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Calling all February bump buddies!! (10 BLUE) (5 PINK) (2 ANGELS)

Does good progression mean af wont come? I had awesome progression so i hope thats a good sign xx
It is a great sign, means your hcg levels are on the rise !

I'm a day late for AF, and my progress isn't that great, but it's something.. I've posted up a pic on this thread.. I'm 14 dpo today
This is my progression. What do you think. Top tests is 10DPO AM, second is 11DPO am, third is 11DPO PM and 4th is 13DPO AM. Ive worked my progression to be about every 36 hours xxx


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That's fantastic! Awesome progress, hopefully I can get another FRER tomoro and compare all of them :)
DH wont let me buy anymore, as much as i want too haha! xxx
Lol I can buy them and stash them somewhere he won't go near like the laundry :rofl:
thought I'd join in this bit! :)

1. When did you get your BFP?
2. What pregnancy/child is this for you?
3. Who have you told so far?
4. Are you team yellow, pink or blue ?
5. Are you finding out the sex of the baby?
6. Do you think it's one, two or more in there?
7. Symptoms so far?

1. may 30th!
2. first baby
3. my two best friends, OH & midwife (obviously :haha: )
4. leaning more towards wanting a girl but happy either way!
5. yes!
6. just one I reckon!
7. extremely sore boobs, can't stop weeing, mood swings & tummy cramps!

How does someone go full term and not know they're pregnant!!!!!!

I didn't know I was pregnant is an overrated show!
Haha my SIL found out a few weeks ago at 30 weeks supposedly! I think she knew already tbh... I have my reasons why thought lol
Lol! Seriously logic and common sense, some of the women on there are so thin and have flat tummys,

My fave show ATM is born every minute, although some preg women on there are really annoying lol

I wonder if I was this annoying ha!
I craved a beef kebab so badly!! I got some delivered and now I'm totally disgusted by the smell :wacko:

But I really wanna eat it lmao
1. When did you get your BFP? 20th May :)
2. What pregnancy/child is this for you? Number 2 for both
3. Who have you told so far?Just me and OH ..well Jacob too not that he understands lol
4. Are you team yellow, pink or blue ?Yellow
5. Are you finding out the sex of the baby?Yes
6. Do you think it's one, two or more in there?One
7. Symptoms so far?Always exhausted, bloated and extremely hormonal
Hi Pollydolly, I love these little things :)

1. When did you get your BFP? Yesterday :happydance: Although DH didn't completely believe it until this morning when I did one of those digital ones that also dates when you conceived :haha:
2. What pregnancy/child is this for you? This is our first and we are very nervous :wacko:
3. Who have you told so far? NO-ONE! We will more than likely start telling people at 8 weeks as I have an amazing doctor who I can book in with for a scan whenever :winkwink:
4. Are you team yellow, pink or blue ? This is a funny one cause it wasn't until this morning that DH actually admitted to being team pink (but I already knew he was) :haha:
5. Are you finding out the sex of the baby? YES!!!! We have already named our children so will then be calling them by their name when we find out :happydance:
6. Do you think it's one, two or more in there? Defiantly one.... There aren't twins or anything like that in our family.
7. Symptoms so far? Lots of symptoms :nope: Thats how we knew I was pg :winkwink: I have the most sore boobs in the world :cry: we went out in the car yesterday and I actually had to hold my boobs :haha: I'm getting forgetful already which is kinda funny half way through a sentence and can't remember what I was talking bout :haha: And lastly HUNGER!!! And lots of it

Is this anyone else's first??? I'd love a buddy to share the journey with :hugs:
Hi Pollydolly, I love these little things :)

1. When did you get your BFP? Yesterday :happydance: Although DH didn't completely believe it until this morning when I did one of those digital ones that also dates when you conceived :haha:
2. What pregnancy/child is this for you? This is our first and we are very nervous :wacko:
3. Who have you told so far? NO-ONE! We will more than likely start telling people at 8 weeks as I have an amazing doctor who I can book in with for a scan whenever :winkwink:
4. Are you team yellow, pink or blue ? This is a funny one cause it wasn't until this morning that DH actually admitted to being team pink (but I already knew he was) :haha:
5. Are you finding out the sex of the baby? YES!!!! We have already named our children so will then be calling them by their name when we find out :happydance:
6. Do you think it's one, two or more in there? Defiantly one.... There aren't twins or anything like that in our family.
7. Symptoms so far? Lots of symptoms :nope: Thats how we knew I was pg :winkwink: I have the most sore boobs in the world :cry: we went out in the car yesterday and I actually had to hold my boobs :haha: I'm getting forgetful already which is kinda funny half way through a sentence and can't remember what I was talking bout :haha: And lastly HUNGER!!! And lots of it

Is this anyone else's first??? I'd love a buddy to share the journey with :hugs:

it's our first hun and extremely nervous haha!
can't seem to get my head around it yet xx
I still have 3 days !!!! Until I am clear of AF! :( so I won't feel relaxed until Wednesday ! Grrr


Are your tests getting darker?

I'm sure you're safe for another 9 months hun:hugs:

Thank you :) I only did the one test lol ..yesterday. I have one left over and I am saving it for Tuesday I think ! If it is very dark I will feel reassured. Assuming everything goes well at the end of the week oh is going to ring and make an app for a private scan as there is a five week wait ! And on Wednesday I will ring my gp to get registered with the midwife s :) I don't want to do it until I'm "late" :)

How is everyone feeling ?! I can't believe how hungry I am !!
Hi Pollydolly, I love these little things :)

1. When did you get your BFP? Yesterday :happydance: Although DH didn't completely believe it until this morning when I did one of those digital ones that also dates when you conceived :haha:
2. What pregnancy/child is this for you? This is our first and we are very nervous :wacko:
3. Who have you told so far? NO-ONE! We will more than likely start telling people at 8 weeks as I have an amazing doctor who I can book in with for a scan whenever :winkwink:
4. Are you team yellow, pink or blue ? This is a funny one cause it wasn't until this morning that DH actually admitted to being team pink (but I already knew he was) :haha:
5. Are you finding out the sex of the baby? YES!!!! We have already named our children so will then be calling them by their name when we find out :happydance:
6. Do you think it's one, two or more in there? Defiantly one.... There aren't twins or anything like that in our family.
7. Symptoms so far? Lots of symptoms :nope: Thats how we knew I was pg :winkwink: I have the most sore boobs in the world :cry: we went out in the car yesterday and I actually had to hold my boobs :haha: I'm getting forgetful already which is kinda funny half way through a sentence and can't remember what I was talking bout :haha: And lastly HUNGER!!! And lots of it

Is this anyone else's first??? I'd love a buddy to share the journey with :hugs:

it's our first hun and extremely nervous haha!
can't seem to get my head around it yet xx

I Know what you mean I'm the same. We were not even meant to be going over to TTC until next month but have been a bit lacks cause we didnt really want to wait :blush: We've been the lucky ones and happened first try (please dont hate me people)
Now though we are panicked as didnt think would happen so quick and now we have LOTS to do by Feb :wacko:

How long was everyone else trying till BFP??
I was trying 19 month hun this was my first month on clomid.

Ive got cramps today just on the day AF is due. How nice URGH! I keep going toilet every half an hour. Was anyone else like this on AF due day xx
BMB you asked if doing some exersise will harm the PG or babe? NO!! It is good for you to stay limber!! If your heart is healthy so is babes!! :hugs:

Plus if that was the case the I would be done for. I was moving tons of things to and from a garage sale at my friends. You are fine!! I am also going to start walking more often too, like everyday. I am going to try my best to not let my weight go crazy this time. I even bought Yoga for PG DVD's last time before I lost the babe. So I have them waiting for me to open them up. I am kind of excited about it!!

So I know I am a nut but I am official done POAS. DONE!!!! I did my last one this morning and finally got a line that was way way more saturated then the control line. I am good. I now can wait until my apt on Tues and my multitude of tests!! I also hope that Dr. Hottie waits until I am 6 weeks so I can find out about the Ramzi method!! :dance:
1. When did you get your BFP? 8-9DPO

2. What pregnancy/child is this for you? This is my 7th PG and 5th baby

3. Who have you told so far? Just a good friend of mine, and DH

4. Are you team yellow, pink or blue ? TEAM :pink: ALL THE WAY!!

5. Are you finding out the sex of the baby? Yup, just to confirm my gutt!!

6. Do you think it's one, two or more in there? Just one!

7. Symptoms so far? I have a cold/alergies, bbs slightly tender, and VERY thirsty all the time!!
All those that have an insane POAS addiction will understand why I do this!! But I am done. For me this means I am really PG and not going anywhere!! I wasn't able to get this with my loss so I feel really good that this will be my forever baby!! :cloud9:


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