Calling all February bump buddies!! (10 BLUE) (5 PINK) (2 ANGELS)

I am thinking I am getting a bad bout of indigestion and it is making me nauseous. It feels like it is at the back of my throat and going to come out at any moment. It is not burning like heartburn at all. Just a really gross feeling.

Oh and today my ribs and pubic bone feel a bit sore like they are a bit bruised. Anyone else?

My ribs are sore, too. It's probably because your ribcage expands in pregnancy (which is why I had to get band-extenders for all my bras).

My sil is hilarious! She's asking me if hubby pee'd before sex because hers does and she thinks that's why she's not getting preggo. He also smokes.

The only things I did differently the month I got my BFP was drink a whole bottle of 100% pineapple juice over the week of O.

Oh. And I took Clomid so I would actually ovulate. That's kind of important, and probably the main thing that helped. :haha:
BMB so remember you asked about all the EWCM that you were seemed to be still having? I had sooo much last night. Though I am 100% sure that it was from DTD the night before, so did you DTD before you had yours??

It's not from dtd we haven't done it since we found out:dohh: lol
So I don't know I'm reading on Google that it's the formation of the mucous plug:shrug:

Great bump BTW and what a gorgeous tattoo very unique.
Hi girls, I just got some news from my SIL, they have been TTC for almost a year now no luck, they ran some tests, her DH has 0 sperm motility but an average sperm count, and she's been diagnosed with mild pcos and prolactin in her blood stream they are both devastated they're really young he's 23 and she's 18.. I'm so sad for her I feel almost guilty that I'm pregnant and she's not, my mil is devastated, and IVF is there only option right now, but she had to be treated for her diagnoses too! So it will be a really long journey for them both, we offered to help with IVF costs,she can't ovulate on her own and clomid isn't working either, the doctor said if IVF fails consider a doner, I'm so sad for them I just want to cry :(
BMB That is really sad, I am sorry she has to go through with this. I hope you don't find this cruel but some people are just not made to bare their own children, some people come into this world to adopt the children that have nothing. :hugs:

Thank you about the tattoo. I wanted an angel tattoo for so long, or angel wings, I saw one I liked and then my artist changed it up a bit so it was more original. I love it!! having an angel or wings help keep your angels around you at all times!!
BMB That is really sad, I am sorry she has to go through with this. I hope you don't find this cruel but some people are just not made to bare their own children, some people come into this world to adopt the children that have nothing. :hugs:

Thank you about the tattoo. I wanted an angel tattoo for so long, or angel wings, I saw one I liked and then my artist changed it up a bit so it was more original. I love it!! having an angel or wings help keep your angels around you at all times!!

I told her the same thing, I said you will always have a chance to be a mother even if you have to adopt, she's staying positive, she said well give medication a year then well consider other paths.

I've always wanted an angel tattoo, on my shoulder a small one is nice, I wanted it,to resemble everything beautiful in my life, also to resemble my grandmother who passed away a month after DS was born, she stayed just that little longer to see him,I miss her.

On a positive note, I have my scan on Monday :) excited,scared,nervous mixed emotions!!
Can't wait to see your scan, BMB!

Sorry to hear about your sister and her OH. Luckily, science is an amazing thing. It might take a while, and it might cost a bit, but she is young, and I believe they can help her. 0 motility is so much better than 0 sperm. If they can get her to ovulate, she still has a good chance with IVF. Of course, adoption is always an option as well.

We conceived on our first cycle of Clomid. I have PCOS, and DH has a morph of 4%. We'd been trying for a year before I realized I wasn't ovulating, and had wasted all that time.

In other news... Happy blueberry week!
I told her the same thing, I said you will always have a chance to be a mother even if you have to adopt, she's staying positive, she said well give medication a year then well consider other paths.

I've always wanted an angel tattoo, on my shoulder a small one is nice, I wanted it,to resemble everything beautiful in my life, also to resemble my grandmother who passed away a month after DS was born, she stayed just that little longer to see him,I miss her.

On a positive note, I have my scan on Monday :) excited,scared,nervous mixed emotions!!

Well I am glad that you had that talk with her, even though it is still so sad. I am glad she is not giving up hope.

Sounds like the tattoo you will want will end up being a bit bigger than small... That was my problem LoL I almost got full wings on my back, glad I didn't this one hurt. But it was side that hurt worse than the part on my back.

YAY for the u/s on monday!! I can't wait to see your little one!!:happydance:
This morning is not starting out all that good. It seems to be following my evening. Feeling quite nauseous and even a bit dizzy when I stand.

Oh and the dreams I had woken up to were just out of this world. At one point I lived on the beach of an ocean and a seal came to live with us in our pool and then took to me as its mom. So strange. Then I had one that I was nursing a baby girl, though it wasn't ever said, I just assumed it was mine when I woke up becuase of my reactions. I was going to the car with her in a cart and the cart kept falling over and her falling out. At one point I had to go down the stairs and she went and fell down the stairs as I watched her tumble over and over again. When I got to the bottom she was nothing more than a baseball glove and I was distraught. It was not a very good dream. Then I had one about us going camping, forgeting all the bedding, then needed to find a new spot cause the one that we had was not good. As we were walking around I was talking to DH about the previous dream as if really happened way too funny!!
I told her the same thing, I said you will always have a chance to be a mother even if you have to adopt, she's staying positive, she said well give medication a year then well consider other paths.

I've always wanted an angel tattoo, on my shoulder a small one is nice, I wanted it,to resemble everything beautiful in my life, also to resemble my grandmother who passed away a month after DS was born, she stayed just that little longer to see him,I miss her.

On a positive note, I have my scan on Monday :) excited,scared,nervous mixed emotions!!

Well I am glad that you had that talk with her, even though it is still so sad. I am glad she is not giving up hope.

Sounds like the tattoo you will want will end up being a bit bigger than small... That was my problem LoL I almost got full wings on my back, glad I didn't this one hurt. But it was side that hurt worse than the part on my back.

YAY for the u/s on monday!! I can't wait to see your little one!!:happydance:

That's the only thing stopping me I have 0 tolerance to pain lol (ehhem childbirth) lol.. I think the shoulder would be less painful than where yours is, because its hard flesh.

Ill def post pictures of my scan :thumbup:

I took your word and I'm eating healthy (plenty) lol and I feel so much better, yesterday DH was eating McDonald's and the smell and sight almost made me :sick: I had to leave the room!

Are sharp stabbing pains in chest area most likely from indigestion or something more serious? It lasts about 2-3 seconds, ill he sure to ask my doctor next time I see her.

I had a dream that I had the baby, and it turned into a cat wearing a onesie. I was chasing the cat around trying to mother it and convince people that it was my baby. People were looking at me like "Bitch is TRIPPIN'!"

Then I had a much more upsetting dream, that I will put in spoiler tags in case no one wants to read it:
I also had a dream that I was heavily pregnant and got "locked" in my body. Like, I was paralyzed and couldn't move, but I was aware. They thought I was dead and cut the baby out and took it away while I was awake. Then I was able to move, and I was all cut open and half-stapled back together. I started screaming because it hurt, and I wanted to see my baby. They told me I couldn't see my baby because I was dead, and the doctor hit me in the head. Everything went black, then I woke up.
It could be indigestion or even gull stones, but I don't that it is gull stones, you get that after you eat and it is more constant.

I am so glad that the healthier eating is helping!! I too can't stand the look of a burger on the TV I have no interest right now for one. I don't even want to BBQ them. Though the DQ commercial made me cry cause I couldn't have the smore's blizzard!!

I had a dream that I had the baby, and it turned into a cat wearing a onesie. I was chasing the cat around trying to mother it and convince people that it was my baby. People were looking at me like "Bitch is TRIPPIN'!"

Then I had a much more upsetting dream, that I will put in spoiler tags in case no one wants to read it:
I also had a dream that I was heavily pregnant and got "locked" in my body. Like, I was paralyzed and couldn't move, but I was aware. They thought I was dead and cut the baby out and took it away while I was awake. Then I was able to move, and I was all cut open and half-stapled back together. I started screaming because it hurt, and I wanted to see my baby. They told me I couldn't see my baby because I was dead, and the doctor hit me in the head. Everything went black, then I woke up.

Wow that is a crazy dream, both of them really!! Wow it is so weird that we get these crazy dreams like this.
This morning is not starting out all that good. It seems to be following my evening. Feeling quite nauseous and even a bit dizzy when I stand.

Oh and the dreams I had woken up to were just out of this world. At one point I lived on the beach of an ocean and a seal came to live with us in our pool and then took to me as its mom. So strange. Then I had one that I was nursing a baby girl, though it wasn't ever said, I just assumed it was mine when I woke up becuase of my reactions. I was going to the car with her in a cart and the cart kept falling over and her falling out. At one point I had to go down the stairs and she went and fell down the stairs as I watched her tumble over and over again. When I got to the bottom she was nothing more than a baseball glove and I was distraught. It was not a very good dream. Then I had one about us going camping, forgeting all the bedding, then needed to find a new spot cause the one that we had was not good. As we were walking around I was talking to DH about the previous dream as if really happened way too funny!!

Wow!! You should sell your dreams to a Hollywood movie director lol

I had a couple of dreams one i remember me sorting out prawns (hate prawns) they were still alive and I was frustrated that I couldn't get them to stay!

Next I have a dream of me having two vaginas and I was giving birth to two babies at the same time a girl and a boy, so this one woman comes and takes the boy, and tells me I can keep the girl, I started to cry because I wanted the boy:dohh:

The other night I dreamt I was walking down a dark street and three men approached me they asked me for my bag then stabbed me in the back multiple times I felt the stabs irl turns out its DH elbow jabbed into my back :haha:
Omg, now I want nothing more than a smores Blizzard. :dohh: Or a Butterfinger Blast from Sonic!

But I can't, 'cause I gained 20lbs already. And now I weigh 170lbs, which is the most I've ever weighed in my life.

Is anybody else getting occasional weird pangs in their vagina? Like... I get these weird pains about two or three times a day in there that just last for a couple of seconds. It's weird.
Trying to stay positive. Had another scan this morning saw a heartbeat (HR 150). Everything looked good, but last Friday I was measuring 6w6d, this week 7w4d. The only reason this is concerning to me is that the doctor said at a previous appointment that after the 6w mark they like to see it grow 1mm per day, and I am behind 2mm over the course of a week. They were two different ultrasound techs doing the scans and the nurse said that could be the reason for the difference in measurements, but I am still worried. I keep thinking that when I see the heartbeats and see it growing that I will allow myself to relax a little and enjoy, but I am still scared...
Can't wait to see your scan, BMB!

Sorry to hear about your sister and her OH. Luckily, science is an amazing thing. It might take a while, and it might cost a bit, but she is young, and I believe they can help her. 0 motility is so much better than 0 sperm. If they can get her to ovulate, she still has a good chance with IVF. Of course, adoption is always an option as well.

We conceived on our first cycle of Clomid. I have PCOS, and DH has a morph of 4%. We'd been trying for a year before I realized I wasn't ovulating, and had wasted all that time.

In other news... Happy blueberry week!

Wow what a great success story, I should tell her about it,same time I don't want to put her hopes up:nope: she has been on clomid for 8 months, nothing.

Happy blueberry week to you my dear, I may have missed it here but did you have your scan yet?
It was probably just the difference in the two techs. I've heard of babies measuring behind, but I've never heard of babies SHRINKING. Take deep breaths and at least try to relax. Say it with me: "Today, I am pregnant. Everything else is secondary."

BMB: How many mg of Clomid is she on? Some women don't respond to it, and typically doctors will stop prescribing it after 3 or 4 months if it doesn't work. If he has 0 motility, are they trying to get her to ovulate for IVF? They should try Femara or something other than Clomid. There are other ovulation drugs that might work for her.

I haven't had my scan yet. It's on July 2nd. Everyone is convinced it's twins but me. :haha:
Trying to stay positive. Had another scan this morning saw a heartbeat (HR 150). Everything looked good, but last Friday I was measuring 7w6d, this week 7w4d. The only reason this is concerning to me is that the doctor said at a previous appointment that after the 6w mark they like to see it grow 1mm per day, and I am behind 2mm over the course of a week. They were two different ultrasound techs doing the scans and the nurse said that could be the reason for the difference in measurements, but I am still worried. I keep thinking that when I see the heartbeats and see it growing that I will allow myself to relax a little and enjoy, but I am still scared...


As long as the hb is there you're more than likely to be ok, maybe they have your days mixed a typo or something :hugs:
Omg, now I want nothing more than a smores Blizzard. :dohh: Or a Butterfinger Blast from Sonic!

But I can't, 'cause I gained 20lbs already. And now I weigh 170lbs, which is the most I've ever weighed in my life.

Is anybody else getting occasional weird pangs in their vagina? Like... I get these weird pains about two or three times a day in there that just last for a couple of seconds. It's weird.

Yes me! I feel like I need to grab my vajayjay because I feel like its going to fall out,:dohh:

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