oooooh that reminds me of cherry brandy!
yummy mixed with coke tastes like dr pepper!
had another go at actually making the bases of cupcakes today again instead of just practacing my icing and decorating skills on the bought ones from packets.. and my ones are going hard.. they arent soft like the shop bought ones.
my oven is powerful and I work on that its actually 20-30 degrees hotter than the dial shows. its a zannussi and been a powerful thing since we bought it. its only 3 years old.
so i turned down the dial to 150 and they still were hard on top
shall i turn down even further? or then they wont rise I thik? or shall I cover the top of the muffin tin in foil?
Please any suggestions?
maybe I am leaving them in there too long. is 15 mins too long?