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Calling all February bump buddies!! (10 BLUE) (5 PINK) (2 ANGELS)

I think I follow her on Instagram she posted a pic? How scary glad they are doin well though. Hopefully baby will thrive and be home before she knows it.

I had a terrible day yesterday horrible BH all day that got worse in the arvo I thought it was doin nothing but when I went toilet I was losing pink slightly bloody discharge all has settled down today tho thank goodness. Hoping it means when my time comes ill be good and ready and things will be quick!

I think she is on instagram.

Have you been checked? I would have been running into L&D if I had that! I get horrible BH but never have I seen that!! :sad1: Did you at least call the MW and ask what she thought???
EEK I agree. . I'd be running to L&D. I hope all stays calm for a few more weeks!!

What a little sweetie!
I've had it a couple times before she doesn't seem to concerned if they got to bad I'd go in otherwise I don't want to make a fuss. I've had two overdue babies before so going early just doesn't seem possible. Everything has been good today not a single twinge :)
Hi lovelies, I'm back home now, I just want to say I want to give you all a cyber hug and tell you thank you for your prayers. I really need all the prayers i can get, I hope you all have an easy and safe labour and delivery.

Heres a pic of my little angel :kiss:
He's lovely! Congratulations on your little miracle! Continued prayers for both of you!! <3
I am glad he is still doing well!! <3

AFM since my LO decided to drop I have been getting increasingly uncomfortable in the pelvis area. Can't squat for anything now, or bend down low. If I do someone better be around cause I am not going to be able to get up :rofl:
Oh bmb he is lovely.<3

You hang in there huni.:flower:
Praying for you both.:)

Natalie xxx
Aww glad you r both doin well. I'm 32 weeks now it freaks me out that I have a baby like that in my tummy right now.
Hi gorgeous ladies, I hope you're all doing well and still pregnant!!!!

I miss being here chatting away but I've been so busy lately going around hospitals and managing my home:wacko: my tiny boy is doing great, he's still in the incubator waiting on him to "hatch" and start sleeping in a crib. He still has to manage to regulate his body temperature. Hopefully in the next few days he'll be out, I'm missing him so much it's so hard not having him around but I know he's in the best hands. I can't wait for him to get big and I see him grow along with his brother. The few hours I see him everyday aren't enough:cry:

It's so quite here...I need some updates ladies!:hugs:
BMB I am so glad that he is doing well and so are you. It has been busy here running here and there for xmas. Today may actually be a day that we spend 90% of it at home. I really need to do some laundry. DH is headed back to work today, it was short but nice to have him home more often. We actually got to spend sometime without the kids for a bit yesterday.

Baby is doing well. The meds rally aren't doing what the Dr was hoping. Which was to slow down my contractions. They are still there and no change. So still all the time.

Can't wait for more updates from everyone else!! It is very quiet on here!
Yay I'm so glad your little one is doing well :) I've been good I have days of contractions sometimes. When my midwife was checking baby's position it made me have one she said oh u have a sensitive uterus. My babies are always overdue tho so will see what happens. I have to see the consultant soon he will decided where I deliver due to two previous PPHs most likely be and hour and a half away at a bigger hospital. My relationship is going amazingly I've never been happier :D I didn't know how it would work as he is not baby's father but he has been amazing. He is the father of my other two kids (long story) I'm so glad. That we have worked things out despite all we have been through.
He has grown up so much since we broke up over a year ago. I didn't think people could change but he has proved me wrong. Looks after me better than when I was pregnant with our own kids haha our boys are flourishing having their dad back and being an active part of their lives.
Glad things are going well for all of you! I hope your little one is out and home soon BMB!

I'm just big, uncomfortable and crabby here. My cervix is shortening, I start twice weekly NST's next week, my fasting sugars are STILL not under control even with another medication increase, thinking maybe insulin next week or another increase. Having some BH but not all the time and not painful, more annoying. ;) I'm glad the doc won't let me go past 39 weeks at least. 6 weeks from today should be the max but she doesn't think I'll go that long.
Hi all!
BMB so glad the little man is doing well hopefully he'll be back with you very very soon :hugs:
Just a quick update from me as I'm on my phone, ended up back in hospital yesterday :-( The whole family has caught a vomiting bug and I got so dehydrated that I started contracting :-( They've stopped now and hopefully will be home again in a couple of days :) Not long to go for us now ladies!! :flower:
Great to hear your LO is thriving BMB! It must be so hard to leave him at the hospital.
Batman, that fantastic that he's treating you so well during your pregnancy! Great that he's matured and you can have a relationship with him again!

AFM, I'm starting to panic! My brother's wedding is in two weeks so we are preparing to go to Mexico for it! My doctor said that it's okay if I go but I am terrified of heights and the thought of flying without my Xanax is not appealing!!! A warm vacation sounds wonderful right now but honestly I just want it over with and to be back home already!
Eek can't wait for New Years then we can say we r due next month :) and labour watching begins exciting!
Only two more weeks for some of us to start the labour watch. That is crazy soon!!

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