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**Calling all Northern Ireland Pregnant and due 2012 ladies **8 girls born 15 boys**

I swear Emma I must've seen either your hubby or a DOUBLE of him today! Lovely pic x
fab pic! an supper cute vest!

im addicted to the walking dead honestly!
I really wish those people who deal with the placenta worked in Ireland/Northern Ireland. I really don't want to mess about with a placenta and two children, that doesn't sound like fun...but really would like it encapsulated.

It's possibly too late for you now? But there is a new placenta encapsulation service in Northern Ireland. If you google niplacenta you will find it.
Just back from the hospital again!!! I'll be getting frequent flyer miles soon.

Having cramps/period pains, pressure on my pelvis, back pain, braxtons are more frequent, 10 in 2 hours, a little bit of clear fluid.

All been checked everything is fine as in no "show" and both waters still intact. Been told to come back if they get worse.

Thinking back now they didnt really give me any info what was going on but reassured me that Baby and I are fine and that if it does get worse it's not an issue as a 33+5 baby would be fine.

So now I am back home, feet up and waiting to see if I am ok and had a false alarm or to see if it gets worse.

Can anyone tell me there experience of these symptoms?
Wyntir, v cute outfit for Jax!
BelfastDou, Emma did a placenta herself in the end... I guess she hasn't seen this yet!
Mummylanning, rest please!! I never experience any early labour symptoms, but by all accounts some folks can have them for weeks (what a pain!) on and off before anything happens... I'm thinking of Sheanin here! Glad you're both well, but if you're still uncertain give them a call back just to talk you through it all!

I'm getting myself worried now that baby will come early, or I'll be put under pressure to be induced early due to large baby - there will be no one here to look after the girls! We have visitors the first two weeks of Aug, so I guess I could have it then, and DH's mum coming third weekend of Aug... my mum and dad get here 3 Sept (due date)... argh! I need to speak to a few people here to ask them to be "on call" to take the girls if something does kick off. There are a couple of Kindergarten mums I probably know well enough now to ask, and that the girls are familiar with... ho hum!
I really wish those people who deal with the placenta worked in Ireland/Northern Ireland. I really don't want to mess about with a placenta and two children, that doesn't sound like fun...but really would like it encapsulated.

It's possibly too late for you now? But there is a new placenta encapsulation service in Northern Ireland. If you google niplacenta you will find it.

Ah lovely. I have done it twice now but it's not my fav thing in the world to do, did get paid the second time, though I only charge £50 - considerably less than the £125-£200 asking price on this website.

I'm getting mine done for free from my friend anyway :)
I've got 6 weeks to go so hopefully it will settle down. Not too bad today, fewer period pains and less braxton hicks, but then I had a nice loooong afternoon nap, after getting tired watching husband lugging boxes off to storage.

Holywood, where your previous 2 early? Try not to worry about it, when do you find out if they will induce you? How long is your mum in law coming for? Maybe you could try and get them to coincide your induction with here visit? Ooh lots of questions, sorry!

Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

My sense of smell has been hyper sensitive since becoming pregnant and has been quite unpleasant. I get annoyed when the next door neighbours open their door when they are cooking, I get pissed off if my husband breathes on me during the night, it's been horrid. Until last week when my husbands "smell" has changed, I can smell him 10 feet away or I can smell if he has been in a room and it's a completely different smell to his normal smell. It's a sweet, comforting smell and makes me feel warm and cuddly and slightly clingy to him. DH on the other hand is finding it slightly unnerving that I keep sniffing him.

11 boys now,jeez! Havnt been on BnB in months and the numbers hav doubled!
Lanning, MIL is here for a long weekend... I guess if I'm given the choice I could ask for that. To be honest i need to talk to my MW - I emailed her after the scan appointment, normally she replies fast, but this time I haven't heard from her yet (but I think quite a few babies were born this week, so maybe she's been busy!) I want her take on teh "big baby" thing, as it'll be her at the delivery... and also to know what sort of "pressure" I might expect to be induced early if it is still big - I guess I'll know more when I have had the next growth scan - that should be at about 8 Aug when I'll be about 36 weeks... ho hum!!
I'm glad your hubby's scent has become more appealing! I personally can't cope with when DH and I end up facing in towards each other in bde and breath on each other!
Luna hi :wave: How's tricks?
HWM, is this baby measuring big? I prob read it if u mentioned it already but couldn't remember. I am not sure I have much faith in the old baby weight measuring game. It varies from one doc to the next and one machine to the next. It would be good if it was consistent with docs and machines the whole time. This baby is measuring on 30th centime at mo, apparently it was on 10th 2 weeks ago so a bit of an improvement. It they had me demented with DD cause she was nearly 11lbs, u can't win. X
I have sore gums :cry: its driving me mad. what can I take to help it?
am I allowed to go to the dentist this early on? I'm terrified of the dentist but am getting desperate :cry:
Doodle I had sore gums around the time your at, they bled a lot too. Gums are more sensitive during pregnancy and it will become easier as your hormones adjust, I doubt the dentist will be able to do a whole lot, but it might be worth a check-up for peace of mind.

You can get an american numbing gel off the internet which'll take the pain away, or try bongela. Hoping it passes for you soon x
thanks emy :) I cant believe how sore they are, its rediculous! :(

I got some bonjela so will give it a try :)
HWM, is this baby measuring big? I prob read it if u mentioned it already but couldn't remember. I am not sure I have much faith in the old baby weight measuring game. It varies from one doc to the next and one machine to the next. It would be good if it was consistent with docs and machines the whole time. This baby is measuring on 30th centime at mo, apparently it was on 10th 2 weeks ago so a bit of an improvement. It they had me demented with DD cause she was nearly 11lbs, u can't win. X

Yeah, DD2 was just over 11lb, and they have estimated this one (from scan ) at 6lb6 at 31 weeks - eek! So according to the centiles it's miles about the 99.6th... ah well. I bumped in to my MW today, which was nice - she said not to worry, stop going to doc if she's being too full on (still need presentation scan mind you) and that she has no concerns over it, so I shouldn't either!

I have sore gums :cry: its driving me mad. what can I take to help it?
am I allowed to go to the dentist this early on? I'm terrified of the dentist but am getting desperate :cry:

I'd go - it's free! Have a check up and go back every 6 months until baby is 1 - get as much dental treatment in as you can!
is it free!?! :) how did I not know this? is it ok to get fillings when preggy?
Free dental while pregnant yes and until baby is 1 - used to be free prescriptions too, but now everyone gets them free. I was advised not the silver coloured fillings (amalgam?) but white OK - but you have to pay a bit for that, as that's not the basic treatment. I had two down for about 50 quid when I was pg last time
Unless you go to a private dentist like me...who refuse to give free treatment even with the pregnancy exemption and an NHS card.

I don't want to change to an NSH dentist though as I know my dentist well and he always does a good job (cleaning my teeth...since I've never had decay or fillings...)
Rosalie has her injections tomarrow :S she still sleeping fantasicaly well and is now taking 6-7oz every 4hours.

i must check the front page, see whos next to pop!

how are you all?

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