hiiim popping in again hope you dont mind, but id like some advice
its my mums birthday next month and shes done so much for us that i want it to be special and i want to make her a cake, as shes a pretty good cake maker herself shes brilliant and always makes them for everyone else and we always just buy her a crap one every year, soo i need to get creative - but im not!! anyone got any ideas what i could do? nothing too challenging but something a bit different?
and how the hell do i go about it?!
hiiim popping in again hope you dont mind, but id like some advice
its my mums birthday next month and shes done so much for us that i want it to be special and i want to make her a cake, as shes a pretty good cake maker herself shes brilliant and always makes them for everyone else and we always just buy her a crap one every year, soo i need to get creative - but im not!! anyone got any ideas what i could do? nothing too challenging but something a bit different?
and how the hell do i go about it?!
Hi Ladies
I was wondering if you could help me with a wedding cake query - How much do you think I should expect to pay for a 3 tier sponge cake to feed approximately 80 people?
Thank you in advance!
I bet you could, that is really my first proper covered cake xwow jo thats brilliant! dont know if i could do something like that! well ive got a month so im gonna do some practicing and see what happens!
Good luck xxxxWedding cake in the oven. wish me luck!!