I bet you're glad it's all done, can't wait to see pics. Did you watch Big Fat Gypsy Weddings - with the massive pink castle? God knows how they moved that thing, it's was huge!
I've been itching to make my first cake, and then I realised that it was my uncle's birthday yesterday so I could make him a cake as we'll see him over the weekend. So I decided to do a basic chocolate sponge with choc buttercream, and then just ice it with fondant. It's the first time I've ever made a proper cake, let alone iced one.
I definitely learnt a lot. Only have a 9" rolling pin which caused issues, and even though the pack of regalice said one pack will ice a 7" round cake - it didn't! I had to roll it out really thin, so it split in two places on the sides. I managed to patch it up (badly) but covered it with the decorations. I also cut out all the circles while I was waiting for the crumb coat to set, so they were dry by the time I put them on and some cracked a bit. I also need to practice my crumb coating skills - so cack-handed!
Anyway, I'm massively impressed with how it came out. And I can't wait to do another one. So glad I've picked up so much helpful information from this thread, you're all fab

Here it is:
Again, sorry for massive pic, can't resize on my phone x