Argghhh I have a dilemma!
I have a really good oppurtunity, but I'm not 100% confident I can do it...but I might not get the chance again.
The wedding shop Ant Works at has asked him if I would take over doing their wedding cakes full time
The lady that does them atm is old and is doing her last one..........
Thing is, I'm not confident on my fondant covering cakes have to be perfect as we all know, but sometimes I crease the fondant over when smooting it down or its not completely smooth, but with celebration cakes you can 'hide' flaws like this....
Ive not even attempted one yet, I was going to do a dummy one for the display in the shop and see how I found it (the wedding cake I was doing Andrea)
What should I do? Has anyone got any tips at all for covering a cake perfectly? I currently only use a small side smoother and a larger top smoother, Ive read that using 2 large smoothers on the sides and a curved one for around the top can give a better finish? How thick should the fondant be ideally?
I'm really stuck as to what to say now.