Has anyone got a good and fairly simple recipe for chocolate mud cake?
Wow Dream they look amazing and very professional. Which nozzle did you use to pipe the frosting? The 1M? Mine never look that good!
Miss Muffett that's how I got started on cakes, making one for Amelia's 1st birthday in March. You'll pick up tones of tips and advice in this thread. It's taught me everything!
Good luck with rolling your own fondant Laura. Watch a few youtube vids on it, they're very helpful x
1st ever attempt at piping a buttercream rose.Need alot of practice!
1st ever attempt at piping a buttercream rose.Need alot of practice!
Thanks everyone. Yep it's a 1m. I need to buy a couple more, it's such a pain having to wash in between colours.
That rose is amazing, i've never tried a proper one before only using a 1m.
I need to practise using fondant before i do edward's. The problem is i have no one to eat everything i bake so they end up in the bloody binxx
1st ever attempt at piping a buttercream rose.Need alot of practice!
wow how do u do that??