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**Calling all Northern Ireland Pregnant and due 2012 ladies **8 girls born 15 boys**

Does anyone have any idea on nursing bras?

I want to buy one or two to have ready and mothercare have a sale on, but i dont want to be measured by them as I was measured by them 3 times and only on the last occasion did they actually measure me correctly and send me off with the correct size bra.
I have no idea! I've been putting off getting them because I don't wanna get measured :haha:
Just been out and bought the last item we needed... the baby monitor. Went for the Angelcare one with the mat and the video monitor in the end, I would have gone for something a bit cheaper but EVERYONE was raving about the Angelcare and OH decided that he like they idea of it too. £192 later and its home in its box and we have nothing left to buy until he arrives and turns our lives upside down!
I'm not fed up being pregnant yet! :p (said at 15 weeks!)

Excited for your LOs :)

Woooah that's a dear baby moniter, I thought it was like £80 or something - my friend got one second hand for something like that. I got a 'cheap' moniter for £40 (paid with vouchers too) and it's never done me wrong. Didn't need to use it till he was in his own room at 6/7 months anyway!

I've put on about 1 stone now :( really am not pleased about that. I'd lost that by this stage before.
Hi girls, how is everyone? :flow:

I have my first midwife appointment tomorrow, what will happen at it? im so excited :blush: :haha:
Aw Doodlebug yay for first appointment!! :)

My wee munchkin seems to have taken a liking to my right side and I'm taking a right battering from the inside! Managed to capture some kicks on video finally too so I could send to my sister who's away for the summer :)

Hope everyone is keeping well! :)
Izzy, I'm almost wishing the rain back. It's 27C here today and forecast to get warmer up to the weekend, then cooler again next week... I think I've got a bruised liver or something, very localised pain on the right under my ribs, even when there's no baby poking there! Good for you with the exercise though - I'm doing yoga once a week, and we walk/bus everywhere at the minute cos we have no car, so keeping pretty active - regarding the wee, I'd recommend some of the Always envive pads (like Tena but less stigma :wink:) I was v glad I had one on at yoga last night when I coughed whilst in a squat!
Conina, happy 41 weeks! Or even better would be you're at home having cuddles already :) If not, then all the best for Thur/Fri
Lanning, I got my nursing bras from Debenhams - I really liked them - the Miriam Stoppard ones particularly - they have an extra bit of fabric underneath the drop cup, so when you have the cup down you don't have just a vast expanse of flesh on show, just the bit actually round the nipple (I realise having written that the description might not make any sense!) Anyway, I think Debenhams measure better than Mothercare as they have trained staff in the lingerie section
Emma, glad you're doing well :) Never mind the weight gain, don't get het up about it - all in a good cause (she says, frantically justifying the 22kg already gained :blush:)
Doodles, hope your MW appt goes well, I never had a seperate appt before booking in /scan at hospital, so not sure what'll happen - I imagine she'll take your medical history for starters, maybe weigh you, test urine and BP, perhaps take blood? Hope it goes well!

As for me, apart from a sore liver, I have a sore foot and an achey groin. Woe is me. Other than that not too bad! Last I heard baby was still breech, so I have a presentation scan tomorrow. I'm kind of hoping she doesn't take measurements again, cos I don't need her winding me up about the size, I already know it's going to be big! But head down would be nice :)
The sun is hot here (did I already moan about htat?!) so we had the paddling pool out on the terrace - just about room for two girls, a mum and a granny - loving having my mum visiting!
I've attached a bump pic from yesterday, 34 weeks :)


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gorgeous bump pic HWM, yep thats exatly how the midwife app went, nothin now till 16 weeks, feels so long away!!

ETA: Had my first bit of morning sickness this morn :smug: thought I was gonna throw up the poor baby :haha:
gorgeous bump pic HWM, yep thats exatly how the midwife app went, nothin now till 16 weeks, feels so long away!!

ETA: Had my first bit of morning sickness this morn :smug: thought I was gonna throw up the poor baby :haha:

Hope it doesn't get too bad for you... do you have a date for your scan?

Still here :coffee::coffee::coffee:

aw hun, here's hoping you're in before your appointment tomorrow - otherwise, at least you know it's all happening soon x
Love the bump Lucy!!! :D

Can't believe my consultant app is already next week! Not sure if I have to go to maternity or outpatients though, must ring and find out.
Loving the bup HWM! :)

:hugs: conina hopefully now things move along at your appointment tomorrow and you get to have cuddles with your baby soon!!
I have a cephalic baby!! Yay :) scan today, head down, still measuring ahead (but only 2 weeks now, not 5 like previously) - 2700g apparently - 6lb - so just under what DD1 and 2 were at same gestation - made me feel much better! But the ob-gyn is beginning to piss me off she wants me to go a diabetes specialist even though my GTT was normal, she doesn't believe I just have big babies. I'm tempted not to bother, but will speak to my MW first...
:yipee: for baby being cephalic!! :)

Sorry to hear the ob is giving you a hard time, def have a chat with your midwife about it.
I have a cephalic baby!! Yay :) scan today, head down, still measuring ahead (but only 2 weeks now, not 5 like previously) - 2700g apparently - 6lb - so just under what DD1 and 2 were at same gestation - made me feel much better! But the ob-gyn is beginning to piss me off she wants me to go a diabetes specialist even though my GTT was normal, she doesn't believe I just have big babies. I'm tempted not to bother, but will speak to my MW first...

Hwm, I was for growth scan today and baby was weighing 5lb 2oz, according to consultant that was normal and u are over a week ahead of me so weight sounds good too.

2 weeks ago baby weighed in at 3lb 15oz, I am worried there has been a big jump within 2 weeks. I asked consult if it meant it wasn't due to GD as I was managing my sugars v well and she said it could still be as I am only checking 7 times a day and we don't know what happens the rest of the time!!! I thought I had cracked this GD, feel on a downer now. Plus I had trace of protein in my urine, what does that mean? Back again in 2 weeks. Let's hope baby stays on the 50th centile. It was 30th 2 weeks ago and 10th 2 weeks before that. I just need to remin myself it's all different people doing it using different machines.
Thanks for the bra advice Holywood, I am near a debenhams once a week so i shall go in there and try closer to the date. Good to know your LO is head down now, its one less thing to work about and your OB/GYN just sounds like he is trying to be careful but I would check with the mw too.

Glad to hear that all is going well for everyone!

My LO is engaged apparently and ready to roll even though i am not due for another 4 weeks (5 if you go by my estimation) so its just a waiting game now, have 36 week apt tomorrow :happydance:

I'm not coping well with the heat and have had to go out and buy new flip flops as my feet no longer fit into any of my shoes! Even my pregnancy ones!

Hope you get going soon Conina! You could have an olympic baby there if you go this weekend!

Am I the next to go?

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