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**Calling all Northern Ireland Pregnant and due 2012 ladies **8 girls born 15 boys**

Hi doodlebug.

I shouldnt see it being a problem you joining in with us! Congrats on your pregnancy!

Where are you from? Tell us a little about yourself.

Depending on your hospital you can find out at your 20 week scan. I am not living in NI anymore so I cant advise on which hospitals will tell you.
Congrats on your pregnancy doodlebug :) As mummylanning says it's usually at your 20 week scan. Hopefully some of the ladies based in NI will be able to help more with info on speific hospitals :) (I'm just a pretender from the south east haha :))
Can I join in here ladies, I cant find a thread for NI ladies due in 2013??
which scan is it that you can find out the sex?

Hiya, as far as I know the only hospital that tells you the sex is the Royal, and that happens at the 20 week scan. You can also get a private scan at the Malone Clinic from 16 weeks!


thank you ladies, im in fermanagh so will be at the new south west acute hospital :)
Izzy, boy or girl? I think I will have another big baby, GD or not... another scan tomorrow :)
dizzy, glad scan went well :)
lanning, glad you're enjjoying your ball! I took mine back to the shop, it had no adaptor to pump it uip, ordered another one on Amazon, it's been left with my neighbours today, but they weren't answering the door when I called round (despite it being only 15 mins after it was left them! - hope they're not planning to keep it for themselves!)
Doodles, lovely to have you here! THere is a baby bond place in Belfast now, dunno if it's that Malone Clinic one where you can have a gender scan. My only experience is of Ulster and Royal (no and yes on the finding out gender question)
I will have to be very strong tomorrow not to find out the gender, she told me she could have told me at last scan... must. stay. strong!
Izzy, boy or girl? I think I will have another big baby, GD or not... another scan tomorrow :)
dizzy, glad scan went well :)
lanning, glad you're enjjoying your ball! I took mine back to the shop, it had no adaptor to pump it uip, ordered another one on Amazon, it's been left with my neighbours today, but they weren't answering the door when I called round (despite it being only 15 mins after it was left them! - hope they're not planning to keep it for themselves!)
Doodles, lovely to have you here! THere is a baby bond place in Belfast now, dunno if it's that Malone Clinic one where you can have a gender scan. My only experience is of Ulster and Royal (no and yes on the finding out gender question)
I will have to be very strong tomorrow not to find out the gender, she told me she could have told me at last scan... must. stay. strong!

Girl!!! DD will be so pleased although she was adamant it was a girl so don't know how she was going to cope if it was a boy. Estimated weight is 2lb 11, DD was 3lb 2 so smaller so far. Sono didn't think I was on for having another 10lber but will see. I have been working so hard with my diet and exercise to keep my sugars low, I will be glad for a rest once she arrives!!
Izzy, boy or girl? I think I will have another big baby, GD or not... another scan tomorrow :)
dizzy, glad scan went well :)
lanning, glad you're enjjoying your ball! I took mine back to the shop, it had no adaptor to pump it uip, ordered another one on Amazon, it's been left with my neighbours today, but they weren't answering the door when I called round (despite it being only 15 mins after it was left them! - hope they're not planning to keep it for themselves!)
Doodles, lovely to have you here! THere is a baby bond place in Belfast now, dunno if it's that Malone Clinic one where you can have a gender scan. My only experience is of Ulster and Royal (no and yes on the finding out gender question)
I will have to be very strong tomorrow not to find out the gender, she told me she could have told me at last scan... must. stay. strong!

your a good one to not find out the gender! I cant wait!!

Izzy :happydance:for girl
stranger alert!! im back girls finally got my ass into gear and got broadband so much easier to come on here than my phone. Would someone give me a quick update??

How our you all :) xxxxx
Good to see you back hun :) Been loving the pics on fb Rosalie is such a cutie :)

HWM stay strong haha :) we must stay team yellow!! :)
aw thanks, shes gem but can get abit grump when ses hungry and shes a fantastic sleeper she'll sleep 7-8hour fom her last feed at night (8:00)

iv been team yellw both pregnancies and its been great, me an OH both cryed our eyes out when OH told me id had a girl both times :) x
‎"interesting" 32 week appt today. I'm 31+3 but by the scan the baby is measuring 36+4 so 5 weeks ahead. Already 2900g (6lb 6oz) she advised me not to go to the birthing centre for delivery. Also baby now transverse instead of breech, which is heading in the right direction, but apparently if I go in to labour and it's still transverse they'll want to do a section. Also, I said to C after scan do you think it's a boy or girl baby and the doc just piped up "it's a ........" So that's blown my Team Yellow. Still not telling anyone else though.... - sorry dizzy!
I'm not scared of having a big baby, B was over 5kg, just don't want to be under pressure to be induced early... Not least cos my mum isn't
coming over til my due date. Apparently they're "not keen" on big babies in Germany...
Courtney, don't think I could tell you what you've missed, I've been awol too with moving house!
Aw no hwm!! :( That's awful! I think it's good though that you are planning on keeping it between the two of you though :)
oh how did the move go? an boo on not bing team yellow anymore :( not long to go now all your pregnancies have flown by since iv been gone! x
Rosalie :flower:


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‎"interesting" 32 week appt today. I'm 31+3
but by the scan the baby is measuring 36+4 so 5 weeks ahead. Already 2900g (6lb 6oz) she advised me not to go to the birthing centre for delivery. Also baby now transverse instead of breech, which is heading in the right direction, but apparently if I go in to labour and it's still transverse they'll want to do a section. Also, I said to C after scan do you think it's a boy or girl baby and the doc just piped up "it's a ........" So that's blown my Team Yellow. Still not telling anyone else though.... - sorry dizzy!
I'm not scared of having a big baby, B was over 5kg, just don't want to be under pressure to be induced early... Not least cos my mum isn't
coming over til my due date. Apparently they're "not keen" on big babies in Germany...
Courtney, don't think I could tell you what you've missed, I've been awol too with moving house!

Whaaaat!!!! That's crazy. Firstly for the sheer amount of weeks ahead (despite being GD-free) then for the position and then they tell you the gender without even checking with you first! Still, it must be sort of different and nice to know after two team yellow experiences, something different.
You'll be fine with big baby, as you say, you've done it before. Make sure you push for the birthing centre and don't let them scare you out of it.
Courtney, the move was good thanks :) Still a few boxes to be unpacked, but the essentials are out!
Emy, thanks for your vote of confidence :) I've been in 2 minds about the birthing centre all along - it's a bit too far to the non intervention side for me I think (not like home from home at the Ulster where Labour Ward was just over the corridor) - they send you home 2 hours after delivery - i'm kind of looking forward to a night with just the baby and me! So we shall see. I'm taking the estimated weight with a pinch of salt - one doc/tech can scan differently to another - when I go back for a growth scan in 5 weeks it will be her colleague doing it, so might end up not so "big" after all!
I'm really curious if this one is going to be big, I sort of think 9lbs will be the min weight of a baby I make, but we'll see.
well, 9lb3, 11lb0.5 - if the trend continues then 12lb14... which would be about "right" according to the size at last scan
That's mad hwm lol. I thought 10lb 13.5 was crazy. This one will be interesting but I reckon smaller. Maybe I did have GD last time.

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