! I got to get some kinda sci-fi costume for the 3 of us for a party we're off to next weekend in Cornwall for diveFest 7 I am soooooooooooo clueless! :dohh: I'm thinking green face paint & green t-shirts as a cop out, lol.

Mumof4: what else is adi allergic to? Are his allergies a result of his prematurity do you think?

all you pregnant ladies; hope everything's going really well so far for you!

Fraggles; hugs to you lady! I've been seeing your Fb status's & it's all pretty crap, which is such a shame.... :(

anyways.... We're taking harry ove to his granny's at the weekend to the stables; we're hoping one of his ponies will be ready & safe for him to ride. She's been training them up (she uses harry as an excuse to buy more ponies, so he technically has 5 now, lol, but really they're not his at all!) for him, so i hope he wont get scared or anything! Then off to Divefest in cornwall the royal wedding weekend, which i'm really excited about. :)
Flora: I like some sci-fi stuff, yet I can't think of anything!

Colsy: I PM's you my answers for ease :flower:

Aimee: Enjoy the trains :flower: Hope things get sorted out for you soon too, I guess Ihave to be more patient, even with a diagnosis things take time, hope it flies by for you though in a way, must be frustrating waiting for the grommit :hugs: Iw - Chloe tried to poke a dead worm the other day, I am not a fan of worms at all!

Just a quickie from me, off to bed soon. My Mum and Dad came over tonight and they are coming again on Monday so we can go out :D They bought tea - a scrummy curry! I had chicken korma but its not too mild where we get it from. *drool* Its been about a year since my last curry and it was absolutely delicious. I am currently getting tips off some chocolates my boss got me for easter, strawberry marzipan soaked in champagne covered in chocolate. The next-door-but-ones had BBQ and are out making noise still, they disturbed Chloe so I had to shut her window but it's quite warm, she only has a short vest thing on. I can't really complain as its the first one but they had a few last year so I may be asking them to shhhh at little miss's bed time, at least until she has fallen asleep!

Hope everyone has a super easter :flower:
Flora: I like some sci-fi stuff, yet I can't think of anything!

Colsy: I PM's you my answers for ease :flower:

Aimee: Enjoy the trains :flower: Hope things get sorted out for you soon too, I guess Ihave to be more patient, even with a diagnosis things take time, hope it flies by for you though in a way, must be frustrating waiting for the grommit :hugs: Iw - Chloe tried to poke a dead worm the other day, I am not a fan of worms at all!

Just a quickie from me, off to bed soon. My Mum and Dad came over tonight and they are coming again on Monday so we can go out :D They bought tea - a scrummy curry! I had chicken korma but its not too mild where we get it from. *drool* Its been about a year since my last curry and it was absolutely delicious. I am currently getting tips off some chocolates my boss got me for easter, strawberry marzipan soaked in champagne covered in chocolate. The next-door-but-ones had BBQ and are out making noise still, they disturbed Chloe so I had to shut her window but it's quite warm, she only has a short vest thing on. I can't really complain as its the first one but they had a few last year so I may be asking them to shhhh at little miss's bed time, at least until she has fallen asleep!

Hope everyone has a super easter :flower:
flora if you go for aliens wh not get those headbands that have spingy balls on them. Or maybe make a robot costume out of a box, paint it silver.

Gosh its hot and muggy here today. I couldnt nod back off after J's feed so came for some me time. I can here N wanting to get up though.

He has started opening all the doors now (when did he grow so tall???) Boy does he get cranky in the heat.
:hi: all hope everybody is well :flower:

Waiting for little man to wake up and then off round nanny's in paddling pool. He doesn't normally sleep this late but last night he slept through the night first time :happydance::happydance: so pleased and hope he keeps it up.
I went to jobcentre yesterday to try and get things sorted about uni, it seems I should be ok and manage which is great news put my mind at ease. I've also been thinking about after I qualify if their isn't any jobs here might think about moving country depending on the kids etc.
Florabean- They are not sure what's caused it but I'm thinking anti-botics he had because of sepsis after he was born. They was really stupid tbh because Told them their was a history of allergies in family and they never took note, then they kept trying to top him up with formula when they ran out of breast milk and he kept ending up in icu. I have to avoid all dairy, eggs, spices and things with colouring in, soya it's really hard and do worry when he goes to nursery.:flower: hope you have nice weekend
Kte- Hope you get better soon love the easter bunny outfit:flower:
Hope everybody has a nice easter x:hugs:
Aimee-Lou you will probably have to get your gp to prescribe the piriton cos its not licenced for under 6 years. James has it but the pharmacist insisted on a prescription.
Aimee-Lou you will probably have to get your gp to prescribe the piriton cos its not licenced for under 6 years. James has it but the pharmacist insisted on a prescription.

Thanks LK :thumbup: - looks like I'm off to the Dr's ...... again! :dohh:

I've come down with hayfever too in a major way today and the clarityn I took at lunchtime has done nothing except make me drowsy and irritable. Grrrrr! :growlmad:

Hope we're all ok ladies and enjoying the sunshine. :thumbup:
Evening all,

Having a tough time getting Chloe to sleep tonight. We were supposed to have a DVD date night, thats the second one she has kick off on :dohh: Hope everyones is well. Best go see her,
Hi ladies!

Just thought to ask a question here to see any of you can mention it.

The question is :- In your 2nd/3rd pregnancies - and had a c-section right, and you got pregnant, were you able to feel the baby where the scar was at?

Because that I am 19 weeks tmw right and I am able to feel the baby sometimes but not regularly though, is it because of the scar where the nerves had been damaged? I am trying to look up the information about this but didnt get much replies from 2nd Trimester as I like.

That question I might have forget to ask my consultant at 16 weeks appt :dohh: and hopefully I will ask someone at hospital at 20 weeks scan on 3rd May and a Midwife appt on 10th. Hope they will answer my question by then.

We are down in Bham for the weekend for the easter, and cant believe the weather at the moment as it was so hot! I suspect it will get worse in July when we will be on holiday.

My nights when I goes to bed has been terrible as keeps going to loo until I had to drink a bit of drink to reduce amount of times into going to loo! Didnt help when we sleep downstairs at parents in law's as I keeps going up and down all the times!

How are you all ladies on this beautiful weather? Hope your weekend all good?

Speak later xx
just popping in. milo has become such a little terror the past couple weeks :dohh: everyone says he's sensing the baby coming soon. i hope he doesnt have to deal with too much jealousy. but he's such an attention hog i already know he's gonna have trouble adjusting at first. he'll be 18 months on the 30th. i cant believe he's getting so big! lol. here's some pics that were taken when he was 16.5 months.

Milosmummy, hes so gorgeous!! Beautiful pixs! x
Nanaki- I have no experience with c-sections and subsequent pgs but is it possible that this baby just has an anterior placenta? The placenta was anterior with Emma and I didn't feel her much until she got much bigger because the placenta was sorta cushioning all her movements. Just a thought...

Hope everyone is well and having a lovely Easter weekend :flower:
Kaites, It could be that but funny enough nothing been said at 12 weeks scan. I will ask when once I have been to 20 weeks scan and equire about it. :) x
Nanaki I had section and anterior placenta and only felt baby at the side not direct front near scar.
Evening all, hope everyone has had a nice long sunny weekend :flower:

Just a quick one from me, Chloe just doesn't seem to want to go to bed at the moment, its really a struggle to get her off, she is tired just isn't doing the going to sleep but :nope:

A quick question, my Sis has just found out that William is deaf - does anyone know of any thing / where she can look at, helpful groups she can speak to, etc? Apart from awaiting further tests, her GP's are as useful as a chocolate teapot! Thanks in advance :flower:
Evening all, hope everyone has had a nice long sunny weekend :flower:

Just a quick one from me, Chloe just doesn't seem to want to go to bed at the moment, its really a struggle to get her off, she is tired just isn't doing the going to sleep but :nope:

A quick question, my Sis has just found out that William is deaf - does anyone know of any thing / where she can look at, helpful groups she can speak to, etc? Apart from awaiting further tests, her GP's are as useful as a chocolate teapot! Thanks in advance :flower:
Sorry about the double posting, not sure what is up with my notebook all of a sudden?! At work now so will be able to catch up properly, barely had 5 mins to do anything 'me' it feels like!

Nanaki: Sorry no experience either but hope you find out at your next appointment / scan :flower:

Milo'sMummy: Lovely pics :thumbup: Milo is a day older than Chloe, they would of shared th e30th but she got stuck and arrived on the 31st instead :D

Aimee: Hope you managed to get something for all the hayfever :flower: I used to get some herbal stuff to go with the prescription stuff (for me) (this stuff New Era Hayfever) and use it as a top up when things got so bad. Oh and that 'haymax' stuff to pop under your nose to trap pollen.

Easter weekend was lovely. Had a BBQ at Nij's parents on Good Friday, Sat and Sun I just speant time with Chloe, we did a few visits to the local park and on Sat at home we did a mini BBQ, one of those disposable things! Then yesterday Chloe and I went to Nostell Priory and had a picnic and a walk with my Mum and Dad. Chloe ate a mini tub of Yorkshire iceream all to herslef - chocolate chip flavour! She was none stop the whole time we were there though (before the icecream) and even missed her nap so yesterday's bedtime fiasco was a bit of a surprise!

Ah well, back at work now. Final assignment to do. :coffee: First me things!

Hope everyone has a lovely day :flower:
Evening all, hope everyone has had a nice long sunny weekend :flower:

Just a quick one from me, Chloe just doesn't seem to want to go to bed at the moment, its really a struggle to get her off, she is tired just isn't doing the going to sleep but :nope:

A quick question, my Sis has just found out that William is deaf - does anyone know of any thing / where she can look at, helpful groups she can speak to, etc? Apart from awaiting further tests, her GP's are as useful as a chocolate teapot! Thanks in advance :flower:

Hi. You sister can contact social services for any help for her son, if they are unavailable and I can try and help you and your sister in any way I can. I am deaf and using sign language as you know already. Your sister can always join a level 1 sign language at college or somewhere who have qualified in sign language to teach William to sign. My mum taught me to sign before I go to school.

Thank you Kte as well.

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