Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Nanaki- My c-section scar is still numb so could be that or where the placenta is. Hope you had a good weekend away
Milo's Mummy- Milo is so cute :cloud9:
Aimee- Adi has prition off doc but it's for his allergies i'm sure the doctor will give you some, also try to put vaseline under his nose as it catches the pollen.
Kte- Glad you had a nice weekend, the hearing services dept at hosp should be able to help.

I need some help :flower: I start my nursing degree next year, this year is my foundation year and where I decide what area of nursing to chose. I really want to do NICU nursing due to my personal experience and it's something that's always interested me which would mean doing Children's Nursing but the places are at high demand so may not get in. My other options would be Adult Nursing and then do Neonatal training afterwards or Midwifery (yet another high demand course). I'm so confused :dohh:
Thanks ladies - my sis was told to simply wait two weeks so she decided to be a pushy Mum and march back to the GP's and ask why, what, where etc I haven;t spoken to her since but will pass on your very helpful advice :flower: :hugs:

Mumof4: LittleKitten should certainly be able to help you / offer some advice. Think she is on holiday at the moment though :flower: I think Jo_79 was also looking into the same courses and choices at somepoint as well.
Mumof4; there are a couple of ladies here having the exact dilemma about high demand nursing courses! Jo79 (Sam's mum) is having to reapply for next year coz she didn't get a place this year...

Kte- Like nanaki said, get your sis to contact social services & her local colleges. I know where I am, the local SureStart centre also does makaton a 'chit chat' course for toddlers struggling with language skills, so surestart might have some suggestions to. And all my local colleges offer level 1 BSL as a day or evening course for not too much money (i think if you're on any kinda benefits you can get reduced fees or even free sometimes too?) and there are some online video based courses too that I've heard friends talking about. Making up picture cards (like flash cards) can help once he's a bit older for things like drinks, foods, teddies, car etc, and photo books of all the important people in his life.... While he's still so young, there's only limited things she can do, but as he gets into toddlerhood & beyond, there is a wealth of information & support groups & classes etc out there. I know when i was at uni, there was a hearing impaired support group for school aged kids that received huge acclaim in the local community & also a special needs group twice a month in the village hall for any child with any kinda disability- we had them come along to some trampoline sessions a few times when I was doing my disabilities coaching award with british gymnastics- the kids & helpers were amazing!

How's everyone doing? Hope you're all enjoying the beautiful weather :) Harry's obsessed with being outside at the moment. And going for bike rides with his daddy in the evenings. he wasnt impressed at first, but now he enjoys it. A friend of mine from harry's playgroup gave me her old bike yesterday (how kind is that?!!!) so now I'll be able to join them & shift some flubber from my belly, lol!

anyways... what are your plans for the royal wedding weekend? we'll be in Cornwall for DiveFest. I still haven't found costumes for us. My friends little girl is going as pepper pig; she said she's not paying out for a sci-fi costume, so she can use something she already has! harry's not got anything (other than a halloween pumpkin sleepsuit) so i'm still at a loss. I found the cutest star wars baby costumes (like ewoks & darth vader) onlione, but they cant deliver in time for thursday when we go away, so tough luck. I'll figure something out though!
Flora: If all else fails dress normal and say your from X-Men and have special powers, or wear sunglasses and say your from either the Matrix or Men in Black or something :haha: Lucky about getting the bike! That will be nice that you can all go riding together now :D No plans for the Wedding, Nij is off and a bit bah-humbung about it all, I wouldn't mind watching a little bit but not interested in all the padding out TV does sometimes, like, "oh and here we can see royal cousin third removed entering the venue" *yawn* :haha:

Thanks ladies again for my Sis. She went to the docs and they told her the HV has to refer him so good job she didn't wait two weeks to be told the same! She left a messge with HV and now just waiting. I will pass on the info, trying to be delicate with her. I dunno, she has always been good with kids but she just can't relax when it comes to William, I wish she could relax and enjoy it a bit more bless her, obviously there are problems to worry about but she goes a bit OTT, for e.g she said earlier she was playing peek-a-boo but as William couldn't hear he was forgetting and looking elswhere, I just replyed to her (nicely), he is only young and won't fully understand peek-a-boo yet, sound or not, so really he is doing well if he is playing with you for just a short while! He will just think she dissapeared if he can't see her or something; he is only 2.5 months old! I had a mini google and found some useful sights like you mentioned Flora. I think SS won't go down too well for her - for those that don't know, she fosteres my two nephews (naturally our eldest sisters') and has 'fun' with SS, I guess she would be hoping one kid would be free of them but nope. She wouldn't be entitled to any freebies as her OH works and she is paid to be a foster carer so technically not unmployed / on any kind of benefits. So I guess for now wait and see what the HV says. The whole family are very willing and adapatable to suit whatever needs William will need :flower:

Well i'd best be off, assignment and work to do. Coffee and grovel to a loan company first, really not looking forward to the latter.
I've spoke to Jo seems we are going through the same, I really hope because of budget cuts everybody decide's not to go Uni next year.:thumbup:
My house is tidy :happydance: kids gone back today, Friday, Mon and Next Thurs off they spend more time at home these days, My dd got upset and I always feel like crying with her :cry:
Adi doesn't know what's happened to him today, he keeps looking for them.
Does anybody know where to get a black out blind? (The one's you can take anywhere) The light is really affecting Adi and he is waking at 5am.
I've spoke to Jo seems we are going through the same, I really hope because of budget cuts everybody decide's not to go Uni next year.:thumbup:
My house is tidy :happydance: kids gone back today, Friday, Mon and Next Thurs off they spend more time at home these days, My dd got upset and I always feel like crying with her :cry:
Adi doesn't know what's happened to him today, he keeps looking for them.
Does anybody know where to get a black out blind? (The one's you can take anywhere) The light is really affecting Adi and he is waking at 5am.

Er . . . I don't lol but then again I work in a Uni so no students = no job! I think it will be effected but tbh the loan that everyone will get isn't actually as bad as it sounds, it's just getting people to realise it, so you may be in with a chance as people are being put off.

What a funny day for them to go back, just to be off again. Must confuse them too as well as Adi! At least there is one more nice long weekend to spend togather again soon. :flower:

sorry, not sure about a portable black out blind.
Mumof42009, you can get a black out blind from Wilko and we have got white one but it is a black out to help Billy to sleep better in the summer and its cheaper there rather than B&Q!

Hope you all ladiews enjoy the weather in UK! :) Xxx
Nanaki - thnaks for the tip about blackout blinds. We're a bit tight moneywise so I've been holding out for payday in a couple of weeks but we have a wilko in our town so hubby will have a look tomorrow. Desperately need one as Earl used to be so good but now it's taking up to an hour to get him to sleep properly! :wacko:

Kte - Hope that your Sis and William are doing ok. That must be a shock to the system but it sounds like she's well placed to to the best by him. I don't think I'd know where to start!

We're having a BBQ for the wedding I think. A bit of bunting a a burger or 2! :thumbup: I must say I'm enjoying all this time off. I've just had the 4 day weekend, Wednesday off as normal, then after tomorrow another 4 day weekend, then I'm back in Tuesday and then have 5 days off in a row as I've booked Thurs and Fri off too - off to collect our stuff (finally!) :happydance:

Hope we're all well. We're all good. Earl had a bit of a tumble this afternoon at the playground and have a grazed and I think bruised nose. He tripped on the change of surface - there are squares of that springy rubber surface under all of the bits of play equipment, and then normal concrete surrounding them all so it's a real patchwork and the rubberised stuff is slightly higher. The number of kids I've seen fall is unreal but this time it was in front of 2 other Mums who gave me some real dirty looks as initally I didn't react as normally he just picks himself back up but this time there was gravel everywhere and we even drew a little blood. :cry: Poor thing - but he was back on the slide 30 seconds later. Can't have been too dramatic, but bad Mummy for not running to his aide screaming! :blush:

Best be off...time for the last hot cross buns of the year me-thinks! I love them and I tend to make the most of them :blush:Have a nice evening ladies :kiss:
:hugs: about Earl falling over - I know how you feel about the other mummies at the park, like when Chloe hit the slide with her chin! Awful isn't it, but I just shrugged it off, she was like Earl, back too it as if nothing had happened! Bless them!
aimee-lou- our local park is just like that too. harry's fallen twice himself & I've seen even older kids trip on the change of surface. you'd think the playground makers would learn to do something about it... coz technically people could sue if it caused a major injury like they do with paths & roads n stuff I guess?

we're off tomorrow, so wont be back online till tues next week, so i hope you all have a lovely weekend (despite the rainy forecasts) Oh and hubby managed to buy a mini darth vader costume for harry last night.... now just gotta hope it arrives in tomorrow's post and as soon as it's here, we can go! if not, he's costume-less, but oh well.
Enjoy Fleur :thumbup: Hope the weather is kind too!
Hi ladies!

Nothing much for me to do today as seeing its lovely weather and dont know what to do until hubby finishes work for bank holiday weekend.

This morning around 4am, Billy woke up and babbling away, hubby bought him into our bedroom and keep saying cat! I told him Abby the cat has gone and not here. Then he ask for milk. I went downstairs and half-sleep, didnt take any notice of things. Putting milk into mircowave to warm it up for Billy and saw cat made me thinks it was Abby who keeping mewing but realised that it was a stray cat - a male! I immediately get hold of it and threw it outside! Abby got excited and ran out to chase him away. I was thinking "how the hell did it get in the house?!" because Abby have a metal tag and catflap allows only her in. My husband then said it could be an explaination was that Abby got into the catflap to get in the house and a stray cat got in same time behind her to keep the flap open, know what I mean? But thank god for that Abby already neutered! Billy must of heard the male cat mewing or somethng to wake him up and tried to warn us but I dont know if he did heard the cat or not. Cuz male has strong voice or something.

Went back to bed and couldnt sleep at all because worried about Abby and will it happen again, and the questions goes around in my head!

Had Health Visitor with an interpreter today to see Billy and she was happy with his process. :)

Have a nice day! xxx
Glad HV was happy with Billy's progress :thumbup:

Does the cat flap door stick a little at all? My friends cat had a magnet collar but the door was kind of delayed and so it gave other cats the chance to come in as well, mostly to steal food! Good boy Billy for telling you!
i'm not sure if i posted about this pregnancy in here when i first joined or not. but i have GD and at first they said she was measuring small. then at the next appt (growth scan) she didnt gain weight (in a 3 week period). so they gave me a different diet to follow. after doing that for 3 weeks she gained a little over a pound. i had another growth scan today and she once again didnt gain any weight! so the specialist wants me to be induced and i'm going in tonight at 8. if she's born tomorrow her and milo will be 1 day shy of 18 months apart. lol.
Very very quick from me, but just want to say, MilosMommy, good luck! Hope everything goes perfectly for you. Look forward to hearing all it about it when you get a spare (as if!) moment. :flower:
Good luck Milo's Mummy, hope everything goes quickly and smoothly :hugs: :flower:
Good luck Milosmommy!

Morning ladies! Just a quick hello- not much new or exciting going on here (I had to prepare tax returns this week- booooorrrrrriiiiiiiinnnnnnng!!!). As always, glad the weekend is on the horizon though, lol

Kte- Sounds like William will be well taken care of with a mummy like your sister :flower:

Flora- have fun at Divefest :flower:

Aimee- Hope Earl is healing nicely- we had a run of face-plants this winter that resulted in lots of scraped up noses too :dohh: Enjoy your BBQ

nanaki- hope you don't have anymore kitty visitors, lol :)

Random dumb question- so was it a normal bank holiday in the UK or one just because of the royal wedding? (told you it was a dumb question, lol). Hope you enjoy the extra long weekend either way!
Random dumb question- so was it a normal bank holiday in the UK or one just because of the royal wedding? (told you it was a dumb question, lol). Hope you enjoy the extra long weekend either way!

Extra, cos of the wedding. Don't ask me why! The country's in the s*** as it is financially - so what does the govt do? Give people an official day off from work, thus reducing the country's income even further. There's another bank hol on Monday too - that's one that we usually have - I think it's May Day. I don't 'do' bank hols. Being self-employed, I'd far rather work on a bank hol and go out when the masses are back at work/school :-)
It's an odd one as its an official day off, but not compulsory, so places are open but would get double pay . . . and it won't be an annual BH although next year we get the same I think as its the Queen's jubilee. I only know because we get works public and discretionary holidays a year in advance lol

I wanted to go do the food shop today as most ppl would be pre-occupied with the Wedding but Nij is asleep. Family day eh? Mmmmmmmm!
Got it- I'd rather have a gov't that was liberal with the holidays than stingy like ours is though. It annoys me to no end that there is Rememberance Day in November and the only ones who actually get the day off are federal gov't employees :grr: Anyhoo... Our next holiday is Victoria Day weekend (May 23rd this year I think)- can't come soon enough!

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