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**Calling all Northern Ireland Pregnant and due 2012 ladies **8 girls born 15 boys**

We had a wee meet last week :) twas good. Long way from Newry though, my son's paternal grandparents live there.

Damn it I missed it. I wouldn't have minded travelling because I have a car. I hate Newry

Oh for anyone interested, there is a sling meet tomorrow morning in IKEA :flower: PM me for details.

I'm gonna be there! Can't miss me, I'm covered in tattoos! :haha:

It was lovely to meet you Nuke! Lola is utterly adorable, super cute
Hey ladies. I went for my 28 week apt for my growth scan. Everything was great thank goodness and baby measuring smaller than what dd was so that is good too. I had my heart set on being told the sex but the doc just said she couldn't see even though she didn't even try to look. Came home, booked a gender scan at hillsborough clinic.m they were brilliant, would def go back If there is a next time. Gave us a more accurate weight and also told us we are in team pink!!!!!!!!!
Oh wow! Good to know they are a good clinic, just on my doorstep...almost tempting >.<

Congrats on team pink!! :D :happydance: and glad everything is well
Glad you found out Izzy!

Am i the only team blue at the mo?

I bought a yoga ball today to help with my current problem of being in a lot of pain when i sit. Can anyone recommend any exercises to help/prepare me for labour. I mean while i am on there i might as well be doing something useful.

Took a tumble tonight trying to put stuff in the washing machine. Went to my midwife led dept and LO is fine, he even got the hiccups during his trace! From phoning to driving, getting signed in, having exams inc bp, temp, baby heartbeat and trace and getting home it was only 1 hour 30 mins! I was super impressed with the service and sooo pleased i chose this hospital over another.
That sounds fantastic Mummylanning! LV were always good to me last time and I so hope I stay with them.

I'm starting to get so I want to tell someone our baby names, but I also really want to keep it a secret as long as I can! I'll think of some clues to give out, that's what I did last time!
Hi girls! Just a little update, had our 20 week scan and IT'S A LITTLE BOY! Happy, healthy and really active! He was the perfect size (I'm so glad because he had been measuring small so he's caught up!) hope everyone is well! xx
Aw congrats lillio! :)

Ah EmyDra I'm dying to tell someone our names but at the same time I do want to keep them secret haha :)
Congrats on team blue! Fantastic news :) it's amazing to see them in such detail.
Hello everyone! Can't believe I haven't been on in so long... been keep up with some of you on Facebook... we have internet again! yippee!
Emy, lovely scan pic :)
Miss Duke, that's a good experience to hear of regarding the breech birth :) Still breech as of last week, and I have another scan this Thursday coming, so we shall see - I think it's going to be they're more concerned about the size which will put pressure on me (DD2 was over 11lb/5kg) and this one measuring ahead by scans already - so I think I'll be under pressure to be induced early - they're apparently "not keen" on big babies in Germany, and don't like you to go more than 7 days over anyway - no idea if they'll induce you while breech... more Qs for my midwife!
Lanning, glad to hear your mum's visiting :) My mum is coming for a week later this month and I'm very excited :) Have you finished work now? Your MW unit sounds really good - I'm glad you're OK after your fall. I bought an exercise ball yesterday too, but the bloody thing had two plugs instead of a plug and a pump adaptor - going back to the shop on Monday! I never used it for any specific exercise, just try and chose it in favour of sofa or armchair for watching TV or going on computer - sitting upright, knees below hips, circling your hips both ways, or kneeling on floor on cushion with body draped over it - all good positions to help baby get engaged :)
Conina, yay for finishing work!
Hi Chloe :) My granny lived in Bessbrook, so I know Newry pretty well :) Hope you manage to make a meet up soon...
Izzy, shame the hospital wouldn't tell you anything, but yay for your private scan, congrats on Team Pink!
Lilio congrats on your blue bundle!
Ladies, I hope your Mookie World meet went well :)
We've been doing OK here I guess. DH is in England for his sisters wedding this weekend, so I'm on my own with the girls. I was feeling really ill on Friday, so was dreading the weekend, but I'm feeling a lot better now thankfully. The girls weren't invited to the wedding (grrr) which is why I'm here with them... so now I'm feeling better I'm feeling full of resentment and sadness that I'm not there too... :( Feeling sorry for myself.
German lessons going OK, pace is very slow though, but it keeps me busy . 4 weeks left before the course takes a summer break, and I probably won't be back after that, as I have to get B settling in to Kindergarten, then I@ll just have a week or two before I'm due... We have lots of visitors lined up over the summer which is great, my mum and 3 lots of friends at various stages - I'm so glad, as I'm starting to feel quite isolated here. EVen though I'm lessons with 20 other people every day, it's lonely - they're all different nationalities, but they all have at least one other person from the same country as them, so they can chat at breaktimes etc. Sorry moan over now.
Sorry to hear you're feeling isolated hun :hugs: Is there any way of finding out if there are any other people from the uk in the area at all? Even just someone who can speak english that you can chat with?

Hope bubs decides to turn for you to make things easier!
There's one kindergarten mum who lived in the states for 14 years, and speaks great English, but it's hit and miss if I get to chat to her... it's a big city here, 380,000 people, but it's not very "international" if that makes sense - Dusseldorf is 40 minutes away and has lots of English speaking things, rhyme time every week, English mums and tots etc... but it's just a bit too far to go on a regular basis... I'll be grand, bumped in to another kindergarten mum at the park today and we actually chatted for about 20 mins in German, so that was a boost to my confidence as well!
Ah that's good hun :) Yeah 40 mins seems very far away for regular trips alright.
Hope you manage to meet some more nice mums :)
thanks dizzy ;)
In other news, I passed my GTT - so relieved! I don't know how I'd have begun to control my diet here, it's bread left right and centre!
Great news about the GTT holywoodmum, it will save you a lot of hassle. It is hard work constantly watching what you can eat and exercise, on the plus side I am nearly 30 weeks and only have 2lbs on which is great as I couldn't really afford to put on any extra weight for my own good. Had a gender scan at a private clinic last week and bubs is measuring under average and I shouldn't be headed for another 10lber but I know a lot can happen I. The next 10 weeks.
Aw fab news hwm :) And happy 31 weeks :)

Scan went well today :) As much as they could see everything looks fine but the doc recommends that baby is well monitored for the first few weeks to be safe.
We got to hear the babys heartbeat for the first time ever too :) Was so nice to hear :)
Glad to here you GTT was good!

Thanks for the tips on the ball. I am currently sitting on it typing on my laptop and its quite comfy.

I'm finished with work now. It was a bit scary to think that I wont (in all probability) be going back!I now have 7 1/2 weeks to get everything in order. I have spent my two days off, so far, tidying and sorting out the flat for baby. I only have to finish the living room and then I can concentrate on getting the last 3 modules of my course finished.

Looking forward to my mum coming over, we dont always get on but it will be nice to have company. While I am lucky enough to be in a country that speaks english I've been a bit lonely and a bit on my own when it comes to going out and getting stuff for the baby (husband is not interested i the shopping bit of having a baby!) so I under stand how hard it must be for you holywood. I think DH's mum might feel a little left out now but tbh its not my problem, she knows where I am.

Glad your scan went well Dizzy, sorry if i am being forgetful, do you know if its a boy or a girl.

DH keeps telling people LO's name and it really upsets me. When people ask me I give them the shortlist but dont tell them the final choice.
Nope we don't know what it's gonna be :) We are staying team yellow :)

That'd drive me mental if OH was telling everyone our names :( That's why I'm glad we've both agreed not to tell anyone at all so no one will know.
I dont know how you are staying team yellow! I had to know! But then I have been convinced I am having a boy since day one so it was no surprise for me.
Haha its getting tougher with each scan lol :) we've had 2 now where we could have found out and we'll be having at least another one :)
Can I join in here ladies, I cant find a thread for NI ladies due in 2013??
which scan is it that you can find out the sex?

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