Calling all 1970 vintage ladies TTC

Vintage is awesome!

I'm a 1971 girly. . .almost 41 and a half!

I have 3 amazing girls from my first marriage but am trying for my first with my current hubby, whom I have been with for 5 years. He's only 35, the youngin. ;) We would just love to have one of our own!!

Glad to not be the only one with the AARP card before graduation if we are so blessed! :)
1972 in the house! Ladies

I'm in The TWW 10DPO & feelin like it ain't never gonna happen

But here's to one last shot!
Vintage is so definitely sexy ha ha!
I just wanted to do an update on my tww, still waiting for either a bfp or af, BUT........ I have a lot of symptoms that really do make me feel pg, I really hope its not just my wishful thinking, especially as i did what I told myself i wouldn't and told OH I feel it. :( was going to wait til at least a faint snifter of a line before I revealed my feelings!
Tested yesterday, not a sausage, bright white no matter how Many angles I squint at it!
I am cd 36, with an average cd length of 31, but I have had 2 longer cycles over the last 6 months, of 37.

I think I had a late O, mainly due to the huge amount of ewcm I had on cd 26, and the bfn's/no af obviously :) I also think my luteal phase is on the short side normally as in the past when i have used opk's they've indicated such. I think I often have trouble getting eggs out, had been diagnosed in the past as pcos, though different consultant disputed this as bloods didn't tally and took me off metformin. This was a couple of years ago now, between then and now I've no consultant, off the radar, due to relationship issues, had 2 Mc's last year, One MMC and One spontaneous both around the 8 week mark.
Anyway, been ntnp since June, but if i'm honest more ttc than that ha ha! (denial is a great thing huh?....I KNOW how much i want this, just Called it ntnp to maintain an even emotional balance!)
So, if i'm right and I did O at cd 26, then I started my "symptoms" that reminded me very much of last years pg's on 3 dpo Which I KNOW is early and may have been my imagination enhancing it, but boobs started occasional twinges and aches, I started to get Vivid dreams and scant sticky white cm. Cervix high and soft.
Dpo 4 and 5 same, but increasing boob twinges, and some af but "different" type cramping and increased white cm. Also had a couple of hours of heartburn.
Dpo 6 and 7 boobs more consistently sore. Cervix up and down like a Yoyo but never really low like before af. Still moist feeling down there most of the time, but not tons, still creamy in appearance. I dont often get creamy cm during my cycle at all so odd. More heartburn, dreams and on day 7 weird sort of rapid pulse/throb exactly where my uterus is. I thought, hmmmmm...... THATS a new one!

Dpo 8 _ 10 Boobs ache most of the time, in fact i worry when they stop! Continued twinges down there, now and then felt very wet, had to check for af a few times, Cervix staying high and soft and last Night at work when I did that I checked my Cervix again and there was a massive glob of creamy cm, very elastic but like a sorry,but like a kids bogey when they sneeze and it dangles out their nose! Really sorry, that was gross!
From dpo 3 .....I KNOW i KNOW, but at the time i thought i was late as i had miscalculated my cycle cos i had spotting for 5 days before I came on properly!.......have done ic hpt's (10 that the right abbreviation? Dunno but 10's anyway!) And all have been bright white, not a shadow, evap, smudge or hint no matter how Many times i squint and change the light/angle! Last test yesterday morning, Dpo 10, gonna use my last ic on Dpo 12 which is tomorrow (wed 26th Oct) and if that bfn then buy more to test on saturday, if I can wait that Long, which should be Dpo 15, so if bfn and still no af gonna start thinkin the dreaded menapause! Ha ha!
Please forgive any typos, doing this on my phone at work, and I have sausage fingers! Xxx
i was 42 in may.
I have a little boy age 3 born when I was 39. Since him I have tried since he was 7 months old and have had 4 miscarriages, the last one resulted in a D&C after being diagnosed with a partial molar pregnancy I saw the little thing with a strong heartbeat and had to kill it.
I also have antiphospholid syndrome where my blood clots when it sees a foreign body ie a baby so have to take medication when pregnant, that was diagnosed after loss number 3.
I have tested positive this month but the line has faded to almost nothing today so I guess im experiencing a chemical pregnancy. I wish I could stop but I can't stop trying.
My husband thinks we are happy having concluded our TTC journey. But I still track and have sex at pertinent times, it is giving a much more relaxed life for everyone, when he knew what was happening I would take out my frustrations on him. Now its a 'secret' I have to keep it to myself, its hard and upsetting but much easier. I will have a go next month too.
I understand your feelings on that One and probably would do exactly the same, good luck and fingers crossed for your "surprise" bfp and healthy little One xx
Damnit, I knew i'd cave! Wasnt going to test til tomorrow but bought a load of assorted tests on say home from work today and poas the second I got home! Bfn of coure, on frer AND my ic. Durrr. :(

After I'd peed though, I saw in the Bowl, tmi, sorry, a big glob of thick cm with brownish and pink streaks. ib??? Mucous plug forming??? Mucous plug failing??? Af starting??? Ugh. Feeling mildly crampy today and boobs less sore. Hmmmmm. Perhaps I wasted my money on all those tests. Xx
Hi all, Hope i can join. I am a 1976 baby. I dont feel my age at all though. Have 2 beautiful healthy babies. A 4 year old boy and a 18 month daughter. It took me 14 months to conceive my son and 18 months to conceive my daughter. I have been ttc since my little girl was 5 almost 6 months old. I knew it would take a while and since im not that young, i decided to start early and here i am. Still waiting for a bfp. I hope and pray i caught the eggie but who knows. I am either 3 or 4 dpo today. I dont bd every day but do it every other day during my fertile week so hopefully that will be enough. With my son i honestly did it only once that whole month and got pg. With my daughter i did it every other day for 3 days and bam, pregnant. My doc, send me for blood tests to make sure everything was ok and i am in perfect health and still fertile. I just wish I could get a bfp already. Went to a birthday party a few weeks ago and the kids mom announced everyone she was preggo. I got so jelaouse. He sis and siter in law are pregnant too so it was really hard on me mainly cause no one knows i am ttc. Please wish me luck. Good luck to you all.
Good luck nino3, lets hope its a sticky month for all of us vintage girls. :) so hard this waiting game isn't it, i'm probably about 11 Dpo, bfn so far. Fingers crossed for all of us. X
I'm a 70's kid too...40 yrs to date. I have 4 kids my oldest is 17 and graduating high school. Youngest is going to be 5 and I'm divorced. I guess I love kids and huge family and I got scared when my doctor said start to try now if you really want this or just dont. So here I am :D (waves)

ps I love that pretty much everyone on this site doesnt judge...that is what drew me here in the first place :)
BFN on Asda cheapie (15miu) this morning, not a surprise. I just know i'll keep testing every day til af or BFP, if neither then at least for the next ten days till my tests run out :)
OH says my boobs are def fuller and firmer and my nipples darker, and he can hardly reach my Cervix, he can usually feel it but not lately. Glad its not just my imagination.
Has anyone found any links on explaining pre implantation symptoms from EPH on the Internet? I'm curious as to Why people can get symptoms before HCG starts to multiply. Also astounded at the massive range of HPT levels at the same week/days pg. I mean from what the poas website States you can be 14 days after conception and only have a level of 3 or you could be 400 odd at the same duration! Wow!
So basically if my Standard 25miu tests negative I could still be 3 weeks post fertilisation and have a level of 18 which wouldn't give a line. Its complicated as well as frustrating this waiting gane. Xx
Just popping on here for a quick peek.......

whitesox- aarp card? whats that..haha

2bluelines- are you still doing acupuncture? I wish I would have done something liek that when I started TTC 4 yrs ago. I'm on my 2nd IUI and think it would have helped.

40yroldmom- So sorry if this is a chemical......fingers crossed test is defective and you get a stronger line.

starbaby- good luck with testing.... you hear stories of 8dpo BFP and sometimes 2 weeks late BFP..... its natures cruel joke I think..... Try to keep your mind off of it tho' do something fun while waiting....

justhoping- this is a really supportive site..... and good luck with your 2ww!!!

nino- i agree that its soo hard to hear those announcements, and then have to either see updates on FB or hear about them.... would they want to hear about our TTC troubles...daily? haha I had 4 FB friends putting weekly updates on babys progress so I had to unsubscribe....LOL

well i have 3 bored dogs that need my attention.....that and I have to ge some housework done..... BandB is not good for that..hahahaha

I have my fingers crossed for you ladies..I want to see some BFP!!!!!!!!!
Thanks CHILLbilly, and I know what you mean about the b and b distraction, my OH is going to ban me soon I think ha ha! X
Well, I'm back at square 1, or rather cd2 now. UGH!! Tired of the games my body is playing. Last cycle was an 18 day lp!!!! And, if I get pregnant this cycle, the baby would be due at the same time my youngest turns 4. I already have 2 in Jan, 2 in Sept and now 1 in July. Is this a trend I'm going to have here? 2 in July to finish it off?? LOL, oh well, using one of those home menopause tests with fmu tomorrow and praying for a negative result. I'll keep you all posted. Niters ladies.
Sorry to hear you're back to the start, momof5wants1, hang in there and i hope that home test tells you all still in good order down there!

My update, bfn on Asda cheapie this a.m. Still high cp, but some pink streaks on paper after i poas. Hope its implantation not af about to pounce. Boobs still ache intermittently and some more inusual cramping last night. Not expecting any kind of bfp til saturday at the earliest but if that was ib showing this morning then I cant see my hcg being high enough til at the earliest next Wednesday. OH says he thinks i'll get a bfp next Wednesday. Hope he's right! Xx
Still spotting, pink and red streaks in cm when I wipe after peeing, not usually how my af starts, but humph.....feeling gloomy. Cervix still high though. Cramps a little and this doesn't follow my usual af either, normally I'd have 1 day light flow, no cm in it, and two or three noticeable Cramps then no cramping and full flow till about day 4, then a couple of watery pink/brown days and done. Though my last af was weird with 5 days spotting first, but watery pink for those. this is different, esp with the cm. Dunno what to think, constant light dull crampy feeling and nothing on undies, just when I wipe. Would be about right for af on my days though, Would mean a 37 day cycle this time, which I've had twice in last 8 months. Boooooo, so gloomy now, and feelin like its all over for this One. Xx
Mum of 5- Sorry to hear you're on cd2 ....boooooo...... BUT next cycle would be a july baby!! that would finish off your birthday "list" haha plus Im a july baby and we're the best!! haha and home test for menopause....never heard of that.... I had 2 cycles of very bad blood work nubers that were poitng that way .....this cycle was good...hopfully.
With 5 kids i guess you don't have time to have a bottle of wine or soemthing else to help with AF? hope you do something for yourself to take the sting of AF away......

Starbaby- our bodies sure do F*&K with us don't they. same type of cramps, possible spotting, sore boobs, ect...... with AF and pregnancy.... so you might be testing next wed? I am due to test the thursday i will be rooting for you!!!!!!
I got the test at dollar tree, it measures fsh in the urine. Just like the First Response Fertility test does. Done on CD3 with fmu. It was TOTALLY :bfn: whereas the one I took 6 months ago had the second line and it was nearly positive. So, I'm thinking that by starting Vitanica Pregnancy Prep, it stabilized my hormones. My AF is more like it used to be a couple of years ago, prior to dd#5 soooooooooooooooooooooo, here's hoping I can get dh to :sex: at the right time this cycle and finally catch the egg. And yeah, I'll settle for the pattern just to get my last little take home baby. 7 angels are more than enough, thank you very much.
How is everyone doing. I am either 5 or 6 dpo today and already want to test. Im glad my car is in the shop. Maybe ill start testing tomorrow and see what happens. My last pregnancy i started testing at like 5 dpo...(testaholic) and got a clear bfp at 8 dpo. Had skipped 7 dpo so i dont know if i would have seen anything. I took geritol this month and ate pineapple core and drank grapefruit juice and am now taking vitamins, and folic acid. Boy i wish this was my month. I didnt have a good feeling last month but for some reason i feel a bit of hope this cycle. Been praying alot. God bless you all and hope we get our bfp's soon.
I'm 5 or 6 dpo today too, only sign so far is really sore nipples and hunger. Going to try and go about my normal life and not look at every symptom like last month. Got good strong line on Ov test and used Pre-seed so fingers crossed. convincing myself 42 is young
Awww thanks CHILLbilly, i'm feeling far less positive about a bfp now, still spotting lightly but its bright red blood and still cramping. Nipples are very dark so thats a plus, but Cervix surfing lower now and I cant escape the feeling its af starting. I'm gutted and kicking myself for getting so carried away and excited about the symptoms. It isnt a period flow yet but I did have 5 days of very light flow and spotting before my last period, so maybe this is just a new pattern starting. I wont waste any tests now unless it dries up, or if It stays light spotting will test wed. That's d day for scrapping my baby hopes this cycle. Will keep updating and checking out everyones progress though, good luck girls :) xx

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